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813 Ergebnisse - Zeige 781 von 800.

Reagan¿s Mythical America

Hanska, Jan
Reagan¿s Mythical America
This book is the first full-length study into the Reagan presidency with the tools of narratology. It expands the understudied field of research into political narratives as concrete policy tools and provides a new means of understanding the continuing popularity of Reagan as a President.

CHF 69.00

Lipophile Polyaminderivate als Leberspezifische Wirkstoff...

Dürr, Olga
Lipophile Polyaminderivate als Leberspezifische Wirkstofftransporte
Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt die Untersuchung von lipophilen Polyaminderivaten in vivo am Mausmodell und ihre Eignung als molekulare Transporter für ein OrganTargeting. Durch Milde Schutzgruppenstrategien wurden bei der Polyaminsynthese an der Festphase diverse lipophile Seitenketten eingeführt. Zur besseren Analytik in lebenden Zellen und Organismen wurden diese Polyamine zusätzlich kovalent mit einem Fluorophor gekuppelt. Eine kleine Bibliot...

CHF 33.90

The Making of a Leader

Clinton, Robert
The Making of a Leader
After examining the lives of hundreds of historical, biblical, and contemporary leaders, Dr. J. Robert Clinton gained perspective on how leaders develop over a lifetime. By studying the six distinct stages he identifies, you will learn to:.Recognize and respond to God's providential shaping in your life.Determine where you are in the leadership development process.Identify others with leadership characteristics.Direct the development of future...

CHF 29.50

Marx in Soho

Zinn, Howard
Marx in Soho
Marx in Soho is a brilliant introduction to Marx's life, his analysis of society, and his passion for radical change.

CHF 23.90


Thomas, Sandra C.
Eagle Lake was named for its large natural lake, which attracted the Karankawa Indians and early settlers from Stephen F. Austin's band of 300 colonists. In its location near the lake, the Colorado River, and the coastal plains, Eagle Lake is a productive agricultural, gravel, ranching, waterfowl, wildflower, and shipping center. In the late 1800s, Eagle Lake was a profitable sugarcane area, with one of the largest sugar refineries in the Sout...

CHF 38.90


Mierzejewski, Linda
Trenton is a small shoreline community on the banks of the Detroit River. Once populated with hardwood forests and the home of the Potawatomi Indians, Trenton later became known for its shipbuilding companies. Founded by Abram Truax in 1816 and platted in 1834, the town's name was originally Truaxton, was later changed to Truago, and since 1847 has been known as Trenton--a type of limestone mined from a local quarry. At one time, the city was ...

CHF 38.50


Morgan, Annabelle P. / Foreword by Charles Coble / Foreword, By Charles Coble
Like many small towns, Oakboro experienced its development and growth because of the coming of the railroad. Called Five Roads for a time after the five intersecting trading paths, then Furr City after the store at the crossroads owned by C.C. Furr, the little community was the center of rural life. Oakboro and the surrounding area grew rapidly with the increase in rail commerce, and in 1915, the town was incorporated. Early landowners operate...

CHF 38.90


Arat, Joanna L.
Long known as "Delaware's Broadway Experience, " the DuPont Theatre is the embodiment of the entertainment phrase, "The show must go on!" It has survived dramatic and traumatic historical events, including the 1929 stock market crash, the Great Depression, two world wars, the rise of motion pictures and television, a name change from the Playhouse to the DuPont Theatre, and a terrorist attack on our country that resonated globally. Despite the...

CHF 38.90


Addison, William J. / Hogenson, Kathryn Jewett
West Point, located at the juncture of three rivers, is a tapestry of the American experience. The peninsula was a stronghold and religious center for the Powhatan tribes of eastern Virginia and the site of many significant events at the beginning of English settlement in America. Its story includes Chief Powhatan, Pocahontas, and Capt. John Smith. In 1655, the West family became the first British to settle the peninsula, and Bacon's Rebellion...

CHF 38.90


Books LLC
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 33. Kapitel: Teigart, Teigverarbeitung, Backpulver, Sauerteig, Hermann-Teig, Backhefe, Sauerteigführung, Hefeteig, Blätterteig, Biskuitmasse, Vorteig, Triebmittel, Hirschhornsalz, Plunderteig, Mürbeteig, Backferment, Hippenmasse, Gärunterbrechung, Brandteig, Quellstück, Yufka, Rührteig, Backmittel, Malzextrakt, Salzteig, Teigausbeute, Bierteig, Knetmaschine, Gärkorb, Backschrot, Trennmittel, Teigling, Sandmasse, Gare...

