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219 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Et si c'était l'alimentation?

Weber, Hélène
Et si c'était l'alimentation?
Manger sainement reste la meilleure façon de garder sa ligne et sa santé. Comprendre les bases de l'alimentation saine permet de tenir à long terme son objectif. Il est devenu difficile de savoir quoi et quand manger le sucre, les graisses, les protéines, ... bref que mettre dans son assiette afin qu'elle nous apporte un maximum de vitamines et un minimum de produits industriels.Ce livre a pour but de remettre les pendules à l'heure et de reme...

CHF 38.90

TRIPs and the issue of Biotechnological Patents

Tiwari, Manwendra Kumar
TRIPs and the issue of Biotechnological Patents
Patent law screens innovations with four basic tests, subject-matter, non-obviousness, novelty and utility Subject-matter involves a balancing of policy evaluation of the competitive possibilities against the received "value" of art or industrial sector, the value of continued competition, and the price the public must expect to pay. Of the three remaining tests only non-obviousness presents the kind of serious dispute also inherent to the sub...

CHF 102.00

Turbulent Free Jet, Particle-Laden Flows

Abdel-Fadeel, Waleed
Turbulent Free Jet, Particle-Laden Flows
Turbulent flows laden with solid particles or liquid droplets are a common occurrence in both nature and technology. This book provides the characteristics of three kinds of particle-laden, steady, axi-symmetric, near field, free jet turbulent flows. The dispersed phases constitute small water particles with low concentration, small oil particles with relatively high concentration, and large solid particles with low concentration.Size and velo...

CHF 102.00

Chord Bearing Capacity in Long-span Tubular Trusses

Kozy, Brian
Chord Bearing Capacity in Long-span Tubular Trusses
Existing design specifications used in the U.S. and abroad do not address the limit state of bearing failure that may govern in the design of tubular truss chords at the supports. The lack of treatment of this limit state seems to represent an unsatisfactory situation given the fact that very large concentrated reaction forces are often applied transversely to the ends of chord members with slender circular cross-sections, long-span overhead h...

CHF 102.00

Awareness and Marketing of ULIP Plans among Indian Middle...

Bali, Verinder Singh
Awareness and Marketing of ULIP Plans among Indian Middle Class
This book is based on the research project which was done with Met Life and its associate partner J&K, Bank. It is the study of Unit Linked Insurance plan of Met Life and how does the growth of the various insurance plans or the Net Asset Value (NAV) depends on the portfolio in which the investment has been made and the SENSEX. The various companies of different sectors have been carefully assessed which influence the growth rate of these plan...

CHF 77.00

New Media In Advertising

Wee Eng Kim, Vincent / Wee Mui Eik, Vivien / Sharma Naidu, Charles
New Media In Advertising
Study shows that Asian youth used mobile phones to kill time, and their favored content include news updates, entertainment, and music. Mobile phones are cool and also a private product to own. Many developed Asian countries like Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Mobile marketing is fast becoming the main customer experiences. Example, in China, Beijing residences were asked to send text message by Coca Cola guessing the high temper...

CHF 59.90

La musicalité filmique : de l'avant-garde au cinéma conte...

Leclerc, Anne-Marie
La musicalité filmique : de l'avant-garde au cinéma contemporain
La notion de musicalité filmique tire son origine de l'avant-garde cinématographique française des années vingt. Nous en extrayons les notions-clés par lesquelles la musicalité fut pensée (le mouvement, le rythme et le temps), afin de mieux saisir les prolongations et bifurcations que ces notions prennent avec la cinématographie moderne. Ces transformations temporelles et rythmiques, affectant à la fois la musique et le cinéma sont autant de p...

CHF 122.00

Les Conséquences de l¿abus sexuel sur la construction de ...

Monnot, Jennifer
Les Conséquences de l¿abus sexuel sur la construction de l¿¿dipe
Notre étude clinique vise à comprendre quelles conséquences engendrent l'abus sexuel sur l'élaboration du conflit oedipien lorsque celui-ci est pleinement vécu par l'enfant. Ainsi, les enfants de notre étude, âgés actuellement entre 8 et 10 ans ans, ont été abusés alors qu'ils étaient dans la période oedipienne (située entre 3 et 7 ans selon la théorie Freudienne). Le fait d'avoir été agressé sexuellement constitue un traumatisme important pou...

CHF 92.00

Ethnographie des rapports sociaux en milieux obstétrical

Belaid, Loubna
Ethnographie des rapports sociaux en milieux obstétrical
L'objet de cette ethnographie consiste à reconstruire le sens que donnent les femmes à leur vécu de grossesse et d'accouchement, à comprendre la perception que les professionnels de la santé ont de leurs actions, c'est-à-dire des soins obstétricaux et périnataux qu'ils offrent, et à décrire les interactions entre les deux groupes. Cette étude s'inscrit dans une démarche inspirée par une ethnographie de l'expérience et de la sociologie des rapp...

CHF 104.00

La créativité langagière dans la chanson algérienne, rai ...

Boumedini, Belkacem / Dadoua Hadria, Nebia
La créativité langagière dans la chanson algérienne, rai et rap
La recherche que nous entreprenons porte sur les langues en présence dans la chanson raï et rap en Algérie. Notre travail s'inscrit dans le champ de la sociolinguistique urbaine. L'objectif de notre réflexion est d'expliquer pourquoi et comment les artistes jeunes mélangent les langues, l'arabe algérien et le français surtout, dans la chanson raï et rap. Nous sommes parti d'une hypothèse, le mélange linguistique est la conséquence logique du c...

