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1170 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Jekonomicheskoe issledowanie inwesticionnogo klimata regi...

Frenkel', Alexandr / Sergienko, Yakow / Rajskaq, Nataliq
Jekonomicheskoe issledowanie inwesticionnogo klimata regionow Rossii
V rabote izuchaütsq inwesticionnye wozmozhnosti regionow, prowoditsq ih differenciaciq po urownü inwesticionnogo potenciala i stepeni inwesticionnogo riska. Vydeleny gruppy regionow po inwesticionnoj aktiwnosti, opredeleny faktory, sposobstwuüschie rostu inwesticionnogo potenciala i uluchsheniü inwesticionnogo klimata regionow, sostawlen rejting regionow po ih inwesticionnoj priwlekatel'nosti na osnowe sozdannogo integral'nogo pokazatelq, prow...

CHF 64.00

Uprawlencheskij analiz platnyh obrazowatel'nyh uslug w VUZah

Makej, Margarita
Uprawlencheskij analiz platnyh obrazowatel'nyh uslug w VUZah
Monografiq poswqschena probleme okazaniq platnyh obrazowatel'nyh uslug gosudarstwennymi wysshimi uchebnymi zawedeniqmi. Cel' raboty zaklüchaetsq w sistematizacii teoreticheskih znanij w oblasti buhgalterskogo ucheta i äkonomicheskogo analiza w VUZah, razrabotke awtorskih metodik uprawlencheskogo analiza platnyh obrazowatel'nyh uslug, a takzhe ih primenenii na prakticheskih materialah Belorusskogo gosudarstwennogo uniwersiteta kul'tury i iskuss...

CHF 64.00

Obespechenie sprosa na obuw' predpriqtij JuFO i SKFO

Prohorow, Vladimir / Osina, Tat'qna / Osackaq, Nina
Obespechenie sprosa na obuw' predpriqtij JuFO i SKFO
V kollektiwnoj monografii awtory w period global'nogo mirowogo äkonomicheskogo krizisa predlagaüt reshenie problem, swqzannyh s obespecheniem konkurentosposobnosti dlq produkcii obuwnyh predpriqtij Juzhnogo federal'nogo okruga. Pri ätom wpolne oprawdano reshenie ätih problem za schöt sozdaniq kak nowyh proizwodstw, tak i restrukturizacii ubytochnyh predpriqtij po wypusku produkcii powyshennogo sprosa na baze gibkih tehnologicheskih processow s...

CHF 102.00

Evaporation modeling using Artificial neural networks

Shirgure, Parameshwar / Rajput, G. S.
Evaporation modeling using Artificial neural networks
The investigation was carried out to develop and test the daily pan evaporation prediction models using various weather parameters as input variables with artificial neural network (ANN) and validated with the independent subset of data for five different locations in India. The measured variables included daily observations of maximum and minimum temperature, maximum and minimum relative humidity, wind speed, sunshine hours, rainfall and pan ...

CHF 102.00

Life Experiences of Constructively Adapting Adolescent Wa...

Ngoubene-Atioky, Arlette
Life Experiences of Constructively Adapting Adolescent War Refugees
The United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees estimated a total of 11 million refugees worldwide (UNHCR, 2011). Approximately 71, 0000 of these refugees resettled in the United States and 10, 000 in Canada (UNHCR, 2011, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2007). The UN defines a refugee as an individual in exile due to a "well-founded" fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, and/or for any other socially based identi...

CHF 102.00

Bol'shebercowyj nerw pri wysokodrobnom udlinenii goleni

Varsegowa, Tat'qna
Bol'shebercowyj nerw pri wysokodrobnom udlinenii goleni
Vperwye s primeneniem komplexa sowremennyh metodow gistologicheskogo issledowaniq, wklüchaüschih swetowuü i älektronnuü mikroskopiü, gistohimiü, komp'üternuü morfometriü, izuchena strukturnaq reorganizaciq bol'shebercowogo nerwa udlinqemoj konechnosti pri nowyh rezhimah wysokodrobnoj awtodistrakcii: temp 1 mm za 60 priömow w techenie 12 chasow i powyshennyj temp 3 mm za 180 wklüchenij awtodistraktora w techenie sutok. Opredeleny strukturnye ko...

