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392 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Deadly Accusations

Kong, Debra Purdy
Deadly Accusations
A coworker's murdered. Secrets and accusations unfold at Mainland Public Transport, and transit security cop Casey Holland's trapped in the middle. Still reeling from life-changing events on the home front, she's pressured by MPT's president to investigate colleagues. Shunned and threatened by coworkers, Casey now faces the possibility that one of them will destroy anyone to keep from getting caught. -- "The novel's short, punchy chapters whis...

CHF 25.50

SIEBEN x SIEBEN ergibt feinen Sand

Held, Nina / Müthing, Marlies / Sander, Kasia
SIEBEN x SIEBEN ergibt feinen Sand
Zur pädagogischen Arbeit mit Kindern unter drei Jahren gehört heute die Bildungsdokumentation. Beobachtung und Dokumentation sind Teil des pädagogischen Alltags. Entwicklungsstand, Entwicklungsfortschritte sowie die Art der Aneignung von Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten werden in der Dokumentation festgehalten. Das Spiel der Kinder im Alltag, dieser selbstverständliche Zugang zur Welt, eignet sich am besten, um Entwicklungsprozesse der Kleinsten d...

CHF 28.90

To read a lily

Walt, Nicolette Van Der
To read a lily
If the flower had a voice it would sing with Nicolette's poetic translations from the soul. There is no other poet who writes with such eloquence and transparency from the heart of a falling petal or the weeping of a crushed hope. She captures the biography of a flower so delightfully that it is hard not to melt in the sun or sigh like a swollen moon each time a flower closes or opens. You will find solace beneath the surface of Nicolette's...

CHF 26.90

cauldron's brew vol 2

D. j. W.
cauldron's brew vol 2
A turbulent life brings storms to a story, as it is with D.j.W. Across south eastern australia, Victoria and New South Wales, the author wanders with no direction than that awakened into imagination. A state of mind as uneven as the brew in this cauldron, this collection of unmitigated madness and logical senselessness. Travel the thoughts of a troubled life and examine a surreal existence, touched not upon you, or awakened for you. Not touche...

CHF 21.50

La espada de las hadas

Oumer De Mora, Adel
La espada de las hadas
La espada de las hadas es una historia fantástica ambientada en un mundo dominado por la maldad, que es guiada desde Hel por Sariafin, Señor de los demonios. Mientras los elfos pasan desapercibidos, los hombres mantienen luchas continuas por el poder y la riqueza, los enanos guerrean por oro y diversión, los orcos arrasan bosques y valles... Sólo el mago Gelegart mantiene viva la esperanza de que algún día las razas podrán ser unidas de ...

CHF 38.50

mystic beasts

D. j. W.
mystic beasts
mystic beasts and fairykind is short poetry encompassing things gone from days of yore. Dragons, unicorns, pegasi and of course, fairies come to life within these covers, within D.j.W.'s Mystic Beasts and Fairykind

CHF 16.90

The Coming Global Fascist State

Wettergreen, Robert M.
The Coming Global Fascist State
The Greatest Battle of all time lies ahead, the climax and culmination of the long hard struggle between right and wrong, good and evil. The forces of evil are putting in place something that will succeed in destroying us if we do not awaken from our present comatose state. The wicked one has tried and failed down throughout history and in two World Wars to destroy the ones God calls his people, but if we continue along our present path in...

CHF 30.90

One Eighteen

Ross, Will / Wiig, Christopher / Sailors, Aaron
One Eighteen
It's 2008 in America, and the world has gone very, very wrong. Radio and televison signals drive men to madness, the dead hunt the living, and the ties that hold mankind together have severed. Isolated, the town of Greenly, South Dakota has walled itself off from the horrors of the wider world. Safe behind their makeshift wall teenage lawmen prowl the streets and men and women struggle to survive in a town where electronics are banned. I...

CHF 24.90

The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 65 and 77 SLT Cameras ...

Friedman, Gary
The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 65 and 77 SLT Cameras B&W Edition Volume I
Love your new 24 megapixel wonder, but having a hard time understanding all that it does? Then this book is for you. Written for the advanced user (with tutorials and easy explanations in case you're not so advanced), this easy-to-understand yet thorough guide provides a complete instruction manual which explains each feature in plain English and provides hundreds of visual examples as well. There is no better way to learn about and get the mo...

CHF 48.90

The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 65 and 77 SLT Cameras ...

Friedman, Gary
The Complete Guide to Sony's Alpha 65 and 77 SLT Cameras B&W Edition Volume II
Love your new 24 megapixel wonder, but having a hard time understanding all that it does? Then this book is for you. Written for the advanced user (with tutorials and easy explanations in case you're not so advanced), this easy-to-understand yet thorough guide provides a complete instruction manual which explains each feature in plain English and provides hundreds of visual examples as well. There is no better way to learn about and get the mo...

CHF 48.50

Uprawlenie kachestwom obrazowaniq w wuze

Chmyh, Inna
Uprawlenie kachestwom obrazowaniq w wuze
Sowremennyj period razwitiq Rossii chetko oboznachil neobhodimost' obnowleniq osnownyh prioritetow w oblasti obrazowaniq w sootwetstwii s mirowymi tendenciqmi. Rabota poswqschena probleme uprawleniq kachestwom obrazowaniq w gosudarstwennom obrazowatel'nom uchrezhdenii wysshego professional'nogo obrazowaniq kak odnoj iz central'nyh w sowremennoj obrazowatel'noj politike i nauke. Ona swqzana s poiskom adekwatnyh sredstw powysheniq kachestwa obra...

