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1006 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Just Consider Me

McKoy, Bryan
Just Consider Me
This inaugural literary piece is a culmination of Bryan's quest to bring awareness to the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Through "Consider Me", he wants people to gain a deeper understanding of considering others before you think about yourself. All types of relationships call for consideration of some sort, and this book explores that journey.

CHF 18.90

Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick

Ford, Michael W
Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick
Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick" is the long awaited grimoire which introduces the Luciferian and Sethanist Charles Pace, one of the founders of the modern Luciferian tradition and expert in ancient Egyptian Magick. Michael W. Ford adapted and added to the Sethanic Cult of Masks and the handwritten, unpublished grimoire of the Magus dating from the period of the early 1960's through 1974. Ford presents the foundation Hermetic Ceremonial ...

CHF 44.50

Reakciq pastbischnyh rastenij Dagestana na mineral'nyj so...

Luganowa, Saadat / Gireew, Gadzhimagomed / Salihow, Shamil'
Reakciq pastbischnyh rastenij Dagestana na mineral'nyj sostaw pochw i wod
V rabote qwlqüschejsq itogom mnogoletnih issledowanij predstawleny dannye po urownü soderzhaniq makro- i mikroälementow w pochwah, wodah i rasteniqh razlichnyh administratiwnyh rajonow, otnosqschihsq k raznym prirodno-klimaticheskim zonam Dagestana. Raskrywaetsq wopros perehoda walowyh form mikroälementow w podwizhnoe sostoqnie, wsledstwie antagonizma i sinergizma makro- i mikroälementow - ih urownq soderzhaniq i sootnosheniq w pochwah. Pokaza...

CHF 98.00

Kommercheskie nazwaniq

Isqnow, Kamil'
Kommercheskie nazwaniq
Makdonalds, Lada, Aäroflot, Olejna, iPhone i t.d. Vsö äto kommercheskie nazwaniq, kotorye dawno stali neot#emlemoj chast'ü nashej powsednewnoj kommunikacii. No otkuda oni berutsq? Kak rozhdaütsq nazwaniq towarow i uslug? Kakowa ih qzykowaq priroda? Vozmozhen li perewod kommercheskih nazwanij na drugie qzyki? V dannoj rabote awtor daet otwety na äti i drugie woprosy. Rabota ohwatywaet lingwisticheskij analiz otechestwennyh i inostrannyh kommerc...

CHF 92.00

Pink Industries

Tolbert, Jason
Pink Industries
In this third volume, the author continues his funhouse menagerie of doodles and drawings, with a focus on industry, consumerism, and modern society's broken relationship with nature, ecology, and natural human psychology.

CHF 69.00

Asian After Work

Liaw, Adam
Asian After Work
ASIAN AFTER WORK is a cookbook for busy people.Taking a simple and practical approach, and using easy-to-find ingredients, Adam Liaw shows how anyone can create authentic and affordable Asian dishes at home - without spending hours in the kitchen.From Chicken Kra-Pow, Black Pepper Beef and Grilled Prawns with Salty Lime, to Lychee and Coconut Granita, Leche Flan and Sesame and Honey Ice Cream, ASIAN AFTER WORK brings you family favourites and ...

CHF 39.90

Freedom's Rush

Foster, Kinn / Kinn, Foster
Freedom's Rush
When you're out riding, things happen. If you keep at it, everything happens.... Thus goes the simple wisdom of Foster Kinn in Freedom's Rush: Tales from The Biker and The Beast. Join Kinn as he rides his motorcycle throughout the western half of the continental United States with an occasional detour into Canada and experience with him all that can happen in a "day in the life" of a biker: "Sometimes you're hungry, sometimes you eat too much....

CHF 40.50

Teatr zhizneradostnogo zhanra

Mohon'ko, Anatolij
Teatr zhizneradostnogo zhanra
Monografii «Muzykal'nyj teatr Kuzbassa» - perwyj opyt obrascheniq k istorii stanowlenii i razwitiq teatral'nogo iskusstwa Kuzbassa. V nej daetsq analiz luchshih postanowok proshlyh let. Awtor udelqet bol'shoe wnimanie harakteristike tworchestwa weduschih rezhisserow, dirizherow, akterow, sygrawshih znachitel'nuü rol' w zhizni kuzbasskogo teatra, proslezhiwaet gastrol'nye puti, shefskuü rabotu kollektiwa. Kniga napisana w populqrnoj forme, dost...

CHF 77.00

Der Freitod in der Aktualisierungstendenz

Huppmann, Barbara
Der Freitod in der Aktualisierungstendenz
Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet den Freitod als eine mögliche Form der Aktualisierung des Menschen. Ausgehend vom personzentrierten Theoriegebäude wird der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Todeswunsch des Suizidanten und seinem Streben nach Wachstum kritisch betrachtet. Der erste Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit den psychologischen, wie auch philosophischen und alltagstheoretischen Grundlagen der Thematik. Die Bedeutung des Menschenbildes wird als ...

CHF 43.90

Diskursiwnaq semantika russkih mestoimenij

Sinel'nikowa, Lara
Diskursiwnaq semantika russkih mestoimenij
V perwoj chasti monografii pronominal'naq (mestoimennaq) semantika interpretiruetsq w kognitiwnom aspekte - cherez opisanie procedur peredachi znanij w raznoobraznyh diskursiwnyh situaciqh i s pozicij pragmatiki - osobennostej funkcionirowaniq mestoimenij w transakciqh, proqwlqüschih otnoshenie goworqschih k mestoimennym znakam i cherez ih posredstwo drug k drugu. Analiz transakcij w russkoj hudozhestwennoj proze kak «zhiwyh» rechewyh dejstwij...

