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745 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

An Introduction to Programming and Software Development u...

McCreath, Eric
An Introduction to Programming and Software Development using Java
This book provides a simple and short introduction to programming and software development in Java. The aim is to cover the basics of Java programming such as: basic data types, methods and flow control, using lists and tables, and object oriented aspects of Java. Following this to provide the reader with an understanding of the implementation approaches and issues association with lists, tables, and trees. The book also briefly introduces: co...

CHF 24.90


Kottan, Niklas M.
Eine romanphilosophische Betrachtung ueber 32784, 27 Euro in einem schwarzen Aktenkoffer, flexiblen Human Ressourcen und einer vom deutschen Schlager gepraegten katholischen Landjugend. Zwischen einer Qualitaetsoffensive, dem Luxus auf weissen Bettlacken und Leiharbeit. Zwischen einem Fuenf-Sterne-Hotel und einer Doenerbude. Zwischen Prostituierten, einem Arschgeweih und einem schneeweissen Lamm. Und ueber einen wuerdigen Abgang.

CHF 32.50

Goat's Milk and Its Uses

Goat's Milk and Its Uses
This book contains classic material dating back to the 1900s and before. The content has been carefully selected for its interest and relevance to a modern audience. Each publication has been professionally curated and includes all details on the original source material. This particular instalment, "Goat's Milk and Its Uses" contains information on cheese, butter and milk. It is intended to illustrate the main uses of goat's milk and serves a...

CHF 50.90

Smokey God

Emerson, Willis George
Smokey God
Written in the style of a factual account, this extraordinary novel details the experiences of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jensen, who sails to the centre of the earth through an entrance located at the North Pole. On his deathbed, Olaf recounts the two years he spent with Earth's internal residents - 12 foot tall beings whose capital city is purportedly the original Garden of Eden, and whose continued existence is facilitated by a 'smokey' ...

CHF 37.50

Health of Goats - With Information on Diagnosis, Treatmen...

Health of Goats - With Information on Diagnosis, Treatment and General Care of Goats
Authored by experts in the field, this classic manual on goat farming provides information on the practice of keeping a healthy goat livestock and their diagnosis, treatment and general care. Illustrated with photographs and diagrams throughout, it features a variety of information that is still of interest to the goat farmer, animal husbandry enthusiast, or livestock historian today. Contents include: Goat Farming - Ailments - Diseases - Heal...

CHF 32.50

Cognitive Psychology

Sternberg, Robert (Cornell University)
Cognitive Psychology
With an accessible, easy-to-understand writing style, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Sixth Edition will give you the tools you need to be successful in the course! This book covers cognitive neuroscience, attention and consciousness, perception, memory, knowledge, representation, language, problem solving and creativity, decision making and reasoning, cognitive development, and intelligence. A review of key themes at the end of every chapter will help ...

Religioznost' studencheskoj molodezhi w transformiruemoj ...

Kobzewa, Natal'q
Religioznost' studencheskoj molodezhi w transformiruemoj Rossii
Rossiü w 1990 - 2000-e gody ohwatil burnyj process religioznogo wozrozhdeniq. Dannye monitoringowyh sociologicheskih issledowanij swidetel'stwuüt o tom, chto osnownym priwerzhencem religii stanowitsq rossijskaq molodezh'. Vmeste s tem, rqd sociologow otmechaet, chto ob#ektiwnyj analiz kachestwennyh harakteristik religioznosti sowremennoj molodezhi oprowergaet wywody o processe duhownogo renessansa w Rossii. V ätom kontexte issledowanie religio...

CHF 88.00

Canadian Corner

Pateman, John
Canadian Corner
The story of the men of Canada who fought and died in the Great War and were buried in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery - known locally as Canadian Corner - at All Saints churchyard, Orpington, Kent.

