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606 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Coach W Software

Labitan, Bud
Coach W Software
Coach W Software" was crafted from my imaginary conversation with Mr. Warren Buffett. The real conversation never occurred. The software generated conversation did occur on March 5, 2011. The software exists, and it is a useful tool in reviewing the concepts developed by Mr. Buffett, Mr. Charlie Munger, and Mr. Benjamin Graham. This book verges on science fiction. It is important to point out to all readers that there is no association or endo...

CHF 47.50

Stories of Maine

Swett, Sophie
Stories of Maine
THE stories of the smallest, the least important, the most favored by fate of the United States of the New World, are well worth the telling. It may therefore be wondered that those of Maine - historically the beginning of New England, the scene of the bloodiest Indian wars, the place where different European nations contended most fiercely for supremacy, and whose records are so dramatic that they read like folklore and legend rather than ver...

CHF 27.90

Vegetable Gardening for Ontario

Peters, Laura
Vegetable Gardening for Ontario
Ontario is an ideal place to grow a huge variety of vegetables, and there are plenty of healthful and economic benefits to having your own garden. Whether you have a traditional backyard space or several containers on a high-rise balcony, you can grow a season-long supply of tasty produce. Best-selling garden writer Laura Peters provides all you need to know to dig in: * Basics such as light, soil, exposure and frost tolerance * Almost infinit...

CHF 36.50

A secret van Gogh. His Motif and Motives

Saggio, Antonino
A secret van Gogh. His Motif and Motives
This book investigates a complex layer ofmysteries and cluesconcealed in van Gogh's paintings and biography. New points of view on the painter's life are introduced and a foundation is laid for the interpretation of the iconography withinhis work. The book deduces from the painter's biography: a previously unexplored interpretation of the final argument with Gauguin, the critical role played by Rachel, la jeune fille d'Arles working in rue d...

CHF 17.50

Love Your Skeletons

Griffith, Teresa
Love Your Skeletons
Skel.e.ton - Anything from your past that you are ashamed of, you feel embarrassed about, you avoid talking about, or that causes you to feel guilty, fearful or hurt when you remember it. Discover ways to overcome fear and handle overwhelming emotions. Create a strategy for dealing with nosy people. Find relief and experience great joy as you learn to love your skeletons and put them in the closet for good! (Please note: There is also an ebook...

CHF 36.50

Muzykal'naq komediq Grigoriq Alexandrowa

Tuewa, Vera
Muzykal'naq komediq Grigoriq Alexandrowa
Specifika zhanrowogo postroeniq w sowetskom kinematografe issleduetsq w dannoj rabote na primere tworchestwa odnogo iz samyh izwestnyh komediografow - Grigoriq Alexandrowa. Izuchaq osobennosti obnowleniq zhanrowyh tradicij (w dannom sluchae - kinokomedii) w uslowiqh sowetskogo kinoproizwodstwa 1930-h - 1940-h godow, awtor prowodit wsestoronnij analiz tworchestwa rezhissöra, rassmatriwaq naibolee znachimye sostawlqüschie ego kartin, sootnosq ih...

CHF 77.00

Lüpin tehnologiq wozdelywaniq w wostochnoj Ewrope

Kononow, Anatolij
Lüpin tehnologiq wozdelywaniq w wostochnoj Ewrope
V monografii dany sowremennye swedeniq po biologii zheltogo, uzkolistnogo i belogo lüpina. Predstawlena teoreticheskaq model' potencial'noj produktiwnosti kul'tiwiruemyh widow i sortow lüpina. Dana sowremennaq shema tehnologicheskih priemow wyraschiwaniq lüpina na zerno i zelenuü massu. Pokazany osnownye tehnologicheskie priemy formirowaniq wysokoproduktiwnyh odnowidowyh i geterogennyh agrofitocenozow. Rassmotrena koncepciq bor'by s sornoj ras...

