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122 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Hilda Hopkins, Bed & Burial

Fagan, Vivienne
Hilda Hopkins, Bed & Burial
Hilda Hopkins has escaped lawful custody and is once more on the lam and on the lookout for likely lodgers to model her unique knitted dolls. This time she gets a break in the form of a job at the bleak, isolated Traveller's Rest, a bed and breakfast establishment run by the musty yet malleable Mrs Moffatt. Before you can knit a garrotte and slip it over a sleeping guest's neck, Hilda is back to her old ways and loving every minute! How man...

CHF 24.50


of Paranoia, Flavors
Enter a world...where there are Peanuts Inside--and something more...where the unfor-tunate have No Dragonslayer in Sight...where a good Hitchcock Teaser is only the begin-ning...where The Edge of the World is just a few steps away...and where Grandpa is ready, willing and able to share the dark secrets of eternal Youth, if you'll just step a lit-tle closer...

CHF 22.50

Solar Cottage Handbook

McBride, Timothy
Solar Cottage Handbook
A special Solar Cottage pocket sized edition. A fast forward look into the emerging technologies of the Green mean Future. If You need to get inspired about going Green, Solar! Or just more environmental responsiblity? Then this is your note book with a commentary that puts you right into the solar self-reliant habitat philosophy as it is being developed all around you. Start your investigation into the abilities of specialized energy conscie...

CHF 22.50

ABRAMO Dal Vangelo secondo il poeta

Sarrica, Michele
ABRAMO Dal Vangelo secondo il poeta
Ur dei Caldei - Canaan, XIX secolo a.C. Abramo = dall'Ebraico: grande padre. Sant'Abramo, patriarca e padre di tutti i credenti che, chiamato da Dio, uscì dalla sua terra, Ur dei Caldei, e si mise in cammino per la terra promessa da Dio a lui e alla sua discendenza. Abramo manifestò tutta la sua fede quando non rifiutò al suo Signore, Jahvè, di offrirgli in sacrificio il figlio richiesto, Isacco, figlio unigenito che il Signore gli avev...

CHF 23.90

The Root of All Things Evil

Crowder, Lenore
The Root of All Things Evil
Baker Lowry was a famous muscian, who had a secret he wasn't even aware of. He had it all. Family, friends, fame, fans, and money. That was until his secret began to make itself known. Will he discover the truth to the unfolding mystery? Or will he be too late to save himself?

CHF 24.90

Letting Go (Everything but Grief)

Dommell, Jason
Letting Go (Everything but Grief)
Beginning where "Pieces of my Pieces" left off, "Letting Go" brings to light this author's struggle to 'let go' of his wife, old torments and insecurities of high school, family drama and, a fairytale love that never was.

CHF 22.90

Sowershenstwowanie tehnologii proizwodstwa drewesnyh plit

Ugrümow, Sergej
Sowershenstwowanie tehnologii proizwodstwa drewesnyh plit
Razwitie glubokoj pererabotki drewesiny, powyshenie kachestwa i assortimenta wypuskaemoj produkcii, powyshenie äffektiwnosti funkcionirowaniq derewoobrabatywaüschih predpriqtij i reshenie rqda drugih woprosow newozmozhno bez sowershenstwowaniq tehnologii proizwodstwa drewesnyh kompozicionnyh materialow. V ramkah dannoj raboty rassmotreny woprosy sozdaniq nowyh widow kompozitow na osnowe drewesnyh napolnitelej, kostry l'na i modificirowannyh si...

CHF 102.00

Gottes Wesen ¿ Gottes Wirken

Saatchian, Firouzeh
Gottes Wesen ¿ Gottes Wirken
Die Reihe Islamkundliche Untersuchungen wurde 1969 im Klaus Schwarz Verlag begründet und hat sich zu einem der wichtigsten Publikationsorgane der Islamwissenschaft in Deutschland entwickelt. Die über 330 Bände widmen sich der Geschichte, Kultur und den Gesellschaften Nordafrikas, des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens sowie Zentral-, Süd- und Südost-Asiens.

CHF 83.00

Istoriq social'noj bolezni

Alexandr, Vitqzew
Istoriq social'noj bolezni
Otchuzhdenie cheloweka - problema, kotoroj zanimalis' Prudon, Karl Marx i Jerih Fromm. Marx pod ätim terminom ponimal naömnyj trud rabochego . Fromm schital, chto chelowek w kapitalisticheskom obschestwe «oschuschaet sebq towarom. Otchuzhdennaq lichnost', prednaznachennaq dlq prodazhi, neizbezhno terqet oschuschenie sobstwennogo «q». Esli Marx izuchal preimuschestwenno social'no-äkonomicheskij aspekt otchuzhdeniq cheloweka, to Fromm - social'n...

CHF 64.00

Obraz Indii w russkoj literature: mezhdu real'nost'ü i me...

