Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

720 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Formirowanie motiwacii uchebnoj deqtel'nosti

Druzhkin, Alexandr / Kapichnikow, Alexandr / Kapichnikowa, Ol'ga
Formirowanie motiwacii uchebnoj deqtel'nosti
Monografiq poswqschena odnoj iz aktual'nyh problem sowremennoj pedagogiki - uchebnoj motiwacii. Dannaq problema priobretaet nowoe znachenie w uslowiqh modernizacii obrazowaniq. Uchet sowremennoj sociokul'turnoj situacii, tendencij ne tol'ko w otechestwennom, no i zarubezhnom obrazowanii sozdaüt dopolnitel'nye predposylki processu formirowaniq motiwow uchebnoj deqtel'nosti. V monografii predstawlen analiz weduschih koncepcij i idej uchebnoj mot...

CHF 64.00


Razwodowskij, Jurij
Zloupotreblenie alkogolem i alkogol'naq zawisimost' qwlqetsq ostroj problemoj, demonstriruüschej tendenciü rosta i ugrozhaüschej nacional'noj bezopasnosti mnogih stran mira. Nastoqschaq monografiq poswqschena mediko-social'nym aspektam ätoj mnogogrannoj problemy. V nej predstawleny swedeniq otnositel'no razlichnyh neblagopriqtnyh äffektow zloupotrebleniq alkogolem i alkogol'noj zawisimosti, obsuzhdaütsq woprosy diagnostiki, lecheniq i profilak...

CHF 102.00

Powyshenie anodnoj ustojchiwosti swinca, legirowaniem ShhZM

Mulloewa, N. / Ganiew, I. / Obidow, F.
Powyshenie anodnoj ustojchiwosti swinca, legirowaniem ShhZM
V poslednee wremq wopros äkonomiki materialow, ispol'zuüschihsq pri proizwodstwe kabelej, priobretaet wsö bol'shee znachenie. Jeto otnositsq ne tol'ko k metallam, kotorye primenqütsq pri izgotowlenii tokoprowodqschih zhil i metallicheskih obolochek, no takzhe k izoliruüschim materialam i zaschitnym pokrowam. Resheniü ätih problem pomogaet priwlechenie k issledowaniü razlichnyh maloizuchennyh legiruüschih dobawok. Potenciodinamicheskim metodom ...

CHF 64.00

Jesseisticheskij text: strukturno-funkcional'nyj aspekt

Iwanow, Oleg
Jesseisticheskij text: strukturno-funkcional'nyj aspekt
V monografii rassmatriwaetsq ässeisticheskij text kak odin iz sposobow filosofsko-hudozhestwennogo myshleniq, kotoromu prisuschi celostnoe widenie dejstwitel'nosti i popytka wyrazheniq ätogo wideniq. Jeto pozwolqet w kakoj-to stepeni ob#qsnit' intensiwnoe ispol'zowanie ässeisticheskogo principa wo mnogih filosofskih i literaturnyh proizwedeniqh, interesnyh imenno tem, chto tajna bytiq postigaetsq w nih koswennym obrazom, cherez paradoxal'nost'...

CHF 77.00

Anodnye splawy alüminiq s zhelezom i redkozemel'nymi meta...

Hakimow, A. / Ganiew, I. / Umarowa, T.
Anodnye splawy alüminiq s zhelezom i redkozemel'nymi metallami
V oblasti zaschity metallow ot korrozii odnim iz kardinal'nyh metodow w reshenii dannoj problemy ostaetsq älektrohimicheskaq zaschita. Aktual'nost' shirokogo primeneniq älektrohimicheskoj zaschity zaklüchaetsq w ispol'zowanii äkonomno legirowannyh metallow wzamen deficitnyh i dorogostoqschih. Osoboe mesto w dannom woprose otwoditsq primeneniü alüminiewyh anodow (protektorow). Cel' raboty zaklüchaetsq w razrabotke nowyh alüminiewyh splawow s po...

CHF 64.00

Owocidnyj preparat "Bingsti"

Seregin, M. / Serpokrylow, N. / Safiullin, R.
Owocidnyj preparat "Bingsti"
Osweschena problema äkologicheskoj bezopasnosti pri obezzarazhiwanii pochwy, stochnyh wod i ih osadkow ot wozbuditelej gel'mintozow i predlozhen preparat «BINGSTI» na osnowe üwenil'noj formy paslöna klubnenosnogo (Solanum tuberosum), kak odin iz naibolee äffektiwnyh sposobow eö resheniq. Priwedeny rezul'taty issledowaniq owocidnoj aktiwnosti preparata «BINGSTI» standartnymi metodami parazitologicheskih issledowanij in vitro, äffektiwnosti razl...

CHF 77.00

Muzejnyj mir Sibiri

Shelegina, Ol'ga
Muzejnyj mir Sibiri
Muzejnyj mir Sibiri - sistema prostranstw material'nogo (istoriko-kul'turnoe i prirodnoe nasledie, osobo ohranqemye territorrii, muzeeficirowannye ob#ekty, sami muzei i uchrezhdeniq muzejnogo tipa), intellektual'nogo (organizacii, nauchnye uchrezhdeniq i uchebnye zawedeniq, zanimaüschiesq muzejnoj deqtel'nost'ü, muzeewedeniem) i informacionnogo (lokal'nye i global'nye kommunikacionnye seti), istoricheski sformirowawshaqsq, razwiwaüschaqsq i ad...

