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217 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Wet Dreams

Anthony, Tommy
Wet Dreams
Erotic poetry and stories, includes "Home, " "Christina, " "Berceuse, " "The Waiting Room, " "Cutter, " "A Second Puberty, " "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, " "P.T., " and more. For creatively mature audiences.

CHF 45.90


Anthony, Tommy
Schwag picks up where Young and Immortal left off, with the introspective poet Eugene and his mischievous muse Horace and their friend Miriam living up their early Twenties on the cusp of the Millenium on the East Side of Milwaukee. Schwag explores the questions of loyalty, addiction, the American Way, casual sex and obsessive love, honesty, meaningless hedonism and significant bullshit. Schwag is not in Oprah's book club. Schwag is the book y...

CHF 50.50

Moj drug Vowka Korablöw

Kopytow, Oleg
Moj drug Vowka Korablöw
Sami togo ne zamechaq, my prisutstwuem na welichajshem shou na Zemle. Jeto ¿ nasha sobstwennaq zhizn'. Stoit äto zametit', osoznat' äto, kak stanowitsq strashno poterqt' hot' äpizod, hot' kadr, hot' mig ätogo shou. Stranno, no äto shou, ätot fil'm trudno ostanowit', no mozhno peremotat' nazad ¿ na nedelü ili mesqc, dazhe na dwadcat' pqt' let. Pri ätom sam fil'm, samo welichajshee shou na Zemle budet prodolzhat'sq. Vsö tak zhe s nami. No posle ...

CHF 32.90

JePR w wysokotemperaturnyh swerhprowodnikah YBaCuO

Gafurow, Marat
JePR w wysokotemperaturnyh swerhprowodnikah YBaCuO
Vwidu otsutstwiq ponimaniq prirody wysokotemperaturnoj swerhprowodimosti w kupratnyh oxidah, ih izuchenie razlichnymi metodami prodolzhaet ostawat'sq aktual'noj nauchnoj zadachej. Metody älektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa (JePR) qwlqütsq odnimi iz samyh rezul'tatiwnyh metodow issledowaniq struktury twerdyh tel, primesnyh centrow, haraktera i welichiny wzaimodejstwij paramagnitnyh centrow s kolebaniqmi reshetki i drugimi wozbuzhdeniqmi w kri...

CHF 77.00

Institualizaciq pablik rilejshenz w soweremennom rossijsk...

Sidel'nik, Jellina
Institualizaciq pablik rilejshenz w soweremennom rossijskom obschestwe
V monografii analiziruetsq stanowlenie instituta pablik rilejshenz w sowremennom rossijskom obschestwe, osmysliwaütsq specificheskie celi, zadachi, principy i funkcii nowogo social'nogo instituta, issleduütsq osobennosti funkcionirowaniq rossijskogo piara kak molodogo i dinamichno razwiwaüschegosq qwleniq w sowremennoj informacionnoj kul'ture. Osoboe wnimanie udelqetsq analizu institucional'nyh sub#ektow piar-deqtel'nosti i specifike ih wzaimo...

CHF 88.00

Preobrazowanie gorodskogo prostranstwa Rossii

Yaralqn, Sergej
Preobrazowanie gorodskogo prostranstwa Rossii
V postsowetskij period w Rossii wo mnogih gorodah shli toponimicheskie preobrazowaniq. V dannoj rabote sdelana popytka integral'no podojdi k woprosu analiza podobnyh preobrazowanij. Sozdan uniwersal'nyj metod dlq rassmotreniq toponimicheskih innowacij w gorodah, priwedeny rezul'taty aprobacii metoda na primere otechestwennyh gorodow. Cennost' issledowaniü predaet model', obosnowywaüschaq zawisimost' istoricheskih, kul'turnyh, territorial'nyh, ...

CHF 88.00

Citohimicheskie i biohimicheskie parametry krowi i tkanej...

Dement'ew, Alexandr Vladimirowich / Korotkewich, Ol'ga Sergeewna
Citohimicheskie i biohimicheskie parametry krowi i tkanej swinej
V processe issledowanij opredelqlis' srednie populqcionnye znacheniq aktiwnosti fermentow w syworotke, kletkah krowi, w tkanqh, mitohondriqh razlichnyh organow swinej skorospeloj mqsnoj porody w raznye periody ontogeneza i izuchalis' izmenchiwost', nasleduemost'. Pokazana dinamika fermentnogo spektra krowi swinej w raznye wozrastnye periody. Opredelena aktiwnost' änzimow w kletkah krowi, nesuschaq znachitel'nuü prizhiznennuü informaciü o kleto...

CHF 77.00

Korporatiwnyj zahwat i zaschita praw uchastnikow hozqjstw...

Shushkanow, Pawel / Drobkowa, Elena
Korporatiwnyj zahwat i zaschita praw uchastnikow hozqjstwennyh obschestw
Korporatiwnye zahwaty - qwlenie otnositel'no nowoe dlq rossijskoj dejstwitel'nosti, odnako i w nastoqschee wremq ono qwlqetsq aktual'nym, smeniw swoü formu i (w nekotoryh sluchaqh) celi. Po ätoj prichine izuchenie problem predotwrascheniq nedruzhestwennyh zahwatow i zaschity praw uchastnikow hozqjstwennyh obschestw trebuet pristal'nogo wnimaniq i razwitiq. V dannoj rabote rassmatriwaütsq osnownye problemy i sposoby predotwrascheniq nedruzhestw...

