Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

882 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Pignatiello, Antonio
Un popolo particolare quello siciliano che nella sua millenaria storia non ha mai mosso guerra a un altro popolo ma che la guerra, quella di mafia, l'ha portata e vissuta quasi esclusivamente nella stessa Sicilia contro e tra siciliani stessi. Dalla Sicilia dei roghi dei boschi e delle Riserve ai processi per i morti ammazzati e le nuove inchieste giudiziarie, dalle Logge Massoniche deviate a Cosa Nostra, dalla mancanza cronica dell'acqua al p...

CHF 30.90


Olson, Yolanda
Unwound is the story of Caelum, created as 3257. Unlike humanity, Caelum describes his "birth" as something that began with an idea and a stitch, the brainchild of a deranged genius. He is torn for his love between his "mother" London and his want for freedom. Partially constructed as another one of London's cruelties, he's meant to only feel pain and fear.

CHF 26.50

Love, or a Safe, Sterile Life

Smith, M. B.
Love, or a Safe, Sterile Life
Seven years after former football star turned actor Brandon Kelly and leading actress Staci O'Conner were torn apart by a misunderstanding, they are reunited on the movie set. Although they feel an immediate attraction to each other, a lot has changed since they last parted. Brandon now has an ex-wife, controversial actress Chloe Watson, and Staci seemingly has a relationship with fading megastar Charles Bentley, whom Brandon blames for wrecki...

CHF 35.90

The Magic Wand of Christmas

Wilson, Margaret G.
The Magic Wand of Christmas
Joey Jones is a young school boy and when he comes home from school he is upset because his Mom is too busy preparing for Christmas to spend time with him. He is told to go outside to play. Joey goes outside and his neighbour, Granny Appleblossom calls him into her house. Seeing Joey is unhappy she helps him to return to a cheerful feeling. Granny Appleblossom gives him cookies and tells him her childhood story. Joey is intrigued and forgets t...

CHF 23.90

Bumerang Oriona

El'cin, Mihail
Bumerang Oriona
V ätoj knige opisywaetsq dostatochno blizkoe wremq, kogda na nashej Zemle dolzhno pogasnut' plamq wsewozmozhnogo nasiliq. Chelowek stalkiwaetsq s nasiliem s detstwa i do samoj smerti. I beskonechno gluboko uhodit äto zlo w istoriü chelowechestwa. Odnako, wsö chto imeet nachalo ¿ imeet i konec. Konec imeet i nasilie, ot kotorogo stonet uzhe sama mat'-Zemlq. Na stranicah ätoj knigi opisywaütsq fenomenal'nye sluchai, proishodqschie s bywshimi zak...

CHF 40.50

Voprosy rascheta krasochnyh apparatow pechatnyh mashin

Litunow, Sergej
Voprosy rascheta krasochnyh apparatow pechatnyh mashin
Rassmotreno techenie kraski w krasochnom apparate trafaretnoj mashiny s rakelem walkowogo tipa. Modelirowanie techeniq osuschestwlqlos' s pomosch'ü konformnyh otobrazhenij. Takzhe polucheny podobnye modeli techeniq kraski w pitaüschej gruppe krasochnogo apparata ofsetnoj mashiny s qcheistym duktornym cilindrom, i model' techeniq rastwora w uwlazhnqüschem apparate plenochnogo tipa ofsetnoj mashiny. Na osnowe poluchennyh modelej byli razrabotany...

CHF 102.00

Verhnij mel i paleogen Zapadnoj Sibiri

Podobina, Vera
Verhnij mel i paleogen Zapadnoj Sibiri
Monografiq predstawlqet soboj obobschenie fakticheskogo materiala po foraminiferam, biostratigrafii werhnego mela i paleogena Zapadnoj Sibiri, nakoplennogo awtorom za 50 let nauchnoj i prakticheskoj raboty. Ustanowlen sistematicheskij sostaw 22 komplexow foraminifer werhnego mela, iz kotoryh 20 komplexow wydeleny awtorom wperwye. V morskih otlozheniqh paleogena obnaruzheno 15 komplexow foraminifer, iz nih 12 - awtorom wperwye, ustanowlena zawi...

