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742 Ergebnisse - Zeige 521 von 540.

Sex sells? Männliche nackte Reize in der Werbung

Nikolay, Janet
Sex sells? Männliche nackte Reize in der Werbung
Die Frage, ob sexuelle Reize in der Werbung tatsächlich uneingeschränkt dazu führen, dass Produkte oder Marken positiver bewertet werden, wurde trotz Durchführung vieler Studien in den letzten Jahrzehnten bis heute noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Unbeantwortet bleiben vor allem Fragen wie: Macht es einen Unterschied, ob ein sexy weibliches oder männliches Modell ein Produkt präsentiert? Wie weit darf Sex in der Werbung gehen? Reagieren männlic...

CHF 63.00

Was bewirkt Achtsamkeitsmeditation? Altbuddhistische Medi...

Wolff, Tom John
Was bewirkt Achtsamkeitsmeditation? Altbuddhistische Meditation im Blick der Psychologie
Würden Sie freiwillig in ein buddhistisches Kloster eintreten, 10 Stunden am Tag schweigend im Schneidersitz hocken und meditieren? Genau das haben die Teilnehmer dieser Studie getan. In einer breit angelegten psychologischen Untersuchung wurde die Wirkung von altbuddhistischer Meditation erforscht, wie sie auch heute noch in südostasiatischen Klöstern und in einigen westlichen Meditationszentren praktiziert wird. Sie nennt sich Vipassana, Ein...

CHF 49.90

Soil Organic Matter

Bjoerklund, Pedro A / Mello, Frederick V
Soil Organic Matter
Soil organic matter (SOM) is a key constituent of soil as it is a "revolving nutrient find" and improves soil structure, maintains crop production and minimises erosion. In semiarid environments, the major problem for sustainable farming systems is the continuous decline of SOM towards levels too low for agricultural purposes. In this book, the authors present topical research in the study of the ecology, environmental impact and management of...

CHF 315.00

Memoria Histórica: Dictadura Militar en Argentina 1976 - ...

Alberro, Lucas Santiago
Memoria Histórica: Dictadura Militar en Argentina 1976 - 1983
Este libro tiene por objetivo llevar adelante una reconstrucción sociológica de la memoria histórica sobre los años en que Argentina se vio dominada por el último gobierno de facto (1976-1983). Mediante entrevistas a personas de edades diferenciadas se intenta mostrar el grado de conocimiento que poseen sobre los hechos con el solo fin de dar luz a los sucesos más oscuros de una época. Las experiencias de vida, el haber vivido o no ese período...

CHF 51.50

Semantic Interoperability Issues, Solutions, Challenges

Pileggi, Salvatore F / Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos
Semantic Interoperability Issues, Solutions, Challenges
Semantic technologies are experimenting an increasing popularity in the context of different domains and applications. The understanding of any class of system can be significantly changed under the assumption any system is part of a global ecosystem known as Semantic Web. The Semantic Web would be an evolving extension of current Web model (normally referred as Syntactic Web) that introduces a semantic layer in which semantics, or meaning ...

CHF 142.00

The Earlier Palaeolithic of Syria

Shaw, Andrew
The Earlier Palaeolithic of Syria
This monograph is concerned with understanding the behaviours and land use practices associated with earlier Palaeolithic hominins in Syria, through consideration of key archaeological assemblages from two important regions: the Orontes and Euphrates Valleys. The focus here is on three temporal bands - Earliest occupations (1.50 mya - 0.80 mya), the Lower Palaeolithic (800 kya - 350 kya), the Middle Palaeolithic (350 kya - 50 kya. The areas of...

CHF 162.00

Il Molise in età tardo-antica

Finocchietti, Luigi
Il Molise in età tardo-antica
Molise, southern Italy, formerly linked with the region of Abruzzo, has recently attracted further archaeological interest since becoming the newest Italian region in 1963. The history of the discoveries and studies of Late-Antique Molise is a recent one. The history of Roman discoveries in the large Samnitic hinterland begins from the second half of the 19th century. In this period a network of local researchers linked to the Archaeological I...

CHF 102.00

Ballgames and Ballcourts in Prehispanic Mesoamerica

Taladoire, Eric
Ballgames and Ballcourts in Prehispanic Mesoamerica
Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 29As exemplified in this bibliographical essay, that includes about 2000 references, prehispanic ball courts and ballgames in Mesoamerica have been the focus of numerous studies, while the discovery of ball courts and related artifacts is continuous. In the last few weeks before completing this work, the author received information concerning two new discoveries - a newly recognized panel depicting a ba...

