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830 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Hysteria 1

Parkinson-Hardman, Linda
Hysteria 1
Hysteria 1 is an anthology of winning stories and poems from the Hysteria 2012 writing competition. Each reflects different aspects of things important to women, we share in the ups and downs of events which span time and experience. What it's like to lose a child, the reaction of spurned lovers, marriage and the rivalries of school friends. The poems are equally insightful, sharing the experiences of lost youth and looks, a sense of histor...

CHF 16.90

Man Up and Paddle

McCosker, Cathal
Man Up and Paddle
Cathal McCosker, together with his friend Leon Harris, circumnavigated 1200 miles of Ireland's wild coastline in 67 days by sea kayak. En route, he survived 40-foot waves, dangerous tides that could have dragged him out to sea, and jellyfish stings which left him in much pain. He and Leon made this perilous journey with minimal equipment and no coastguard contact. They made it into the Guinness Book of Records in the process. This book records...

CHF 17.90

The Life of a Gentleman

Taylor, Rl
The Life of a Gentleman
Gain More Respect & Confidence with Lessons in Life, Etiquette and Personal Style Laid out in an informational and workbook style, The Life of a Gentleman engages the reader and delivers a powerful message. Style is only the beginning as you will also learn about etiquette, manners, personal finance, mental health & speech. This book does not talk down to the reader, but rather builds up with an engaging delivery and an encouraging to...

CHF 21.90

Fallacies Of The Anti Hadith Argument

Ali, Zubair
Fallacies Of The Anti Hadith Argument
In the Muslim society today, there are many individuals and groups who seek to eliminate Islam in its pure form. The introduction of heretical innovations and un-Islamic customs has seen a moral decay in the hearts of the believers. These increasingly dangerous movements are actively growing and spreading their influence. Among the most heinous of ideologies being propogated today is the rejection of the Prophetic Hadith. It is for this rea...

CHF 22.90

Don't Drink Your Milk

Oski, Frank A
Don't Drink Your Milk
CAUTION: Milk Can Be Harmful to Your Health! The frightening new medical facts about the world's most over-rated nutrient. If you drink milk, you MUST read this. Frank Oski, MD, is the Director, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Physician-in-Chief, the Johns Hopkins Children's Center. Now includes an appendix of recent studies related to milk.

CHF 38.90

Poesía Erótika II

Zayas, Yamara Justiniano
Poesía Erótika II
Ese soy yo Te muerdo, Como nunca te han mordido antes, Y te entierro todas mis uñas, ¿En la espaldä, ¿Como te gustä, Para presumir mi propio alarde... Ese soy yo, Soy a escondidas tu amante, Tú amado querido..., Tus pasiones a oscuras, Tu gato vacilante.... Y te muerdo, Para que no olvides la tarde, La caricia o el beso, En el lugar jadeante. Tiemblas, Entre el temor y el calambre, Soy lo prohibido, La huella profund...

CHF 29.90

Product of my Environment

Newman, Nicole
Product of my Environment
How do I begin? How do I journal my purpose? The year 2009 started out with a bang! The seeds of the entrepreneurial forest the Creator planted on my heart in 2006 were beginning to bear fruit! Accomplishing the goal is so close I can feel and touch it. The wealth and abundance is so close, I can taste it. BUT as the remembrance of God is the center of my entire world, and on this journey it is up to Him, and He willed that I STOP. So, how d...

CHF 28.50

Parti di bambola

Nobile, Verdiana
Parti di bambola
Parti di sogni. Parti di parole. Parti di voce. Parti di silenzio. Parti di mondo. Parti di stelle. Parti di lacrime. Parti di bambola. Parti di me.

CHF 31.50

&#1053,&#1072,&#1096,&#1080, &#1076,&#1077,&#1090,&#1082,...

L. Mckay, Stephanie
&#1053,&#1072,&#1096,&#1080, &#1076,&#1077,&#1090,&#1082,&#1080,: &#1085,&#1077,&#1089,&#1082,&#1086,&#1083,&#1100,&#1082,&#1086, &#1082,&#1085,&#1080
Откуда берутся дети? Это дар свыше, или мы можем их спланировать. Почему существуют бездетные пары? Как образуются многодетные семьи? В чём секрет появления детей на свет. Ну а если уж они появились, как сделать их счастливыми? Книга также содержит приложение с играми, которые были придуманы в нашей семье, чтобы скоротать долгие зимние вечера. Игры подходят для всей семьи. Они опробованы на моих детях, замечательно объединяют семью и создают х...

