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434 Ergebnisse - Zeige 361 von 380.

Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy

Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy
Since the first successful NMR experiments in 1946 it was well appreciated that dynamic processes play an important role in the NMR spectroscopy of bulk matter [1]. Early theories on the dependence of the relaxation parameters Tl and T2 on the motions of nuclear spins were successful in explaining the dipolar broadening of the NMR signal in solids and the motional narrowing in liquids [2]. With the discovery of chemical shifts and spin-spin co...

CHF 188.00

Symmetry Orbits

Verheyen, Hugo F.
Symmetry Orbits
In a broad sense design science is the grammar of a language of images rather than of words. Modem communication techniques enable us to transmit and reconstitute images without needing to know a specific verbal sequence language such as the Morse code or Hungarian. Inter­ national traffic signs use international image symbols which are not An image language differs specific to any particular verbal language. from a verbal one in that the latt...

CHF 134.00

Theorie der Steinschen Räume

Remmert, R. / Grauert, H.
Theorie der Steinschen Räume
1. Der klassische Satz von Mittag-LeIDer, nach dem in jedem Gebiete der GauB­ schen Zahlenebene ce meromorphe Funktionen mit vorgegebenen Hauptteilen konstruiert werden konnen, wurde bereits 1895 von P. Cousin auf den Fall von mehreren komplexen Veranderlichen iibertragen. Allerdings konnten Cousin und nachfolgende Autoren den analogen Satz nur fUr spezielle Gebiete, namlich Zylindergebiete des m-dimensionalen komplexen Zahlenraumes cern, bewe...

CHF 71.00

Krystallsysteme und Krystallstructur

Schoenflies, A.
Krystallsysteme und Krystallstructur
In der Behandlung derjenigen Fragen, welche die Ein­ theilung der Krystalle nach den Symmetrieeigenschaften, sowie die Theorie der Structur betrefl'en, ist man in den letzten Jahrzehnten mehr und mehr von der empirischen zur deduc­ tiven Methode iibergegangen. Wir verdanken diesem Schritt die Erkenntniss, dass sicb die Systematik der Krystalle aus einem einzigen Grundgesetz und die Theorie der Structur aus einer einzigen fundamentalen Hypothes...

CHF 71.00

Mathematische Optimierung

Oettli, W. / Blum, E.
Mathematische Optimierung
ganz nattirlicher Weise auf. Einige ein­ gestreute Beispiele sind theoretischer Natur und sollen die Anwendungsmoglich­ keit der Optimierung auf andere Fachgebiete illustrieren.

CHF 71.00

Völkerrechtliche Verträge im Recht der Europäischen Gemei...

Krück, Hans
Völkerrechtliche Verträge im Recht der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
Die Einheit Europas war ein Traum von wenigen. Sie wurde eine Hoffnung fur viele. Sie ist heute eine Notwendigkeit flir uns alle. Sie ist notwendig flir unsere Sicherheit, flir unsere Freiheit, flir unser Dasein als Nation und als gei­ stig schopferlsche Volkergemeinschaft" 1 . Diese Worte Konrad Adenauers sind noch heute von derselben Bedeutung wie vor zwanzig Jahren. Die europaische Einigung ist zwar in wichtigen Tell­ bereichen fortgeschrlt...

CHF 65.00


Reichel, G. / Ulmer, W. T.
Zum ersten Mal erscheint im Rahmen des Handbuches fUr Innere Medizin ein eigener Band mit dem Titel "Pneumokoniosen". Auch hierin mag sich die zunehmende Bedeutung der Praventiv­ und Arbeitsmedizin in unserem Denken widerspiegeln. 1m deutschsprachigen Schrifttum gab es seit Paracelsus und Agricola immer grundlegende Einzelarbeiten und Monographien iiber die Pneumokoniosen. Es sei nur an den "WORTH-SCHILLER" iiber die Silikose erinnert. Es galt...

CHF 71.00

Respiratory Function in Birds, Adult and Embryonic

Piiper, Johannes
Respiratory Function in Birds, Adult and Embryonic
This volume contains the papers presented at the sympo­ sium on Respiratory Function in Birds, Adult and Erribryonic held in Gottingen, July 28-30, 1977. Some of the manuscripts represent· the papers as delivered, while others are con­ siderably abridged or extended. An essential part of the symposium was discussion at all levels, from formal discussion remarks with slides to dialogs at the lunch table with scribble on paper napkins. However, ...

