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388 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Crazy Normal Normal Crazy

Monckton, Annette
Crazy Normal Normal Crazy
A trip into a mind like no other! In an attempt to help a friend, I explored so much more about myself! I was able to articulate my human psyche. Consequently, I unexpectedly found myself detained and trapped in a psychiatric ward with every possible human right denied. This is an account of my life, my experiences and thoughts, from many dimensions. A journey of a simple life with a complex mind! Compelling and controversial in order...

CHF 46.50


Sesko, Markus
An unavoidable difficulty with books that deal with Japanese swords in general is that the workmanship of a smith has to be reduced to its most important characteristics which can be seen on the majority of his works. It is here that this work comes into play, with the motive to provide more concretely described reference examples. Unique is that - depending on the blade - former participant's kantei bids are also addressed. This means that o...

CHF 127.00

Codice di Rinascita (Soul edition)

Goglio, Paolo
Codice di Rinascita (Soul edition)
Un passaggio di saggistica narrativa, curato dalle anime di luce che guidano i miei passi, orientano il mio cammino come un faro della notte, preziosi varchi di rinascita per ripartire dopo una notte di sconforto, rialzarsi dopo i frammenti della ricaduta nelle terre del dolore... Giunge infine la voce dell'amore, la forza del coraggio, il calore del cuore a riscaldare il pugno ferito, la mano abbandonata, non sono più solo, ascendo nella m...

CHF 24.50


Sesko, Markus
Eine nicht zu vermeidende Problematik bei allgemeineren Büchern über japanische Schwerter ist ja, dass die Arbeitsweise eines Schmiedes auf die wichtigsten, sich auf seinen meisten Klingen wiederzufindeden Merkmale reduziert werden muss. Hier setzt nun dieses Werk an, dessen Hintergedanke es war, mehr konkret beschriebene Referenzbeispiele bereitzustellen, die noch dazu im Sinne eines kantei, also einer Schwertbegutachtung, abgehandelt werden...

CHF 129.00

Erotica By Request, Volume 1

Ls, Boot
Erotica By Request, Volume 1
These are the first stories requested and written for Erotica on Request ( Read and enjoy the stories others have asked for, the erotica that they have inspired, and remember that it's never too late to make your own requests

CHF 32.50


Chantler, Robert
Series 4 of Robert Chantler's sitcom finds Hannah and Tim alone at home with their son at uni, where he is getting into bad habits, while Hannah is as mad as ever and those drawn into her crises just try to muddle through.

CHF 48.50


Potter, Caleb
An array of poetry that often invokes nostalgia while capturing the pains of regret, love lost and the impossible. These are just a few musings that reflect a myriad of experiences, travels and life in California and Louisiana.

CHF 19.50

To Jamaica With Love

Willis, Mark
To Jamaica With Love
Comedy thriller set in Jamaica, 1962. At the height of the Cold War, in the heart of the Caribbean, one small island is a hotbed of historical and political forces that will shape the future of the world. Out of many, one people, a nation and a hero are about to be born. With a backdrop of the most spectacular natural beauty on the planet, and a soundtrack of the most exhilarating music ever created, one man's mission to protect his family l...

CHF 19.50

The Funniest Baltimore Ravens Joke Book Ever

Grahame, Dan
The Funniest Baltimore Ravens Joke Book Ever
The Funniest Baltimore Ravens Joke Book Ever. In this book we take a light hearted look at football and our rivals. Jokes about the Steelers, Colts, Redskins and many more. We have scoured the country for some of the best and funniest jokes, some jokes were thought up in the M&T, Bank Stadium or by Ravens fans in the bars after a game and a few beers. This book covers some of the best jokes, no joke has been kept out of this book for bei...

CHF 32.90

Ta woda iz tuchi, chto otrazhaet w kanawah nebo, samyj si...

Koledin, Vasilij
Ta woda iz tuchi, chto otrazhaet w kanawah nebo, samyj sinij ego kusochek
Adwokat, razocharowannyj i ustawshij, reshaet uedinit'sq w odnoj malen'koj ewropejskoj strane. No ego nadezhdy na spokojstwie i otdyh ne oprawdywaütsq. Strannye sobytiq razworachiwaütsq posle wstrechi s nowym klientom. Im okazywaetsq molodaq zhenschina, kotoraq posle smerti muzha poluchaet w nasledstwo nedwizhimost' w Italii, ogromnyj schet w ewropejskom banke i eschö zagadochnyj istoricheskij dokument. Rasshifrowka starinnoj bumagi priwodit a...

CHF 71.00

Stagnäjshen Inkorporejted

Shmelew, Stepan
Stagnäjshen Inkorporejted
STAGNJeJShEN INKORPOREJTED ¿ äto kniga o lüdqh, prozhiwaüschih w gorode, gde ulicy useqny cwetami, gde wsegda teplo i spokojno, a wokrug carit bezmqtezhnost' i dowol'stwo.Jetot gorod kogda-to perezhil strashnuü wojnu s sewernym sosedom, no dostatochno bystro wosstanowilsq w swoem cwetenii i prezhnej krasote. Vojna otkatilas', ostawiw tqzhelye wospominaniq, u kazhdogo, kto uchastwowal w ätoj krowawoj bojne. Vremq stiraet pechal'nye wospominaniq...

