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Chantler, Robert
Comedy set in small W I unit in which the unit's way of life is threatened by an outsider. However she did not count on how much of a battleaxe the chairlady is.

CHF 21.90

Building Great Relationships

Christopher, John
Building Great Relationships
The best things in life - success, happiness, love - depend on your ability to create and maintain great relationships. Everyone puts their best foot forward in a new work setting or when looking to attract a mate, but often have problems trying to maintain their relationships over the long term. That's because keeping a relationship healthy and fulfilling, requires a set of emotional intelligence skills that many of us don't have. Find out...

CHF 12.90


Shawn, Shocka
Based on a true story, Fictitious-NonFiction, A young man's journey through the trials and tributalions of life, and the love he gave up for the greater good.

CHF 43.90

Oda a Esmeralda

Martínez Pintor, Francisco
Oda a Esmeralda
Cuando se ama a una persona discapacitada la distancia puede multiplicarse, pero la divergencia de este sentimiento es tan natural como la diferencia del mismo.

CHF 14.50

Musical Intelligence as Creative Flow

Bowe, Andi
Musical Intelligence as Creative Flow
This KAM explores theories of intelligence, learning, and motivation to attempt a better understanding of the many interacting factors affecting the lifetime development of whole and happy children in the 21st century. The focus is on justifying the increased use of music as an art form in early childhood education. The Breadth component analyzes Elkind's (2001, 2007) theories on the power of play and Brofenbrenner's (1969, 1993) theories on e...

CHF 29.90

The Wanderer - or, Female Difficulties

Burney, Fanny
The Wanderer - or, Female Difficulties
The Wanderer opens with a group of people fleeing the Terror. Among them is the protagonist, who refuses to identify herself. No one can place her socially-even her nationality and race are in doubt. As Burney scholar Margaret Doody explains, "the heroine thus arrives as a nameless Everywoman: both black and white, both Eastern and Western, both high and low, both English and French." She asks for help from the group, but because she knows no ...

CHF 58.50

Djehuti Institute Puplication Where Spirituality and Scie...

Tau Mari, Yehotifa Chesed
Djehuti Institute Puplication Where Spirituality and Science Harmonize
Join a monthly subscription to the Djehuti Institute Publication, for a tri-weekly journal sent to your home with little cost for you. You will find many useful articles that contain thought, and pro-active solution that you will find no where else. This publication is for the sharp mind, and avid reader, the seeker, and the student of the holistic Kemetic Arts, and a practical way of life. For our generation of people across the world, we are...

CHF 28.90

Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland

Carroll, Lewis / Wolstenholme, Jonathan / Haffmans, Gerd
Alices Abenteuer im Wunderland
Alice im Wunderland, neugierig und selbstbewusst: Sie läuft einem weißen Kaninchen mit der Uhr hinterher. Sie verfolgt es bis in den Kaninchenbau. Hier landet sie am Eingang zu einer seltsamen Welt. Tief im Inneren der Erde purzelt sie von einem Abenteuer ins andere: es ist das geheimnisvollste, verzaubernd-zauberhafteste aller Kinderbücher, eine niemals auszudeutende Traumreise ins Innere, in die eigenen Träume, Wünsche und Ängste. Und all di...

CHF 21.50


Nanotechnology is considered the next big revolution in medicine and biology. For the past 20 years, new research groups have been involved in the development of new applications of novel nanomaterials for biotechnological applications. Nanomaterials are also becoming increasingly important in medical applications. New drugs and diagnostic tools are being discovered using nanotechnology as the base. Every year, hundreds of new ideas using nano...

CHF 199.00

Famous Classic Ghost Stories

Famous Classic Ghost Stories
CONTENTS Introduction: The Imperishable Ghost The Willows By Algernon Blackwood The Shadows on the Wall By Mary E. Wilkins Freeman The Messenger By Robert W. Chambers Lazarus By Leonid Andreyev The Beast with Five Fingers By W. F. Harvey The Mass of Shadows By Anatole France What Was It? By Fitz-James O'Brien The Middle Toe of the Right Foot By Ambrose Bierce The Shell of Sense By Olivia Howard Dunbar The Woman at Seven Br...

CHF 27.50

Wie Sie Ihre Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren

Hamann, Brigitte
Wie Sie Ihre Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren
Entdecken Sie die geheime Macht der menschlichen Selbstheilungskräfte Es klingt fast zu schön, um wahr zu sein, aber unzählige Beispiele und wissenschaftliche Studien belegen, dass der menschliche Körper sich selbst heilen kann - selbst schwerste, ja sogar sogenannte unheilbare Krankheiten. Menschen, die von ihren Ärzten zum Sterben nach Hause geschickt werden, heilen auf »wundersame« Weise. Patienten, die jahrelang an chronischen Erkrankunge...