Fiskowec, Elena
Obraz Indii w russkoj literature: mezhdu real'nost'ü i mechtoj
Tema Indii predstawlena w russkoj literature nachinaqs samogo rannego ätapa eö razwitiq - äpohidrewnerusskoj literatury. I uzhe togda nametilis' dweosnownye manery opisaniq i wospriqtiq ätoj strany, dwa eö obraza. Perwyj - Indiq ideal'naq, strananesmetnyh bogatstw i prawednikow, rajskaq zemlq.Vtoroj - Indiq s eö real'nymi kul'turnymi i prochimiosobennostqmi. Rabota poswqschena rassmotreniü obrazaIndii w russkoj literature ot drewnosti do HH w....

CHF 102.00

Lingwostilistika i ritorika futbol'nogo reportazha

Petru, Istrate
Lingwostilistika i ritorika futbol'nogo reportazha
Nastoqschaq monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü lingwostilisticheskih i ritoricheskih osobennostej futbol'nogo reportazha i wypolnena w stilistichesko-ritoricheskom naprawlenii s älementami komparatiwistiki, terminologii i zhurnalistiki. V strukturnyh chastqh raboty rassmatriwaetsq sportiwnyj reportazh kak zhanr SMI, wyqwlqütsq i opisywaütsq harakternye cherty obraza ritora kak woploschenie qzykowoj lichnosti, issleduetsq stil' obrazcowyh klas...

CHF 77.00

Uprawlenie innowaciqmi w sel'skoj shkole

Sidorow, Sergej
Uprawlenie innowaciqmi w sel'skoj shkole
Innowacionnoe razwitie sel'skih shkol imeet rqd osobennostej, obuslowlennyh specifikoj sel'skoj obrazowatel'noj sredy, unikal'nost'ü kazhdoj sel'skoj shkoly. Jeta monografiq - rezul'tat mnogoletnej raboty, wklüchaüschej w sebq teoreticheskie izyskaniq, razrabotku i wnedrenie awtorskoj koncepcii uprawleniq innowacionnym processom w sel'skoj srednej shkole. Ona poswqschena razrabotke konceptual'nyh osnow i nauchno-metodicheskogo obespecheniq upr...

CHF 102.00

Primenenie biokeramicheskih granul dlq optimizacii osteor...

Vysochanskaq, Ju. / D'qkowa, S. / Volozhin, A.
Primenenie biokeramicheskih granul dlq optimizacii osteoreparacii
V dannoj knige uwazhaemomu chitatelü predstawlena rabota po optimizacii zazhiwleniq defektow chelüstej pri operaciqh na werhnej chelüsti. Metodika rassmatriwaetsq na primere kostnoj plastiki al'weolqrnogo otrostka u detej s wrozhdennymi rasschelinami al'weolqrnogo otrostka pri pomoschi optimal'nogo sootnosheniq suschestwuüschej biokeramiki (gidroxiapatit i trikal'cijfosfat) i sobstwennyh stwolowyh kletok bez kul'tiwirowaniq wne organizma. Rabo...

CHF 77.00

Jekologicheskaq ätika mirowyh religij

Alilowa, Kalimat
Jekologicheskaq ätika mirowyh religij
V knige rossijskogo äkologa i filosofa, doktora filosofskih nauk, professora Alilowoj K.M. rassmatriwaetsq mnogoslozhnaq problema wzaimoswqzi äkologii i religii, daetsq awtorskoe widenie poiska putej wozrozhdeniq i rasprostraneniq tradicij ohrany prirody, zalozhennyh w razlichnyh religiozno-filosofskih sistemah. Detal'no raz#qsnqetsq neobhodimost' formirowaniq nowogo mirowozzreniq i äkologicheskoj ätiki kak obqzatel'nogo uslowiq ustojchiwogo r...

CHF 102.00

Razrezhennaq model' bazowyh blokow

Dowgalük, Pawel
Razrezhennaq model' bazowyh blokow
Prakticheski wse proizwodimye w nastoqschee wremqprocessory imeüt konwejernuü arhitekturu, a optimizaciq potoka komand kompilqtorom imeetbol'shoe znachenie.Konwejerizaciq äto odin iz naibolee äffektiwnyhsposobow uwelicheniq proizwoditel'nosti processorow. Proizwoditel'nost'koda pri takom podhode uwelichiwaetsq za schet togo, chto w odin i tot zhemoment wremeni odnowremenno rabotaüt neskol'ko uzlow processora, wypolnqüschieraznye fazy komand, p...

CHF 77.00

Psihologiq informacionnoj bezopasnosti gorozhan

Haritonow, Mihail
Psihologiq informacionnoj bezopasnosti gorozhan
Dannaq monografiq poswqschena informacionnojbezopasnosti pozhilyh gorozhan w sowremennoj Rossii.Osnownoj upor pri ätom sdelan na teh priemahwozdejstwiq, kotorye osuschestwlqütsq s pomosch'ü sredstwmassowoj kommunikacii. V monografii posledowatel'norassmotrena äxpluataciq nedobrosowestnymikommunikatorami (sektantami, politicheskimitehnologami, kriminal'nymi älementami)takihpsihicheskih processow kak wnimanie, wospriqtie, ponimanie i pamqt' pozh...

CHF 102.00