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714 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Essays on Logic and its Applications in Philosophy

Wole¿ski, Jan
Essays on Logic and its Applications in Philosophy
This is a collection of essays about logic and its applications to various philosophical problems. In general, it is argued that logic constitutes an important device of philosophical analysis. Concerning the nature of logic the author defends the thesis that first-order logic is the logic. Among the philosophical problems to which logic is applied in the essays are: truth, consistency, realism, foundations of semantics, psychologism, undeterm...

CHF 113.00

Frayer la route d'un monde inversé

Goepfert, Nicolas
Frayer la route d'un monde inversé
The Moche culture (100-800 A.D.) developed on the northern Peruvian coast in an area spread over the Piura and Nepeña valleys. The zooarchaeological study of the faunal remains discovered in graves at four main ceremonial sites (Sipán, San José de Moro, El Brujo and Moche) has provided evidence of twelve sacrificed animal species: domestic taxa such as llamas, dogs and guinea pigs, and also wild species such as bats. A comparison of the zooarc...

CHF 238.00

worlds within words

D. j. W.
worlds within words
worlds within words contains five long poems. Imaginative fiction bordering on the darker side of life and death, war and resurrection.

CHF 32.50


d'Agostino, Giorgio Maria
Uno scorcio dell'impresa coloniale italiana viene raccontato nel diario del Tenente Colonnello Salvatore d'Agostino ed in alcune relazioni su fatti d'arme. Nel diario "Dall'alto Dacata all'Uebi Scebeli", una spedizione di ricerca di ribelli partita il 26 luglio e terminata il 20 agosto 1937, si muove nei lontani luoghi persi nell'oblio che copre da sempre l'Africa, incrociando personaggi caratteristici e situazioni che trasformano il viaggio i...

CHF 32.90

Captain Daddy's Cosmic Camper

McMullan, Paul
Captain Daddy's Cosmic Camper
Saving the whales and dolphins, a pride of lions, the rainforest, the world and even the moon, all these things you can do if you believe that Daddy¿s crummy old camper can sometimes go Cosmic. When all is lost and things look bleak the old vee dub goes chug a chug chug, whoosh then vroom and yoüre on the moon.

CHF 28.90

EEC-19 Indian Financial System in English Medium

Panel, Gullybaba. Com
EEC-19 Indian Financial System in English Medium
EEC-19 Indian Financial System CONTENTS COVERED Block- 1 The Basics of Financial System Unit-1 Saving and Investment Process : Role of Financial System Unit-2 Flow of Funds Unit-3 Determinants of Interest Rates Unit-4 Budgetary Policy and Indian Financial System Block- 2 Banking System and Money Market Unit-5 Commercial Banks in India Unit-6 Regulatory Framework for Banks and Non-Banking Finance Companies Unit-7 Money Market in India Block- 3 ...

CHF 29.90

Irwin Goes Trick-or-Treating

Carr, Christie
Irwin Goes Trick-or-Treating
Irwin the kangaroo is excited its almost Halloween. Now he just needs to find that perfect Halloween costume to go Trick-or-Treating. Proceeds go to caring for Irwin! Hoppy Thanks!

CHF 42.50

Secrets of Success in Brand Licensing

Levy, Andrew / Bartkowiak, Judy
Secrets of Success in Brand Licensing
Brand Licensing is the most exciting and inspiring element of the marketing mix, reaching all of us in every product sector from clothing, food, giftware, household, music and publishing to stationery and toys. Brand Licenses can come from a fantastic variety of backgrounds including the arts, design, entertainment, celebrities, online and sport. Whether you are a brand owner looking to license out your brand or a manufacturer thinking of buyi...

CHF 39.90

Rossijskie perspektiwy modernizacii äkonomiki

Kirowa, Irina / Popowa, Tat'qna
Rossijskie perspektiwy modernizacii äkonomiki
Modernizaciq äkonomiki qwlqetsq neobhodimym uslowiem äkonomicheskogo rosta w Rossii. Kakoj ona dolzhna byt'? Kakie celi dolzhny byt' prioritetnymi, a kakie - wtorichnymi? Kakimi sposobami dolzhna osuschestwlqt'sq programma modernizacii? Kakuü rol' w ätom processe dolzhno igrat' gosudarstwo? Awtory daüt swoü wersiü otwetow na äti i drugie woprosy o perspektiwah modernizacii w Rossii. Postanowku celej i razrabotku principow uprawleniq processami...

