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49 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Integrity of God's Word

Moore, Daniel
The Integrity of God's Word
In The Integrity of God's Word, Daniel Moore teaches you step by step how to build a solid foundation for a successful life on God's word. There is absolute integrity in it so you can count on it to provide life to you and your family.!

CHF 24.90


Romero, David
Part traveler's guide and part diary, Fuzhou takes the reader on a journey through the sights, sounds, smells and sensations of a faraway land. Fuzhou is the second collection of poetry from David A. Romero, chronicling the poet's eight month stay in the Fujian Province of China. Fuzhou also includes The Story Poems, a grouping of poems coupled with illustrations by Audrey McNamara-Garcia, Matthew V. Galarza, and Megan Dong.

CHF 22.90

Raccontami una storia - Storie di donne

Pironti, Rosa Anna
Raccontami una storia - Storie di donne
Da un evento nato su Facebook è nata questa raccolta di storie di donne. Donne e uomini, hanno raccontato sogni ed esperienze, hanno descritto gioie e amarezze, emozioni, vicende, pensieri, ricordi. Narrando solitudini incolmabili e silenzi laceranti. Tutto è avvenuto con naturalezza cogliendo il bisogno che avevamo, liberando la nostra anima di ciò che ci portavamo dentro. E' bello vedere come l'idea si sia concretizzata, che ora possi...

CHF 29.90

El mal del tiempo

Rodríguez Soriano, René
El mal del tiempo
El mal del tiempo" es un extraño diario que da cuenta de los duros años setenta en un país dominado por un octogenario déspota ilustrado. Se lee o se baila con la cadencia tristealegre de un buen merengue caribeño, repleto de remembranzas, tensión interior, búsquedas, soledad descarnada, abulia en movimiento, transcurrir de un tiempo, de una memoria. Por el tratamiento narrativo, lleno de pasajes lacónicos, aproximaciones abruptas e inusitados...

CHF 27.50

Becoming Mr. Martinez

Martinez, Gerson / Melvin, Joe E.
Becoming Mr. Martinez
A journey from civil war in El Salvador, through gangs, drugs, alcohol and violence - all while dealing with an abusive and neglectful mother at home. A story about making the most of the chances we are given.

CHF 34.50

Hope's Reason

J. Bedard (editor), Stephen
Hope's Reason
In an increasingly skeptical world, there is now more of a need than ever for quality apologetic resources defending the Christian faith. The purpose of this journal is to bridge the gap between the academy and the church, equipping pastors and interested laypeople to present the Christian faith to an unbelieving world.

CHF 26.90

The ComMANdments, The Official Guide Book to Man Rules, v...

Greene, Joseph
The ComMANdments, The Official Guide Book to Man Rules, volume I
It is said that there are unwritten MAN RULES, which all Men abide by. These MAN RULES are the do's and don'ts men abide by for any and every situation you can think of. Now if men know these rules then why publish this Guidebook? I've learned that not all Men abide by these unwritten MAN RULES because they are not public knowledge to all. Perhaps if these MAN RULES were written for all to read, maybe men wouldn't have to worry about feeling u...

CHF 26.50

The Servo Cult

Deering, John A.
The Servo Cult
What if there were a cult? A whole cult of people dedicated to the mission of crime-fighting - of keeping the streets of the city safe? What if you learned that some of your own friends and neighbors know people in this cult? Wouldn't YOU want to join?

CHF 20.50

The Elusive Pimpernel

Baroness, Orczy Emmuska
The Elusive Pimpernel
The Elusive Pimpernel is a classic play and adventure novel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy, set during the Reign of Terror following the start of the French Revolution. The story is a precursor to the "disguised superhero" tales such as Zorro.

CHF 27.90

Depressiq w detskom wozraste

Iwanowa, Tat'qna
Depressiq w detskom wozraste
Depressii u detej harakterizuütsq izmenchiwoj simptomatikoj, nasyschennoj mnozhestwennymi rudimentarnymi flüktuiruüschimi simptomami.U wseh detej s depressiwnymi narusheniqmi otmechaetsq narushenie psihicheskogo, psihofiziologicheskogo i psihosocial'nogo ontogeneza, odnako dizontogenez ätih detej geterogenen i protekaet w zawisimosti ot nozologicheskoj prinadlezhnosti depressii.Vozrastnoj patomorfoz opredelqetsq wozrastom debüta depressii. V m...