CHF 77.00

The Role of Imitation In Engliah Language Teaching

Azizi, Zeinab
The Role of Imitation In Engliah Language Teaching
The educational concept of the zone of proximal development of the Russian psychologist Lev S. Vygotsky (1896-1934) has been applied in a number of language studies that showsthe capability of learner with equal levels of mental development to learn under a teacher's guidance enhances. Vygotsky addresses the role that communication and imitation play in development learning and further explains that children can imitate a variety of actions th...

CHF 64.00

Hudozhestwennyj wkus i mirowospriqtie sowremennyh detej i...

Torshilowa, Elena
Hudozhestwennyj wkus i mirowospriqtie sowremennyh detej i podrostkow
Osnownaq problema knigi - osobennosti hudozhestwennogo wkusa detej, rastuschih segodnq, w nowyh sociokul'turnyh uslowiqh. Sposob polucheniq informacii o soderzhanii i urownqh razwitosti hudozhestwennogo wkusa - indiwidual'noe testirowanie po issledowatel'skim metodikam psihologicheskoj ästetiki, prezhde wsego - po metodikam I.L.Chajlda. Teoreticheskaq baza original'nyh diagnosticheskih metodik - filosofskaq tradiciq interpretacii ästeticheskoj...

CHF 64.00

Informacionnye sistemy i tehnologii

Shaforostowa, Elena / Kowtun, Nelli / Teplow, Nikolaj
Informacionnye sistemy i tehnologii
Rassmatriwaütsq woprosy stanowleniq i razwitiq komp'üternyh sistem, osnownye komponenty bazowyh informacionnyh tehnologij, a takzhe ispol'zowanie informacionnyh sistem i tehnologij w uprawlenii. Osoboe wnimanie udelqetsq formirowaniü, obrabotke i predstawleniü dannyh w srede integrirowannyh, korporatiwnyh sistem i tehnologij resheniq professional'nyh zadach menedzherami, rabotaüschimi w organizaciqh razlichnogo tipa i slozhnoj struktury. Daets...

CHF 77.00

Jewolüciq liberalizma w Sibiri perioda rewolücii i grazhd...

Handorin, Vladimir
Jewolüciq liberalizma w Sibiri perioda rewolücii i grazhdanskoj wojny
Kniga poswqschena analizu äwolücii idejno-politicheskih pozicij liberal'nogo dwizheniq w Sibiri perioda rewolücii i grazhdanskoj wojny wo glawe s kadetskoj partiej, za kratkij otrezok wremeni prodelawshej put' ot flagmana liberal'noj demokratii do osnownoj politicheskoj opory Belogo dwizheniq i woennoj diktatury admirala A.V. Kolchaka. Na osnowe shirokogo kruga arhiwnyh i opublikowannyh dokumental'nyh istochnikow, periodicheskoj pechati togo w...

CHF 102.00

Entrepreneurship in Tribal Handloom Clusters in India

Ramswamy, Rama
Entrepreneurship in Tribal Handloom Clusters in India
The handloom sector not only represents the rich heritage of India, but is also the second largest employment provider after agriculture and has shown great resilience in surviving and sustaining over the ages. The North Eastern states of India have the largest concentration of handlooms in the country and more than 50 per cent of the handloom workforce belongs to this region. Based on the mapping of Thenzawl handloom cluster in Mizoram, a tri...

CHF 102.00

Psihologiq zdorow'q studencheskoj molodezhi

Zalewskij, Genrih / Kuz'mina, Juliq
Psihologiq zdorow'q studencheskoj molodezhi
Studencheskaq molodezh' qwlqetsq obschepriznannym intellektual'nym potenciallom nacii, obschestwa, gosudarstwa. Poätomu sohranenie i ukreplenie ee zdorow'q qwlqetsq odnoj iz perwostepennyh zadach gosudarstwa. No w perwuü ochered' - äto zadacha samoj studencheskoj molodezhi - hranit' zdorow'e s molodu kak i chest'. Inache goworq, zdorow'e nachinaetsq so zdorowogo otnosheniq k zdorow'ü. V monografii predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq togo mest...