CHF 18.50

Po lewuü storonu prawogo mira

Karnackaq, Larisa
Po lewuü storonu prawogo mira
Kniga poswqschena issledowaniü samoocenki leworukih detej starshego doshkol'nogo wozrasta. Pokazywaq swqz' mezhdu leworukost'ü i opredelönnymi psihologicheskimi swojstwami lichnosti, awtor wyqwlqet osobennosti soderzhaniq ämocional'noj sostawlqüschej samoocenki leworukih detej w srawnenii s praworukimi swerstnikami. Izdanie znakomit s rezul'tatami prowedönnyh awtorom äxperimental'nyh issledowanij, wperwye pozwoliwshih wyqwit' osobennosti regul...

CHF 64.00

Bolonskij process w Germanii i Rossii

Suhowa, Elena
Bolonskij process w Germanii i Rossii
Bolonskij process naprawlen na sozdanie obscheewropejskogo prostranstwa wysshego obrazowaniq. Iniciirowannyj w konce HH weka stranami ES, Bolonskij process ob#edinil wse gosudarstwa Ewropy. Razrabotannye w ego ramkah edinye parametry sblizheniq sistem wysshego obrazowaniq predlagaüt ideal'nuü model'. Otsüda woznikaüt protiworechiq mezhdu trebowaniqmi Bolonskogo processa po dostizheniü sopostawimosti nacional'nyh obrazowatel'nyh sistem i neobho...

CHF 102.00

Statisticheskie swojstwa ocenok wariogrammy

Cehowaq, Tat'qna
Statisticheskie swojstwa ocenok wariogrammy
V seredine HH weka poqwilos' nowoe naprawlenie statisticheskogo analiza sluchajnyh processow wo wremennoj oblasti - wariogramnyj analiz. Stalo wozmozhnym bolee glubokoe i polnoe izuchenie qwlenij dejstwitel'nosti, poskol'ku sowremennye metody wariogramnogo analiza ispol'zuüt informaciü o wnutrennej strukture äxperimental'nyh dannyh i, sledowatel'no, ohwatywaüt wsü slozhnost' izuchaemyh processow. Pri ätom osnownoj model'ü issleduemyh sobytij q...

CHF 64.00

Pis'mennaq kul'tura ¿ ot rukopisi do interneta

Pompeew, Alexandr
Pis'mennaq kul'tura ¿ ot rukopisi do interneta
Oblik i soderzhanie kul'tury sowremennogo obschestwa opredelqetsq prezhde wsego ob#emami intellektual'nyh resursow, sohranennyh i priumnozhennyh s pomosch'ü znakowyh sredstw i predstawlennyh w wirtual'noj srede, preimuschestwenno - w Internete. Pis'mena skladywalis' kak sposoby translqcii chelowecheskih myslej i chuwstw - ot kamennoj i bumazhnoj Biblii do mnogomernogo gipertexta - pri ob#edinenii umstwennoj deqtel'nosti mnogih narodow. V origi...

CHF 77.00

Geometriq Gel'mgol'ca

Kyrow, Vladimir
Geometriq Gel'mgol'ca
Mihajlichenko Gennadiem Grigor'ewichem byla postroena klassifikaciq dwumernyh fenomenologicheski simmetrichnyh geometrij. Jeta klassifikaciq krome izwestnyh geometrij (geometriq Ewklida, simplekticheskaq, sfericheskaq i t.d.), soderzhit eschö i ranee ne izuchawshiesq geometrii, sredi kotoryh geometriq Gel'mgol'ca. Dannaq kniga poswqschena izucheniü nowyh geometrij. Bol'shoe wnimanie udelqetsq nahozhdeniü grupp dwizhenij ätih geometriq po metri...

CHF 102.00

Oswoenie Urala i Sibiri kak sociokul'turnyj process

Fedorow, Roman / Ganopol'skij, Mihail
Oswoenie Urala i Sibiri kak sociokul'turnyj process
Monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü istorii i geografii oswoeniq territorii Urala i Sibiri s tochki zreniq original'nyh strukturno-kommunikatiwnyh i cennostnyh podhodow. V rabote podwerzhen rassmotreniü genezis nazemnyh kommunikacij (putej soobscheniq i sistem rasseleniq), olicetworqüschih opredelennye social'nye i kul'turnye cennosti oswoeniq. Na osnowe osuschestwlennoj w rabote strukturno-kommunikatiwnoj rekonstrukcii processow oswoeniq terr...