CHF 14.50

Pogoworim za Odessu

Spodynük, Boris
Pogoworim za Odessu
Unikal'noe qwlenie dlq ätoj territorii - gorod Odessa nahodqschijsq na beregu Chörnogo morq, gde prozhiwaüt sto chetyrnadcat' nacional'nostej kotorye pereplelis' qzykom, kul'turoj, obychaqmi. Zhiwut kak odna sem'q, uwazhaq weru, obychai, kul'turu. Narod unikal'nyj, nesuschij w sebe üzhnyj temperament, samobytnyj ümor i wseobschee ponimanie.Odessit äto qwlenie na territorii bywshego SSSR kotoryj ne prinimal ideologii SSSR, i lüboj drugoj, kotor...

CHF 40.50


Zubenkow, Andrej
Priklücheniq professora Yana Krejdy prodolzhaütsq. Na ätot raz w Parizhe. Posle proisshestwij w Moskwe professor iz Sankt-Peterburga stal antigeroem swoej Rodiny. On ne tol'ko razwalil Rossiü, no i sdelal eö odnoj iz samyh malen'kih gosudarstw w mire. Kak imenno bogatstwo Luwra, sobrannoe w äpohu Napoleona, powliqlo na francuzow? V chöm tailas' zagadka i tajna welikogo polkowodca? Vse otwety predostawit rossijskij professor Yan Krejda. Parizh ...

CHF 55.50

Nacional'nye interesy Rossii na postsowetskom prostranstwe

Muhametow, Ruslan
Nacional'nye interesy Rossii na postsowetskom prostranstwe
Otnosheniq so stranami blizhnego zarubezh'q opredelqütsq kak prioritetnoe naprawlenie rossijskoj wneshnej politiki, a postsowetskoe prostranstwo rassmatriwaetsq kak zona zhiznenno wazhnyh nacional'nyh interesow Rossii. Jekonomicheskoj sostawlqüschej wneshnepoliticheskih prioritetow Rossii na postsowetskom prostranstwe qwlqütsq: obespechenie dostupa k prirodnym resursam bywshih sowetskih respublik, transportirowka kaspijskoj nefti na mirowoj ry...

CHF 77.00

Islam, naciq i nacional-kommunizm

Muhametdinow, Rafaäl'
Islam, naciq i nacional-kommunizm
V monografii issleduetsq formirowanie w tatarskom obschestwe, s odnoj storony, idei nacii na baze tatarskogo ätnosa (tatarizma) i, s drugoj storony, - na baze türxkogo superätnosa (türkizma). Bor'ba ätih dwuh tendencij pokazana w razlichnyh sferah duhownoj zhizni, politike, kul'ture i periodicheskoj pechati w kontexte bol'shih social'nyh sdwigow w Rossii. Vo wtoroj chasti issledowaniq pokazana transformaciq nacional'noj idei w uslowiqh totalit...

CHF 88.00

Uprawlenie predpriqtiqmi

Kislinskaq, M. V. / Zhabin, A. P.
Uprawlenie predpriqtiqmi
Dolgosrochnuü ustojchiwost' predpriqtij opredelqet ne kolichestwo imeüschihsq resursow, a kachestwo uprawleniq imi. Ot togo, naskol'ko äffektiwen menedzhment, zawisqt pribyl'nost', finansowaq ustojchiwost' predpriqtij, äffektiwnost' deqtel'nosti w celom. Predpriqtie, obladaüschee i sistemno realizuüschee metodiku ocenki uprawleniq, poluchit wozmozhnost' sowershenstwowat' eö i tem samym priobretöt qwnoe konkurentnoe preimuschestwo. V dannoj rab...

CHF 88.00

Edinowercheskaq cerkow' w Zaural'e

Ermakowa, Dar'q
Edinowercheskaq cerkow' w Zaural'e
Kak w cerkownom, tak i w istoricheskom otnoshenii staroobrqdchestwo wsegda ostawalos' qwleniem ogromnoj wazhnosti, otraziwshimsq na wsem techenii russkoj duhownoj zhizni. Raskol Russkoj prawoslawnoj cerkwi w seredine XVII weka priwel k raskolu obschestwa. V 1800 godu poisk organizacionnyh form ob#edineniq priemlüschih swqschenstwo staroobrqdcew s gospodstwuüschej cerkow'ü zawershilsq sozdaniem edinoweriq. Iznachal'no mezhdu oficial'nym prawosl...

CHF 102.00