CHF 77.00

Gendernaq äkonomika kak sistema wlasti

Bazuewa, Elena
Gendernaq äkonomika kak sistema wlasti
Monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü fenomena gendernoj wlasti i institucional'nyh faktorow, obespechiwaüschih ee permanentnoe wosproizwodstwo w processe istoricheskogo razwitiq obschestwa. Ustanowleno, chto w uslowiqh sowremennoj äkonomiki gendernaq wlast' rassredotochena mezhdu neskol'kimi sub#ektami: muzhchinami, social'nym okruzheniem, organizaciqmi i gosudarstwom, kazhdyj iz kotoryh mozhet formirowat' sobstwennuü dispoziciü wlasti. Obosnow...

CHF 102.00

Razgranichenie obschego imuschestwa sobstwennikow i imusc...

Lomako, Nadezhda
Razgranichenie obschego imuschestwa sobstwennikow i imuschestwa TSZh
Uprawlenie mnogokwartirnym domom towarischestwom sobstwennikow zhil'q (TSZh) qwlqetsq odnim iz sposobow uprawleniq takim domom, predusmotrennyj dejstwuüschim zakonodatel'stwom Rossijskoj Federacii. Towarischestwo sobstwennikow zhil'q - nekommercheskaq organizaciq, ob#edinenie sobstwennikow pomeschenij w mnogokwartirnom dome dlq sowmestnogo uprawleniq obschim imuschestwom w mnogokwartirnom dome. Na praktike woznikaüt prawowye problemy s razgran...

CHF 64.00

Lechenie detej s ploskowal'gusnoj deformaciej stop

Lola, Valerij
Lechenie detej s ploskowal'gusnoj deformaciej stop
V sowremennom mire wse bol'she stanowit'sq detej stradaüschih ploskowal'gusnoj deformaciej stop. Po dannym VOZ (2010), wrozhdennye deformacii stop wstrechaütsq u 21% ortopedicheskih bol'nyh, wrozhdennoe wertikal'noe polozhenie tarannoj kosti II-III stepeni dohodit do 40-50% ot obschego chisla wsej wrozhdennoj patologii stopy. Vopros klassifikacii ploskostopiq, uchitywaüschej wozrast pacienta i ätiologiü zabolewaniq stoit ostro i sejchas. Ne me...

CHF 77.00

Vzaimodejstwie plazmy s femtosekundnymi lazernymi impul'sam

Sofronow, Alexej / Krajnow, Vladimir
Vzaimodejstwie plazmy s femtosekundnymi lazernymi impul'sam
Kniga poswqschena otnositel'no nowoj teme - wzaimodejstwiü femtosekundnyh lazernyh impul'sow s plazmoj. Obsuzhdaütsq wysokoänergeticheskie spektry älektronow pri tunnel'noj i nadbar'ernoj ionizacii pod wozdejstwiem swerhsil'nogo lazernogo polq. Opisywaetsq nowyj mehanizm fotorekombinacii i generacii zhestkogo rentgenowskogo izlucheniq pri obluchenii plazmy femtosekundnymi lazernymi impul'sami. Issleduütsq urawneniq drejfowogo dwizheniq swobodn...

CHF 64.00

Obrazowanie i propaganda na Rossijskom Dal'nem Vostoke

Fedirko, Oxana
Obrazowanie i propaganda na Rossijskom Dal'nem Vostoke
V monografii predprinimaetsq popytka analiza mesta i roli obrazowaniq i propagandy w antireligioznoj bor'be na rossijskom Dal'nem Vostoke w period Grazhdanskoj wojny i stanowleniq sowetskoj wlasti. V issledowanii oceniwaetsq religioznaq situaciq w regione, harakterizuütsq metody i äffektiwnost' propagandy osuschestwlqemoj religioznymi organizaciqmi, rassmatriwaütsq problemy sekulqrizacii obrazowaniq i proswescheniq, wydelqütsq osobennosti deqt...

CHF 102.00

Federal'no-regional'naq sistema kontrolq i nadzora w sfer...

Ladnushkina, Nina
Federal'no-regional'naq sistema kontrolq i nadzora w sfere obrazowaniq
Federal'nym zakonom ¿258-FZ «O wnesenii izmenenij i dopolnenij w otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii w swqzi s sowershenstwowaniem razgranicheniq polnomochij» wneseny suschestwennye izmeneniq w Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii «Ob obrazowanii» w chasti razgranicheniq kompetencii po realizacii upolnomochennymi organami ispolnitel'noj wlasti Rossijskoj Federacii i sub#ektow Rossijskoj Federacii polnomochij po kontrolü i nadzoru w sfere...

CHF 88.00

Dwumernaq plastichnost'

Gomonowa, Ol'ga / Senashow, Sergej
Dwumernaq plastichnost'
Rabota poswqschena postroeniü nowyh tochnyh reshenij urawnenij ideal'noj plastichnosti w dwumernom sluchae s pomosch'ü simmetrij. V knige soderzhatsq obschie swedeniq iz gruppowogo analiza differencial'nyh urawnenij, kotorye mogut byt' polezny pri izuchenii differencial'nyh urawnenij w chastnyh proizwodnyh perwogo porqdka. V rabote najdeny tochechnye i wysshie simmetrii, dopuskaemye urawneniqmi dwumernoj plastichnosti. Jeti simmetrii ispol'zuü...

CHF 77.00