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919 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Words of Wisdom

Kuder, Roger
Words of Wisdom
Savvy advice on life's most important challenges. Learn how to become wealthy, get along with other people, find and keep the love of your life, be happy and healthy in all aspects of your life.

CHF 15.50

InkMan comics

Hill, Brandon
InkMan comics
This book is about a hero name Inkman trying to make a name for himself. His opponent the Tazer have a mission to follow through. When they bump heads will the Tazer get a chance to finish what he was set out to do?

CHF 31.90

King of the Trees

Awards 2012, Young Writers
King of the Trees
Writers from the Middle School years often have a unique view of the world. In this collection of outstanding writing pieces, selected from hundreds of submissions, the future writers of tomorrow exercise their literary muscles. Viewed one at a time, each piece is a mark of creativity, expression, and individuality. Collectively, these poems, essays, stories, and random thoughts about things, reveal what it means to be a middle-schooler. ...

CHF 11.90

Gocce di pioggia primaverile

D'Angelo, Antonio
Gocce di pioggia primaverile
Il primo libro di versi di un giovane amante della lettura di romanzi e della poesia. Un primo tentativo da parte dell'autore di partorire qualcosa di artisticamente valido ed originale, ma soprattutto istintivo e sincero. Il giovane poeta fa uso del verso libero ed in alcuni casi inserisce delle rime, perfette o non, nei suoi pseudosonetti. Tre le poesie della raccolta ci sono sonetti, frutto anche della frequentazione, da parte del giovane a...

CHF 22.50

The 10th Instant

Weir, Colonel William
The 10th Instant
ASSIGNMENT: UFO There are men who have greatness thrust upon them, men who are selected - chosen - to go beyond the norm, to see beyond the everyday. It's only in an instant that we sometimes have a chance to make up our mind - do we stay or do we go? If we were invited to join our interstellar cousins, would we instantly make our minds up and decide to travel aboard an unidentified object? These must be the words that sprang up in the mind o...

CHF 14.90

Blue Book

Weir, Colonel William
Blue Book
UFOS are monitoring. Untampered, unedited documentation outlining the true extent of the US Government's involvement in both the documentation and interaction with Unidentified Flying Objects, sightings of craft and encounters with their interstellar occupants. Blue Book was a Government dossier that remained open for only as long as the public got to know about it, and then mysteriously all of a sudden it was a shut file, with many questions...

CHF 22.50

Essentials of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Khadar Baba, Shaik / S, Haniefuddin / Shamshuddin, Shaik
Essentials of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
In today's competitive world the Customer satisfaction is one of the important objectives for any company or Business organization. But to achieve this objective the Logistics and Supply Chain Management emerged as the ultimate tool. The Main objectives of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management A Right Product, Right Place, Right Price, Right Quality, Right Quantity, and in the hands of Right Customer. To fulfill these objectives the Logist...

CHF 59.50

The Witch and the Engineer

Fox, Jessica Q
The Witch and the Engineer
A DARING TALE Sandy and her on-and-off-and-on-again boy-friend Jon go off to rescue their beautiful blonde friend, Julie, who has been captured by a magus, someone who has found out how to do Magic. They get caught in turn, and imprisoned in a very traditional dungeon. The black magus is seriously lacking in imagination, but then, he wasn't a magus until quite recently and is still learning the ropes. Being evil takes practice. Well, that's ...

CHF 43.50

Outta Skull

Fox, Jessica Q
Outta Skull
ZANY SCIENCE FICTION MONSTERS & BUREAUCRACY TYPES MIX VERY WELL! All American, clean-cut, caring, sharing, sensitive Peter Scott finds himself in the body of the hero Uy-Rayahn on another world, where all the men dress like Tarzan and all the women like Jane, only more so. A primitive world, where being caring and sensitive doesn't contribute much to dealing with dire-tigers. Meanwhile, back in Mount Kisko, the hero Uy-Rayahn has to cope with...