CHF 71.00

Picosecond Phenomena

Shank, C. V. / Shapiro, S. L. / Ippen, E. P.
Picosecond Phenomena
The first international conference devoted to Picosecond Phenomena was held ~1ay 24-26, 1978 in Hilton Head, South Carolina. After more than a decade of active research, this conference brought together scientists from widely varying disciplines who shared a common interest in studying 'ultrafast processes. It was organized as a Topical Meeting of the Optical Society of America and attracted 187 registered participants. The conference reviewed...

CHF 71.00

Innovación y Creatividad en la Interpretación Pianística

García Calero, María Pilar
Innovación y Creatividad en la Interpretación Pianística
Una innovación educativa no es algo que surja espontáneamente, sino que es el producto de un diseño de cambio preconcebido, configurado de un modo flexible y abierto, adaptado al estudiante como individuo. Así, este método surge de la necesidad de fundir los procesos creadores con los procesos mentales naturales, como contribución a la lógica de la evolución humana. Desde este punto de vista, es importante que la enseñanza musical potencie el ...

CHF 125.00

The Peritoneum

diZerega, Gere S. / Rodgers, Kathleen E.
The Peritoneum
ENTERING ON A CREATIVE AND ENTERPRISING PROJECT, DRS. DIZEREGA and Rodgers have taken an innovative look at the peritoneum. They have provided an interesting, informative, and stimulating text about an organ that is rarely considered independently-usually being thought of only as a part of other organs or organ systems. The peritoneum is an active membrane that serves as both a secretory organ and a structure that modulates diffusion and osmos...

CHF 134.00

Horns, Pronghorns, and Antlers

Bubenik, Anthony B. / Bubenik, George A.
Horns, Pronghorns, and Antlers
Since the first drawings left on walls of ancient caves, human beings have been fascinated with that unique phenomenon of the animal kingdom, the presence of horns and antlers. From the mythical ''unicorn'' exercising the power over life and death to the perceived aphrodisiacal and other medical properties of rhinoceros horns and growing antlers, these conspicuous protuberances have had a significant place in the history of mankind. Part of th...

CHF 178.00

Eating Characteristics and Temperament

Mehrabian, Albert
Eating Characteristics and Temperament
Temperament and Eating Characteristics: General Measures and Interrelationships provides a comprehensive description of the various ways people eat, and how these individual eating styles relate to personality. Dr. Mehrabian introduces a new approach to the study of eating and presents innovative measures of eating and personal temperament. Based on large samples from normal populations, the research calls attention to the complex interrelatio...

CHF 69.00

Complexity Theory Retrospective

Selman, Alan L.
Complexity Theory Retrospective
In 1965 Juris Hartmanis and Richard E. Stearns published a paper "On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms". The field of complexity theory takes its name from this seminal paper and many of the major concepts and issues of complexity theory were introduced by Hartmanis in subsequent work. In honor of the contribution of Juris Hartmanis to the field of complexity theory, a special session of invited talks by Richard E. Stearns, Allan Boro...

CHF 134.00

Advances in Child Neuropsychology

Hooper, Stephen R. / Tramontana, Michael G.
Advances in Child Neuropsychology
In this, the third volume of Advances in Child Neuropsychology, the editors have once again enlisted a broad range of contributors, each of whom has written a chapter that brings us to the current level of knowl­ edge in their respective area. The topics range from the relationship between electrophysiological responses in infants and later language development to advances in neuropsychological constructs. Although we still do not know enough ...

CHF 134.00

Handbook of Depression

Anderson, Ian / Friedman, Edward
Handbook of Depression
The book provides an overview of the whole field of depressive disorders by two recognised experts.Written by well known authors, one European and one from USA this pocket-sized book covers the whole field including a practical guide of use in the clinic.

CHF 69.00


Throughout the centuries, inflammation has been considered as a disease in itself. This misconception arose from the inability to distinguish between inflammatory changes and the insults which induce them. The understanding of the distinction between the genesis of inflammation and the tissue reactions that follow is attributed to JOHN HUNTER, who, at the end of the 18th century, substantially contributed to the analysis of inflammation in obj...

CHF 134.00

Analysis of Discretization Methods for Ordinary Different...

Stetter, Hans J.
Analysis of Discretization Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
Due to the fundamental role of differential equations in science and engineering it has long been a basic task of numerical analysts to generate numerical values of solutions to differential equations. Nearly all approaches to this task involve a "finitization" of the original differential equation problem, usually by a projection into a finite-dimensional space. By far the most popular of these finitization processes consists of a reduction t...

CHF 69.00