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791 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Bye Bye Lao Wai

Rolfes, Joseph
Bye Bye Lao Wai
This graphic novel follows the shortcomings of foreign teachers and outsiders (lao wai) attempting to live and work in mainland China. An English teacher overstays his visa, yet sticks to the mainland in stubborn pursuit of a young, helpful student. ...A recent graduate arrives in Cathay with delusions of easy wealth, yet faces the reality of a Chinese "instant" upper class. ...A father taking his family on vacation sets up an adventu...

CHF 29.90


Deniz, Octavio
Gracias a este libro aprenderás a regresar a los recuerdos de tus vidas anteriores de un modo plenamente consciente a través de un método simple, seguro y efectivo, denominado "meditación guiada". Con los ejercicios que se presentan en la obra, cualquier persona puede aprender a relajar su cuerpo y su mente. A partir de aquí, se explica cómo crear imágenes mentales de gran claridad y viveza, así como una memoria más detallada. Este libro pr...

CHF 29.90

Encounters with Strangers

Corbell, Julian
Encounters with Strangers
It's a lively account of a young man's life. From a student at Keele University to a teacher at Hanley High School, from a single man to a married one, early parenthood, teaching in a Comprehensive School in Leicestershire, these are all difficult changes to make. To succeed you need some luck, and help from others. The author offers two views of the same life: the memories as he recalls them, and the view from a therapist's office twenty year...

CHF 27.90

Take Me Home

Franks, Krista
Take Me Home
John, a foreign (English) orphan, seems to be at war with himself when he takes part in foster care. His mother, Brenda Middleton, is a complete nut, and is uncaring. Once they leave Somerset, and head to New York City for a getaway, the tragic events of 9-11 occur. Now, Brenda is being accused of child abuse toward John, who suddenly finds her to be more caring than she seems. John's biological parents get in the picture, and want to take J...

CHF 25.90


Perrone, Vincenzo
Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di mostrare come possono essere condotti i calcoli, di verifica e di progetto, delle armature a taglio, nelle travi in c.a. e in base alle vigenti NTC2008 (D.M. 14 gennaio 2008, pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale ¿ 29 del 4 febbraio 2008 - Suppl. Ordinario ¿ 30). Si è giudicato, però, opportuno partire da lontano per richiamare il "vecchio" per giungere al "nuovo", ricordando elementi essenziali della Scienza d...

CHF 36.90

Warrior Wisdom

Higo, Tony
Warrior Wisdom
Tony Higo reveals the 25 elemental laws that govern success in combat and life. Discover the laws that all success is based on and how you can use them to take control of you own life.

CHF 33.90

Metody i modeli uprawleniq wozdushnymi sudami, zahodqschi...

Yakowlew, Alexej / Petrenko, Sergej / Yakowlew, Andrej
Metody i modeli uprawleniq wozdushnymi sudami, zahodqschimi na posadku
Sowremennye uslowiq rukowodstwa poletami i osobennosti professional'noj deqtel'nosti specialistow gruppy rukowodstwa poletami harakterizuütsq tem, chto pri proizwodstwe poletow rukowodstwo osuschestwlqetsq w uslowiqh srednej i wysokoj intensiwnosti wozdushnogo dwizheniq. Powyshenie kachestwa uprawleniq wozdushnym dwizheniem ozhidaetsq w rezul'tate formirowaniq edinogo informacionnogo prostranstwa dlq wseh uchastnikow ätogo processa: ot äkipazh...

CHF 64.00

Chernogorskoe ätnicheskoe samosoznanie

Smirnow, Sergej
Chernogorskoe ätnicheskoe samosoznanie
Balkanskij poluostrow - «porohowoj pogreb Ewropy», mesto, gde na protqzhenii stoletij perekreschiwalis' politicheskie i kul'turnye wliqniq, nacional'no-oswoboditel'naq bor'ba narodow i äxpansionistskie ustremleniq welikih derzhaw. Vse äto sozdawalo nepowtorimyj kolorit, w kotorom rodilsq, ros i w upornoj bor'be otstaiwal swoe prawo na suschestwowanie narod prawoslawnyh gorcew - chernogorskij narod. V centre wnimaniq awtora - istoriq Chernogori...

CHF 77.00

Sociologiq nauchnoj organizacii truda i uprawleniq w Sowe...