CHF 33.90

Candle and Sun

Ryan, Anthony
Candle and Sun
A teenage thief comes stealing at the home of the oldest man on earth...the old man shares his ancient wisdom, and the young man starts on his true path.

CHF 24.50

Serwis w inter'ere. Sidqschie za stolom

Gucu, Jurij
Serwis w inter'ere. Sidqschie za stolom
Roman-antiutopiq «Serwis w inter'ere. Sidqschie za stolom» o prirode i cheloweke w obschestwe buduschego. Vse hotqt byt' bezuslowno luchshe w sowremennom mire. V prosweschönnyj wek u wseh tol'ko blagie namereniq, i ne po otdel'nosti, ne w razbawlennom wide, a wsö wmeste, w polnoj mere, dlq polnogo komforta, chtoby podoshlo wsem, wsem ponrawilos', wseh udowletworilo. Vse ubezhdeny, chto w ciwilizowannoj okruzhaüschej srede, ispol'zuq dostupnye ...

CHF 102.00

Instituty i razwitie

Shatmanow, Iskender
Instituty i razwitie
Monografiq ohwatywaet shirokij krug woprosow, pozwolqüschih dat' celostnoe predstawlenie o zakonomernostqh äkonomicheskogo razwitiq stran, ob#qsnqemyh kak klassicheskoj äkonomicheskoj teoriej, tak i storonnikami institucional'nogo podhoda. V monografii rassmatriwaütsq takie wazhnye woprosy kak tranzakcionnye izderzhki, instituty äkonomicheskih wzaimootnoshenij, äwolüciq i sowremennoe sostoqnie instituta gosudarstwenno-obschestwennyh otnoshenij...

CHF 88.00

Metody opredeleniq podwizhnyh fosfatow na chernozömah Sibiri

Awerkina, Swetlana
Metody opredeleniq podwizhnyh fosfatow na chernozömah Sibiri
Racional'noe ispol'zowanie prirodnyh bogatstw Sibiri predpolagaet monitoring sostoqniq pochwennyh resursow i ispol'zowanie tochnyh metodow ocenki potencial'nogo i äffektiwnogo plodorodiq pochw. V monografii rassmatriwaetsq odin iz aspektow dannogo naprawleniq - izuchenie dostupnosti fosfatow w chernozömah Zapadnoj Sibiri. Fiziko-himicheskie osobennosti pochw regiona zatrudnqüt wybor uniwersal'nogo metoda opredeleniq fosfora. Kriteriem prigodno...

CHF 77.00

Neokantianstwo w russkoj istoricheskoj mysli

Sinicyn, Oleg
Neokantianstwo w russkoj istoricheskoj mysli
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq wozniknowenie, stanowlenie i razwitie, konceptual'noe soderzhanie neokantianskoj metodologii istorii w Rossii, wyqwlqütsq specifika i znachenie neokantianskogo techeniq w metodologicheskih diskussiqh konca XIX - nachala HH ww., nowizna wozdejstwiq neokantianskoj metodologii istorii na razwitie istorichskoj mysli w Rossii. Awtor analiziruet tworchestwo predstawitelej neokantianskogo techeniq w rossijskoj istoriograf...

CHF 88.00

Vremennaq perspektiwa

Dawydowa, Irina
Vremennaq perspektiwa
Vremennaq perspektiwa cheloweka sobytijna. Vydelenie situacii, kak sobytiq swoej zhizni, chasto okazywaetsq swqzannym s neobhodimost'ü sprawlqt'sq s nej. Perezhiwanie trudnoj zhiznennoj situacii mozhet powlech' za soboj izmeneniq wremennoj perspektiwy i sistemy sowladaniq cheloweka. No kategorizaciq situacii kak trudnoj w swoü ochered' zawisit ot aktual'noj wremennoj perspektiwy i sistemy sowladaniq. Vremennaq perspektiwa i strategii sowladani...

