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285 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

A Paleographical Puzzle

Bellamy, Robert
A Paleographical Puzzle
About 800 years ago, an unknown scribe applied his quill to an animal skin to faithfully reproduce the most important and influential text the world has ever known. Deciphering his cryptic symbols and scribbles today seems a hopeless task... but such is the ambitious aim of Robert Bellamy's latest book, A Paleographical Puzzle - a detailed presentation of the history, creation, language, script, abbreviation system, and content of a 13th-centu...

CHF 78.00

CEO Guide to Doing Business in Brazil

Asefeso MCIPS MBA, Ade
CEO Guide to Doing Business in Brazil
Sportsmen and women will descend on the Brazil in search of glory in both the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympic and Paralympics Games and, like its sporting counterpart, business networking events will not all take place in Brazil's capital city, hundreds of business summits, conferences will be hosted across Brazil. CEO Guide to Doing Business in Brazil, is a book that provide business guide to Brazil's 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2...

CHF 30.90

Dogs Are Family Too Second Edition Revised

Edwards-Wright, Tracy
Dogs Are Family Too Second Edition Revised
The readers will enjoy learning about their canine friends and they will also delight in knowing that dogs are part of their family too. This book contains information about various dogs' personalities or temperaments, and exciting photographs of various kinds of breeds such as a Bloodhound, Boxer, Bull Dog, Bullmastiff, Bull Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, English Mastiff, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Italian Greyhound,...

CHF 40.50


Dariol, Lorenzo
La dolce Blondy non sà che quello che per lei è immenso amore, si rivelerà la sua rovina, il risvolto finale vi lascerà senza parole. Il Mostro del Nevada alle porte e una serie di indizi porteranno Smith e Cleary a risolvere il mistero delle morti dei ragazzi del Cotton College, ma non sarà poi così prevedibile catturare lo spietato assassino.

CHF 38.50

The Inner Journey of a Traveler - "Who Am I?" - From Fear...

Altman, Armand
The Inner Journey of a Traveler - "Who Am I?" - From Fear to Love and Freedom
Armand Altman is a psychologist and mediator. Over the last thirty-five years he has facilitated workshops on personal development. He has extensively traveled in India and South East Asia in search of Truth. This book is a sharing of his spiritual journey, as he experienced the reality of being able to change his life-long ego patterns. It is the mind/ego that prevents us from realizing and truly experiencing our undivided Natural State: L...

CHF 12.50


Middleton, H . L
A half-lit world full of half-kept promises offered nothing but unwanted memories tonight. Ruby is on a mission to rescue her sister, starting human high school in the process, learning that life, is just a bowl of all bran.

CHF 11.50

My Nine Year Hike with the Marines

Archer, Bill
My Nine Year Hike with the Marines
The nine year adventure of a young man sent off by his family to join the Marine Corps before he could graduate high school, and how his life changed from a multitude of strange experiences, some memorable, some forgettable.

CHF 41.90


Valera, Paolo
Aonia edizioni. Ricordo Benito Mussolini con quel suo paltoncino proletario, dal bavero rialzato. Il freddo milanese lo sentiva molto. Compariva tutto freddoloso nel mio studio di via Fontana 18, con una certa timidezza. Protendeva la testa con quei suoi occhioni di fuoco. Sovente, entrando, domandava: "Sei solo?". Non sedeva quasi mai. Passeggiava concitato e sviluppava i suoi pensieri rivoluzionari. Demoliva il regime del quale oggi è ricost...

CHF 31.90

Razwitie äkonomicheskih otnoshenij w zhilischnoj sfere

Tolstyh, Juliq / Shugurowa, Ol'ga
Razwitie äkonomicheskih otnoshenij w zhilischnoj sfere
Sostoqnie imeüschegosq zhilischnogo fonda postoqnno uhudshaetsq w rezul'tate prakticheski polnogo prekrascheniq rabot po ego soderzhaniü, obnowleniü i rekonstrukcii. V swqzi s ätim cel'ü monografii qwlqetsq analiz modelej powysheniq äxpluatacionnyh kachestw ob#ektow zhiloj nedwizhimosti, s pomosch'ü analiza rynka predostawlqemyh uslug ZhKH, wnedreniq nowyh tehnologij, pozwolqüschih uwelichit' änergoäffektiwnost' zhilyh zdanij i rassmotret' zhi...

CHF 88.00

African Population Studies

Sathiya Susuman, A.
African Population Studies
It is indeed my pleasure to introduce the African Population Studies material on Demography/Population Studies. This is my great pleasure to include few different African studies those who have worked under my supervision. I have taken care of the latest Demographic and Health Survey data, Population Census and Primary data were used in the analysis and existing development content as per African situation. I have tried to use the statistical ...

CHF 64.00

Razwitie malogo i srednego biznesa w Kyrgyzstane

Somow, Ewgenij / Naaber, Jurij
Razwitie malogo i srednego biznesa w Kyrgyzstane
V sbornike nauchnyh rabot issledowany problemy razwitiq malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stwa w Kyrgyzskoj Respublikeü. Issledowany puti powysheniq proizwoditel'nosti truda w sektore malogo i srednego biznesa. Rassmotreny woprosy powysheniq äffektiwnosti malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stwa w respublike. Oswescheny problemy zanqtosti naseleniq i snizheniq bezrabotcy w Kyrgyzskoj Respublike. Materialy sbornika nauchnyh rabot mogut byt' ispol'z...

CHF 88.00

Parametricheskaq optimizaciq obrabotki zubchatyh koles

Cherepahin, Alexandr / Vinogradow, Vitalij / Klepikow, Viktor
Parametricheskaq optimizaciq obrabotki zubchatyh koles
V monografii oswescheny woprosy parametricheskoj optimizacii processow izgotowleniq srednemodul'nyh zubchatyh koles transmissij i dwigatelej transportnyh sredstw i priwodow stankow. Dan sistemnyj analiz faktorow, optimiziruüschih tehnologicheskie processy izgotowleniq zubchatyh koles, matematicheskoe opisanie zuboobrabatywaüschej operacii i mnogowariantnogo tehnologicheskogo processa izgotowleniq zubchatogo kolesa. Opisany principy parametrich...

CHF 102.00

Tokyo Friends: Tokyo No Tomodachi

Reynolds, Betty
Tokyo Friends: Tokyo No Tomodachi
This multicultural children's book is a kid-friendly introduction to Japanese culture!Katie is a young American girl living in present-day Tokyo. One day, as she walks her dog, she meets Keiko, a young Japanese girl, and her brother Kenji. Join Katie, Keiko and Kenji as they explore the city and its surroundings as they learn about cultural diversity and the customs of their respective countries. Whether eating soba (buckwheat noodles) or spag...

CHF 21.90

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Paiva, Alexandre
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a guide to the most efficient and devastating techniques in popular martial arts by World Champion and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu legend Alexandre Paiva. The book contains over 1, 000 full-color photographs demonstrating the moves that made the author the most feared competitor in BJJ circles and now one of the most sought-after instructors. Jiu-Jitsu or Jujutsu came into prominence in the early 90's when jiu-jitsu expert Royce...

CHF 33.90


Bryfonski, Dedria
Islamophobia existed in premise before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, but it has increased in prevalence and standing during the past decade. This volume introduces the reader to a broad spectrum of views on Islamophobia. Disparate viewpoints of issues are encapsulated in each chapter with the use of a question-and-response format. By evaluating contrasting viewpoints on topics such as Sharia law, whether America is Islamophobic,...

CHF 46.90