CHF 64.00

Kar'ernoe stanowlenie social'nogo rabotnika

Musina-Maznowa, Galiq
Kar'ernoe stanowlenie social'nogo rabotnika
Kniga poswqschena obobscheniü teoretiko-metodologicheskih osnow kar'ernogo stanowleniq specialista social'noj sfery. Analiz filosofskoj, sociologicheskoj, pedagogicheskoj, psihologicheskoj literatury pozwolil awtoru utochnit' ponqtiq «kar'era», «kar'ernoe stanowlenie». Awtorom predlozheny ätapy kar'ernogo stanowleniq social'nogo rabotnika, algoritmy samoplanirowaniq kar'ery specialista, raskrywaetsq harakteristika social'nogo rabotnika, imeüsc...

CHF 64.00

Zlokachestwennye gliomy golownogo mozga

Kartashew, A. V. / Vinogradow, V. M. / Kiselewa, L. N.
Zlokachestwennye gliomy golownogo mozga
V monografii obobscheny dannye literatury i rezul'taty sobstwennyh issledowanij awtorow w oblasti nejroonkologii. Predstawleny swedeniq ob äpidemiologii, patogeneze, morfologii, klinicheskih proqwleniqh, diagnostike i lechenii zlokachestwennyh gliom golownogo mozga. Izlozheny principy kombinirowannoj himioimmunoluchewoj terapii. Rassmotreny pokazaniq, metodiki konformnoj i konwencional'noj luchewoj terapii. Kniga prednaznachena dlq shirokogo k...

CHF 102.00

Jewolücionnye wychisleniq

Rodzin, Sergej / Kurejchik, Viktor / Kurejchik, Vladimir
Jewolücionnye wychisleniq
Vychisleniq - äto process. V prirode dejstwuüt äwolücionnye processy. Poätomu estestwenno goworit' ob äwolücionnyh wychisleniqh, inspirirowannyh prirodnymi sistemami. Jewolücionnye wychisleniq, kak process matematicheskih preobrazowanij, pozwolqüt transformirowat' whodnoj potok informacii w wyhodnoj po prawilam, osnowannym na imitacii mehanizmow äwolücionnogo sinteza, a takzhe na statisticheskom podhode k issledowaniü situacij i iteracionnom p...

CHF 102.00

Sistema awtomaticheskogo uprawleniq teplowym processom

Amosow, Oleg S. / Amosowa, Lüdmila N.
Sistema awtomaticheskogo uprawleniq teplowym processom
Dany osnowy sinteza sistemy uprawleniq teplowym processom dlq perspektiwnogo klassa teplogeneriruüschih älektromehanicheskih preobrazowatelej. Pri sinteze ispol'zuetsq princip razdeleniq, w sootwetstwii s kotorym suboptimal'naq sistema uprawleniq stroitsq iz posledowatel'no soedinennyh optimal'nogo nelinejnogo fil'tra dlq ocenki sostoqniq ob'ekta uprawleniq po dostupnomu wektoru izmerenij i determinirowannogo optimal'nogo regulqtora, wyrabatyw...

CHF 77.00

Organizacionnoe sostoqnie ohrany okruzhaüschej sredy w Ro...

Alförow, Viktor
Organizacionnoe sostoqnie ohrany okruzhaüschej sredy w Rossii
Izlozheny prawowye, äkonomicheskie i administratiwnye mery, praktikuemye w Rossii na mestah w oblasti ohrany prirodnoj sredy i dlq obespecheniq racional'nogo prirodopol'zowaniq. Izlozhen prakticheskij opyt prirodoohrannoj deqtel'nosti na urowne regiona, rajona, goroda - na primere raboty prirodoohrannyh organow Vladimirskoj oblasti, eö Muromskogo i drugih rajonow, goroda Muroma i drugih gorodow Vladimirskoj i Nizhegorodskoj oblastej. Izlozheny...

CHF 102.00

Melkotowarnoe proizwodstwo w Respublike Ingushetii

Bulguchew, Murat
Melkotowarnoe proizwodstwo w Respublike Ingushetii
Jeffektiwnost' sub#ekta, zanqtogo proizwodstwom material'nyh blag, qwlqetsq prawil'nyj wybor naprawleniq specializacii i ego razmery na kazhdom ätape razwitiq. Jeto ochen' wazhno w period organizacii predpriqtiq malogo biznesa. Esche slozhnee ätot wopros w agropromyshlennoj sfere, gde ob#ektami deqtel'nosti mogut wystupat' zhiwye organizmy. V celqh wybora naprawlenij specializacii dlq äffektiwnoj deqtel'nosti predpriqtij sistemy melkotowarnogo...

CHF 77.00