CHF 102.00

Gemorragicheskaq transformaciq infarkta mozga

Shalqkina, Nadezhda
Gemorragicheskaq transformaciq infarkta mozga
Sredi aktual'nyh i prioritetnyh problem angionewrologii mozgowoj insul't prochno uderzhiwaet lidiruüschee polozhenie w swqzi s ego wysokoj mediko- social'noj znachimost'ü. V Rossii w poslednee desqtiletie otmechaetsq tendenciq k uwelicheniü chastoty mozgowogo insul'ta u lic trudosposobnogo wozrasta. Letal'nost' w ostrom periode mozgowogo insul'ta w Rossii dostigaet w srednem 30-44%. Prichinoj smerti w ostrom periode ishemicheskogo insul'ta w k...

CHF 77.00

Weatherspoon Art Museum

Doll, Nancy M
Weatherspoon Art Museum
This catalogue was published to accompany the exhibition Weatherspoon Art Museum: 70 Years of Collecting, on view from February 5-May 11, 2011.In 1941 Gregory D. Ivy, an artist, teacher, and the first head of the art department at Women's College, founded the Weatherspoon Art Gallery. Ivy was motivated by his belief that students should have firsthand experience of the art of their time. During the seven decades following his astute vision, th...

CHF 48.50

Life, Love, and Relationships From a Young Man's Perspective

Hughes, Virgil
Life, Love, and Relationships From a Young Man's Perspective
Relationships have been talked about for years from the perspective of a different generation. And yes they have given an overall overview of it in a proper manor. However, I believe that it is time that we also receive the view point from a new generation. So be prepared to be elevated to a new level of understanding of life, love, and relationships from a young man's perspective

CHF 30.90

Fuerza de voluntad

Abelleira Augusto, Abel
Fuerza de voluntad
César:He visto la cara de la muerte. Me he quemado por completo. Me he disparado a bocajarro en la boca. Y, todavía, no he muerto. Me he levantado de la cama de autopsias y me he enfrentado a un demonio. Ahora puedo decir, que hay cosas increíbles en la vida, y debes aprovecharlas. No dejes de luchar hasta el final. Concéntrate, relájate, disfruta. Que nadie aplaste tu dignidad y enfréntate a tus demonios.Se, tú mismo.

CHF 37.50

Partner Account Management

Grams, Alexander
Partner Account Management
Im Kampf der Technologieanbieter um Umsatzanteile und Deckungsbeiträge werden leistungsstarke Vertriebspartner zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil. Sie gilt es zu gewinnen, zu binden und zu steuern!Eine besondere Rolle kommt dabei dem Partner Account Management zu, bei dem die differenzierte und individuelle Bearbeitung von geeigneten Vertriebspartnern im Vordergrund steht. Dazu müssen die Partnerbeziehungen systematisch analysiert, zielorie...

CHF 46.50

Das Obst in der Küche

Pröpper, Ludovica von
Das Obst in der Küche
Das Obst in der Küche von Ludovica von Pröpper ist bis heute ein Standardwerk der Verarbeitung von Obst in alle möglichen Richtungen. Die Rezepte sind bis heute modern und sind direkt verarbeitbar. Das Werk hat eine sehr breite Ausrichtung. Von Suppen über Kaltschalen, Mehlspeisen, Pudding, Aufläufen, kalten süßen Speisen, Cremes, Gelees oder Torten bis hin zu Backwerk umfasst das Buch alle möglichen Wege, Obst zu verarbeiten. Schwerpunktmäßig...

CHF 40.50

Seeds of Terror

Ressa, Maria
Seeds of Terror
For anyone wishing to understand the next, post-9/11 generation of al-Qaeda planning, leadership, and tactics, there is only one place to begin: Southeast Asia. In fact, such countries as the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia have been crucial nodes in the al-Qaeda network since long before the strikes on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, but when the allies overran Afghanistan, the new camps in Southeast Asia became the key tr...

CHF 21.90