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944 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

WaterLeigh Care Home

Cutpurse, Molly
WaterLeigh Care Home
Waterleigh Care Home is primarily about a young carer, Ms Erin Fylnn and, Sarah Graham, a new type of patient who is forced to take up permanent residence due to early onset dementia. Although Erin is regarded as one of the best carers in the home, she is not without personal family problems. However, the elderly and confused Sarah brings out more than the caring side of her, proving that even during our last days, all of us can be useful as ...

CHF 23.90

Slave Narratives Interviews with Former Slaves South Caro...

Administration, Work Projects
Slave Narratives Interviews with Former Slaves South Carolina, Part 2
After the Revolutionary War, millions of African descendent men and women remained slaves despite being freed by the English. Nearly 100 years later they were freed, but remained living in fear for their lives in the Southern States. This book details first hand accounts of what it was like to live under the hand of oppression and slavery. The language is harsh and direct, but shows what life truly was like by the stories and pictures of indiv...

CHF 39.50

Man of Prayer

Richard, Jr. Bobby John
Man of Prayer
Prayer is an essential part of who we are as Christians. I have been richly blessed to record a Collection of all of my Prayers in this book entitled, "Man of Prayer." This book is a Collection of Prayers from Christian Author Bobby John Richard, Jr., composed from the first 5 of my books I have been truly blessed to have the privilege to write. Please enjoy this Powerful Collection of Prayers designed to bless you and your families. ...

CHF 45.90

Dim the Dark

Bellhouse, Sarah
Dim the Dark
Steven laughed. "Imagine being scared of the light! You're a bigger baby than I am, " he scoffed. One is afraid of the dark, the other is afraid of the light. Can these unlikely friends help each other overcome their fears?

CHF 31.50

Wimbledon Women's Singles Championships 2012 Edition

Barclay, Simon
Wimbledon Women's Singles Championships 2012 Edition
This book contains every result at the Wimbledon Ladies Singles Championships since the open era began in 1968. For the 2012 edition, full details of all 128 players taking part in the main draw, their rankings before and after the tournament and their 5-year performance at Wimbledon. Results from the Roehampton qualifying competition are also included. The statistics section contains a point-by-point record of the three set final between Sere...

CHF 42.90

No Greater Love

Lanier, Gladys
No Greater Love
In the Midst of a War Zone, Hers is a Holy Mission of Love and Peace... She led sermons under threat of mortar fire, prepared Easter communion on the tailgate of an armored vehicle. But the biggest threat for Chaplain Gladys Lanier wasn't an RPG--it was spiritual apathy. No Greater Love: Staying Alive 365 Days in Babylon is her account of being embedded with American forces fighting in Iraq from 2004 to 2005, during some of the fiercest comba...

CHF 18.90

Yazyk, myshlenie i kartina mira

Lobanowa, L. P.
Yazyk, myshlenie i kartina mira
Vozrosshij interes k izucheniü kartin mira s ih nepowtorimym swoeobraziem w raznyh qzykah swqzan s obrascheniem k ideqm glubokoj drewnosti o roli qzyka w miroponimanii i mirosozidanii, k filosofskomu ponimaniü proishozhdeniq qzyka i otnosheniq qzyka i myshleniq, a takzhe k ponqtiü qzykowoj kartiny mira, woznikshemu i sformirowawshemusq na pochwe nemeckoj filosofii qzyka. V dannyj sbornik wklücheny stat'i, soderzhaschie retrospektiwnyj wzglqd n...

CHF 102.00

Ocenka riska w sistemah teplogazosnabzheniq i wentilqcii

Slesarew, Denis
Ocenka riska w sistemah teplogazosnabzheniq i wentilqcii
Konspekt lekcij orientirowan na studentow, obuchaüschihsq po naprawleniü podgotowki «Stroitel'stwo» profil' «Teplogazosnabzhenie i wentilqciq». Izlozheny osnownye teoreticheskie i prakticheskie woprosy teorii prinqtiq tehnicheskih reshenij. Rassmotreny ätapy prinqtiq reshenij. Obosnowano pri-menenie teorii riska w tehnicheskih sistemah. Dan obzor metodik ocenki riska na proizwodstwennyh ob#ektah. Rassmotreny rekomendacii po umen'sheniü riska.

CHF 64.00

Virtual'naq äkonomika

Maslowa, Anna
Virtual'naq äkonomika
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq w prichinno-sledstwennoj wzaimoswqzi tendencii wirtualizacii äkonomicheskih otnoshenij, issleduetsq wliqnie informacionno-kommunikacionnyh tehnologij na social'no-äkonomicheskoe razwitie, na baze obobscheniq i sistematizacii suschestwuüschih wzglqdow daetsq opredelenie wirtual'noj äkonomiki i analiziruütsq ee proqwleniq, opredelqütsq osobennosti äkonomicheskih otnoshenij w wirtual'nyh organizaciqh, w tom chisle otn...

CHF 64.00

Osnowaniq ätnicheskoj identichnosti naroda mari

Fedorowa, Swetlana
Osnowaniq ätnicheskoj identichnosti naroda mari
Annotaciq: Monografiq poswqschena analizu ätnopedagogicheskih wozzrenij marijskogo naroda, kotorye qwlqütsq osnowaniem dlq formirowaniq ätnicheskoj identichnosti ego predstawitelej. Awtor rassmatriwaet semejnye i obschinnye metody wozdejstwiq na molodezh', nrawstwennye harakteristiki w narodnoj pedagogike marijcew, woprosy umstwennogo wospitaniq, otnoshenie ätnicheskogo kollektiwa k prirode i dr. Dlq nauchnyh rabotnikow, prepodawatelej, studen...