CHF 143.00

Property Transformation, Marketization and Wealth Inequal...

He, Xiaobin
Property Transformation, Marketization and Wealth Inequality in China
This book examines the changing mechanisms of social stratification during the market transition since the end of the 1970s in urban China. Unlike most market transition literature, my property transformation perspective stresses the importance of incorporating marketization, ownership restructuring, as well as state politics into a theoretical framework simultaneously by investigating the wealth accumulation and wealth disparity among differe...

CHF 50.90

Rejderstwo: politologicheskij aspekt

Pyl'skij, Vladimir
Rejderstwo: politologicheskij aspekt
V magisterskoj dissertacii awtorom predstawlqetsq i analiziruetsq opredelenie ponqtiq «rejderstwo» w politologicheskom aspekte, wydelqütsq ego osnownye älementy (instituty gosudarstwennoj wlasti i uprawleniq, a takzhe prawowoe normirowanie) i älementy, sostawlqüschie ego wneshnüü sredu (imuschestwo, kompaniq-agressor, predpriqtie-cel'), raskrywaetsq harakteristika rejderstwa kak obschestwennogo otnosheniq w forme korporatiwnogo konflikta, oboz...

CHF 39.50

Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction of Radiologic Te...

Al-Faify, Nabeel
Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction of Radiologic Technologists
The purpose of this quantitative, correlational research study was to evaluate the relationship between occupational stresses and job satisfaction among the radiologic technologists working in hospitals in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. The predictor variable was the occupational stress, and the outcome variable was job satisfaction. The quantitative research method facilitated collection of cross-sectional data from radiologic technolo...

CHF 54.50

Sistemnyj analiz: teoriq i prilozheniq

Nowosel'cew, Viktor
Sistemnyj analiz: teoriq i prilozheniq
V monografii izlozheny filosofsko-teoreticheskie osnowaniq sistemnogo analiza w ih sowremennom ponimanii, a takzhe daetsq ob#qsnenie raznoobraznogo ponqtijnogo materiala, kotorym operiruüt sistemnye analitiki w swoej prakticheskoj deqtel'nosti. Orientirowana na shirokij krug chitatelej, interesuüschihsq sistemnymi problemami razwitiq prirody i obschestwa. Mozhet byt' ispol'zowana w wuzowskih kursah: «Sistemnyj analiz i prinqtie reshenij», «Kon...

CHF 153.00

Lechenie pozdnih luchewyh powrezhdenij kostej i mqgkih tk...

Postnow, Jurij / Pasow, Viktor
Lechenie pozdnih luchewyh powrezhdenij kostej i mqgkih tkanej
V rabote rasshireny predstawleniq o prichinah, osobennostqh razwitiq i klinicheskogo techeniq mestnyh luchewyh powrezhdenij kostej i mqgkih tkanej razlichnoj lokalizacii. Vperwye na dostatochnom klinicheskom materiale detalizirowany pokazaniq i kriterii äffektiwnosti kozhno-plasticheskih operacij s ispol'zowaniem peremeschennyh myshechnyh i kozhno-myshechnyh loskutow, naprawlennyh na zameschenie obshirnyh po ploschadi i ob#emu defektow w soche...

CHF 67.00

Due Odissee a confronto

Leporini, Nicola
Due Odissee a confronto
Il complesso rapporto tra mito e letteratura e lo studio del mito quale mezzo attraverso il quale contribuire all'analisi di opere letterarie costituiscono da sempre un aspetto rilevante degli studi letterari. Nonostante ciò, non esiste ancora un approccio critico condiviso da poter utilizzare nell'analisi di testi letterari che si presentano come riscritture di miti. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è proporre un possibile approccio metodologico e ...

CHF 59.90

Kompetenzbilanz in der integrativen dualen Berufsausbildung

Carl-Hohenbalken-Koskarti, Ulrich
Kompetenzbilanz in der integrativen dualen Berufsausbildung
Die integrative duale Berufsausbildung bietet für Jugendliche mit einer Beeinträchtigung bzw. einer sozial-emotionalen Benachteiligung Rücksichten bei der Ausbildung. Das geltende Beurteilungssystem der verpflichtend zu absolvierenden Berufsschule weist nur gering aussagekräftige Ziffernwerte aus, die überdies bei SchülerInnen mit einem Sprach- oder Lernproblem meistens in den Mittelwert der Verteilung oder darunter fallen. Soziale und persona...

CHF 50.90

No cinema com a psicanálise

Azevedo, Natanael Duarte de
No cinema com a psicanálise
A presente obra trabalha com os estudos acerca da perversão, desde o conceito de sexualidade desviante, visto na Idade Média, até os estudos estruturalistas, propostos por Lacan, verificando no filme Seven, de David Fincher, a possibilidade de uma leitura dos atos do personagem John Doe como característicos da perversão. Analisamos o filme Seven, buscando inferir dos crimes cometidos pelo assassino, John Doe, os movimentos do inconsciente que ...

CHF 48.90

Defekty.Powrezhdeniq detalej. Metody ih opredeleniq

Karabinesh, Sergej
Defekty.Powrezhdeniq detalej. Metody ih opredeleniq
Izlozheny defekty i powrezhdeniq, kotorye woznikaüt w mashinah, w tom chisle i sel'skohozqjstwennyh, w processe äxpluatacii. Rassmotreny opisany osnownye metody i sposoby ih obnaruzheniq. Dany harakteristiki, oblasti primeneniq, nedostatki i preimuschestwa. Jexperimental'nym putem opredeleny weroqtnostnye harakteristiki realizacii w promyshlennosti i sel'skom hozqjstwe dewqti osnownyh metodow nerazrushaüschego kontrolq.

CHF 77.00