CHF 64.00

Problemy i perspektiwy lichnyh podsobnyh hozqjstw naselen...

Popowa, Irina
Problemy i perspektiwy lichnyh podsobnyh hozqjstw naseleniq w regione
V rabote proanalizirowany äkonomicheskaq suschnost' i mesto lichnyh podsobnyh hozqjstw naseleniq w agrarnoj äkonomike, wyqwleny priznaki, opredelqüschie specifiku ih funkcionirowaniq. Obosnowano wliqnie proizwodstwennyh faktorow na urowen' towarnosti lichnyh podsobnyh hozqjstw w regione. Razrabotana metodika differenciacii rajonow regiona po urownü razwitiq lichnyh podsobnyh hozqjstw naseleniq i opredeleny osnownye naprawleniq razwitiq ätoj ka...

CHF 102.00

Gendernoe wospitanie detej starshego doshkol'nogo wozrasta

Ewtushenko, Irina
Gendernoe wospitanie detej starshego doshkol'nogo wozrasta
V monografii predstawlen teoreticheskij i prakticheskij material, kotoryj pomozhet najti gramotnyj podhod k razwitiü i wospitaniü detej starshego doshkol'nogo wozrasta s uchetom gendernyh osobennostej. Material pomozhet powysit' urowen' gendernoj kompetentnosti pedagogow, roditelej, poznakomit s osobennostqmi processa gendernoj socializacii primenitel'no k detskomu wozrastu, poznakomit s pedagogicheskimi uslowiqmi gendernoj socializacii. V rab...

CHF 88.00

The Ultimate Text In Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Dick-Kronenberg, ND Letitia
The Ultimate Text In Constitutional Hydrotherapy
This is a teaching text, designed principally for Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine who will practice Classical Naturopathy with the use of Constitutional Hydrotherapy. Healing IS natural! By supporting the patient's own healing abilities with the tried and true methods employed by Dr. Otis G. Carroll, Dr. Harold Dick, and currently used by Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg, Naturopaths can achieve the deepest healing for their patients. This text in...

CHF 89.00

Curriculum Reform in China

Yin, Hong-Biao / Lee, John Chi-kin
Curriculum Reform in China
Curriculum reform has played a central role in the educational changes in contemporary China. The government of the People's Republic of China, being at the centre of the centralized educational administration system, assumes the responsibility for designing and organizing the systemic reform initiatives. This is especially the case for what has been happening since the end of 1990s. At the turn of the new millennium, the Chinese government in...

CHF 319.00

It's an Every Day Thing

Paul, Andrew
It's an Every Day Thing
How do we disciple a community when, by all indication, that community is unequivocally individualistic? Is Biblical discipleship relevant, or even a possibility? Do we even understand what discipleship was meant to be? Is it an institutional program, or is it something more? It's An Every Day Thing

CHF 22.50

Indian Health Care

Hansen, Julius / Bishop, Oliver
Indian Health Care
On March 2010, President Obama signed into law a comprehensive health care reform bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The law, among other things, reauthorises the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) and makes several changes that may affect American Indians and Alaska Natives enrolled in and receiving services from the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance Program. This book summarises some...

CHF 105.00


Javaherian, Atash / Latifpour, Pasha
This book presents current research in the study of the properties, clinical uses and adverse effects of acetaminophen. Topics discussed include advanced methods for the removal of acetaminophen from the water supply, acetaminophen overdose, biomarkers and management, acetaminophen hepatotoxicity and potential interactions with dietary supplements, sesame oil and sesamol for treating acetaminophen-overdose-associated liver injuries and paracet...

CHF 315.00

Coarse-Grained Modelling of DNA and DNA Self-Assembly

Ouldridge, Thomas E.
Coarse-Grained Modelling of DNA and DNA Self-Assembly
This thesis presents a novel coarse-grained model of DNA, in which bases are represented as rigid nucleotides. The model is shown to quantitatively reproduce many phenomena, including elastic properties of the double-stranded state, hairpin formation in single strands and hybridization of pairs of strands to form duplexes, the first time such a wide range of properties has been captured by a coarse-grained model. The scope and potential of the...

CHF 134.00

Distribución Espacial de Cedrela Odorata

Andrades Renteria, Severiano / Palma Garcia, Leison Darwin
Distribución Espacial de Cedrela Odorata
Este estudio fue realizado en el municipio de Lloró, en donde se seleccionaron tres sitios para el muestreo, CODECHOCO, CEMUTCH y BORAUDO. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la distribución espacial de Cedrela odorata, siguiendo la metodología propuesta por Gentry (1988), en CODECHOCO y BORAUDO se establecieron 3 transecto de muestreo en cada uno de 10 x 50 m y en CEMUTCH se establecieron 6 transectos de 10 x 50m, en los cuales se censar...

CHF 39.50

International Food Security

Rutledge, Hoyt A / Hays, Darren R
International Food Security
This book examines projections of two key determinants of food security: food production and import capacity of the countries. Domestic food production performance plays the most critical role in food security, particularly for regions like Asia and sub-Saharan Africa that depend on grain supplies. Conversely, imports play a significant role for regions like Latin America and North Africa that depend on positive trade terms. To understand how ...

CHF 105.00