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288 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Traumberuf Musiker?

Bork, Magdalena
Traumberuf Musiker?
Klassische MusikerInnen im 21. Jahrhundert - zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Existenzsicherung im Angesicht drastischer Wandlungen in der gegenwärtigen Musiklandschaft. Traumberuf Musiker? spannt den Bogen von der ursprünglichen Motivation in der Kindheit über den »Elfenbeinturm« des Studiums bis hin zur Berufsrealität. Kann die Hingabe an die Musik den Herausforderungen eines beruflichen Alltags auf der Bühne, im Orchester oder auf dem frei...

CHF 54.90

»Sei mir nicht böse für mein langes Schweigen«

Hofer, Achim
»Sei mir nicht böse für mein langes Schweigen«
»Hätten Sie Lust, mit mir in einen >musikalischen Briefwechsel< zu treten, d. h. unsere Briefe würden anstatt Worte Töne benutzen« - diesem Ansinnen des ost-/westdeutschen Komponisten Tilo Medek (1940-2006) begegnete der deutsch-russische Komponist Alfred Schnittke (1934-1998) sogleich mit einem 27-seitigen Particell. Leider kam das Projekt über Anfänge nicht hinaus.Die 43 überlieferten, hier kommentierten Briefe und Postkarten, die also doch ...

CHF 42.90

Ruhig Blut!

Pratchett, Terry / Thalbach, Katharina
Ruhig Blut!
Magrat Knoblauch und König Verence von Lancre laden zur Taufe ihrer Tochter die halbe Scheibenwelt ein - leider auch Vampire aus Überwald. Statt eines friedlichen Festes gibt es bald Krieg, da die Vampire die Macht in Lancre an sich reißen wollen - was den Blutsaugern auch zu gelingen scheint: wären da nicht Priester Hilbert Himmelwärts, Nanny Ogg und Oma Wetterwachs...(6 CDs, Laufzeit: 7h)

CHF 27.90

Im Tod vereint

Robb, J.D. / Hege, Uta
Im Tod vereint
Der 18. Fall für Lieutenant Eve DallasAls Reva Ewing ein Foto findet, auf dem ihr Mann mit ihrer besten Freundin in inniger Umarmung zu sehen ist, macht sie sich sofort zu dem Haus auf, in dem sie das Liebesnest der beiden vermutet. Doch zur Rede stellen kann sie ihren Mann nicht mehr, denn das Liebespaar liegt ermordet im Bett. Eve Dallas übernimmt den undurchsichtigen Fall. Alles spricht für ein simples Eifersuchtsdrama, und Reva wird festge...

CHF 15.90

Das Haus der Schwestern

Link, Charlotte
Das Haus der Schwestern
Fesselnd, abgründig, raffiniertWesthill House, ein einsames Farmhaus im Hochmoor Yorkshires.Ehemals Schauplatz einer wechselvollen Familiengeschichte - und jahrzehntelang Hüter eines bedrohlichen Geheimnisses. Bis eine Fremde kommt und wie zufällig die Mauern des Schweigens zum Einsturz bringt ...

CHF 16.90

Du sollst nicht begehren deines Nächsten Weib

Viertel, Matthias
Du sollst nicht begehren deines Nächsten Weib
Dr. Matthias Viertel, geboren 1952, studierte Evangelische Theologie, Philosophie und Musikwissenschaft bevor er 1986 zum Pastor ernannt wurde. In den Jahren 1986-1996 bekleidete er das Amt des Referenten der norddeutschen Kirchen beim NDR. Von 1996 bis 2005 war er Direktor der Evangelischen Akademie. In seinen Schriften befasst sich Viertel hauptsächlich mit theologischen und philosophischen Themengebieten. So auch im vorliegenden Werk, in de...

CHF 76.00

Secrets of the Woman in the Suit

Secrets of the Woman in the Suit
This book is different because it is a collection of stories from highly successful women being real about their struggles, families, dreams and hopes. It is written to inspire the ordinary woman to become extraordinary. As the orchestrator of the project, Sarahlyn U. Argrow has shared a personal chapter out of her life that most women in her position would not share. She hopes to motivate and inspire women to rise above their circumstances an...