CHF 17.90

Prizrak newesty

Andrienko, Vladimir
Prizrak newesty
V chöm prelest' horoshego detektiwa? V tom, chto on zastawlqet razmyshlqt', podmechat' wse podskazki, kotorye awtor ostawlqet po hodu dejstwiq, iskat' otgadku prestupleniq, fakticheski ¿ reshat' logicheskuü zadachu so mnogimi neizwestnymi, zadachu, prepodnesönnuü w osobo zanimatel'noj forme. Odna iz takih zadach pered wami... Millioner Nataniäl' Lich obratilsq w detektiwnuü kontoru "Martin" i poprosil razobrat'sq s ego umershej newestoj. Eö pr...

CHF 56.90

Nebesnyj Grad

Zyrqnowa, Alexandra
Nebesnyj Grad
Tampliery. Samyj znamenityj i samyj zagadochnyj iz duhowno-rycarskih ordenow. Ih doblest' stala legendarnoj, ih wliqnie bylo ogromnym, a ih chestnosti dowerqli dazhe wragi. Roman "Nebesnyj Grad" poswqschen samoj tragicheskoj stranice istorii Ordena bednyh rycarej Hrista i Hrama Solomona w Swqtoj Zemle - istorii oborony kreposti Sen-Zhan-d'Akr. Jeto roman o tamplierah - nastoqschih druz'qh, nastoqschih rycarqh i nastoqschih lüdqh!

CHF 56.90

High Noon - Wild West Skirmish Combat

Craig, Matthew
High Noon - Wild West Skirmish Combat
High Noon is a fast-paced skirmish game intended to replicate the gun fights, duels, and showdowns that took place in the American Old West from roughly 1840 to 1900. These rules are intended for 25mm or 28mm figures. This rules set contains: character sheets, scenarios, 80+ markers and templates, quick play sheets, and guns statistics for 30 weapons.

CHF 47.90


Gómez Lages, Susana
La escritura marca un punto clave ne la historia, es el inicio de la misma, es una manifestación del individuo para perpetuar su existencia, permite registrar su vida, sus hazañas, sus avances, pero también sus sentimientos y estado de ánimo. La Grafología permite estudiar los trazos y caracterizar las aptitudes cognitivas, la conducta y la personalidad del sujeto que escribe o dibuja. Esta técnica surgida en el siglo XVIII en Europa ha avanza...

CHF 38.50

The Innocent Engineer

Frame, Andrew Graham
The Innocent Engineer
Set against a backdrop of crude refineries in Canada and Cambodia during the 1950s, The Innocent Engineer is a complex thriller that's filled with intrigue. Rick Reynolds is an inexperienced but hardworking chemical engineer who moves to Nova Scotia, with his wife Rita, to start a new job at a refinery. But Rick very rapidly finds himself in over his head. After a series of problems at the facility he begins to suspect that something suspiciou...

CHF 33.90

Spektroskopiq älektronnyh sostoqnij w kwazinul'mernyh nan...

Pokutnij, Sergej
Spektroskopiq älektronnyh sostoqnij w kwazinul'mernyh nanosistemah
Sbornik nauchnyh trudow poswqschen izlozheniü nekotoryh woprosow teorii älektronnyh sostoqnij w kwazinul'mernyh nanosistemah. Postroena teoriq äxitona iz prostranstwenno-razdelennyh älektrona i dyrki (dyrka dwizhetsq w ob#eme kwantowoj tochki, a älektron lokalizowan na wneshnej sfericheskoj powerhnosti razdela (kwantowaq tochka - diälektricheskaq marica )). Obnaruzhen äffekt suschestwennogo uwelicheniq änergii swqzi takogo äxitona w poluprowod...

CHF 102.00

Dyhanie stariny

Sidorowich, Lüdmila Nikolaewna
Dyhanie stariny
«Psaltir' carq Dawida» Simeona Polockogo qwlqetsq poäticheskim perelozheniem wseh textow psalmow biblejskoj Psaltiri, sdelannym i opublikowannym awtorom w 1680 g. Muzyku ko wsem psalmam napisal perwyj professional'nyj russkij kompozitor pri dwore carq Petra I, izwestnyj awtor mnogogolosnyh kompozicij Vasilij Titow. Na protqzhenii posleduüschih dwuh stoletij sozdawali swoü muzyku k otdel'nym textam psalmow Simeona Polockogo anonimnye kompozitor...

CHF 47.50

Himiko-termicheskaq obrabotka

Vasil'ewa, Tat'qna
Himiko-termicheskaq obrabotka
V nastoqschee wremq ostaetsq problemoj uwelichenie sroka sluzhby konstrukcij i razlichnyh detalej iz obyknowennyh uglerodistyh stalej.Oblast' primeneniq uglerodistyh stalej mozhet byt' w znachitel'noj stepeni rasshirena pri nanesenii na izdeliq razlichnyh pokrytij, kotorye uwelichiwaüt soprotiwlenie korrozii i mehanicheskomu iznosu. V dannoj rabote issledowan process älektroliticheskogo osazhdeniq cinkowogo pokrytiq i kompozicionnyh älektrohim...

CHF 47.50