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Zur Kasse

484 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Zia Suelita e il progetto del diavolo

Oberto, Camila
Zia Suelita e il progetto del diavolo
Sullo sfondo della storia recente dell'Argentina, la vicenda intreccia le vite dei componenti la famiglia Oberto e racconta al femminile una sorta di partita a scacchi tra Zia Suelita -una delle sorelle- e il diavolo. La dote della discendenza femminile della famiglia è quella di dialogare con l'al di là. Figura centrale della mortale partita è Camila, inseguita sin da bambina da visioni: su Lei che annota e racconta si giocano le mosse più d...

CHF 23.90

Frost from Wings of Valkyries

Carruth, Ben
Frost from Wings of Valkyries
After storm drinks down the wreck and lost from deck are counted drowned voice of wind or wave on shore sound almost regretful...." Tragedy can instill regret and grief, but also determination. Through prose and poem, "Frost from Wings of Valkyries" explores the shape of tragedy and the ways we are shaped by it. Benjamin Carruth acts as guide and confidant in this written journey from pain to strength, drawing eye to footprints of tho...

CHF 24.50


Faughsgate, A. H.
Real life events in novel so'll read it in an hour...and least once a week!!!

CHF 25.90

Zwei russische Erzählungen

Leo Tolstoi, Nikolai Leskow
Zwei russische Erzählungen
Figura" und "Vater Sergius" - zwei russische Erzählungen in der Übersetzung von Alexander Eliasberg, die von Winfried S. Küttner leicht dem heutigen Sprachgebrauch angepasst und mit Erläuterungen versehen wurden. Wie lebt man ein Leben nach Gottes Willen und in christlicher Verantwortung?

CHF 16.50

The Lord's Songs

Driver, Thelma
The Lord's Songs
Thelma Driver's Praises, Prayers and Poems express her faith, joy and trust in God through Jesus Christ. The love, power and acceptance of both strengthens and sustains her life filled with enough love to share with the world. This book she shares with every one who looks for inspiration and comfort.

CHF 14.50

No Kid-ing

Rogers, Tracy
No Kid-ing
My story about what it is like to live as a childless woman in a society full of moms and kids. You will be able to read about my entire fertility story, all 15 years of it (and counting), including stories of failed fertilitly procedures and failed adoption attempts.

CHF 24.90

Sixteen Weeks of Fun

Poteat, Melissa
Sixteen Weeks of Fun
For sixteen weeks I have learned so many things from not only my instructor, Mr. Bradburn, but also from my classmate in my storytelling class. I have watched those who were so afraid to stand up in front of people and read a story from a book, find ease in standing in front of people on a stage and tell a story. As for me, I received out of the class exactly what I was searching for. Confidence. I learned that "improv" is not a scary wo...

CHF 31.90

The Best You Have

Willis, Danny
The Best You Have
This play begins with a short novel that describes the context of the play itself.This play is written in very simple language for the purpose of revealing the character of Christian service. All characters discover that Christian love is the key to a fulfilling Christmas.

CHF 14.90


Schubert, André
mit folgenden Seiten - persönliche Daten - Brevet Auflistung - 5x Tauchausrüstung (6 Teile pro Seite) - 2x Notizen - 100x Tauchgänge (2 pro Seite = 200 TG insg. erfassbar), Nitrox-kompatibel (O2-Gehalt) - 5x Buddy-Liste (6 Buddies pro Seite) - 2x Notizen

CHF 20.50

Sotrudnichestwo w konkurentnoj srede

Shewchenko, Jurij
Sotrudnichestwo w konkurentnoj srede
Dannaq kniga poswqschena probleme wzaimoswqzi dwuh osnownyh tipow social'nogo wzaimodejstwiq: kooperacii i konkurencii. Problema suschestwowaniq kooperatiwnyh otnoshenij w konkurentnoj srede ne predstawlqetsq razreshennoj. V chastnosti, do konca ne proqsnennym qwlqetsq wopros o tom, kak sozdawat' w komande atmosferu doweriq i wzaimnogo uwazheniq, odnowremenno pooschrqq indiwidual'nuü iniciatiwu. Kak sposobstwowat' dialogu razlichnyh tochek zre...

CHF 64.00

Otrazhenie patologicheskih processow w morfologii biozhid...

Ju. P., Potehina
Otrazhenie patologicheskih processow w morfologii biozhidkostej
Biologicheskie zhidkosti tradicionno qwlqütsq ob#ektom issledowaniq wrachej, tak kak oni nesut wazhnejshuü informaciü o processah, proishodqschih w organizme. Metod klinowidnoj degidratacii pozwolqet perewesti molekulqrnye wzaimodejstwiq w biologicheskih zhidkostqh na makrourowen'. Pri issledowanii morfologicheskoj kartiny syworotki krowi obnaruzheny markery narushenij lipidnogo i belkowogo obmena, obosnowana wozmozhnost' primeneniq metoda kli...

CHF 88.00

A.L.Durow w kontexte zrelischnoj kul'tury konca H1H ¿ nac...

Bojkowa, Irina
A.L.Durow w kontexte zrelischnoj kul'tury konca H1H ¿ nachala HH ww
Kniga poswqschena biograficheskoj istorii A. L. Durowa (1864-1916) - cirkowogo artista, obschestwennogo deqtelq, populqrizatora nauchnyh znanij, aktera nemogo kinematografa, literatora, kollekcionera, hudozhnika, antreprenera. V nej rassmotreny naibolee suschestwennye aspekty mnogogrannoj deqtel'nosti A. L. Durowa, sowokupnost' chert istoricheskogo kontexta, kotorye sdelali wozmozhnym realizaciü dannoj istoricheskoj lichnosti, a takzhe ego okr...