CHF 77.00

Metodika obucheniq resheniü zadach po fizike

Policinskij, Ewgenij
Metodika obucheniq resheniü zadach po fizike
V monografii opisana razrabotannaq i realizowannaq awtorskaq metodika obucheniq shkol'nikow i studentow resheniü fizicheskih zadach na osnowe deqtel'nostnogo podhoda, kotoraq: obespechiwaet celostnyj i sistemnyj podhod k obucheniü resheniü fizicheskih zadach, s uchötom real'nyh trudnostej s kotorymi stalkiwaütsq obuchaüschiesq, pozwolqet äffektiwno formirowat' u shkol'nikow i studentow umeniq i sposobnosti reshat' fizicheskie zadachi, wyrabaty...

CHF 102.00

Morfologiq kauzatiwa i dekauzatiwa w chechenskom qzyke

Tokaewa, Aza
Morfologiq kauzatiwa i dekauzatiwa w chechenskom qzyke
Rabota poswqschena opisaniü takih morfologicheskih glagol'nyh kategorij, kak kauzatiw i dekauzatiw w chechenskom qzyke. Prakticheskij material raboty podtwerzhdaet, chto rol' suffigirowannyh wspomogatel'nyh glagolow w sostawe proizwodnogo glagola w peredache kauzatiwnogo i dekauzatiwnogo znacheniq dlq chechenskogo qzyka wes'ma wysoka po srawneniü s drugimi sredstwami wyrazheniq prichinnosti i samoproizwol'nosti. Rassmatriwaemye slowoobrazowate...

CHF 77.00

Teoriq älektricheskih qwlenij w atmosfere

Morozow, Vladimir / Kupowyh, Gennadij
Teoriq älektricheskih qwlenij w atmosfere
V monografii izlagaütsq woprosy teorii proishozhdeniq älektricheskogo polq atmosfery, a takzhe wliqniq na nego kosmicheskih processow, turbulentnosti w pogranichnom i prizemnom sloqh, aärozol'nyh i radioaktiwnyh primesej w atmosfere. Jelektricheskoe sostoqnie atmosfery harakterizuetsq potencialom i naprqzhennost'ü älektricheskogo polq, älektricheskoj prowodimost'ü, plotnost'ü älektricheskogo toka. Vse äti welichiny zawisqt ot prisutstwiq w atm...

CHF 102.00

Ugolownoe presledowanie w dosudebnom proizwodstwe

Juldoshew, Rifat
Ugolownoe presledowanie w dosudebnom proizwodstwe
Dwizhuschej siloj i sterzhnem wsego ugolownogo processa qwlqetsq ugolownoe presledowanie, w osnowe kotorogo lezhit nepreklonnoe trebowanie zakona o tom, chtoby sowershiwshie prestupleniq lica byli izoblicheny i ponesli zasluzhennoe nakazanie. Imenno w ugolownom presledowanii nahodit swoe neposredstwennoe wyrazhenie deqtel'nost' organow gosudarstwa, osuschestwlqüschih bor'bu s prestupleniqmi. Ugolownoe presledowanie wedetsq radi togo, chtoby us...

CHF 64.00

Prawowoe regulirowanie inostrannogo predprinimatel'stwa w...

Smirnow, Sergej Anatol'ewich
Prawowoe regulirowanie inostrannogo predprinimatel'stwa w Rossii
V nastoqschej monografii wperwye w otechestwennoj istoriko-prawowoj nauke predprinqta popytka komplexnogo analiza prawowogo regulirowaniq inostrannogo predprinimatel'stwa w period kapitalisticheskoj modernizacii rossijskogo gosudarstwa wo wtoroj polowine XIX - nachale XX ww. Awtor opredelil obschie i chastnye tendencii ego razwitiq w issleduemyj period, detal'no otobrazil process formirowaniq i izmeneniq prawowogo rezhima inostrannogo predprin...

CHF 88.00