CHF 102.00

Vospriqtie illüzornyh obrazow

Minqewa, Nadezhda
Vospriqtie illüzornyh obrazow
Nesmotrq na to, chto w poslednie desqtiletiq issledowaniü wospriqtiq illüzornyh obrazow poswqscheno bol'shoe kolichestwo rabot, w chastnosti izucheniü aktiwacii razlichnyh oblastej mozga pri wospriqtii illüzornyh figur(Bakin J.S., 2000, Ramsden B.M., 2001, Roe A., 2005, Hirsch J., 1995, Wu Z., 2009, Bosman C.A., 2010).Tem ne menee mnogie woprosy ostaütsq otkrytymi i trebuüt izucheniq. K ih chislu otnosqtsq, problemy, swqzannye s ponimaniem meh...

CHF 77.00

Teoriq i praktika

Tihonowa, Irina / Omarowa, Patimat
Teoriq i praktika
Segodnq zhenskaq bor'ba stala ochen' populqrna wo wsem mire i woshla w programmu chempionatow Ewropy, mira i Olimpijskih igr. Kolichestwo zanimaüschihsq dewochek, dewushek, zhenschin sportiwnoj bor'boj stremitel'no rastet, poätomu trebuetsq sozdanie nauchno obosnowannoj sistemy podgotowki sportsmenok. Awtory dannoj knigi na osnowe swoego issledowaniq klassifikacij w sportiwnoj bor'be predlozhili teoreticheskuü osnowu dlq realizacii tehniko-tak...

CHF 64.00

Akwaornitomorfnye obrazy w kul'ture komi

Volokitina, Nadezhda
Akwaornitomorfnye obrazy w kul'ture komi
Komi (zyrqne) whodqt w gruppu narodow, goworqschih na qzykah ural'skoj (finno-ugoro-samodijskoj) qzykowoj sem'i. Bogatejschie i raznoobraznye kul'turnye i mifologicheskie tradicii dannogo naroda, sohranqüschie drewnejshij obscheural'skij substrat i sobstwennye unikal'nye cherty, predstawlqüt soboj cennejshij material dlq nauchnogo osmysleniq. V dannoj rabote raskrywaetsq simwolicheskoe, semanticheskoe i funkcional'noe soderzhanie akwaornitomor...

CHF 102.00

Jetnokul'turnye landshafty wostochnyh rajonow Stawropol's...

Vodop'qnowa, Dar'q / Lysenko, Alexej
Jetnokul'turnye landshafty wostochnyh rajonow Stawropol'skogo kraq
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq teoreticheskie osnowy izucheniq ätnokul'turnyh landshaftow, faktory ih formirowaniq, prowoditsq kul'turno-landshaftnoe rajonirowanie Stawropol'skogo kraq na osnowe obobschennogo opyta rossijskih issledowatetlej i sobstwennyh razrabotok. V rabote raskrywaütsq osobennosti struktury geoprostranstwa wostochnyh rajonow Stawropol'skogo kraq i rezul'taty prostranstwenno-wremennogo analiza ätnokul'turnogo wzaimodejstwiq w ...

CHF 88.00

Mezhdunarodnoe prawo

Berlqwskij, Leonid
Mezhdunarodnoe prawo
Sowremennyj miroporqdok harakterizuetsq krajne protiworechiwymi processami. Jeto stremlenie k integracii, preodoleniü politicheskih bar'erow, mirnomu sosuschestwowaniü gosudarstw s razlichnymi politicheskimi i äkonomicheskimi sistemami, kul'turnymi i religioznymi tradiciqmi, s odnoj storony, i ostrejshimi protiworechiqmi, wyliwaüschimisq w konflikty, akty terrorizma, neprimirimosti i agressii, s drugoj. V ätih uslowiqh mezhdunarodnoe prawo kak...

CHF 102.00

Sosed i protiwnik

Leontij, Lannik
Sosed i protiwnik
Russkij front Perwoj mirowoj wojny ostaetsq odnim iz "belyh pqten" w istorii samogo izuchaemogo specialistami sobytiq. Pomimo woennogo aspekta protiwostoqniq neobychajno wazhno prosledit' wospriqtie ogromnoj, slozhnoj i wechno zagadochnoj dlq ewropejca Rossii, strany, s kotoroj w obeih mirowyh wojnah Germaniq swqzala reshenie swoej sud'by. Vazhnejshim iz wzglqdow, naibolee znachimym iz wseh obrazow wostochnogo soseda stalo predstawlenie o Ross...

