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675 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Stop Emotioneel Eten

Vantuykom, Natascha
Stop Emotioneel Eten
Stop emotioneel eten gaat over de eindeloze strijd van emoties die ons ertoe aanzetten om te eten wanneer we geen honger hebben. Stap in de wereld van de niet zo voor de hand liggende oplossingen, en ontdek hoe ook jij verlost kunt worden van emotioneel eten.

CHF 14.50

Violet Sky

Bradley, W.
Violet Sky
Death is only the beginning in this fast-paced, science fantasy novella. Caught in the fray of treachery and deceit, Dia Thorpe must unravel the mysteries of her past before her past unintentionally stabs her in the back. She is hurled into a peril fraught journey of incredible discoveries and evil twists. An interplanetary journey to learn who she is, all the while escaping the wrath of a God, a logic-bound being, driven by the will to end...

CHF 22.90

Tram Zeven naar het Bewustzijnsplein

Lissack, Peter
Tram Zeven naar het Bewustzijnsplein
Tram Zeven naar het Bewustzijnsplein: utopie of dystopie? Een schijnbaar perfecte samenleving in een onbepaalde tijdszetting vertoont de limieten van haar volmaaktheid wanneer individuen daar vragen over beginnen te stellen. Zo ook Jacob Pinman, een jongeman van 16 jaar die op zoek gaat naar de achterliggende waarheden. Elke perfectie heeft impliciet een imperfectie: een ander individu, Jo Klaarhout, leeft aan de rand van diezelfde volmaak...

CHF 32.90

The Tale of the Saejenjou - Book 1 The Great Desert

Dodd, Jr Robert
The Tale of the Saejenjou - Book 1 The Great Desert
For thousands of years while the rest of mankind slept in barbarism and ignorance, they refined the arts of civilization. They are the Sarithans, the most advanced and cultured race in the world. When barbarous stone-age tribes washed up on their shores, the Sarithans taught them how to read and write, taught them their calendar and the days of the year, and taught them mathematics and agriculture. These barbarians repaid them with war. Now...

CHF 50.90

System of Secrets

Smith, M. B.
System of Secrets
System of Secrets is a scifi adventure about two planets, Kealt and Ardala, in a centuries old conflict over the resource rich, but inhospitable Seti. When the high prince of Kealt insults the high princess of Ardala just as all three planets are about to be engulfed in a vicious intergalactic war, the future looks bleak. However, when circumstances later strand the antagonistic royals on Seti, they meet a legendary creature who reveals the re...

CHF 35.90


Glyn, Pamela
The action takes plays on a Paper Mill in some out-post of the universe. This is a Melodrama in one act, complete with all the requirements: a pure and innocent heroine, a dastardly villain, a pathetic hero and a glamorous villainess. Unbeknown to the heroine, Verity Lovegood, she inherits a fortune. The villain, Horace Hucklebank, is an unscrupulous tracing agent who plans to marry her to inherit her millions. However the maiden spurns his ...

CHF 20.50

I racconti delle fate

Collodi, Carlo
I racconti delle fate
Aonia edizioni. Nel 1875 Collodi cominciò a tradurre dal francese le fiabe di Charles Perrault, il maestro di fiabe indimenticabili quali: Cappuccetto Rosso, La Bella addormentata nel bosco, Cenerentola, Barba-blu, Il Gatto con gli stivali, tanto per citarne qualcuna. A queste fiabe Collodi ne aggiunse altre delle maggiori favoleggiatrici francesi del XVII-XVIII secolo: Madame d'Aulnoy e Madame Le Prince de Beaumont. Egli però non si limitò a ...

CHF 40.50

I racconti di Mamma Oca

Perrault, Charles
I racconti di Mamma Oca
In questo volume sono raccolte tra le più belle fiabe composte da scrittori francesi del Seicento e del Settecento. La letteratura dell'ultimo periodo del regno di Luigi XIV è stata caratterizzata "dal mondo delle fate". A tal punto che molti scrittori, decisero di recuperare le favole più suggestive della tradizione popolare e di rielaborarle. E' anche grazie a questa raccolta che personalità appartenenti a filoni artistici diversi tra loro, ...