CHF 21.50

Parasit Bei Wirbellosen

Books LLC
Parasit Bei Wirbellosen
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 28. Kapitel: Saitenwürmer, Varroamilbe, Zikadenwespen, Blasenkopffliegen, Marienkäfer-Brackwespe, Raupenfliegen, Wespenbienen, Fächerflügler, Wald-Kuckuckshummel, Sacculina, Schmalflügliger Pelzbienenölkäfer, Kugelfliegen, Fleckenbienen, Laboulbeniomycetes, Rollwespen, Felsen-Kuckuckshummel, Berberomeloe majalis, Violetter Ölkäfer, Goldwespen, Vierstreifige Dickkopffliege, Gemeine Goldwespe, Sand-Goldwespe, Bärtige K...

CHF 20.50

Koreanische Kampfkunst

Books LLC
Koreanische Kampfkunst
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 40. Kapitel: Taekwondo, Taekwondo-Begriffe, Hapkido, Hyeong, Taekwondo-Technik, Kukkiwon, Taekgyeon, Choi Hong-hi, Haidong Gumdo, Dachverband für Budotechniken Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hapkidowon, Shinson Hapkido, Dangsudo, Kup, TaekwondoData, Subak, Samurang, Hangeomdo, Ssaurabi, Poomse, Song Dok-ki, Kyoksul, Hwang Ki, Hwarang-Do, Choi Yong-sul, Bulmudo, Im Ho, Kumdo, Kuk Sool Won, Muye Dobo Tongji, Gungsul, Kyeok Too K...

CHF 22.50

Perikope Des Neuen Testaments

Books LLC
Perikope Des Neuen Testaments
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 56. Kapitel: Vaterunser, Apostelkonzil, Nunc dimittis, Heilung der Schwiegermutter des Simon Petrus, Bergpredigt, Magnificat, Jesus und die Ehebrecherin, Weihnachtsgeschichte, Lazarus, Barmherziger Samariter, Kindermord in Betlehem, Verlorener Sohn, Sieben Sendschreiben, Gleichnis von den anvertrauten Talenten, Missionsbefehl, Taufe Jesu, Gleichnis vom Nadelöhr, Benedictus, Gleichnis von den Arbeitern im Weinberg, Ph...

CHF 25.90

Indische Philosophie

Books LLC
Indische Philosophie
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 90. Kapitel: Reinkarnation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Samsara, Aurobindo Ghose, Yoga, Chinmoy, Bhagavad Gita, Ramanuja, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ahimsa, Karma, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, Integraler Yoga, Samkhya, Vedanta, Indische Logik, Vivekananda, Ajivika, Guna, Klesha, Charvaka, Upanishaden, Vaisheshika, Shankara, Moksha, Tetralemma, Purva Mimamsa, Nyaya, Brahman, Jnana Yoga, Purusha, Neo-Advaita, Tattva, Prakriti, Brahma-Su...

CHF 32.50

Meteorologische Größe

Books LLC
Meteorologische Größe
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 68. Kapitel: Dampfdruck, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Luftdruck, Windgeschwindigkeit, Windrichtung, Windchill, Kondensationsniveau, Sättigungsdampfdruck, Taupunkt, Atmosphärischer Temperaturgradient, Lufttemperatur, Sichtweite, Accumulated Cyclone Energy, Gefühlte Temperatur, Heißer Tag, Wirbelstärke, Virtuelle Temperatur, Temperaturextrema, Sonnenstrahlung, Sonnenschein, Eistag, Schneehöhe, Hitzeindex, Jährlichkeit, Luftdichte...

CHF 27.90


Books LLC
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 23. Kapitel: Luftsicherheitsgesetz, Flugzeugentführung, CIMACT, Luftsicherheitsbehörde, Luftraumüberwachung, American-Airlines-Flug 11, United-Airlines-Flug 175, United-Airlines-Flug 93, Nationales Lage- und Führungszentrum für Sicherheit im Luftraum, Bordgewalt, Alarmrotte, Northwest-Airlines-Flug 253, Goldhaube, ADMAR, American-Airlines-Flug 63, Flugsicherheit, Alarmstart. Auszug: Das Luftsicherheitsgesetz ist ein ...

CHF 18.90

Prison Landscapes - Alyse Emdur

Prison Landscapes - Alyse Emdur
In Prison Landscapes artist Alyse Emdur (born 1983) presents over 100 photographs of prison inmates presenting themselves in front of the idealized landscapes of painted visiting-room backdrops, posing with their visitors and pretending, for a moment, that they are elsewhere. Prison Landscapes explores this little-known genre of painting and portraiture seen only by inmates, visitors and prison employees. Created specifically for escape and se...

CHF 26.90