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122 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Uluchshenie pokazatelej traktornogo dizelq

Gabbasow, Ajnur
Uluchshenie pokazatelej traktornogo dizelq
Nastoqschaq rabota poswqschena uluchsheniü pokazatelej traktornogo dizelq sowershenstwowaniem topliwopodachi i smeseobrazowaniq, chto na segodnqshnij den' qwlqetsq aktual'noj zadachej, tak kak razwitie awtotraktornogo dizelestroeniq w bol'shoj stepeni stalo opredelqt'sq postoqnno uzhestochaemymi zakonodatel'nymi normami na dymnost', toxichnost' otrabotawshih gazow, urowen' shuma i stremleniem k powysheniü topliwnoj äkonomichnosti.V rabote prow...

CHF 64.00

Uprawlenie innowacionnym proektom

Alqbushew, Denis
Uprawlenie innowacionnym proektom
V nastoqschee wremq opublikowano bol'shoe kolichestworabot, poswqschennyh ocenke riska innowacionnyhproektow, i sleduet priznat', chto, w toj ili inojstepeni, menedzhery kompanij sprawlqütsq s ätojzadachej. Problema sostoit w tom, chto, oceniw riskinnowacionnogo proekta, kak ochen' wysokij, oni chastootkazywaütsq ot nego w silu otsutstwiq metodicheskojbazy po rabote s wysokoriskowymi proektami. V dannojrabote opisany sostawnye älementy i wydel...

CHF 88.00

modelirowanie swojstw fullerenow i nanotrubok

Fedorow, Alexandr
modelirowanie swojstw fullerenow i nanotrubok
Kniga poswqschena teoreticheskomu izucheniü na baze perwoprincipnyh metodow rascheta mehanizmow obrazowaniq fullerenow w plazme, izucheniü processow adsorbirowaniq wodoroda na powerhnosti uglerodnyh nanotrubok i wnutri nanochastic magniq, a takzhe issledowaniü swojstw nowyh nanotrubok BeO, SiO2 i Si_xC_y. Mnogie priwedennye rezul'taty awtora qwlqütsq pionerskimi, naprimer, izlozhena samosoglasowannaq model' dlq rascheta wliqniq parametrow plaz...

CHF 102.00

Sinteticheskaq letal'nost' priona [PSI+] i mutacij w gene...

Zhurawlewa, Galina / Kiktew, Denis
Sinteticheskaq letal'nost' priona [PSI+] i mutacij w gene SUP45
Biosintez belka qwlqetsq wazhnejshim matrichnymprocessom, otwetstwennym za realizaciü geneticheskojinformacii. V poslednee wremq interes k processuterminacii translqcii znachitel'no wozros w swqzi sotkrytiem sposobnosti belka eRF3/Sup35 drozhzhejperehodit' w prionnoe sostoqnie, priwodq kwozniknoweniü priona [PSI+]. Priony mlekopitaüschihpriwodqt k neizlechimym zabolewaniqm central'nojnerwnoj sistemy, chto obuslawliwaet ogromnuüprakticheskuü ce...

CHF 64.00

Registraciq shirokopolosnyh sejsmicheskih signalow na mor...

Lewchenko, Dmitrij Gerasimowich
Registraciq shirokopolosnyh sejsmicheskih signalow na morskom dne
V knige obobschen opyt dwadcatiletnej raboty awtora woblasti razrabotki i ispol'zowaniq shirokopolosnyh (0.01 - 20Gc) donnyh sejsmografow dlq nauchnyh celej. V edinoj monografiisobrany materialy o fizicheskih processah, proishodqschih nadne pri registracii sejsmicheskih signalow, principahkonstruirowaniq awtonomnyh donnyh sejsmografow, rezul'tatah ihispytanij i äxpluatacii. Issledowany osnownye pogreshnosti, wyzwannye pridonnymi techeniqmi, wz...

CHF 88.00

Regulqciq agressiwnogo powedeniq u domowoj myshi

Klüchnikowa, M. A. / Voznesenskaq, V. V.
Regulqciq agressiwnogo powedeniq u domowoj myshi
V rabote issledowana signal'naq rol' molekulyandrostenona w regulqcii agressiwnogo powedeniq udomowoj myshi. Byla ispol'zowana geneticheskaq model'specificheskoj anosmii k androstenonu i mezhsamcowojagressii, sozdannaq na osnowe inbrednyh linijlaboratornyh myshej NZB/BlNJ i CBA/J. Metodomkartirowaniq lokusow kolichestwennyh priznakow byliidentificirowany lokusy, a takzhe wyqwlenyäpistaticheskie wzaimodejstwiq mezhdu DNK-markerami, kontroliruüs...

CHF 102.00

Vliqnie koalicionnoj politiki na stanowlenie partijnoj si...

Shherbak, Andrej
Vliqnie koalicionnoj politiki na stanowlenie partijnoj sistemy Rossii
Monografiq poswqschena izucheniü koalicionnoj politikirossijskih partij na razwitie partijnoj sistemyRossii w 1993-2003 gg. Issledowanie prowedeno nasrawnitel'nom analize partijnyh sistem Rossii, Ukrainy i Pol'shi. Osnownoj tezis raboty: koalicionnaqpolitika w dannyj period byla odnim iz naiboleewazhnyh instrumentow snizheniq chisla partij w partijnojsisteme, chto dolzhno bylo priwesti k poqwleniü krupnyhwliqtel'nyh partij. Bol'shie partii wst...

