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107 Main Street

Davidson, Ross
107 Main Street
Author Ross Davidson's story is based on his precarious life growing up in privation. He shares his daily struggles from indelible memories in the pages of this book. Pass by and visit 107 Main Street, where the author was confined to a world of poverty, but accompanied with hope and other people's kindness and generosity. Nevertheless, the story contains odd twists and turns. This is a strange, highly unusual and complex story of a boy born d...

CHF 27.50

Radioisotope Techniques for Problem-Solving in Industrial...

Charlton, J. S.
Radioisotope Techniques for Problem-Solving in Industrial Process Plants
1 Radioisotopes in industry.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Historical perspective.- 1.3 Current uses of radioisotopes in problem-solving.- 1.4 Growth trends and the future.- References.- 2 The basic physics of radioactivity.- 2.1 Introduction.- 2.2 The structure of the atom.- 2.3 Isotopes.- 2.4 Ionizing radiations.- 2.5 Important concepts in radioactivity.- 2.6 Properties of radiations¿interactions with matter.- Select bibliography.- 3 Radiation det...

CHF 69.00

PPS- und integrierte betriebliche Softwaresysteme

Fandel, Günter / Gubitz, Klaus-Martin / Francois, Peter
PPS- und integrierte betriebliche Softwaresysteme
Dieses Buch befaßt sich mit den Grundlagen, Methoden und neueren Entwicklungen von Produktionsplanungs- und steuerungssystemen (PPS-Systeme) sowie integrierten betrieblichen Softwarelösungen und enthält eine aufwendige PPS-Marktstudie, die 210 Softwaresysteme anhand von über 500 Kriterien eingehend untersucht. Neben den Methoden und Konzepten der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung werden auch Fragen der Rechnersystem-Anforderungen, der Datenver...

CHF 126.00

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Thailand

Wellmer, Hella / Hellen, I. F. / Hellen, J. A.
Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Thailand
On the occasion of a research visit to Thailand in my capacity as a member of the governing board of the South Asia Institute of the University of Heidelberg, I saw for the first time the severe clinical picture of dengue with haemorrhagic symptoms among Thai children. This visit had been made possible by Profes­ sor Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Ouay Ketusinh of Bangkok, to whom I wish to express my sincere thanks in this place. In 1972 the German m...

CHF 134.00

Perfecting Social Skills

Frederiksen, Lee W. / Eisler, Richard M.
Perfecting Social Skills
That man is a social being is almost axiomatic. Our interpersonal relation­ ships can be sources of the most rewarding or the most painful of human experiences. To a large measure our accomplishments in life depend on the facility with which we interact with others-our social skill. The acquisition of social skills is, of course, a natural part of the overall socialization process. However, in many instances it becomes necessary or desirable t...

CHF 69.00

The Phenomenology of Man and of the Human Condition

Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa
The Phenomenology of Man and of the Human Condition
Tractatus Brevis.- First Principles of the Metaphysics of Life Charting the Human Condition: Man¿s Creative Act and the Origin of Rationalities.- I The Network and Tentacles of Individual Existence.- Man as the Junction of Yin-Yang Relationships and Cosmic Heart: A Phenomeno- logical Interpretation of Some Chinese Ancient Texts about Human Nature.- Mastery in Eternal Recurrence.- The Development of the Sciences in Relation to Human Life: Exist...

CHF 236.00

The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions

Marsden, R. G.
The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions
The 19th ESLAB Symposium on 'The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions' was held in Les Diablerets (Switzerland) on 4-6 June 1985. Organised almost exactly ten years after the Goddard Space Fl i ght Center Sympos i um dea 1 i ng with the Sun and the i nterp 1 anetary medium in three dimensions, the aim of this Symposium was not only to review the progress made in understanding the three-dimensional structure and dynamics of the heliosphe...

CHF 236.00

Intrinsic Motivation

Deci, Edward L.
Intrinsic Motivation
As I begin to write this Preface, I feel a rush of excitement. I have now finished the book, my gestalt is coming into completion. Throughout the months that I have been writing this, I have, indeed, been intrinsically motivated. Now that it is finished I feel quite competent and self-determining (see Chapter 2). Whether or not those who read the book will perceive me that way is also a concern of mine (an extrinsic one), but it is a wholly se...

CHF 178.00

The Acquisition of Symbolic Skills

Sloboda, John A. / Rogers, Don
The Acquisition of Symbolic Skills
This book is a selection of papers from a conference which took place at the University of Keele in July 1982. The conference was an extraordinarily enjoyable one, and we would like to take this opportunity of thanking all participants for helping to make it so. The conference was intended to allow scholars working on different aspects of symbolic behaviour to compare findings, to look for common ground, and to identify differences between the...

CHF 69.00

Problems and Methods of Optimal Structural Design

Banichuk, Nikolai Vladimirovich
Problems and Methods of Optimal Structural Design
The author offers a systematic and careful development of many aspects of structural optimization, particularly for beams and plates. Some of the results are new and some have appeared only in specialized Soviet journals, or as pro­ ceedings of conferences, and are not easily accessible to Western engineers and mathematicians. Some aspects of the theory presented here, such as optimiza­ tion of anisotropic properties of elastic structural elem...

CHF 69.00

Microvascular Anastomoses for Cerebral Ischemia

Reichman, O. H. / Fein, J. M.
Microvascular Anastomoses for Cerebral Ischemia
We have witnessed a remarkable development during the past 10 years in the development of extra-intracranial anastomosis to revascularize the brain. Initially, the intention was to create ameans of performing embolectomy in small corticaI arteries after cardiac surgery. Gradually a plan was conceived to form an extra-intracranial bypass(10) to treat inaccessible lesions of the carotid and vertebral arteries as weIl as tumors and giant aneurysm...

CHF 69.00

Molecular Components of Hepatitis B Virus

Feitelson, M.
Molecular Components of Hepatitis B Virus
Since the discovery of Australia antigen and its association with type B hepatitis, molecular characterization of the components making up hepatitis B virus (RBV) have been pursued with worldwide interest. Over the past two decades, such characterization has led to the development of sensitive assays to screen and exclude contaminated units from blood banks and has recently resulted in the licensing of several RBV vaccines. That more than 200 ...

CHF 188.00

Crystal Growth in Science and Technology

Hulliger, J. / Arend, H.
Crystal Growth in Science and Technology
Science and art of crystal growth represent an interdisciplinary activity based on fundamental principles of physics, chemistry and crystallography. Crystal growth has contributed over the years essentially to a widening of knowledge in its basic disciplines and has penetrated practically into all fields of experimental natural sciences. It has acted, more over, in a steadily increasing manner as a link between science and technology as can be...

CHF 69.00

Parallel Execution of Logic Programs

Conery, John S.
Parallel Execution of Logic Programs
This book is an updated version of my Ph.D. dissertation, The AND/OR Process Model for Parallel Interpretation of Logic Programs. The three years since that paper was finished (or so I thought then) have seen quite a bit of work in the area of parallel execution models and programming languages for logic programs. A quick glance at the bibliography here shows roughly 50 papers on these topics, 40 of which were published after 1983. The main di...

CHF 69.00