CHF 36.90

Secrets of the Woman in the Suit

Secrets of the Woman in the Suit
This book is different because it is a collection of stories from highly successful women being real about their struggles, families, dreams and hopes. It is written to inspire the ordinary woman to become extraordinary. As the orchestrator of the project, Sarahlyn U. Argrow has shared a personal chapter out of her life that most women in her position would not share. She hopes to motivate and inspire women to rise above their circumstances an...

CHF 30.90


Avatar X
a collection of original poems of a spiritual and often personal nature... the emphasis is on expanding awareness, and self-realization.

CHF 24.90

Michael and Me

Schwartz, Pam
Michael and Me
Author Pam has blended her personal experience of being "different" with her dreams of how it could have been, and she has woven a tapestry of life that tells a story, poignant and charming. The reader will nod as personal experiences come to mind, and wonder, while viewing life through another's eyes and ears, whether there were times when observed actions were insensitive or unkind. From this novel's necessary character building chapters to ...

CHF 46.90

Michael and Me

Schwartz, Pam
Michael and Me
Author Pam has blended her personal experience of being "different" with her dreams of how it could have been, and she has woven a tapestry of life that tells a story, poignant and charming. The reader will nod as personal experiences come to mind, and wonder, while viewing life through another's eyes and ears, whether there were times when observed actions were insensitive or unkind. From this novel's necessary character building chapters to ...

CHF 34.50

Waiting for Jack

Dean, John R.
Waiting for Jack
Born in 1948 in Leicester, England, he lived in a slum clearance area, just a stone's throw from the Great Central Railway and the Grand Union Canal. In 1953 his family, soon to include five brothers and a sister, moved to a council housing estate with a reputation for being tough yet friendly with many working class homes with skilled tradesmen and labourers required to support the regeneration and expansion of Leicester. He is Leicester born...

CHF 21.90

Expressions of My Heart

Perugini, Garian A. III
Expressions of My Heart
When words come out of your mouth, they are just words. When expressions and feelings are shown through your emotions they tell people how you feel or what kind of mood you're in.When you have expressions from the heart, you are letting go of everything. Every whim, everything you are and everything you want to be.They flow freely like running waters through the world's rivers. An opportunity to purge every unveiling thought whether understood...

CHF 40.50

Expressions of My Heart

Perugini, Garian A. III
Expressions of My Heart
When words come out of your mouth, they are just words. When expressions and feelings are shown through your emotions they tell people how you feel or what kind of mood you're in.When you have expressions from the heart, you are letting go of everything. Every whim, everything you are and everything you want to be.They flow freely like running waters through the world's rivers. An opportunity to purge every unveiling thought whether understood...

CHF 28.90

Face of Courage

Cammarata, Joseph M.
Face of Courage
Both brothers dreamed of being N.Y.C Firefighters, but when one brother wrote his own destiny, their worlds would collide at the same place, at different times on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Both brothers feverishly raced to the World Trade Center, one brother age 22, was with the New York City fire department, and one brother age 24, with the New York City police department, the catastrophe would leave one brother searching for answe...

CHF 36.90


Kezborn, Uche
Fools that have read King Solomon, of the blessed memory' Ecclesiastes has become wise whilst the wise among them have understanding and compass to life. Seemingly the late king resurrected and rewrites another edition of Ecclesiastes. Need a guide to life that is too complex? Your panacea is Ecclesiastes, not just a work of art but an exhortation piece.No brag this collection is a philosophy of life from beginning to the end you would discove...

CHF 27.90


God Almighty, Almighty

CHF 21.90

Life After War

White, Angela
Life After War
Life After War is a series of books about a group of people who live through a nuclear war and come together in the awful aftermath to help rebuild. Let me introduce a few of them. Adrian Mitchel is a lifelong Marine with a huge secret, one that might have stopped the war. Full of guilt he can never be free of, Adrian is driven, obsessed with gathering enough refugee's to restart his broken country. Samantha Moore is a Stormtracker. Gifted wit...

CHF 45.90