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604 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

The Aerial Hoop Manual Volume 1

Hane, Julianna / Leach, Rebekah
The Aerial Hoop Manual Volume 1
In this first volume of the Aerial Hoop Manual series, you will find over 600 pictures to help depict over 50 families of moves which are explained through detailed step-by-step instructions. Students will gain an understanding of where the content fits into the big picture of aerial hoop. Teachers will be assisted in learning how to properly teach progressions, grip choices and much more. Choreographers will appreciate the philosophy of explo...

CHF 98.00

Un montón de espejos rotos

Ramirez, Beatriz Giovanna
Un montón de espejos rotos
Microficciones escritas en escenas de Pingback. "¿Y si en lo mínimo, además de tener evidente entidad en sí mismo, está el germen de lo máximo? ¿Y si todos los espejos rotos son una posible vidriera? ¿Y si escribir es coser el traje roto de lo que hemos leído? ¿Y si leer es recomponer el sentido? ¿Y si todas las microficciones de este libro juntas conforman una novela?" (Luis Artigue) "Ni Borges, en el sueño de su ceguera, pudo imaginar ...

CHF 23.50

Znachenie sutochnogo profilq arterial'nogo dawleniq na Se...

Polqkow, Vladimir / Nikolaew, Jurij / Obuhow, Igor'
Znachenie sutochnogo profilq arterial'nogo dawleniq na Sewere
V knige predstawleny dannye o kliniko-funkcional'nyh i patogeneticheskih osobennostqh arterial'noj gipertenzii u bol'nyh s razlichnym sutochnym profilem arterial'nogo dawleniq, prozhiwaüschih w uslowiqh Tümenskogo sewera (g. Megion) i Respubliki Saha (Yakutiq). Osoboe wnimanie udeleno wzaimoswqzqm sutochnyh pokazatelej gemodinamiki u bol'nyh arterial'noj gipertenziej so stepen'ü progressirowaniq gipertrofii miokarda lewogo zheludochka, giperho...

CHF 102.00

Translation and the Westernization of Eighteenth-Century ...

Tyulenev, Sergey
Translation and the Westernization of Eighteenth-Century Russia
The book considers the role of translation in the reformation of Russia along Western European lines in the eighteenth century. Translation is presented as a key social-systemic factor in the dynamics of the relationship between the system and its environment - between Russia and Western Europe. The author draws on contemporary historiography and social theory, primarily Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory, but also concepts of other sociol...

CHF 52.50

Shantazh: ugolowno-prawowaq harakteristika

Zhdanuhin, Dmitrij / Owcharenko, Pawel
Shantazh: ugolowno-prawowaq harakteristika
«Shantazh» - äto slowo my chasto slyshim primenitel'no k samym raznoobraznym situaciqm: korporatiwnym otnosheniqm, razresheniü mezhgosudarstwennyh sporow, wzyskaniü dolgow, semejnym sporam. Shantazh predstaet kak odin iz uniwersal'nyh sposobow nawqzywaniq swoej woli drugim licam. Estestwenno, chto ispol'zowanie ätogo sposoba prinuzhdeniq dolzhno byt' ogranicheno prawowymi ramkami, a w praktike dolzhny slozhit'sq sposoby zaschity ot shantazha. ...

CHF 88.00

Kak rozhdaütsq muzei

Ershow, Viktor
Kak rozhdaütsq muzei
Kniga "Rozhdenie muzeq" o tom, kak ideq, rozhdennaq w nuzhnoe wremq, w nuzhnom meste daet nuzhnyj rezul'tat. Nebol'shaq rajonnaq shkola w w rezul'tate kraewedcheskih poiskow za neskol'ko let sobrala sotni interesnejshih äxponatow, kotorye pozwolili sozdat' kraewedcheskij muzej, stawshij so wremenem municipal'nym muzeem, otmetiwshim w 2012 godu poluwekowoj übilej. V knige rasskazywaetsq o pohodah i äxpediciqh po Karelii, w kotoryh ee zemlq rask...

CHF 77.00

Palata obschin w qkowitskih parlamentah (parlament 1621 g...

Sawchenkow, Roman
Palata obschin w qkowitskih parlamentah (parlament 1621 goda)
Perwaq chetwert' XVII weka w Anglii prakticheski polnost'ü sowpala s prawleniem Yakowa VI Shotlandskogo, kotoryj wocarilsq na anglijskom prestole posle smerti swoej predshestwennicy - Elizawety I w 1603 godu i, staw Yakowom I Anglijskim, polozhil nachalo nowoj dinastii - dinastii Stüartow. Dinastii, kotoroj suzhdeno bylo prawit' Angliej s pererywami bolee sta let i kotoroj wypalo perezhit' samoe krupnoe social'no-politicheskoe potrqsenie w ang...

CHF 102.00

Prepodawanie temy «Sistemy uprawleniq bazami dannyh» w ku...

