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Bicher, Haim I.
Hyperthennia is rapidly becaning the fourth IIDdality of cancer treatment, at least a useful adjuvant to radiation therapy, chEfiO­ therapy or surgery, at best, a new therapeutic fonn that, properly used, may open new horizons in the fight against this dreadful disease. The staging is still primitive. The devices used are after laboratory irrprovisations, and lack the precision and definition of treatment fields that will allow mass use of the...

CHF 134.00

Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms for Chemicals

Hollaender, Alexander
Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms for Chemicals
The normal course of most biologically catalyzed processes is tightly regulated at the genetic and physiological levels. The regulatory mechanisms are diverse, sometimes redundant, and it is becoming increasingly apparent that, at the genetic level, the range of mechanisms may be limited only by the permutations and combina­ tions available. For each microbial cell, evolution appears to have resulted in maximized advantage to that cell, achiev...

CHF 134.00

Mental Retardation and Sterilization

Gaylin, Willard / Macklin, Ruth
Mental Retardation and Sterilization
1 This book is the product of a one-year project conducted by the Hastings Center, Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences, during 1976-1977. The Behavior Control Research Group-an ongoing, interdisciplinary working group com­ posed of philosophers, psychiatrists, psychologists, social sci­ entists, and lawyers-met four times over the course of the year with special consultants with expertise in the field of mental retardation. At t...

CHF 134.00

Cholinergic Mechanisms and Psychopharmacology

Jenden, D.
Cholinergic Mechanisms and Psychopharmacology
This volume represents a collection of papers which were contributed by participants at a Symposium for Cholinergic Mechanisms and Psycho­ pharmacology, held in La Jolla, California on March 28-30, 1977. The were chosen to emphasize areas in which there has been substantial topics progress in the past 2-3 years and fall into seven major groups dealingwith: cholinergiC receptors, chemistry, histochemistry and enzymology, cyclic nucleotides and ...

CHF 134.00

Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Drugs

Lal, Harbans
Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Drugs
As one who has gone down the wayward path from "pure" organic chemistry to biochemistry to pharmacology, I was not quite prepared to go all the way - into the field of discriminable stimuli. The organizer of the symposium on discriminable stimuli induced by drugs, Dr. Harbans Lal, did seduce me into attending. Having lost my behavioral virginity, I now stare with open eyes at the field. One item in particular at this meeting exemplifies to me ...

CHF 134.00

Immunity in Viral and Rickettsial Diseases

Kohn, A.
Immunity in Viral and Rickettsial Diseases
The OHOLO conferences have been convened annually as from the spring of 1956, they have covered very wide areas from different and overlapping disciplines, as can be seen from the following list: 1956 Bacterial Genetics (not published) 1957 Tissue Cultures in Virological Research (not published) 1958 Inborn and Acquired Resistance to Infection in Animals (not published) 1959 Experimental Approach to Mental Diseases (not published) 1960 Cryptob...

CHF 134.00

Nutrition and Agricultural Development

Scrimshaw, Nevin
Nutrition and Agricultural Development
For the past thirteen years, symposia have been held either in South America or in Mexico on subjects of special interest to Latin American scientists. When the opportunity of holding the 14th International Biological Symposium in Guate­ mala was offered, it was most welcome, especially as the occasion was the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP). With the encouragement of memb...

CHF 134.00

The Heroin Stimulus

Meyer, R. E.
The Heroin Stimulus
The simple fact that the authors were able to give injectable heroin to volunteers for addictive self-administration at a Harvard facility may elude the notice it deserves. On the other hand, resec:irch questions center­ ing on whether heroin is linked to a craving for pleasure or relief of pain might raise the transplanted hackles of those who simplistically see scien­ tists as pursuing only transparent trivialities. In truth, this report is ...

CHF 134.00


Park, J.
This book is written for students who want a working knowledge in the field of implant materials. Obviously, the interdisciplinary nature of this subject has been a major obstacle in writing a book of this nature. In writing this book, I have attempted to cover both biological and nonbiological (man-made) materials for obvious reasons. Hence, this book can be divided into three parts-man-made materials, biological materials, and implant materi...

CHF 157.00

Deep-Sea Sediments

Inderbitzen, Anton
Deep-Sea Sediments
As part of its continuing program to stimulate superior basic research in the marine environment, the Office of Naval Research, Ocean Science and Technology Division, sponsored a series of closed seminar-workshops in 1972-1973. Each seminar focused upon one re­ search area of marine geology which is relatively new and in need of a critical evaluation and accelerated support. The subjects areas chosen for the seminars were: 1. natural gases in ...

