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632 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Oral Communication Excellence for Engineers and Scientists

Norback, Judith Shaul
Oral Communication Excellence for Engineers and Scientists
Many of us have implemented oral communication instruction in our design courses, lab courses, and other courses where students give presentations. Others have students give presentations without instruction on how to become a better presenter. Many of us, then, could use a concise book that guides us on what instruction on oral communication should include, based on input from executives from different settings. This instruction will help our...

CHF 46.90

Folkstone's ROCKHILL School

Hargrove, Sandy
Folkstone's ROCKHILL School
This is the story of a girl's school that has lasted over 200 years from its start on the old parade ground of a ruined castle's bailey in Folkestone, to its current existence on the Isle of Wight. Its name has changed from Mrs. Cullen's Establishment (a "Dame's School) to Parade House Academy, to Rockhill, to the Anglo-Continental School, and now to Upper Chine. Though its name and location have changed, it has proven to be an enduring instit...

CHF 76.00

People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Souther...

Sterling, Robin
People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Southern Democrat 1894 - 1907
The Southern Democrat was established by Forney G. Stephens at Blountsville in 1894. After fellow newspaperman Lawrence H. Mathews of the Blount County News-Dispatch died in 1896, Stephens moved the Democrat to Oneonta. When the News-Dispatch folded in 1903, the Democrat was the preeminent Blount County newspaper. Stephens died in 1939, but the Democrat continued to publish in Oneonta for almost 100 years. In 1989 the old Southern Democrat was...

CHF 66.00

People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Souther...

Sterling, Robin
People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Southern Democrat 1915 - 1919
The Southern Democrat was established by Forney G. Stephens at Blountsville in 1894. After fellow newspaperman Lawrence H. Mathews of the Blount County News-Dispatch died in 1896, Stephens moved the Democrat to Oneonta. When the News-Dispatch folded in 1903, the Democrat was the preeminent Blount County newspaper. Stephens died in 1939, but the Democrat continued to publish in Oneonta for almost 100 years. In 1989 the old Southern Democrat was...

CHF 67.00

People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Souther...

Sterling, Robin
People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Southern Democrat 1920 - 1927
The Southern Democrat was established by Forney G. Stephens at Blountsville in 1894. After fellow newspaperman Lawrence H. Mathews of the Blount County News-Dispatch died in 1896, Stephens moved the Democrat to Oneonta. When the News-Dispatch folded in 1903, the Democrat was the preeminent Blount County newspaper. Stephens died in 1939, but the Democrat continued to publish in Oneonta for almost 100 years. In 1989 the old Southern Democrat was...

CHF 66.00

People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Souther...

Sterling, Robin
People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Southern Democrat 1928 - 1933
The Southern Democrat was established by Forney G. Stephens at Blountsville in 1894. After fellow newspaperman Lawrence H. Mathews of the Blount County News-Dispatch died in 1896, Stephens moved the Democrat to Oneonta. When the News-Dispatch folded in 1903, the Democrat was the preeminent Blount County newspaper. Stephens died in 1939, but the Democrat continued to publish in Oneonta for almost 100 years. In 1989 the old Southern Democrat was...

CHF 66.00

People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Souther...

Sterling, Robin
People and Things from the Blount County, Alabama Southern Democrat 1908 - 1914
The Southern Democrat was established by Forney G. Stephens at Blountsville in 1894. After fellow newspaperman Lawrence H. Mathews of the Blount County News-Dispatch died in 1896, Stephens moved the Democrat to Oneonta. When the News-Dispatch folded in 1903, the Democrat was the preeminent Blount County newspaper. Stephens died in 1939, but the Democrat continued to publish in Oneonta for almost 100 years. In 1989 the old Southern Democrat was...

CHF 66.00

Wohnwünsche im Alter

Eckberg, Marisa
Wohnwünsche im Alter
Der demographische Wandel und seine Auswirkungen betreffen mittlerweile eine Vielzahl von Themengebieten - der Bereich der Seniorenimmobilien ist einer davon. Sowohl Schrumpfungs- als auch Alterungsprozesse der Bevölkerung haben Veränderungen in der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und Altersstruktur, der Haushaltsentwicklung sowie dem Einkommens- und Wohlstandniveau zur Folge. Durch die immer stärkere Ausdifferenzierung der Alten in unterschiedliche L...