Moiseewa, Nadezhda
Prepodawanie temy «Sistemy uprawleniq bazami dannyh» w kurse IKT
Rabota poswqschena osnownym ponqtiqm i funkciqm sistem uprawleniq relqcionnymi bazami dannyh. Osnownye priömy po sozdaniü, modifikacii, sortirowke i poisku informacii rassmotreny na primere MS Office Access. Uchebnyj kurs po bazam dannyh mozhet izuchat'sq, kak na profil'nom urowne prepodawaniq razdela informatiki, tak i na bazowom urowne. Krome togo, prakticheskaq chast' kursa daöt wozmozhnost' izucheniq temy na dopolnitel'nyh zanqtiqh, ili w ...

CHF 64.00

Ranee rechewoe razwitie rebenka w diade "mat'- rebenok"

Lqxo, Elena
Ranee rechewoe razwitie rebenka w diade "mat'- rebenok"
Kniga poswqschena izucheniü akustiki detskoj rechi. Na osnowe spektrograficheskogo, perceptiwnogo i foneticheskogo analiza proslezhena dinamika stanowleniq detskih wokalizacij ot perwyh zwukow do poqwleniq slow i fraz. Vyqwlena wozmozhnost' opredeleniq fiziologicheskogo i ämocional'nogo sostoqniq mladenca po harakteristikam ego zwukowogo signala. Pokazano wliqnie rechewogo powedeniq materi i haraktera wokal'no-rechewogo wzaimodejstwiq materi s...

CHF 114.00

Neogen Srednego Powolzh'q

Linkina, Larisa
Neogen Srednego Powolzh'q
Na territorii central'noj chasti Srednego Powolzh'q neogenowye otlozheniq imeüt shirokoe rasprostranenie, no äto w osnownom kontinental'nye obrazowaniq, ne imeüschie rukowodqschej fauny, i poätomu, palinologicheskij analiz, po suschestwu, qwlqetsq pochti edinstwennym metodom, pozwolqüschim stratificirowat' tolschi neogena. V hode raboty prowedeno palinologicheskoe izuchenie neogenowyh otlozhenij obshirnoj territorii, wklüchaq ranee neizuchenny...

CHF 77.00

Filosofiq zhenskogo nonkonformizma w Rossii

Sazonowa, Lüdmila
Filosofiq zhenskogo nonkonformizma w Rossii
V knige rassmatriwaütsq suschnostnye harakteristiki zhenskogo nonkonformizma w Rossii i analiziruütsq ego osnownye ätapy. Awtor delaet akcent na to obstoqtel'stwo, chto prichiny zhenskogo nonkonformizma w Rossii sleduet iskat' w glubokoj drewnosti. V qzycheskoj Rusi ontologicheskie harakteristiki zhenskogo nachala protiwopostawlqütsq muzhskim kak haos/porqdok, t'ma/swet. Vsledstwie ätogo i wyzrewal zhenskij nonkonformizm kak protest normam pat...

CHF 88.00

Transformaciq kul'turnogo prostranstwa ural'skogo goroda

Malkowa, Irina
Transformaciq kul'turnogo prostranstwa ural'skogo goroda
V knige rassmatriwaütsq obschie zakonomernosti i regional'nye osobennosti razwitiq kul'turnogo prostranstwa gorodow promyshlennogo Urala wo wtoroj polowine XX weka. Razwitie kul'tury imeet tochechnyj (ochagowyj) harakter i estestwennuü priwqzku k «Mestu», stanowqschemusq «kul'turnym prostranstwom», gde naslaiwaütsq i zakreplqütsq weschi i simwoly kul'tury. V ätih nasloeniqh sleduet iskat' wzaimoswqzi lokal'nogo, regional'nogo, obscherossijskog...

CHF 102.00

Massimo Scolari

Scolari, Massimo
Massimo Scolari
Massimo Scolari, who has been Professor of Architecture, Design and Modeling in Venice since 1973, is also an internationally famous painter and designer. This title presents a significant number of works analysed extensively produced between 1965 and 2011 which trace the entire trajectory of Scolaris artistic production.

CHF 70.00

Life, Death, and Living With a Death Wish

Day, R. E.
Life, Death, and Living With a Death Wish
Although Roy Day never accepted the reality that he had a death wish, his friends and family did and commented on it repeatedly. He just thought he went at Life real hard. Roy experienced multiple near-death and close call experiences. His family quit counting at thirteen, some estimates run up to eighteen. Roy fell seven stories, went into the White Light and came back, and that was just the beginning. At times on a spiritual journey, and oth...

CHF 28.90

Hardstyle ABS: Hit Hard. Lift Heavy. Look the Part

Tsatsouline, Pavel
Hardstyle ABS: Hit Hard. Lift Heavy. Look the Part
The highlights of Pavel's HardStyle Abs program: Why high reps have failed you - and the secret sauce that will have your abs tuned for heavy action all day long and at a moment's notice. Hardstyle breathing- for explosive power and a bullet-proof waist. The Hardstyle Sit-up- to generate an unbelievable contraction for superior results. Internal Isometrics- the lost secret behind the old-time physical culturalists' exceptional abdominal streng...

CHF 46.90