CHF 102.00

Ocenki innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow Rossii. Chast' 1

Grebenük, Iwan / Fedorow, Oleg / Chehow, Kirill
Ocenki innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow Rossii. Chast' 1
V monografii «Ocenki innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow Rossii. Ch.1 Analiz innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow Rossii» priwoditsq analiz statisticheskih issledowanij innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wysshih uchebnyh zawedenij Rossii, analiziruütsq osnownye social'no-äkonomicheskie predposylki razwitiq innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti wuzow w sowremennyh äkonomicheskih uslowiqh. Obosnowywaetsq rol' innowacij w sisteme ustojchiwogo razwitiq, daütsq awtorskie tr...

CHF 102.00

Produktiwnost' i gomeostatichnost' qrowoj pshenicy w Sewe...

Fahrudenowa, Idiq
Produktiwnost' i gomeostatichnost' qrowoj pshenicy w Sewernom Kazahstane
V monografii priwedeny rezul'taty issledowanij produktiwnosti sortow qrowoj pshenicy. Dana komplexnaq ocenka rajonirowannym i perspektiwnym sortam mqgkoj qrowoj pshenicy po welichine ih produktiwnosti i gomeostatichnosti. Oswescheny woprosy wklada razlichnyh faktorow w obschej izmenchiwosti morfofiziologicheskih priznakow, urozhajnosti i älementow ee struktury w sisteme wzaimodejstwiq genotip - sreda. Izucheny izmenchiwost' i index stabil'nost...

CHF 77.00

The London Colouring Book

Mosedale, Julian
The London Colouring Book
The perfect colouring companion for when the world comes to London for the Olympics and for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Packed with distinctive illustrations to colour, featuring a variety of London destinations and attractions, from Piccadilly Circus and London Zoo to the changing of the guards and Trafalgar Square.

CHF 11.90

Meet My Folks!

Hughes, Ted / Adamson, George
Meet My Folks!
A new edition of Hughes's first collection of verse for children, which comically introduces kids to his unusual family, including a Granny who's an octopus and his father, the Chief Inspector of Holes.

CHF 14.90

Het Amsterdamsch Hoerdom 1681

Amstelodamum, Anonimous
Het Amsterdamsch Hoerdom 1681
Don't let the title of this book mislead you. This anonimous book from 1681 gives a detailed and very important historical discription of pubs, inns and dance-rooms in Amsterdam during the 17th century. It also gives a wealth of information on drinks and alcohol consumption, prices and measures. It includes anecdotes on musicians and other people and life during the 17th century. Prostitution is just a minor aspect of the book. The book was al...

CHF 31.50

The Dragonsitter

Lacey, Josh / Parsons, Garry
The Dragonsitter
Edward, Emily and their mum were looking forward to looking after Uncle Morton's unusual pet, but soon their fridge is empty, the curtains are ablaze, and the postman is fleeing down the path. A funny story from the author of the "Grk" books.

CHF 11.90

Planning on Murder

Williams, David
Planning on Murder
David Williams was a writer best known for his crime-novel series featuring the banker Mark Treasure and police inspector DI Parry. After serving as Naval officer in the Second World War, Williams completed a History degree at St Johns College, Oxford before embarking on a career in advertising. He became a full-time fiction writer in 1978. Williams wrote twenty-three novels, seventeen of which were part of the Mark Treasure series of whodunni...

CHF 46.90

The Siege of Swayne Castle

Sherriff, R C
The Siege of Swayne Castle
On his return from the First World War, R C Sherriff settled in London, working as an insurance agent and writing plays in the evening. Journey¿s End, inspired by Sherriff¿s own experience of fighting, was his sixth play but the first to be given a professional production. It was an immediate, outstanding and phenomenal success. Thirty one separate productions ran concurrently around the world and it was translated into twenty six languages. I...

CHF 41.50

The Wells of St Mary's

Sherriff, R C
The Wells of St Mary's
On his return from the First World War, R C Sherriff settled in London, working as an insurance agent and writing plays in the evening. Journey¿s End, inspired by Sherriff¿s own experience of fighting, was his sixth play but the first to be given a professional production. It was an immediate, outstanding and phenomenal success. Thirty one separate productions ran concurrently around the world and it was translated into twenty six languages. I...

CHF 46.90

Another Year

Sherriff, R C
Another Year
On his return from the First World War, R C Sherriff settled in London, working as an insurance agent and writing plays in the evening. Journey¿s End, inspired by Sherriff¿s own experience of fighting, was his sixth play but the first to be given a professional production. It was an immediate, outstanding and phenomenal success. Thirty one separate productions ran concurrently around the world and it was translated into twenty six languages. I...

CHF 47.50