Brazewich, Dmitrij
Sociologiq nauchnoj organizacii truda i uprawleniq w Sowetskoj Rossii
V knige predstawlen istoriko-sociologicheskij analiz processa institucionalizacii, funkcionirowaniq i osnownyh tendencij razwitiq uprawleniq w Rossii w 1920-e gody. Pri neizmennom interese otechestwennyh awtorow k zarubezhnomu i, prezhde wsego, amerikanskomu opytu, oni sumeli perejti ot kritiki inostrannyh koncepcij k sozdaniü sobstwennyh plodotwornyh podhodow k izucheniü uprawleniq. Uzhe w nachale 1920-h godow bol'shinstwom uchenyh chetko oso...

CHF 88.00

Prognozirowanie techeniq alkogol'noj bolezni pecheni

Sernow, Semen / Lifshic, Vladimir
Prognozirowanie techeniq alkogol'noj bolezni pecheni
Zdes' predlozhen komplex znachimyh biohimicheskih markerow, pozwolqüschij optimizirowat' skriningowuü diagnostiku i taktiku wedeniq pacientow s alkogol'noj bolezn'ü pecheni.Opredeleny korrelqcionnye swqzi mezhdu kliniko-anamnesticheskimi, sonograficheskimi i biohimicheskimi pokazatelqmi pri alkogol'noj bolezni pecheni, otrazhaüschie osnownye patogeneticheskie zakonomernosti razwitiq zabolewaniq.Razrabotany prognosticheskie modeli wozniknoweniq...

CHF 77.00

Cancer's Cause, Cancer's Cure

Walker, Morton
Cancer's Cause, Cancer's Cure
The Environment Can Cause-and Cure-Cancer! Out of the labs of the prestigious Pasteur Institute came decades of research that unlocked the mystery of cancer at the DNA level. But we're only just now finding out about it- *Who kept these amazing discoveries from the public...and why? *How can you prevent this most dreaded of diseases that's both scientific and natural? *Is there a simple way to understand the science behind cancer and its cure?...

CHF 50.50

Psihologicheskaq podderzhka studentow w preodolenii frust...

Jerbegeewa, Alina
Psihologicheskaq podderzhka studentow w preodolenii frustracii
V processe obucheniq w wuze studenty wstrechaütsq s razlichnogo roda trudnostqmi, woznikaüschimi na puti k dostizheniü postawlennoj uchebnoj celi. V ätoj swqzi prinqto goworit' o frustratorah (prepqtstwiqh, bar'erah), priwodqschih k frustracii - ämocional'nomu sostoqniü, woznikaüschemu wsledstwie neudachi ili neudowletworeniq kakoj-libo znachimoj potrebnosti, negatiwno wliqüschemu na kachestwo zhizni i uspeshnost' deqtel'nosti. Takim obrazom, ...

CHF 77.00

Razwitie i formirowanie prostranstwennogo myshleniq w nac...

Istomina, Irina
Razwitie i formirowanie prostranstwennogo myshleniq w nachal'noj shkole
dannoe issledowanie naprawlenno na wyqwlenie osobennostej razwitiq prostranstwennogo myshleniq u mladshih shkol'nikow i wliqniq sistem obucheniq na osobennosti operirowaniq prostranstwennymi obrazami. V rabote opisany metodiki oceniwaniq sformirowannosti prostranstwennogo myshleniq u mladshih shkol'nikow, obuchaüschihsq po tradicionnoj i razwiwaüschej (D.B. Jel'konina - V.V. Dawydowa) sistemam obucheniq. Vyqwleny osobennosti razwitiq prostrans...

CHF 77.00

Informatizaciq municipal'nyh sistem obrazowaniq

Kowalew, Ewgenij
Informatizaciq municipal'nyh sistem obrazowaniq
V dannoj knige rassmatriwaütsq osnownye tehnologicheskie resheniq w oblasti informatizacii municipal'nyh sistem obrazowaniq i metodicheskie podhody k ee sowershenstwowaniü. Awtorom dan analiz zadach, reshaemyh sistemoj obrazowaniq municipalitetow w nastoqschee wremq w uslowiqh postroeniq informacionnogo obschestwa w Rossijskoj Federacii, sformulirowany osnownye kompetencii, trebuemye dlq ustraneniq informacionnogo nerawenstwa i razwitiq komp'ü...

CHF 88.00