CHF 77.00

Obschestwennoe pitanie

Nugmanow, Al'bert / Alexanqn, Igor'
Obschestwennoe pitanie
Sozdanie sistemy adaptacii tehnologij k potrebnostqm indiwiduuma qwlqetsq osnowoj tehnicheskogo perewooruzheniq i powysheniq äkonomicheskoj äffektiwnosti predpriqtiq. V knige rassmotreny razrabotki sistemnoj ocenki faktorow wliqüschih na konechnuü kalorijnost' produkta w tipowom processe warki pischewoj smesi, wyqwleny sistemnye swqzi w tehnologii produktow obschestwennogo pitaniq, na osnowe kotoryh razrabotany nowye komplexnye harakteristiki,...

CHF 77.00

Protiwostoqnie SShA i SSSR w Afganistane

Rabush, Taisiq
Protiwostoqnie SShA i SSSR w Afganistane
V äpohu "holodnoj wojny" suschestwennuü rol' w global'nom sowetsko-amerikanskom protiwoborstwe igrali razlichnye krizisy i konflikty, imewshie mesto preimuschestwenno w Tret'em mire. Odnim iz naibolee qrkih konfliktow ätogo perioda wremeni stal afganskij. On okazal znachitel'noe wliqnie kak na sowetsko-amerikanskie otnosheniq w celom, tak i na dal'nejshuü rasstanowku politicheskih sil w regione Blizhnego i Srednego Vostoka. Cel'ü nastoqschej r...

CHF 102.00

Trudowye armii w uslowiqh Grazhdanskoj wojny i näpa

Cys', Valerij
Trudowye armii w uslowiqh Grazhdanskoj wojny i näpa
Trudowye armii - woennye formirowaniq Krasnoj Armii, ispol'zowawshiesq dlq resheniq hozqjstwennyh i woenno-politicheskih zadach. Yawlqlis' odnim iz wazhnejshih älementow politiki woennogo kommunizma, prowodimoj bol'shewikami w 1918-1921 gg. Priwlekalis' w osnownom dlq resheniq topliwnoj i transportnoj problem: dobyche uglq, torfa, gorüchih slancew, nefti, remontu wagonow i parowozow, remontu i raschistke zheleznodorozhnyh putej, mostow i t. p....

CHF 102.00

Uwelichenie äffektiwnosti primeneniq tehnologij doizwlech...

Lewanow, Andrej
Uwelichenie äffektiwnosti primeneniq tehnologij doizwlecheniq nefti
Nastoqschaq rabota wklüchaet shirokij spektr issledowanij i rekomendacij po uwelicheniü äffektiwnosti primeneniq tehnologij doizwlecheniq ostatochnyh zapasow nefti nizkopronicaemyh werhneürskih plastow mestorozhdenij Nizhnewartowskogo rajona, nahodqschihsq na pozdnej libo zawershaüschej stadii razrabotki. V knige priwedeny tehnologii optimizacii takih processow, kak izmenenie plotnosti setok skwazhin, GRP, gorizontal'noe burenie, ih sochetaniq...

CHF 88.00

Powerhnostnoe okrashiwanie polimernyh materialow

Prunenko, Elena
Powerhnostnoe okrashiwanie polimernyh materialow
V knige rassmotreny processy powerhnostnogo okrashiwaniq polimernyh materialow, izmenenie ih opticheskih swojstw, a tak zhe wliqnie powerhnostno okrashennyh polimernyh ochkowyh linz na ostrotu zreniq i cwetooschuschenie. Predstawleny osobennosti fiziologii glaza cheloweka i zritel'nogo processa, obzor primeneniq swetofil'trow i ih wliqnie na ostrotu zreniq. V rabote priwedeny osnownye harakteristiki i proizwoditeli organicheskih i neorganiches...

CHF 88.00