Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

697 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Rezul'taty introdukcii podsnezhnika belosnezhnogo w uslow...

Minina, Natal'q
Rezul'taty introdukcii podsnezhnika belosnezhnogo w uslowiqh predural'q
Monografiq soderzhit dannye o rezul'tatah introdukcii redkogo rasteniq Kryma i Kawkaza podsnezhnika belosnezhnogo - Galanthus nivalis L. iz semejstwa Amarillisowye - Amaryllidaceae J.St.-Hil w uslowiqh Sewernogo Predural'q. Predstawleny itogi izucheniq sezonnogo ritma razwitiq, osobennostej cweteniq, dekoratiwnyh pokazatelej i semennoj produktiwnosti podsnezhnika belosnezhnogo w uslowiqh introdukcii. Dannaq rabota predstawlqet interes dlq bota...

CHF 64.00

Salchak Toka - syn swoego wremeni

Bajyr-ool, Mongush
Salchak Toka - syn swoego wremeni
Awtor wperwye popytalsq napisat' istoricheskuü biografiü samogo izwestnogo tuwinca Sowetskogo Soüza HH weka Salchaka Kalbakhorekowicha Toka. Syn bednoj odinokoj materi iz taezhnoj glushi Todzhi byl wostrebowan rewolücionnym wremenem, special'no byl podgotowlen w Kommunisticheskom Uniwersitete Trudqschihsq Vostoka im. I.Stalina. S.Toka zanimalsq silowoj modernizaciej kochewoj zhizni nomadow, borolsq za rasprostranenie nowoj pis'mennosti tuwince...

CHF 114.00

Koncept "trud" kak zerkalo ideologicheskih izmenenij w Ro...

Chernowa, Oxana
Koncept "trud" kak zerkalo ideologicheskih izmenenij w Rossii
V knige wperwye s lingwokul'turologicheskih pozicij w dinamike opisano ideologicheskoe soderzhanie koncepta «trud» w russkoj kul'ture. Dlq analiza ispol'zowany materialy za dlitel'nyj period (s 1933 g. po 2012 g.), chto pozwolilo zafixirowat' izmeneniq w koncepte w raznye istoricheskie äpohi i tem samym raskryt' raznye aspekty ideologizacii koncepta: kwalifikatiwnyj, kolichestwennyj, äticheskij, ästeticheskij i dr.

CHF 89.00

Tehnologicheskoe obrazowanie w teoretiko-metodologichesko...

Aref'ew, Iwan
Tehnologicheskoe obrazowanie w teoretiko-metodologicheskom kontexte
V monografii osweschaütsq aktual'nye problemy realizacii sistemy tehnologicheskogo obrazowaniq w kontexte dialekticheskogo edinstwa. Awtor rassmatriwaet teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie osnowy integracii i wozmozhnosti realizacii kompetentnostnogo podhoda w tehnologicheskom obrazowanii, obespechiwaüschie edinstwo chasti i celogo, obschego, osobennogo i edinichnogo ego soderzhaniq kak konstruktiwnye kategorii i principy, obschie dlq wospitate...

CHF 102.00

Jewolüciq klasternoj struktury w ferroshpinelqh i almazop...

Samojlenko, Z. A. / Iwahnenko, N. N. / Cherenkow, O. P.
Jewolüciq klasternoj struktury w ferroshpinelqh i almazopodobnyh plenkah
Predstawlqemaq rabota poswqschena odnoj iz wazhnejshih zadach sowremennogo materialowedeniq, issledowaniü zakonomernostej formirowaniq i izmenenij nanorazmernyh (klasternyh) struktur w nowyh amorfnyh i kristallicheskih materialah, so slozhnoj atomnoj strukturoj, imeüschih lokal'noe ili ob#emnoe narushenie dal'nego porqdka. Fizicheskaq model' "blizhnego porqdka" ne ob#qsnqet swojstwa materialow, swqzannye s lokal'nym ili ob#emnym narusheniem da...

CHF 47.50

Monosloj grafita i dwumernye sistemy

Starodubow, Arkadij
Monosloj grafita i dwumernye sistemy
Nastoqschaq rabota predstawlqet soboj issledowanie monoslojnogo grafitowogo pokrytiq (grafena), obrazuüschegosq na powerhnosti nikelq i wozmozhnosti formirowaniq s ego pomosch'ü slozhnyh dwumernyh sistem. V uslowiqh swerhwysokogo wakuuma prowedeny issledowaniq fiziko-himicheskih, älektronnyh i geometricheskih swojstw monosloq grafita metodom ul'trafioletowoj fotoälektronnoj spektroskopii s uglowym razresheniem i metodom difrakcii medlennyh äle...

CHF 77.00

The Witch Hunter

Taylor, Nicole R.
The Witch Hunter
Ancient witches. Duplicitous vampires. Blood feuds and curses don't stand a chance against her...Zachary Degaud was twenty-three when he died. The problem was, he didn't stay that way.Present day, he's just another vampire with another unremarkable story... until he manages to get on the bad side of a two thousand year old witch.His only chance for survival is to summon the ancient and unpredictable vampire known as the Witch Hunter.When Aya i...

CHF 29.50

Crime and Justice in India

Crime and Justice in India
Criminology and criminal justice is in its infancy in India. This book attempts to examine India's crime problem in detail and document if and how its criminal justice system has responded to emerging challenges and opportunities. The objective is to move beyond mere observations and thoughtful opinions, and make contributions that are the next steps in the development of an empirical (or evidence-based) criminology and criminal justice on thi...

CHF 79.00

Practical social pedagogy

Stor¿¸, Jan
Practical social pedagogy
The book combines social pedagogy theories, psychology, sociology and social work with a social constructionist perspective to help practitioners guide children and young people to cope better with the challenges they face as they grow up.

CHF 114.00

Aquinas, Education and the East

Nowacki, Mark / Mooney, Thomas Brian
Aquinas, Education and the East
A confluence of scholarly interest has resulted in a revival of Thomistic scholarship across the world. Several areas in the investigation of St. Thomas Aquinas, however, remain under-explored. This volume contributes to two of these neglected areas. First, the volume evaluates the contemporary relevance of St. Thomas's views for the philosophy and practice of education. The second area explored involves the intersections of the Angelic Doctor...

CHF 134.00

The Truth Beyond the Sky

Crusoe, Andrew M.
The Truth Beyond the Sky
On the 12th anniversary of his mother's disappearance, Zahn camps out on the island summit, his slumber destroyed by a brilliant object thundering down from the sky. And his slumber isn't all that the object destroys. In a frenzy, he sprints down the mountain, coming across a large crater in the silvery sand. He reaches in, pulling out a triangular plate made of a strange material, moonlight sliding off of it at strange angles. Conflicted over...

CHF 28.50