CHF 31.50


Chiarle, Duilio
Una storia italiana. Il protagonista è un modesto dipendente comunale di un piccolo comune. Ma è intorno alla figura centrale di un vecchio professore con ambizioni di filosofo che ruotano tutte le altre figure del romanzo: il medico, l'impresario edile, il Parroco, il Sindaco. Il vecchio professore deve essere sfrattato e la sua casa espropriata per costruire una inutile strada panoramica. Il personaggio del romanzo pagherà di persona la sua ...

CHF 21.50

casa López Gambín

Montoya López, Juan
casa López Gambín
En este libro se habla de los antepasados y descendientes de los hijos de Juan López Gambín y María Martínez Aguilar. Con el deseo de mostrar, de una forma sencilla, la historia de la España que se vivía en uno de los pequeños pueblos del Sur-Este español, bajo la visión y supervisión de tres de sus hijos: Carmen, Milagros y Antonio López Martínez. Aún en vida y teniendo como protagonistas a sus padres, la casa y el pueblo donde viven y nac...

CHF 17.50

Rol' gumanitarnoj kul'tury w processe socializacii lichnosti

Kucenko, Nadezhda
Rol' gumanitarnoj kul'tury w processe socializacii lichnosti
V nastoqschej rabote rassmatriwaütsq osnownye znacheniq termina «kul'tura», imeüschie mesto w sowremennom russkom qzyke. Prowoditsq ätimologicheskij analiz ukazannogo ponqtiq, pozwolqüschij goworit' o tom, chto kul'tura wsegda sootnositsq s chelowekom, qwlqetsq produktom ego truda i w to zhe wremq - faktorom razwitiq lichnosti, realizuq swoü wazhnejshuü chelowekotworcheskuü funkciü. Takzhe opredeleny naprawleniq, pozwolqüschie w sowremennyh us...

CHF 77.00

No Peace for the Wicked

Hallowes, Guy
No Peace for the Wicked
The third book in the 'Winds of Change' trilogy features Kamau, the Nusu-Nusu (Half/Half) son of Peter and Rafiki. The novel takes us through Kamau's first uncertain steps at a now non-racial primary school in Nairobi. It gives a detailed description of his initiation into adulthood as a Kikuyu tribesman and how he unwittingly exploits that. He follows his half-brother and attends Oxford University and is selected for the England rugby side. ...

CHF 24.90

Socializaciq osirotewshih detej w uslowiqh detskogo doma

Gulina, Liana
Socializaciq osirotewshih detej w uslowiqh detskogo doma
Detskij dom qwlqetsq osnownym institutom socializacii osirotewshih detej. Monografiq poswqschena aktual'noj probleme izucheniq detskogo doma kak instituta socializacii osirotewshih detej. V rabote raskryty suschnost' i struktura detskogo doma kak instituta socializacii, a takzhe na osnowe awtorskih sociologicheskih issledowanij predstawleny klüchewye tendencii razwitiq detskogo doma kak social'nogo instituta w regione. Kniga adresowana seciali...

CHF 64.00

Metody zaschity cifrowoj wideoinformacii w komp'üternyh s...

Shherba, Ewgenij Viktorowich
Metody zaschity cifrowoj wideoinformacii w komp'üternyh setqh
Aktual'nost' raboty obuslowlena postoqnno rastuschim wnimaniem k problemam zaschity peredawaemoj informacii. Na segodnqshnij den' predlozheno dostatochnoe kolichestwo äffektiwnyh metodow zaschity informacii pri eö peredache, ne wse iz kotoryh mogut uspeshno primenqt'sq dlq zaschity wideoinformacii. V predstawlennoj rabote awtor stawit i reshaet zadachu razrabotki i issledowaniq metodow zaschity konfidencial'nosti i obespecheniq dostupnosti cif...