CHF 78.00

Feasting Practices and Changes in Greek Society from the ...

Fox, Rachel Sarah
Feasting Practices and Changes in Greek Society from the Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age
A feast is a sensory, sacralised and social occasion. Its multiple resonances and experiences extend far beyond the nutritive consumption of food and drink by a group of people. To understand a feasting event more comprehensively, it is necessary to analyse the whole series of experiences that the original participant would have undergone during the course of a feast, and to trace the footsteps of the diner through each stage of what was presu...

CHF 111.00

Thinking beyond the Tool

Chrysanthi, Angeliki / Murrieta Flores, Patricia / Papadopoulos, Constantinos
Thinking beyond the Tool
The idea of putting together this book was inspired by the session 'Thinking beyond the Tool: Archaeological Computing and the Interpretive Process', which was held at the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) conference in Bristol (17-19 December 2010). The session, as well as the regular format of paper presentations, included a round table discussion at the end of the session, to provide a debate forum for the participants, and encourage the ...

CHF 140.00

Late Holocene Indigenous Economies of the Tropical Austra...

Bourke, Patricia Mary
Late Holocene Indigenous Economies of the Tropical Australian Coast
This monograph presents a study of Indigenous economies in traditional Larrakia country, the Darwin coastal region of northern Australia, during the Late Holocene period. Subsistence and settlement patterns of this period are revealed through archaeological investigation of shell mounds, which dominate the study area and have long been a topic of scholarly interest both internationally and in Australia. Addressed are cultural, environmental an...

CHF 141.00

Norse in Newfoundland

Kay, Janet E.
Norse in Newfoundland
Explorer Helge Ingstad set out in the 1960s to search for the much hypothesized and mythical Norse land of Vinland. Vinland, originally discovered by Leif Erikson c. 1000 CE, is described in two sagas written in the thirteenth century: the Saga of the Greenlanders and the Saga of Erik the Red. These sagas mention a land that appeared to be congruent with a description of northern Newfoundland. In his search, Helge Ingstad and his wife, Anne St...

CHF 67.00

Later Village Period Settlement Development in the Karun ...

Moghaddam, Abbas
Later Village Period Settlement Development in the Karun River Basin, Upper Khuzestan Plain, Greater Susiana, Iran
This study re-evaluates the previous understanding of the Later Village Period in Greater Susiana (southwestern Iran) by focusing mostly on settlement and landscape. This is addressed from the perspective of the small and previously least explored plain known in this study as the Eastern Plain. By providing a picture of the previously unknown prehistoric human occupations in the Eastern plain through an examination and assessment of recent sur...

CHF 181.00

Templi Capitolini Nella Regio I (Latium Et Campania)

Milvia Morciano, Maria
Templi Capitolini Nella Regio I (Latium Et Campania)
In this work the cult of the Capitoline Triad is examined from a viewpoint that varies from the traditionally public and official one. A review of its archaeological and epigraphic sources shows how the devotion to the three divinities also permeated the private sphere of individuals in addition to the public or collective events. Although the Capitoline cult lost its pre-eminence during the Imperial age, it remained a clear symbol of traditio...

CHF 91.00

Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l'Oubli

Marques Da Silva, António José
Vivre au-delà du fleuve de l'Oubli
Castro do Vieito is a settlement of a modest size, situated on the left bank of the Lima river estuary in the north west of Portugal. It was the target of a large scale archaeological rescue operation from 2004 to 2005, one coordinated by the present author. The enormous source of data, completely unpublished until today, that was provided by this unparalleled intervention, is explored here in such a way as to offer the reader a portrait of a ...

CHF 246.00

Tecnología lítica de los cazadores-recolectores del final...

Chauvin Grandela, Adriana
Tecnología lítica de los cazadores-recolectores del final del Pleistoceno
La Garma A' is a small cave located in the lower third of La Garma Hill (Cantabria, Spain), at 80m above sea level. It is situated near the village of Omoño, in the municipal district of Ribamontán al Monte, near the eastern shore of Santander Bay, about 12km to the southeast of the city. To undertake this research the author examined the lithic archaeological record of part of the Palaeolithic stratigraphy of the archaeological deposit at La ...

CHF 189.00

Experimental Irish Theatre

Walsh, I.
Experimental Irish Theatre
This book examines experimental Irish theatre that ran counter to the naturalistic 'peasant' drama synonymous with Irish playwriting. Focusing on four marginalised playwrights after Yeats, it charts a tradition linking the experimentation of the early Irish theatre movement with the innovation of contemporary Irish and international drama.

CHF 74.00