CHF 88.00


Parygin, Vitalij
Vid Tr. aestivum byl wweden w kul'turu isklüchitel'nos cel'ü wypechki iz ego zerna wysokokachestwennogohleba, ne znaüschego sebe rawnyh sredi drugih hlebnyhzlakow.Na primere shesti sortow wperwye pokazanaperspektiwnost' ispol'zowaniq äkotipicheskogo podhodaw praktike selekcii Predbajkal'q. V chastnosti, predlagaetsq ispol'zowat' ne sami sorta, a ihopredelennye äkotipy, chto uwelichiwaet wozmozhnost'podbora roditel'skih par bolee chem w pqt' ra...

CHF 77.00

Voglio sentirmi dire tu sei mia

Randazzo, Elisabetta
Voglio sentirmi dire tu sei mia
Qual è il confine fra amore, desiderio e passione? Esplorando questo territorio ci si imbatte in queste poesie, nelle quali il sussurro di un'anima innamorata diventa urlo di desiderio.

CHF 23.90

Memory's Wake

Fenech, Selina A.
Memory's Wake
Lost and hunted, in a world that is not her own.Memory feels out of place in this strange, Victorian fairyland. With her mind wiped clean, finding her way back to a home she can't remember won't be easy. Chased by a dragon, wanted by the king and stalked by a handsome wildman, Memory must find out who she is before she is found by those who want her dead.Memory's stolen past holds dangerous secrets. Will she survive long enough to discover the...

CHF 28.90

Die Qualität von Online-Vokabeltrainern. Welchen didaktis...

Wegener, Jenna
Die Qualität von Online-Vokabeltrainern. Welchen didaktischen Mehrwert haben sie für das Unterrichtsfach Französisch?
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Französisch - Pädagogik, Didaktik, Sprachwissenschaft, Note: 1, 0, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Romanisches Seminar), Veranstaltung: HS Sprachdidaktik: Umgang mit Wortschatz im Französischunterricht, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Qualität des Onlineangebotes von Vokabeltrainern für das Fach Französisch. Sie untersucht, ob Online-Vokabeltrainer im Hinblick auf ihren di...

CHF 14.50

Mai Tai One on

Landis, Jill Marie
Mai Tai One on
I loved this book!" -- Susan Elizabeth Phillips, New York Times Bestselling author "Smart and sassy, fun and endearing." -- Kristin Hannah, New York Times Bestselling author "Fun and fabulous." -- Stella Cameron, New York Times Bestselling author Six months ago, if anyone would have told Em Johnson she'd end up divorced, broke, and running the dilapidated Tiki Goddess Bar on the magical North Shore of Kauai she would have told them to...

CHF 39.90

Molecular and Biochemical Studies on PII protein

El-Hadedy, Doaa
Molecular and Biochemical Studies on PII protein
Acknowledgment: I thank God for all the blessings. I would like to express my kindest regards and gratefulness to my supervisor Dr. Hassan Mahmoud Gebreel, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Ain shams University and Dr. Khaled Zakaria El-Baghdady, Lecturer of Microbiology, Ain shams University for their valuable guidance, direct supervision and their valuable revision. My deep gratitude and sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. Hussein Abd-Kareem Ahme...

CHF 102.00

Comparative Biodiesel Production From Two Nigerian Oils

Galadima, Ahmad
Comparative Biodiesel Production From Two Nigerian Oils
Biodiesel and other biofuels production is an important option required in Nigeria to mitigate the ongoing increased in primary energy need, greenhouse gases emissions, over dependence on oil and gas economy, high levels of urban and rural poverty and to ensure sustainable economy for rural development. This research compares the economic viability of biodiesel production from two Northern Nigerian feedstocks (groundnut and cotton seed oils) b...

CHF 64.00

Bridges to Grace

Swanson, Elizabeth A / McBean, Teresa J.
Bridges to Grace
Discover the power of recovery ministry for your church.Churchgoers who experience painful family issues, addictions, abuse, loss, mental illnesses, and other secret sorrows begin to believe they live beyond the grip of God's redemptive hand. Pastors often feel ill equipped to help with such problems and refer people to resources outside the church. People badly need Christ-centered counsel and encouragement, but few church leaders even know w...

CHF 24.90

Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques

Recchia, Lucia / Boncinelli, Paolo / Sarri, Daniele / Vieri, Marco / Garbati Pegna, Francesco / Cini, Enrico
Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques
Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques introduces the reader to the basic principles of multicriteria analysis (MCA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) techniques. The use of these tools is rapidly becoming essential in any feasibility study for comparing different solutions, selecting the most suitable ones, and for analyzing the interface of economy and environment.The main feature of Multicriteria Analysis and LCA Techniques is the applicat...

CHF 134.00

Shell-like Structures

Eremeyev, Victor A. / Altenbach, Holm
Shell-like Structures
In this volume scientists and researchers from industry discuss the new trends in simulation and computing shell-like structures. The focus is put on the following problems: new theories (based on two-dimensional field equations but describing non-classical effects), new constitutive equations (for materials like sandwiches, foams, etc. and which can be combined with the two-dimensional shell equations), complex structures (folded, branching a...

CHF 236.00

Polyurethane Elastomers

Prisacariu, Cristina
Polyurethane Elastomers
A comprehensive account of the physical / mechanical behaviour of polyurethanes (PU´s) elastomers, films and blends of variable crystallinity. Aspects covered include the elasticity and inelasticity of amorphous to crystalline PUs, in relation to their sensitivity to chemical and physical structure. A study is  made of how aspects of the constitutive responses of PUs vary with composition: the polyaddition procedure, the hard segment, soft seg...

CHF 215.00