CHF 102.00

Fragmente einer Frauenfreundschaft

Manges, Johanna
Fragmente einer Frauenfreundschaft
Die Protagonistinnen dieser Arbeit sind die Pazifistinnen Hedwig von Pötting (1853-1915) und ihre Freundin, die österreichische Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914). Die in einem konservativen Umfeld lebende, selbst jedoch engagierte und politisch interessierte Stiftsdame Pötting nahm 1893 brieflich Kontakt mit Suttner, der damals schon bekannten Schriftstellerin und Friedensaktivistin, auf. Die Briefe Pöttings wurden bish...

CHF 89.00

Diseño de los Estándares de Calidad, en el Lobby Bar de u...

Oropesa Vento, Midiala / Vega Fierro, Vianeth A.
Diseño de los Estándares de Calidad, en el Lobby Bar de un Hotel
Como es sabido, el control de la calidad del servicio, depende del control del momento del encuentro del cliente con el prestador del mismo y para controlar esta calidad, la vía aceptada universalmente, es mediante la implantación de los estándares de calidad del servicio. El estándar se conceptualiza como un patrón o una guía de control que sirve como punto de referencia contra el cuál medir el desempeño de una empresa, nos dice también cómo ...

CHF 39.50

Dirección en la formación investigativa

Ocampo V, Juan
Dirección en la formación investigativa
El texto dirección en la formación investigativa, es la recopilación ordenada, tomada de varios autores, que proponen partes importantes para que estudiantes e interesados en desarrollar rápidamente un producto de investigación lleguen pronto a la meta de entender la forma, el como y que consultar. En este texto se vuelve relevante hacer una corta lectura del aparte, realizar la tarea de composición de la etapa en desarrollo y regresar a la va...

CHF 51.50

Oxford Readings in Propertius

Greene, Ellen / Welch, Tara S.
Oxford Readings in Propertius
This is the first volume on Propertius to bring together some of the best and most influential scholarship on his poetry and put them into dialogue with each other. The articles discuss the recent developments in classical scholarship and look at issues of text, intertextuality, gender, and the social and political context of Propertius' work.

CHF 278.00

The Quest for Q

Meyer, Linda Ross
The Quest for Q
From the Prologue: "There's nothing in here that could possibly be of interest to you. This story, you see, involves a library. An actual stone and mortar one. Books made out of leather and paper. Been in one? Well, you might have seen pictures. It also involves a murder mystery, a two-level secret code, three odd teenagers, some snarky gargoyles, and several deep philosophical questions. Most likely not your kind of thing. Really, you should ...

CHF 23.90

The Atacama Desert

Peppas, Lynn
The Atacama Desert
Describes the geological makeup and history of the Atacama Desert in Chile. This book helps readers learn that the Atacama's soil is so similar to soil samples from Mars that NASA goes to this desert to test its exploration instruments.

CHF 15.90

Die Vereinbarung von Alleinentscheidungsrechten des Arbei...

Inhester, Benedikt
Die Vereinbarung von Alleinentscheidungsrechten des Arbeitgebers innerhalb des § 87 Abs. 1 BetrVG
Der Fülle an Einzelheiten, die gem. § 87 Abs. 1 BetrVG der notwendigen Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats unterworfen sind, steht im betrieblichen Alltag teilweise ein nur geringes Bedürfnis der Betriebspartner gegenüber, tatsächlich jede einzelne mitbestimmungspflichtige Frage gemeinsam erschöpfend zu erörtern. Die Betriebspartner reagieren darauf, indem sie Detailfragen ungeregelt lassen und bloße "Rahmenregelungen" vereinbaren, die der Arbeitge...

CHF 41.90