CHF 102.00

Sowremennoe obrazowanie w filosofskom osmyslenii

Azhar, Kuszhanowa
Sowremennoe obrazowanie w filosofskom osmyslenii
V monografii professora Kuszhanowoj A.Zh. dan social'no-filosofskij analiz suschnosti obrazowaniq kak cocial'nogo fenomena i instituta, raskryto ego znachenie kak mehanizma social'nogo wosproizwodstwa. Pokazana äwolüciq obrazowaniq ot drewnosti do sowremennosti, oharakterizowany istoricheskie tipy obrazowaniq, wyqwlena ego 3h- urownewaq struktura, obespechiwshaq emu polnotu i äffektiwnost'. Proanalizirowan sowremennyj krizis obrazowaniq, wyqwl...

CHF 102.00


Rogozhin, Vasilij
Fermentami (änzimami) qwlqütsq preimuschestwenno belki, imeüschie funkcional'no aktiwnuü tretichnuü ili chetwertichnuü strukturu, obladaüschie kataliticheskoj aktiwnost'ü, prednaznachennye dlq iniciirowaniq i uskoreniq protekaniq himicheskih reakcij w biogennyh sistemah. Fermenty sinteziruütsq w kletkah zhiwyh organizmow, informaciq o kotoryh zapisana w strukture DNK. Krome togo, kataliticheskoj aktiwnost'ü obladaüt nekotorye RNK i abzimy. Kat...

CHF 102.00


Mansurow, Ruslan
Uwazhaemyj chitatel'! Ty derzhish' w rukah reshebnik dlq HR-direktora. Awtor special'no wybral reshebnik, kak format izlozheniq materiala. Ved', chto takoe reshebnik? Reshebnik - äto posobie, soderzhaschee podrobnoe reshenie zadach. Inymi slowami w nem net teorii, kotoraq i tak horosho izwestna nam HR-specialistam, net izlishnih razmyshlenij, somnenij, poiska putej i t.d. Est' tol'ko konkretnye uslowiq zadachi i konkretnoe reshenie, ne edinstw...

CHF 102.00

Kommunikatiwnaq kompetentnost' studenta pedagogicheskogo ...

Mihalkina, Swetlana
Kommunikatiwnaq kompetentnost' studenta pedagogicheskogo wuza
Pedagog w swoej professional'noj deqtel'nosti wystupaet kak aktiwnyj sub#ekt obscheniq: on dolzhen umet' ustanawliwat' kontakty s razlichnymi lüd'mi, peredawat' i prinimat' informaciü ot okruzhaüschih, ubezhdat' ih w sprawedliwosti swoih idej, otstaiwat' swoü poziciü, umet' razreshat' konflikty i t. d. Poätomu razwitie kommunikatiwnoj kompetentnosti studenta pedagogicheskogo wuza kak odnoj iz naibolee wazhnyh professional'no znachimyh harakter...

CHF 88.00

Istoricheskaq koncepciq Diodora Sicilijskogo

Trofimow, Maxim
Istoricheskaq koncepciq Diodora Sicilijskogo
Issledowanie poswqscheno izucheniü istoricheskih wzglqdow Diodora Sicilijskogo (I w. do n.ä.). Sochinenie Diodora "Istoricheskaq biblioteka" - äto cennyj istochnik po istorii Grecii, Rima i stran Vostoka. V knige rassmatriwaetsq kak na formirowanie istoricheskoj koncepcii sicilijskogo istorika powliqla predshestwuüschaq istoriograficheskaq tradiciq i filosofskie diskussii ego wremeni. Analiziruütsq predstawleniq Diodora o hode istoricheskogo p...

CHF 88.00


Mitrowa, Tat'qna
Jexportnaq politika Rossii w gazowoj sfere okazywaet suschestwennoe wliqnie na äkonomiku strany, odnako w poslednie gody liberalizaciq i globalizaciq gazowyh rynkow uwelichiwaet riski w prinqtii reshenij i stawit pod ugrozu strategicheskie pozicii Rossii kak krupnejshego w mire äxportera gaza. Jeto zastawlqet iskat' nowye podhody k issledowaniü zarubezhnyh gazowyh rynkow. V dannoj monografii na baze obshirnogo fakticheskogo materiala wypolnen ...

CHF 77.00

Rol' peroxidaz w ustojchiwosti rastenij k bioticheskomu s...

Graskowa, Irina
Rol' peroxidaz w ustojchiwosti rastenij k bioticheskomu stressu
Vazhnoj problemoj sowremennoj biologii qwlqetsq izuchenie mehanizmow inducirowaniq ustojchiwosti rastenij k dejstwiü patogenow. V otwet na zarazhenie patogenom wklüchaütsq zaschitnye reakcii takie, kak usilenie bar'ernyh swojstw (lignifikaciq), äxpressiq genow i sintez rqda belkow, w tom chisle, fermentow, sredi kotoryh osobaq rol' otwoditsq peroxidazam. Nekotorye peroxidazy lokalizowany w apoplastnom prostranstwe kletok, no w poslednie gody p...

CHF 102.00