CHF 67.00

Aktual'nye problemy formirowaniq zdorow'q studentow

Kozhewnikowa, Natal'q
Aktual'nye problemy formirowaniq zdorow'q studentow
V rezul'tate issledowanij, prowedennyh w medicinskom wuze megapolisa, wyqwleny takie faktory riska zdorow'ü studentow, kak snizhenie fizicheskoj aktiwnosti i wremeni aktiwnogo otdyha, neracional'noe pitanie, prewyshenie uchebnoj nagruzki za schet wneauditornyh zanqtij, äkzamenacionnye stressowye wozdejstwiq, upotreblenie psihoaktiwnyh weschestw, chto mozhet otricatel'no wliqt' na rabotosposobnost' i pokazateli zdorow'q studentow. Komplexnoe wo...

CHF 48.90

Keltiberische Archäologie

Sassmann, Hermann
Keltiberische Archäologie
Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick des Forschungsstandes der keltiberischen Archäologie zu geben. Wer waren die Keltiberer? Woher kamen sie? Wo sind sie verblieben und was hat dies alles mit unserem Kalender zu tun? Oder wussten Sie, dass die eisenzeitlichen Keltiberer dafür verantwortlich sind, dass unser Kalenderjahr mit dem 1. Januar beginnt? Dies sind einige wenige der zahlreichen interessanten Fragen, die Hermann Sassmann in seine...

CHF 59.90

Run Your Business, Don't Let It Run You

Mathile, Clay
Run Your Business, Don't Let It Run You
No More 16 - Hour Days! Running your own business - the American dream - can be daunting: long days, none of the freedom you envisioned, no time for family and friends, and the unrelenting pressure to keep up the pace. Worse, all this hard work can only take you so far. To get to the next level, you need to stop being ''Super - Employee'' and become a leader who sets direction, operationalizes goals, monitors and controls results, and involves...

CHF 38.90

Doktor Proktor im Goldrausch

Nesbø, Jo / Dybvig, Per / Dörries, Maike / Frauenlob, Günther
Doktor Proktor im Goldrausch
Norwegens Goldvorräte wurden gestohlen! Das Land steht kurz vor einer Massenpanik. Um das zu verhindern, werden Lise, Bulle und Doktor Proktor umgehend von ihrer königlichen Majestät auf eine strenggeheime und überaus wichtige Mission nach London geschickt. Bald stehen sie nicht nur den fiesesten Räubern, sondern auch der sichersten Bank der Welt gegenüber. Gott sei Dank hat Doktor Proktor neben Sprachpillen, Zielhandschuhen und Holzhackerschu...

CHF 12.90

Rechewoe powedenie menedzhera

Kusqew, Artem
Rechewoe powedenie menedzhera
V sowremennom mire wse bol'shee kolichestwo lüdej zanimaütsq kommercheskoj i organizatorskoj deqtel'nost'ü. Dlq uspeha w ätih widah deqtel'nosti neobhodimo imet' razwitye kommunikatiwnye nawyki, t.k., naprimer, dlq prodwizheniq towara na rynke, sleduet snachala ubedit' potencial'nyh potrebitelej pokupat', a dlq bolee rezul'tatiwnoj raboty sotrudnikow kompanii nuzhno motiwirowat' ih, uprawlqt'. V swqzi s ätim woznikla neobhodimost' obucheniq na...

CHF 39.50

Lekcionnyj kurs teoreticheskoj mehaniki. Chast' 2

Nepejwoda, Vladimir / Slawgorodskaq, Alexandra
Lekcionnyj kurs teoreticheskoj mehaniki. Chast' 2
Kurs teoreticheskoj mehaniki prinqto delit' na tri osnownyh razdela: statiku, kinematiku i dinamiku. V kinematike rassmatriwaetsq dwizhenie tel lish' s geometricheskoj storony, wne zawisimosti ot dejstwuüschih na äti tela sil. Chast' 2 lekcionnogo kursa teoreticheskoj mehaniki sostawlena w wide kratkogo izlozheniq osnow kinematiki w risunkah i formulah i mozhet byt' polezna kak prepodawatelqm wysshej shkoly, tak i studentam inzhenernyh special...

CHF 48.90

Optimising Radiotherapy For Bladder Cancer

Mangar, Stephen
Optimising Radiotherapy For Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer is a common problem especially in the elderly. When the disease involves the muscle, surgical removal is necessary and is associated with good chance of cure. Radiotherapy forms an alternative curative option which allows for the chance of bladder preservation though historically has been associated with inferior outcomes when compared to surgery. Over the last decade technological advances in radiotherapy notably have reopened ...

CHF 72.00

American Leadership Image and the Yugoslav Crisis

Bellou, Fotini
American Leadership Image and the Yugoslav Crisis
The author explains US foreign policy towards managing the dissolution of Yugoslavia and in particular the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina. In order to explain this evolution of US policy, this analysis establishes the compound concept of leadership image. It is a compound concept comprising three elements. The first of these is the self-image, which involves perceptions of leadership and formulates certain policy preferences, the second is the ...

CHF 88.00