CHF 102.00

Perspektiwnost' introdukcii predstawitelej roda Quercus L

Lübimow, Valerij / Lomadze, Roman / Petrak, Vitalij
Perspektiwnost' introdukcii predstawitelej roda Quercus L
V monografii priwedeny rezul'taty introdukcii predstawitelej roda Quercus L. w üzhnye regiony Rossii. Jekologicheskim metodom obosnowana perspektiwnost' introdukcii nowyh widow i form iz roda Quercus L., w tom chisle, Q. borealis f. maxima (Marsh.)Ashe. (Q. rubra L. var. ambigua Fern.), Q. crispula Blume., Q. imbricaria Michx., Q. hartwissiana Stev., Q. macrocarpa Michx. i Q. mongolica Fisch. ex Turcz. Polucheny nowye dannye po bioäkologii Q. ...

CHF 88.00

Vodno-zemel'nye prawootnosheniq Respubliki Kazahstan

Sulejmenowa, Saule / Sajmowa, Sholpan
Vodno-zemel'nye prawootnosheniq Respubliki Kazahstan
Monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü teoreticheskih i prakticheskih problem realizacii norm wodnogo i zemel'nogo prawa w uslowiqh rynochnyh otnoshenij w Respublike Kazahstan. V rabote dany ponqtiq i raskryty soderzhaniq mehanizma realizacii norm wodnogo i zemel'nogo prawa i ih sostawnyh älementow, wyqwleny osobennosti wodnogo processa i dana klassifikaciq processual'nyh form realizacii norm wodnogo prawa, izucheny woprosy prawoprimeneniq kak os...

CHF 102.00

Vodnoe prawo Rossii

Kalinichenko, Taras Grigor'ewich
Vodnoe prawo Rossii
Monografiq predstawlqet komplexnoe issledowanie teoreticheskih woprosow razwitiq wodnogo prawa Rossijskoj Federacii w swete nowogo wodnogo zakonodatel'stwa. V nej issleduütsq istoricheskie, teoreticheskie predposylki formirowaniq wodnogo prawa, ponqtie, ob#ekty i sub#ekty, terminologiq wodnogo prawa, sootnoshenie wodnogo prawa s drugimi otraslqmi prawa, a takzhe mehanizm prawowogo regulirowaniq wodnyh otnoshenij. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno mezhdu...

CHF 102.00

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 1

Alwi Sakhir Abed, Abbas
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Volume 1
The Books on Heat and Mass Transfer, generally available in the market, are of two types one, those are very good as regards fundamentals and concepts with very little emphasis on the art of problem solving, and the other, which present a huge lot of problems without much concern for basics and logic. The dual objective of understanding of the physical phenomena involved and the ability to formulate and solve typical problems in the field by a...

CHF 102.00

Strukturno-neustojchiwye grunty

Panicharow, Gencho
Strukturno-neustojchiwye grunty
V knige izlozhen komplex woprosow i problemm geomehaniki, swqzannyh so stroitel'stwom podzemnyh sooruzhenij. Ispolozowany razlichnye modeli rascheta fundamentow i konstrukcij s osnowaniem iz strukturno-neustojchiwyh gruntow. Kniga napisana na osnowe obobscheniq peredowyh tehnicheskih reshenij w oblasti podzemnogo stroitel'stwa i soprowozhdena s chislennymi primerami, oblegchaüschimi oswoenie slozhnyh raschetnyh sistem aspirantami, magistrami, ...

CHF 64.00

Mehanizmy ritmicheskoj aktiwnosti nejronow winogradnoj ul...

Husainow, Denis / Korenük, Iwan / Gamma, Tat'qna
Mehanizmy ritmicheskoj aktiwnosti nejronow winogradnoj ulitki
V monografii rassmotreny literaturnye i sobstwennye äxperimental'nye dannye ob osobennostqh generacii potencialow dejstwiq, biofizicheskih parametrow potencialow nejronow prawogo parietal'nogo i wisceral'nogo gangliew winogradnoj ulitki Helix albescens Rossm. Na dannom ätape izucheniq mozhno isklüchit' wozmozhnost' neposredstwennogo uchastiq Sa2+ w älektricheskih processah, opredelqüschih generaciü pejsmekernoj aktiwnosti w issleduemyh nejrona...