CHF 64.00

Mul'tiplikatiwnyj integral i predstawleniq grupp i algebr Li

Kozlow, Vladimir / Palandzhqnc, Lewon
Mul'tiplikatiwnyj integral i predstawleniq grupp i algebr Li
Ideq mul'tiplikatiwnogo integrala nosit uniwersal'nyj harakter, pozwolqet reshat' nowye i uzhe izwestnye zadachi bolee «äkonomnymi» metodami. Monografiq poswqschena teorii mul'tiplikatiwnogo integrirowaniq matrichnyh funkcij. V knige predlozheny algebraicheskie i geometricheskie metody integrirowaniq polinomial'nyh matrichnyh funkcij i rassmotreny razlichnye naprawleniq razwitiq metodow wychisleniq mul'tiplikatiwnogo integrala ot polinomial'ny...

CHF 64.00

Rechewoj zhanr neformal'nogo interw'ü

Shishkina, Tat'qna
Rechewoj zhanr neformal'nogo interw'ü
Nablüdeniq swidetel'stwuüt o tom, chto na urowne anglijskogo dialogicheskogo obscheniq w rechewom zhanre neformal'nogo interw'ü obnaruzhiwaetsq stabil'naq tendenciq upotrebleniq konstatiwnogo rechewogo akta w funkcii stimuliruüschej repliki interw'üera. Iniciiruüschie repliki dannoj illokucii obladaüt znachitel'noj wariatiwnost'ü w plane peredachi ämocional'nogo sostoqniq interw'üera s tochki zreniq predstawleniq w nih raznyh tipow wospriqtiq ...

CHF 88.00

Tworcheskie sposobnosti professionala

Kuzub, M. / Kompaniec, V. / Kibal'chenko, I.
Tworcheskie sposobnosti professionala
Sowremennoe obschestwo pred#qwlqet powyshennye trebowaniq k intellektual'nomu, tworcheskomu urownü i obrazowannosti cheloweka. Odarennye, tworcheskie lüdi, kak prawilo, wostrebowany i nezamenimy w professional'noj sfere, imenno oni rozhdaüt kreatiwnye, innowacionnye idei, metody i tehnologii, sposobstwuüt progressu nauki, kul'tury i obschestwa w celom. Tworcheskij potencial zalozhen u kazhdogo cheloweka, odnako daleko ne wse my obladaem wyrazh...

CHF 88.00

Teoreticheskie problemy struktury filosofskogo znaniq

Kuznecow, Dmitrij
Teoreticheskie problemy struktury filosofskogo znaniq
V monografii predstawleno celostnoe opisanie struktury filosofskogo znaniq, otrazhaüschee naibolee wazhnye ego aspekty: älementy, sistemy, weduschie filosofskie naprawleniq. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno otdel'nym sowremennym filosofskim naprawleniqm, kotorye, po mysli awtora, nahodqtsq wo wzaimnoj swqzi i obuslowlennosti mezhdu soboj. Kniga prednaznachena dlq aspirantow i studentow wuzow gumanitarnyh special'nostej, a takzhe wseh kto interesuetsq p...

CHF 77.00

Magnitotelluricheskie issledowaniq Tatarstana

Nugmanowa, Ekaterina / Karimow, Kamil'
Magnitotelluricheskie issledowaniq Tatarstana
V nastoqschej rabote priwedeny rezul'taty issledowanij geoälektricheskih harakteristik zemnoj kory Tatarstana po dannym magnitotelluricheskih zondirowanij. Magnitotelluricheskoe zondirowanie - äto odin iz metodow älektrorazwedki, kotoryj pozwolqet poluchat' swedeniq ob älektroprowodnosti Zemli do bol'shih glubin i whodit w obqzatel'nyj komplex geofizicheskih metodow pri izuchenii litosfery po geotrawersam. Ispol'zuq estestwennoe älektromagnitn...

CHF 64.00