CHF 64.00

Primenenie peremennyh älektromagnitnyh polej w nejroreani...

Churakow, A. V.
Primenenie peremennyh älektromagnitnyh polej w nejroreanimatologii
Monografiq poswqschena analizu rezul'tatow i perspektiwam primeneniq peremennyh älektromagnitnyh polej w klinicheskoj nejroreanimatologii. Predstawleny nauchnye wzglqdy, lezhaschie w osnowe sowremennyh teorij nejrofiziologii. Oswescheny aktual'nye woprosy biofizicheskih, fiziologicheskih i fiziko-himicheskih mehanizmow lechebnogo dejstwiq peremennyh älektromagnitnyh polej. V szhatoj forme rasskazywaetsq o sowremennyh apparatah magnitoterapii, ...

CHF 64.00

Al Taylor

Taylor, Debbie / Semff, Michael / Semff, Michael / Büro Sieveking / Thompson, Mimi / Taylor, Debbie / Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München
Al Taylor
Die vorliegende Publikation ist der Catalogue Raisonné des grafischen Werks von Al Taylor (1948-1999)und stellt der Öffentlichkeit erstmals einen nahezu unbekannten Teil seines OEuvre vor. Neben den edierten Blättern erfasst der Katalog auch sämtliche Probedrucke und Varianten, die zum Teil von den Auflageblättern erheblich abweichen. Taylors grafisches Werk verbindet dieses traditionelle Medium mit neuen schöpferischen Ideen und zählt in sein...

CHF 22.50

Bindung an Gesundheitssport. Qualitative Analyse gelingen...

Duttler, Gabriel
Bindung an Gesundheitssport. Qualitative Analyse gelingender Bindung unter besonderer Beachtung der Sportfreude
Der Abbruch von gesundheitsförderlicher körperlicher Aktivität ist eine Grundproblematik der Sporttherapie und des Gesundheitssports. Deshalb wird in dem vorliegenden Forschungsprojekt der Frage nachgegangen, wie es Menschen gelingt, sich an körperliche Aktivität langfristig zu binden. Es sind dabei viele Faktoren bekannt, die die Entscheidung, regelmäßig Sport zu treiben, positiv beeinflussen können. Hier wird eine Determinante fokussiert, di...

CHF 64.00

Business and Community

Business and Community
Business and Community is a historical narrative which also highlights emerging critical issues and the achievements as well as deficits of Indian CSR. Its objectives are threefold: - To enhance public knowledge, understanding and appreciation of what Indian business has contributed to society - To enthuse the business community as a whole, especially the younger generation, by highlighting exemplary individualsmpanies in the history of Indian...

CHF 52.90

Translation as a Touchstone

Translation as a Touchstone
Translation as a Touchstone focuses on translation as a creative process, where Narasimhan proposes that translation is an art of highlighting the complex relationship that arises between two languages, their cultures and sensibilities when they are positioned as a main language and a target language. The implications of this proposition are far-reaching, as Narasimhan argues in this book. The place of English in translation exercises in India...

CHF 52.50

The Leatherstocking Tales (Complete and Unabridged)

Cooper, James Fenimore
The Leatherstocking Tales (Complete and Unabridged)
The Leatherstocking Tales is a series of novels following the adventures of the hero Natty Bumppo, who was known by European settlers as "Leatherstocking, " 'The Pathfinder", and "the trapper" and by the Native Americans as "Deerslayer, " "La Longue Carabine" and "Hawkeye". Natty Bumppo is a child of white parents who was raised by Native Americans, becoming a great and skilful warrier. He respects nature, only hunting to survive and lives by ...

CHF 93.00

Other and Brother: Jesus in the 20th-Century Jewish Liter...

Stahl, Neta
Other and Brother: Jesus in the 20th-Century Jewish Literary Landscape
In a groundbreaking exploration of modern Jewish literature, Neta Stahl examines the attitudes adopted by modern Jewish writers toward the figure of Jesus, the ultimate ''Other'' in medieval Jewish literature. Stahl argues that twentieth-century Jewish writers relocated Jesus from his traditional status as the Christian Other to a position as a fellow Jew, a ''brother, '' and even as a means of reconstructing themselves.

CHF 160.00

UTM Security with Fortinet

Tam, Kenneth (Senior Security Engineer at Fortinet, USA) / Hoz Salvador, Martin H. (Systems Engineering Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean at Fortinet) / McAlpine, Ken (Senior Consulting Systems Engineer at Fortinet, USA) / Basile, Rick / Matsugu, Bruce (Consulting Systems Engineer at Fortinet, USA) / More, Josh (Senior Security Consultant, RJS Smart Security (CISSP, GIAC-GCIH, GIAC-GSLC))
UTM Security with Fortinet
Traditionally, network security (firewalls to block unauthorized users, intrusion prevention systems to keep attackers out, Web filters to avoid misuse of Internet browsing, and antivirus software to block malicious programs) required separate boxes with increased cost and complexity. Unified threat management makes network security less complex, cheaper, and more effective by consolidating all these components. This book explains the advantag...

CHF 62.00