CHF 102.00

Dyhanie osennego snega

Mazurin, Oleg
Dyhanie osennego snega
Jeta istoriq na samom dele byla i prodolzhalas' chetyre goda, prawda, final u nee inoj, chem w knige. No ne w ätom sut', prosto istoriq äta wes'ma interesnaq i pouchitel'naq. I mozhet kto-to posle prochteniq ätogo romana wser'ez zadumaetsq o swoem blizkom. Kto-to stanet mudree, chische, iskrenie, luchshe. Kto-to sderzhit swoe slowo i reshitsq na nastoqschij postupok. A kto-to risknet i, nakonec, obretet swoe nastoqschee schast'e. Ved' schast'e...

CHF 55.50

Country Clubs - Gangs & Outcasts

Country Clubs - Gangs & Outcasts
So, it was a Tuesday afternoon. Many countries World Wide were at WAR. What most HUMAN -KIND never know until it is too late... is WAR is a business. In fact the most Successful business in the History of MANKIND. So what does this have to do with anything? EVERYTHING... Welcome to COUNTRY CLUBS GANGS & OUTCASTS...A story about LIFE on EARTH...

CHF 28.90

Sistema finansowogo planirowaniq dlq malogo i srednego bi...

Dawydenko, Elena
Sistema finansowogo planirowaniq dlq malogo i srednego biznesa
V dannoj monografii predstawlen awtorskij podhod k formirowaniü i putqm razwitiq sistemy finansowogo planirowaniq dlq kompanij malogo i srednego biznesa. Pri razrabotke podhoda byli uchteny osobennosti rossijskogo biznesa. V rabote sdelana popytka integrirowat' sistemu finansowogo planirowaniq i sistemu sbalansirowannyh pokazatelej, kotoraq wystupaet instrumentom realizacii strategii kompanii. Takim obrazom büdzhetirowanie wstraiwaetsq w siste...

CHF 88.00

Sozdanie punktow wremennogo razmescheniq naseleniq

Ahtqmow, Rasul / Elizar'ew, Alexej / Haertdinowa, Jelina
Sozdanie punktow wremennogo razmescheniq naseleniq
Swoewremennaq likwidaciq chrezwychajnyh situacij (ChS) qwlqetsq odnoj iz central'nyh problem nashej ciwilizacii. Rost masshtabow hozqjstwennoj deqtel'nosti i nauchno-tehnicheskij progress priweli k rostu kolichestwa i masshtabow, woznikaüschih ChS. Pri ätom ih chastota wozrastaet s rostom tempa proizwodstwennoj deqtel'nosti cheloweka. V ätoj swqzi woznikaet neobhodimost' operatiwno prinimat' resheniq po likwidacii ChS i obespecheniü zhil'em po...

CHF 64.00

Zubchatyj priwod kriwoshipnyh pressow

Yawtushenko, Alexandr
Zubchatyj priwod kriwoshipnyh pressow
Priwod mehanicheskih pressow sostoit iz neskol'kih prostyh peredatochnyh mehanizmow, kolichestwo i struktura kotoryh opredelqüt konstruktiwnuü slozhnost' pressa i zatraty na ego äxpluataciü. Jeffektiwnost' priwoda opredelqetsq opredelennym sootnosheniem strukturnyh i konstruktiwnyh ego parametrow, udowletworqüschih ustanowlennym kriteriqm optimal'nosti. V knige predstawlena struktura i klassifikaciq zubchatyh mehanizmow priwoda mehanicheskih p...

CHF 64.00

Rynok gosudarstwennyh cennyh bumag w Rossii

Nowikow, Alexej
Rynok gosudarstwennyh cennyh bumag w Rossii
V rabote rassmotren rossijskij rynok cennyh bumag kak instrument gosudarstwennoj finansowoj politiki. Rassmotrena struktura rynka, a tak zhe ego uchastniki. V knige proweden analiz metodow i specifiki razmescheniq gosudarstwennyh obligacij. Prowedena ocenka äffektiwnosti rynka. Predlozheny koncepciq ispol'zowaniq proizwodnyh instrumentow na gosudarstwennye obligacii, a tak zhe koncepciq wwedeniq instituta perwichnyh dilerow, kak odno iz napraw...

CHF 64.00

Jelektrofiziologicheskie parametry miokarda pri difterii ...

Shhepina, Irina
Jelektrofiziologicheskie parametry miokarda pri difterii u detej
Awtor predstawlqet opisanie razlichnyh klinicheskih wariantow porazheniq miokarda u detej s difteriej, priwodit rezul'taty izucheniq älektrofiziologicheskih parametrow miokarda i pokazatelej wegetatiwnoj regulqcii serdechnogo ritma pri raznyh wariantah difterijnogo porazheniq miokarada u detej. Priwedeny diagnosticheskie kriterii raznyh wariantow porazheniq miokarda u detej s difteriej. Kniga predstawit interes dlq wrachej-infekcionistow, pedi...

CHF 77.00

Powedencheskij tip A u lic ünosheskogo wozrasta

Kuwshinow, Dmitrij Jur'ewich / Barbarash, Nina Alexeewna
Powedencheskij tip A u lic ünosheskogo wozrasta
V monografii otrazheny dannye o morfo-funkcional'nyh i psihofiziologicheskih osobennostqh powedencheskogo tipa A u ünoshej i dewushek - studentow medicinskoj akademii. Issledowaniq prowedeny na kafedre normal'noj fiziologii doktorom medicinskih nauk D.Ju. Kuwshinowym pri konsul'tirowanii professora N.A. Barbarash. Predstawiteli koronarnogo tipa A po srawneniü s licami AB otlichaütsq wysokoj stressreaktiwnost'ü, snizhennoj wariabel'nost'ü ritma...

CHF 102.00