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624 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Los círculos del agua

Morilla Massieu, Alicia
Los círculos del agua
Los círculos del agua, son como la vida... etapas que hay que cerrar, aprender de todas las cosas que nos ocurre a lo largo de nuestra existencia, ellos, me trasladan sin quererlo siempre que escribo... a otras épocas, Civilizaciones, otros Mundo... donde estuve y estaré... sentimientos profundos vividos con intensidad, sueños reales de otros tiempos... Algún día me iré... cuando mi misión esté terminada aquí en la tierra. Sé que no me reen...

CHF 36.50

Knee Dragging Daddy

Ursini, Vincent
Knee Dragging Daddy
This is the true life story of Vince, the Dad, who takes his kids on a motorcycle racing adventure. The kids become a very young "pit crew" for an over-aged racer. Motorcycle racing was something Vince had to do but he wasn't going to leave his family behind to do it. This comedic adventure chronicles the unexpected highs and lows of taking kids to the race track. The story culminates in a win that wasn't and a surprise role reversal. Motorcyc...

CHF 24.50

Die Hungrige Hexe

Ravencraft, Cecille
Die Hungrige Hexe
Es ist beileibe kein Knusperhaus, in das zuerst der Verbrecher Luke und dann das Pärchen Jim und Jessie stolpern, aber es gehört einer Hexe. Schon bald müssen alle drei um ihr Leben kämpfen, denn die Hexe, die ein herrliches Haus in der Nähe der Kannibalenstadt Sharpurbie bewohnt, hat einen gesunden Appetit... Die Verabscheuten von Sharpurbie sind mit ihrer untergeordneten Rolle nicht mehr zufrieden. Rebellion liegt in der Luft... Dieser...

CHF 37.90

Dining While Black

Karefa-Smart, Aisha
Dining While Black
Dining While Black: A Guide To The Art Of Modern Dining is a how to and etiquette guide designed specifically for African Americans. The guide outlines the basics of how to approach the dining world with style and class. It contains a wine guide, a chapter on restaurant ratings, as well as information on understanding the ins and outs of the restaurant world. It also contains a chapter on the art of tipping and helps to explain how to deal wit...

CHF 25.50

All Kinds of Fish

Payne, Tammy
All Kinds of Fish
A bright and colorful book, telling other's the Good News of Jesus is like a big net that goes out and catches people of every kind, rich or poor, sad , mad or happy, shy, bold, or a super star, the big or small, young or old to be a friend of God's. God welcomes and loves them all. based on the parable in Matthew 13:4-7

CHF 19.50

SSIT Reports on the Different Breeds of Werewolf, Separat...

Worthall, Elisha / Bell, Xavier
SSIT Reports on the Different Breeds of Werewolf, Separate Species of Vampire and Human/Animal Shape Shifters
What similarities does an Asian Werewolf share with a European Vampire? Or a North American Werewolf to a Human/Animal Shape Shifter? Why are European Werewolves the most dangerous breed of Werewolf in the world? What do they have in common with a Lokoti Werewolf? Read about the physical appearances, history and methods of reproduction of the subjects in the reports. Discover who are man-eaters and who are not, or who is friend and who is foe.

CHF 17.90

Crystal Healing for the Whole Being, 10 Practical Techniq...

Goff, Adrienne
Crystal Healing for the Whole Being, 10 Practical Techniques for Personal Transformation
Crystals and gemstones can enhance your power to create beautiful realities for yourself. Inside each gemstone exists a world of sacred geometry, pure energy, and high sentience that can harmonize with you to initiate healing, expansion, and a windfall of blessings. If you are someone with an attraction to gems and crystals that has resulted in a growing collection, and you are now wondering what you can do with all of your treasures, then thi...

CHF 71.00

The Modern Yucatan Dictionary - 2012 Edition

Hollmann, Ralf
The Modern Yucatan Dictionary - 2012 Edition
An ongoing work, the Modern Yucatan Dictionary is a no-holds-barred collection of words you will hear in the Yucatan that are not always taught in your regular Spanish class. Complete with pronunciations, slang and Mayan terms, this is the perfect book to take to the Yucatan! The 2012 edition features many new words you will hear in the cities and villages of the Yucatan.