CHF 88.00

Primenenie wejwlet-analiza dlq ocenki wariabel'nosti serd...

Runowa, Ekaterina / Muhina, Irina
Primenenie wejwlet-analiza dlq ocenki wariabel'nosti serdechnogo ritma
Analiz regulqcii serdechnogo ritma daet wozmozhnost' polucheniq prognosticheskoj informacii o funkcional'nom sostoqnii i osobennostqh adaptiwnyh reakcij wsego organizma. Dinamicheskij rqd kardiointerwalow (ritmogramma)qwlqetsq fiziologicheskim signalom, otrazhaüschim sowokupnoe nejrogumoral'noe regulqtornoe wozdejstwie na serdce. Odnoj iz zadach sowremennyh issledowanij w oblasti analiza wariabel'nosti serdechnogo ritma (VSR) qwlqetsq opredele...

CHF 77.00

Puti i mehanizmy razwitiq instituta predprinimatel'stwa

Bespalow, Mihail
Puti i mehanizmy razwitiq instituta predprinimatel'stwa
V monografii osoboe wnimanie udeleno meram po gosudarstwennoj podderzhke predprinimatel'skoj deqtel'nosti w uslowiqh äkonomicheskoj nestabil'nosti, w tom chisle meram po regulirowaniü innowacionnoj predprinimatel'skoj deqtel'nosti. Bol'shoe wnimanie w rabote udeleno izucheniü wliqniq nalogowoj politiki gosudarstwa na razwitie predprinimatel'skoj deqtel'nosti, a takzhe mehanizmu formirowaniq blagopriqtnoj predprinimatel'skoj sfery w äkonomike r...

CHF 102.00

Metodicheskaq sluzhba chastnoj shkoly

Chernqkowa, Natal'q
Metodicheskaq sluzhba chastnoj shkoly
Chastnye shkoly w Rossii poqwilis' w 90e gody XX weka posle wyhoda w swet nowogo zakona "Ob obrazowanii". Perwonachal'no ideq organizacii chastnyh shkol osnowywalas' na stremlenii wnesti izmeneniq w tradicionnyj uchebno-wospitatel'nyj process. Odnako cherez neskol'ko let i w ätih obrazowatel'nyh uchrezhdeniqh stali nakapliwat'sq problemy, swqzannye s kachestwom znanij, organizaciej metodicheskoj raboty, formirowaniem äffektiwno rabotaüschego p...

CHF 77.00

Polisemiq russkih i anglijskih glagolow destrukcii

Sultanowa, Alina
Polisemiq russkih i anglijskih glagolow destrukcii
Russkie i anglijskie neproizwodnye glagoly s perwichnym znacheniem destrukcii obrazuüt odnu iz naibolee razwityh lexiko-semanticheskih grupp w oboih qzykah. Ih osobennost'ü qwlqetsq takzhe to, chto oni imeüt tendenciü k razwitiü celoj seti odnotipnyh metaforicheskih znachenij, nazywaüschih razlichnye widy deqtel'nosti i processy ob#ektiwnoj dejstwitel'nosti, ne swqzannye s destruktiwnymi dejstwiqmi. Metaforicheskie znacheniq polisemichnyh glag...

CHF 102.00

Making Nice

Haehnel, Alan
Making Nice
Alan Haehnel Comedy Characters: 8 female, 4 male, extras, gender and numbers of characters easily manipulated The curtain opens on Cybeline, lost in the dark woods, calling plaintively for rescue as wolves prowl closer and closer All of a sudden, No, no, no! rings out from the back of the theater and a disgruntled, dictatorial director barges down the aisle, furious at the actress, the cast, and the entire crew! She commands, No one leaves the...

CHF 19.50