CHF 134.00

Principles of Applied Clinical Chemistry Chemical Backgro...

Natelson, Samuel
Principles of Applied Clinical Chemistry Chemical Background and Medical Applications
Clinical Chemistry encompasses the study of the fundamental princi­ ples of chemistry as applied to an understanding of the functioning of the human organism in health and disease." 1 From its very definition, clinical chemistry is an applied science. Its scope includes the following: I. Studies designed to elucidate the chemical mechanisms whereby the human normally functions. 2. The application of this information to an understanding of the ...

CHF 134.00

Drug Abuse

Btesh, S.
Drug Abuse
Putting history on the agenda.- Factors associated with the use of dependence producing drugs.- Non-pharmacological factors.- Pharmacological factors.- Cultural factors.- Psychosocial factors of alcoholism.- Clinical research on dependence producing drugs.- Perspectives in pharmacological research on drug dependence.- Current patterns of abuse of dependence producing drugs.- Patterns of drug abuse in France.- Patterns of drug abuse in Sweden.-...

CHF 69.00

Nutrition and Mental Functions

Serban, George
Nutrition and Mental Functions
The description of sequelae of nutritional deficien­ cies was equally oversimplified. Obviously, a disease like rickets, which affected hard tissues--the skeleton-­ had irreversible consequences. Destruction or alteration of tissues, such as in cancrum oris or severe xerophthal­ mia, was equally permanent and easily observed. Other models were beriberi or scurvy, where, by contrast, the vitamin treatment seemed to restore the individual to the...

CHF 69.00

Nuclear Cardiology

Serafini, Aldo
Nuclear Cardiology
Nuclear medicine is undergoing major orientation both praetieally and eoneeptu­ ally. To this point nuclear medieine has direeted the major portion of its effort to visualization of statie organ systems. The true value of this teehnique lies not in its ability to graphieally display organ systems, but rather its ability to measure organ funetion in a noninvasive manner. Dr. Serafini and his eolleagues have, in this book, brought together the e...

CHF 134.00

Sociocultural Roots of Mental Illness

Schwab, J.
Sociocultural Roots of Mental Illness
For the past decade and more, American psychiatry has been at sea on the adventurous if uncontrolled odyssey of community psychiatry. The voyage has often coursed through uncharted oceans, and for many the purpose and destination of the journey have been obscure. Even among those whose sights are clearer, there is growing concern that the ship will be becalmed by inadequate funding or run aground on the shoals of bureaucratic anarchy. For all ...

CHF 134.00

Mobilization of Reserves in Germination

Nozzolillo, Constance
Mobilization of Reserves in Germination
Although many reviews and articles about germination have been published, our understanding of the process is far from complete. Some of the reactions involved in the transforma­ tions and translocation of reserve compounds and their final fate in the growing tissues was the subject of the annual symposium of the Phytochemical Society of North America which was held in August, 1982, on the campus of the University of Ottawa, Canada. A major em...

CHF 134.00

The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Nitrogen Fixation

Postgate, J.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Nitrogen Fixation
Understanding of biological nitrogen fixation has advanced with impressive rapidity during the last decade. As befits a developing area of Science, these advances have uncovered information and raised questions which will have, and indeed have had, repercussions in numerous other branches of science and its applications. This 'information explosion', to use one of to-day's cant idioms, was initiated by the discovery, by a group of scientists w...

CHF 134.00

Engineering Applications of Lasers and Holography

Kock, Winston
Engineering Applications of Lasers and Holography
This book is intended for upperclass college students as an introduction to the growing field of coherent optics and to the increasing number of its applications, and also for those versed in other fields who wish to gain per­ spective and insight without detailed calculations. It is an outgrowth of the author's Science Study Series book Lasers and HolographY. * Besides being an updated and expanded version of that book, it includes discussion...

CHF 69.00

Dilemmas in Diabetes

Wolf, Stewart
Dilemmas in Diabetes
This volume contains the edited proceedings of the Totts Gap Colloquium on Diabetes Mellitus, DILEMMAS IN DIABETES. The Collo­ quium, lasting two and a half days, was organized mainly as a dia­ logue among experts in the field with different disciplinary back­ grounds and, to some extent, differing points of view. The effort was to synthesize existing knowledge, reconciling disparate data and interpretation, and pointing up important areas of ...

CHF 134.00