CHF 31.90

Artesanía para la cetrería

Ayago Trigo, Ignacio N
Artesanía para la cetrería
Segunda edición en blanco y negro! Con esta edición pretendo llenar de alguna manera el gran vacío existente con respecto a la artesanía para la cetrería, ya que son muchos los tratados que hablan de la práctica de la cetrería, pero son escasos los que tratan el tema de la artesanía. Este libro va dedicado a todos los nuevos cetreros que quieran adentrarse en el arte de la artesanía cetrera y a los cetreros no tan nuevos que precise...

CHF 28.50

Processing of Seismic Reflection Data Using MATLAB

Al-Shuhail, Abdullatif A. / Mousa, Wail A.
Processing of Seismic Reflection Data Using MATLAB
This short book is for students, professors and professionals interested in signal processing of seismic data using MATLAB¿. The step-by-step demo of the full reflection seismic data processing workflow using a complete real seismic data set places itself as a very useful feature of the book. This is especially true when students are performing their projects, and when professors and researchers are testing their new developed algorithms in MA...

CHF 46.90

Formirowanie informacionnoj kul'tury buduschih menedzherow

Nagornowa, Galina
Formirowanie informacionnoj kul'tury buduschih menedzherow
V dannoj monografii predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq awtora w oblasti formirowaniq informacionnoj kul'tury buduschih menedzherow w wysshih uchebnyh zawedeniqh, w tom chisle teoreticheskoe obosnowanie i wozmozhnosti primeneniq osobennostej informacionnoj kul'tury buduschih menedzherow w processe ih professional'noj podgotowki, metodicheskoe obosnowanii processa formirowaniq informacionnoj kul'tury buduschih menedzherow na osnowe deqtel'nost...

CHF 102.00

Problema politicheskogo liderstwa

Petrowa, Swetlana
Problema politicheskogo liderstwa
Rabota poswqschena probleme politicheskogo liderstwa w kontexte sowremennyh politicheskih processow cherez prizmu wolewogo dejstwiq i psihologicheskih aspektow. Rassmatriwaütsq sowremennye politicheskie processy w Rossijskoj Federacii, institut prezidentstwa, lidery politicheskih partij. Rabota predstawlqet interes dlq studentow, aspirantow, prepodawatelej politicheskih disciplin i dlq wseh interesuüschihsq ukazannoj problematikoj

CHF 64.00

Podlinnost' suschestwowaniq

Neganow, Fanil'
Podlinnost' suschestwowaniq
Est' li predel deqniqm lüdej? Ya imeü w widu - wsö li cheloweku pozwoleno? Ili po drugomu - dolzhen li chelowek sebq ogranichiwat' w swoih dejstwiqh? Vekami chelowek borolsq za swoü swobodu i poluchil eö w wide demokratii, no otkaz sowremennogo zapadnoewropejskogo obschestwa ot politiki mul'tikul'turalizma pokazywaet, chto demokratiq dolzhna stat' bolee zhestkoj i ogranichiwaüschej, chem prezhde. No samoe trudnoe - äto ne ogranichiwat' chelowe...

CHF 88.00

Spektral'nye metody kompressii triangulqcionnyh modelej

Zemcow, Andrej
Spektral'nye metody kompressii triangulqcionnyh modelej
Monografiq «Spektral'nye metody kompressii triangulqcionnyh modelej» A.N. Zemcowa raskrywaet bazowye ponqtiq i metodologiü spektral'nogo predstawleniq triangulqcionnyh modelej, daet osnowy dlq dal'nejshego izucheniq ätoj mnogogrannoj i bystro razwiwaüschejsq oblasti. Po mere sowershenstwowaniq graficheskih sredstw informacionnyh sistem rastut i trebowaniq k urownü detalizacii triangulqcionnyh modelej, chto priwodit k zametnomu rostu ob#emow ob...

