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696 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

I Need You to Make Good Decisions Son

Blocker, Stacy
I Need You to Make Good Decisions Son
This book is written for a preK through 3rd grade audience. It is easy to read literature that explains the value of children being able to make good decisions when a parent is not around. The book stresses the importance of having strong moral values and was written in the event of an absent parent.

CHF 13.50

Henry Everett Ney

Hagius, Hugh
Henry Everett Ney
Everett Ney was born in Shelby County, Illinois, in 1881. He grew up in Lake Arthur, Louisiana, where his family grew rice, and for many years he was the gardener of Victory Park in Baton Rouge. In the 1940s he removed to Birmingham, Alabama, where his face and flowing beard became a familiar sight to the many residents who passed him every day at First Avenue and Eighteenth Street, selling copies of the Post-Herald and the News. In time he...

CHF 13.50

Gocce di vita

Cavalleri, Alessandro
Gocce di vita
Basta così poco per dare un senso ad 80 anni di vita? Sono sufficienti quelle piccole gocce che stanno nel pugno di una mano? Si, non c'è dubbio, si può raccontare di vite normali, vite felici, vite tristi, ma ognuna, a suo modo, ha giustificazione d'esistere. Ogni esistenza, anche quella di Andrea ed Alex, ricevono le gocce d'acqua che danno senso al deserto, ed altro non sono che pure gocce di vita.

CHF 21.90

Black Ops Chronicles

O'Neal, Pepper
Black Ops Chronicles
Trusting a stranger may prove to be her only means of escape...but at what cost? Abandoned as a child and desperate for the love of a family, Salt Lake City costume designer Tess Horton refuses to believe her newly discovered relatives are part of the Mafia-until they try to kill her. Plagued by assassins, and prophetic dreams she doesn't understand, Tess flees to Mexico only to stumble upon CIA field officer, Max Maxwell. Is he willing ...

CHF 55.50

A Guide to Christian Ethics

Inch, Morris A.
A Guide to Christian Ethics
While it is readily admitted that we learn in order to do, we are in need of guidance. It is with this in mind that Morris A. Inch set out to compose this present volume. Inch has taken as his inspiration the biblical injunction: "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will" (Rom 2:12) ...

CHF 51.50


Collection, Bepona
This is a Modern Lingala-English & English-Lingala language Dictionary. Lingala language is spoken in three African countries such as the Congo RDC, Central African Republic, as well as in the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville).

CHF 65.00


Pillsbury, Cheryl T.
Achlys, spirit of death and eternal night, the deadly mist with clouded eyes, returns to set right what should have been - he, Achlys, the ruler over the Nomads. But he realizes that many centuries had passed. He must become human to begin this task. He returns six months before the mid-month Fall Full Moon for the Dark Magick to take place, and he must claim three female virgins and one male virgin to end his purity and to rule forever within...

CHF 24.90

January February March 2014 - compendium

Slush, Pure
January February March 2014 - compendium
The first three months - 90 stories - by the 31 authors from Pure Slush's '2014 A Year in Stories'. Authors include Guilie Castillo-Oriard, Townsend Walker, Derek Osborne, Gloria Garfunkel, John Wentworth Chapin, Lynn Beighley, Andrew Stancek, Rachel Ambrose, Gill Hoffs, Jessica McHugh, Shane Simmons, Michelle Elvy, Len Kuntz, Michael Webb, James Claffey, Gwendolyn Joyce Mintz, Stephen V. Ramey, Gay Degani, Sally-Anne Macomber, Mandy Nicol, Ma...

CHF 40.90

A Day as Dark as Night

Adeline, Jt
A Day as Dark as Night
A Prophecy Is Written On a day as dark as night three will be born with powers that will surpass all others, with unique names to remind them of their passage. These three will be born of Dracula with traits as black as night, identical in face, but individual in appearance. The firstborn will be able to travel undetected, the second-born will be able to hear all but not be heard, the third-born will be able to detect danger from miles away...