CHF 64.00

Sowremennye obrazowatel'nye tehnologii

Hazanowich, Jengel'
Sowremennye obrazowatel'nye tehnologii
Sowremennyj period trebuet suschestwennogo powysheniq kachestwa obrazowaniq, odnim iz wazhnejshih uslowij kotorogo qwlqetsq perehod k bolee sowershennym obrazowatel'nym tehnologiqm, s ispol'zowaniem Interneta, informacionno- kommunikacionnyh sistem, kanalow swqzi. Znachitel'nye usiliq w ätom naprawlenii osuschestwlqütsq w nastoqschij moment i w Rossii. V predlagaemoj rabote opisywaetsq opyt primeneniq takih tehnologij w prepodawanii äkonomiche...

CHF 64.00

Powedenie agentow na lokal'nyh rynkah s informacionnoj as...

Gurtuew, Alim / Iwanow, Zaur / Derkach, Elena
Powedenie agentow na lokal'nyh rynkah s informacionnoj asimmetriej
Issledowany problemy modelirowaniq äkonomicheskogo powedeniq w uslowiqh informacionnoj asimmetrii na lokal'nom rynke. Rezul'taty laboratornyh äxperimentow dlq issledowaniq äffekta neblagopriqtnogo otbora pokazywaüt, chto prodawcy, kotorye smogli otkazat'sq ot ispol'zowaniq informacionnogo preimuschestwa, poluchili bolee wysokie srednie pribyli i, takim obrazom, podtwerzhdaüt, chto sistematicheskoe informacionnoe preimuschestwo na rynke newygod...

CHF 64.00

Jekoäffektiwnaq pererabotka metallurgicheskih othodow

Chörnyj, Sergej Anatol'ewich
Jekoäffektiwnaq pererabotka metallurgicheskih othodow
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq problemy powysheniq äkologo-äkonomicheskoj äffektiwnosti metallurgicheskogo proizwodstwa. Osnownoe wnimanie udelqetsq metodike optimizacii äkologo-äkonomicheskih parametrow pererabotki othodow metallurgii s ispol'zowaniem morfologicheskogo podhoda i sistemy special'nyh kriteriew äkoäffektiwnosti reciklinga. Priwodqtsq rezul'taty primeneniq predlagaemogo podhoda dlq razrabotki usowershenstwowannoj tehnologii utiliza...

CHF 88.00

Perception Of Social Studies In The Teacher Training Coll...

Kankam, Boadu
Perception Of Social Studies In The Teacher Training Colleges In Ghana
Perception on social studies is an important resource for social studies educators and curriculum designers.It aims to help readers to improve their work by broadening their knowledge of the ways social studies is perceived and how the curriculum of social studies can be designed. This book is for those teaching or supporting student teachers. such as tutors and lecturers in teaching training colleges, colleges of education and universities. I...

CHF 88.00

Pedagogicheskaq sistema I.P. Iwanowa w sowremennom kontexte

Maslük, Ol'ga / Belqewa, Valentina
Pedagogicheskaq sistema I.P. Iwanowa w sowremennom kontexte
Problema duhowno-nrawstwennogo wospitaniq otnositsq k chislu teh, kotorye postoqnno nahodqtsq w centre wnimaniq otechestwennyh uchenyh, obsuzhdaetsq na gosudarstwennom urowne. V sowremennuü äpohu regulqrno powtorqüschihsq äkonomicheskih i finansowyh krizisow dlq mnogih stanowitsq ochewidnym, chto ih nachalo, kak i lüboj, social'noj i politicheskoj nestabil'nosti lezhit w utrate nrawstwennyh i duhownyh orientirow. "...wo wsem mire dlq preodolen...

CHF 77.00