CHF 77.00

Filosofskie i äticheskie aspekty sowremennyh problem medi...

Parahonskij, Alexandr
Filosofskie i äticheskie aspekty sowremennyh problem mediciny
Rassmotreny wzaimoswqz' filosofii i chastnyh nauk, mesto mediciny sredi nauk o cheloweke, suschnost' zdorow'q i bolezni, problema poiska konstruktiwnyh principow postroeniq teorii mediciny. Harakterizowany bolezni ciwilizacii i principy ih terapii. Pokazana rol' immunnoj sistemy w norme i pri patologii. Opisany problemy stareniq. Oboznacheny zadachi sowremennogo medicinskogo obrazowaniq, a takzhe äticheskie problemy prakticheskoj mediciny. Ras...

CHF 102.00

Analiticheskie tendencii kak fenomen qzykowoj äwolücii

Bondarewskij, Denis
Analiticheskie tendencii kak fenomen qzykowoj äwolücii
V poslednie gody analiticheskie tendencii w qzyke suschestwenno usililis', i klassicheskie koncepcii analitizma ne w polnoj mere sootwetstwuüt sowremennoj qzykowoj situacii. Interes k analiticheskoj problematike suschestwenno wozros, chto ob#qsnqetsq rqdom faktorow kak sobstwenno qzykowogo, tak i äxtralingwisticheskogo haraktera. S odnoj storony, razrabotke koncepcii progressiruüschej analitizacii sposobstwowal sam qzykowoj material - poqwleni...

CHF 102.00

Tradicionnaq odezhda qkutow HVII-HIH wekow

Petrowa, Swetlana
Tradicionnaq odezhda qkutow HVII-HIH wekow
Tradicionnaq odezhda lübogo naroda qwlqetsq qrkim markerom razwitiq ego ätnicheskoj kul'tury. V tradicionnoj qkutskoj odezhde otrazhaetsq ästetika naroda, oweschestwlqütsq ego duhownye idealy i mirowozzreniq. Monografiq poswqschena analizu simwoliko-semanticheskih i hudozhestwenno-konstruktiwnyh osobennostej narodnoj (tradicionnoj) odezhdy 17-19 ww., w kontexte filosofskogo mirowozzreniq i mirowospriqtiq qkutskogo naroda. Awtor znakowuü sistem...

CHF 102.00

Simwolika krasnogo cweta w "Vecherah na hutore..." N.V.Go...

Trofimchuk, Alexej
Simwolika krasnogo cweta w "Vecherah na hutore..." N.V.Gogolq
N.V. Gogol' - odin iz welichajshih pisatelej russkoj literatury, wliqnie kotorogo opredelqet ee nowejshij harakter i dostigaet nastoqschego wremeni. Izuchenie istoricheskogo znacheniq Gogolq ne zawersheno i do sih por. Russkaq literatura i do nastoqschego wremeni esche ne wyshla iz-pod ego wliqniq, ego deqtel'nost' predstawlqet raznoobraznye storony, kotorye wyqsnqütsq s hodom samoj istorii. Cel'ü nashej raboty qwlqetsq analiz simwolicheskih z...

CHF 64.00

Parazity ryb Yakutii

Odnokurcew, Valerij
Parazity ryb Yakutii
V monografii priwodqtsq dannye mnogoletnih issledowanij parazitow ryb w krupnyh wodoemah Yakutii - Olenök, Lena, Vilüjskoe wodohranilische, Yana, Indigirka, Kolyma. Vidowoj sostaw obnaruzhennyh parazitow i stepen' zarazheniq imi hozqew (ryb). Sostawlen spisok raspredeleniq parazitow po hozqewam, wodoemam. Vyqwlen rqd äkologicheskih faktorow, wliqüschih na formirowanie kolichestwennogo i kachestwennogo sostawa parazitofauny ryb. Proanalizirowan...

CHF 102.00