CHF 148.00

Anwendung von Artefact-Actor-Networks im Kontext von Wikis

Moi, Matthias
Anwendung von Artefact-Actor-Networks im Kontext von Wikis
Soziale Netzwerke haben in der letzten Zeit einen hohen Stellenwert erhalten. Sie spiegeln Kommunikationen, Kooperationen und lose Bekanntschaften in vernetzten Gemeinschaften wieder. Mit Hilfe von Metriken lassen sich Aussagen über Zusammenhänge, wichtige Personen oder Kleingruppen treffen. Des weiteren lassen sich Netzwerke aufspannen, die Dokumente, Wiki-Artikel oder Blogeinträge miteinander verbinden. Ein solches Netzwerk wird als Artefakt...

CHF 43.90


Leitsoni, Patrizia
Sprechen und Gesang sind sowohl für den Musicaldarsteller als auch für den Schauspieler essentiell. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine Gegenüberstellung der Abteilungen Musikalisches Unterhaltungstheater und Schauspiel an der Konservatorium Wien Universität in den Bereichen Gesang und Sprechen. In der künstlerischen Praxis wollen Gesang und Sprechen zusätzlich mit Bewegung koordiniert sein, deswegen wurden auch die Bewegungsunterrichte mit einbez...

CHF 47.50

Die Melodische Intonationstherapie bei Aphasie

Stöckli, Julie
Die Melodische Intonationstherapie bei Aphasie
Die Melodische Intonationstherapie, eine Aphasietherapie aus Boston (USA), 1973 von Martin Albert, Robert Sparks und Nancy Helm entwickelt. Durch melodisches Intonieren von Wörtern und Sätzen, soll es Menschen mit einer unflüssigen Aphasie wieder möglich werden, verbal zu kommunizieren. Diese Bachelorarbeit soll interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern einen Überblick über die vorhandene Literatur verschaffen und ein differenzierteres Verständnis ...

CHF 47.50

Reduction in cycle time of investment casting process

Singh, Rupinder / Mahajan, Vishal
Reduction in cycle time of investment casting process
In present work advancement in replication techniques for a biomedical component having a real 3D shape has been introduced. A hip joint was selected as one of a real 3D biomedical implant for this study. A hip joint, made of ABS material, was fabricated as a master pattern by fused deposition modelling (FDM) method. After this mold was made by the deposition of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary coatings with the addition of (1- 2cm in length) n...

CHF 52.50

In-vitro models for Cytotoxic evaluation of Herbal plant ...

Gupta, Rohit / Dumore, Nitin / Danao, Kishore
In-vitro models for Cytotoxic evaluation of Herbal plant extracts
In this book the work summaries the methodology of in-vitro screening models for Cytotoxic evaluation of herbal plant extracts. The potentials of medicinal plants in providing lead anticancer structures are inestimable. Plants produce innumerable chemical compound which cannot be synthesized in the laboratory. This in-vitro screening models provide faster and selective discovery of active cytotoxic herbal constituent that may be expected to be...

CHF 52.50

Allergic Disorders: Advanced Treatment Approaches

Oshi, Murtada
Allergic Disorders: Advanced Treatment Approaches
Allergic diseases are one of the most common disorders, besides the economic burden resulting from treatment expenses, they also affect the quality of life of atopic patients. Epidemiological studies have reported an increasing prevalence of allergic disorders in many countries. The fact that the prevalence of allergic disorders has been increasing reflects the role of many risk factors such as genetic predisposition, diet, early microbial exp...

CHF 71.00

Design, Synthesis and Cloning of Adult Human Hemoglobin Gene

Agarwal, Anshul / Jones, Steven A.
Design, Synthesis and Cloning of Adult Human Hemoglobin Gene
This book describes Dr. Agarwal's work on development of recombination adult human hemoglobin to be utilized for artificial blood substitutes at the LA Tech University. The work was conducted with able guidance from Dr. Donald Haynie, PhD and Dr. Steven Jones, PhD within the Department of Biomedical Engineering. This book mainly elaborates on the molecular biology techniques like gene design and synthesis employing Polymerase Chain Reaction, c...

CHF 71.00

Slavery in Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia

Bombe, Bosha
Slavery in Gamo Highlands, Ethiopia
This book is about historical and contemporary practices of slavery in Gamo highlands of southern Ethiopia.Gamo is an area in Ethiopia where slavery is not history but part of people's life until today despite the official eradication by Emperor Haile Selassie in 1942. This book describes local explanations for exclusion of "slaves", areas of their exclusion from the mainstream society, different integration mechanisms and how their situation ...

CHF 92.00

Tribological behaviour of dual and triple particle size A...

Singh, Rupinder / Sahni, Kanwalpreet
Tribological behaviour of dual and triple particle size Al2O3
In the present research work effort has been made to study the tribological behavior of dual particle size (DPS) and triple particle size (TPS) of Al2O3 reinforced Al-MMCs (prepared by vacuum moulding process). The study started with selection of the component for industrial application. The study highlights the effect of reinforcement in form of DPS and TPS on mechanical and metallurgical properties of Al- Al2O3 MMCs. The input parameters of ...

CHF 52.50

A comparative study between tribal and nontribal sports p...

Meena, Dharam Singh / Chundawat, Mahendra Singh / Meena, Rakesh Kumar
A comparative study between tribal and nontribal sports person
This book base on the study under selected tribal and nontribal persons on the basis of means of weight, height, fat percentage and fat mass are higher in non-tribal Sports person as compared to the tribal Sports person and the reason seems to be that tribal Sports person live in difficult climatic and geographical conditions which requires more strenuous exertions in every walk of life leading to more consumption of energy, secondly the food ...

CHF 71.00