CHF 21.90

Social'no-äkonomicheskoe razwitie sela w 1965-1985 gg

Zaharow, Alexandr
Social'no-äkonomicheskoe razwitie sela w 1965-1985 gg
V monografii issleduetsq process sozdaniq melioratiwnogo komplexa i sistemy po podgotowke kadrow dlq ego polnocennogo funkcionirowaniq, osweschaetsq deqtel'nost' gosudarstwa po sowershenstwowaniü social'noj struktury sel'skih territorij. Rassmatriwaütsq problemy, swqzannye s obespecheniem sel'skogo naseleniq ob#ektami social'noj infrastruktury, w tom chisle w processe realizacii programmy po razwitiü melioracii. Znachitel'noe wnimanie udelqets...

CHF 153.00

Suicidal'noe powedenie psihicheski bol'nyh

Raspopowa, Natal'q
Suicidal'noe powedenie psihicheski bol'nyh
Monografiq baziruetsq na mnogoletnih issledowaniqh klinicheskih nablüdenij suicidal'nogo powedeniq bol'nyh s psihicheskimi rasstrojstwami, prowedennyh lichno awtorom. V monografii predstawlena social'no-demograficheskaq i kliniko-psihopatologicheskaq harakteristika psihicheski bol'nyh, obnaruzhiwaüschih razlichnye formy suicidal'nogo powedeniq. Predlozhena klinicheskaq tipologiq mehanizmow formirowaniq suicidal'noj motiwacii, osnowannaq na ana...

CHF 132.00

Filosofiq binarnoj mnozhestwennosti razwetwlqüschegosq i ...

Tetior, Alexandr
Filosofiq binarnoj mnozhestwennosti razwetwlqüschegosq i shodqschegosq mira
Filosofiq binarnoj mnozhestwennosti mira s ego razwetwlqüschejsq äwolüciej i shodqschejsq dewolüciej - äto poznanie binarnoj mnozhestwennosti predmetow i qwlenij, sowmeschaüschih w raznyh sootnosheniqh dwojstwennoe mnozhestwo protiwopolozhnyh kachestw w suschestwuüschem s razwetwleniqmi i shozhdeniqmi mire. Bazis ätoj filosofii - predpolagaemye zakony binarnoj mnozhestwennosti, razwetwlqüschegosq razwitiq i shozhdeniq, i dinamichnoj celostnost...

CHF 158.00

Proektirowanie ortopedicheskoj obuwi i kolodok

Klüewa, Inna / Bekk, Natal'q
Proektirowanie ortopedicheskoj obuwi i kolodok
V uchebnom posobii rassmotreny osnownye patologii nizhnih konechnostej, special'nye trebowaniq k obuwi, podrobno izuchena i klassificirowana tehnologicheskaq osnastka dlq izgotowleniq ortopedicheskoj obuwi - ortopedicheskie kolodki, priwedena ih mediko-tehnologicheskaq klassifikaciq, klassifikaciq po polowozrastnym gruppam, osobennosti proektirowaniq kolodok pri ukorochenii konechnosti, kul'te stopy, dlq pozhilyh. Oswescheny woprosy proektirow...

CHF 59.90

Prqmye inostrannye inwesticii w äkonomike Malajzii (1997-...

Kamyshnikowa, Dar'q
Prqmye inostrannye inwesticii w äkonomike Malajzii (1997-2012 gg.)
Malajziq bolee chem za pqt' desqtiletij nezawisimogo razwitiq proshla slozhnyj put' modernizacii. V hode ätogo processa znachitel'no rasshirilos' uchastie ätoj strany w mezhdunarodnom razdelenii truda. Uskorenie promyshlennogo pod#ema sposobstwowalo powysheniü obschih tempow äkonomicheskogo rosta, a aktiwnaq orientaciq äkonomiki Malajzii na wneshnie rynki pozwolila ej modificirowat' odnobokuü agrarno-syr'ewuü strukturu hozqjstwa i wojti w chis...

CHF 67.00

La remunerazione dei Direttori Generali nel sistema sanit...

Ghio, Alessandro
La remunerazione dei Direttori Generali nel sistema sanitario
La volontà di migliorare l'erogazione di servizi e la performance nel sistema sanitario ha spinto ad effettuare cambiamenti in un'ottica sempre più manageriale, lasciando ampia libertà di manovra alle regioni in ordine all'applicazione delle norme. Il meccanismo di remunerazione dei Direttori Generali delle ASL e delle AO è stato disciplinato con il d.lgs. 502/1992 e il DPCM 502/1995 e successivamente modificato con il DPCM 319/2001 e la l. 13...

CHF 65.00