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179 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Teeka's World

Rosser, Ferrell
Teeka's World
A return to the fantasy world of the Troll woman Teeka: her friends, family, and all the others who live in and around the desert city of Cour-de-Leon. Follow the further adventures of the Gray Order in this second volume of stories about Teeka and all the other characters introduced in 'Teeka and Other Stories'. Intended for mature readers, the characters may remind the reader of someone they know...or even themselves!

CHF 31.50

Der heilige Franz von Assisi

Jörgensen, Johannes
Der heilige Franz von Assisi
Der Historiker Johannes Jörgensen präsentiert im vorliegenden Band eine Biographie des heiligen Franz von Assisi, dem Begründer des Ordens der Franziskaner. Die reichhaltige Sammlung der Franziskusliteratur und ein Aufenthalt in Italien, während dessen Jörgensen sich mit zahlreichen Mitgliedern des Ordens austauschte, versetzen ihn in die Lage, ein umfassendes Lebensbild des Heiligen zu erstellen. Nachdruck einer aus dem Dänischen übersetzten...

CHF 63.00


Cadwell, Steven Allen
A sampler of the poetry of Steven Allen Cadwell, and photographs by Steve and others, as featured in his performance piece "Wild and Precious in our lifetime.

CHF 34.50

100 Spelling Rules

Sadik, Camilia
100 Spelling Rules
Linguist Camilia Sadik discovered over 100 spelling rules. Logical learners need spelling rules to know when to spell a sound one-way and not the other, as in the final sound in fashion, ocean, suspicion, complexion, superstition, expression, and musician. Those with spelling difficulties are not learning disabled, they can learn but their learning style is a logical learning style. Logical learners have been learning the spelling of hundr...

CHF 122.00

Fungos filamentosos e produção de lipases extracelulares

Colen, Gecernir
Fungos filamentosos e produção de lipases extracelulares
Enzimas apresentam características que favorecem seu emprego em processos biotecnológicos, como aquelas presentes nas lípases: estabilidade, seletividade e especificidade pelo substrato, com diferenças de acordo com a cepa produtora. São versáteis, atuando em reações de hidrólise ou de síntese, de acordo com as condições de reação. O processo de produção de lípases fúngicas é relativamente fácil. Estão descritas neste livro metodologias para o...

CHF 64.00

Al'ternatiwnye istochniki änergii

Kupriqnow, Viktor Alexandrowich
Al'ternatiwnye istochniki änergii
Za 2012 god summarnye wybrosy uglekislogo gaza w atmosferu dostigli 35, 6 mlrd. tonn i za poslednie 200 let soderzhanie wozroslo na 25%. Na dolü Rossijskoj Federacii prihoditsq 2, 193 mlrd. tonn, chto sootwetstwuet 7, 31% ot mirowyh wybrosow. Znachitel'naq chast' wybrosow proizwoditsq wsledstwie szhiganiq uglewodorodnyh änergonositelej dlq proizwodstwa älektro- i teploänergii, potreblenie kotoryh ezhegodno rastet. Poätomu dlq celej snizheniq w...

CHF 52.50

Neosporosis in dogs and cattle

Mallah, Muhammed
Neosporosis in dogs and cattle
This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Neospora caninum in dairy & Cross breed of beef cattle and to detect the prevalence of Neospora Oocysts in feces of dogs for the first time in Al-Muthana province-Iraq, 800 serum samples of cows were examined by using Indirect Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay ( ELISA) kit and 180 dogs fecal samples by direct , flotation test and by PCR assay. The age was ranged between 1-16 years for co...

CHF 79.00

Using Question-Based Inquiry Strategies to Motivate Gifte...

Schwaiger, Molly
Using Question-Based Inquiry Strategies to Motivate Gifted Readers
Gifted students in modern American schools often find a corrosive mismatch between their needs and curricular offerings. Their teachers mean well, but struggle to balance dozens of standards, pressure for near-universal proficiency on state tests, intervention work for struggling students, and a litany of other obligations. As a result, the spark of student engagement has often fizzled, especially in gifted student populations. In this study, ...

CHF 79.00

Rights Of The Child In The World History

Kamoru Ahmed, Iyanda
Rights Of The Child In The World History
LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING IS EVER AND FOREVER THE WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE I realize that everyone at some time or another has contemplated giving up. The cemeteries are full of people with unrealized potentials, fortunately, because you are still breathing and reading this book now, you are a success. This book discusses the Right of the Child in History. It is must to be read by good leaders, our women all over the world, Scholars, research ...

CHF 79.00

Wound Rotor Induction Generator Scalar Modeling and Control

Elsaharty, Mohamed Atef / Ghoneim, Walid
Wound Rotor Induction Generator Scalar Modeling and Control
In the field of electrical power generation, the wind energy is one of the important sources of renewable energy. The main problem with this type of energy is the variable nature of the wind speed. The wound rotor induction generator is used to handle this speed variations by adequate voltage injections in the rotor circuit to maintain the stator voltage and frequency constant irrespective to speed or load variations. This book deals with the ...

CHF 92.00

Fluids Mixing and Displacement in Inclined Geometries

Alba, Kamran
Fluids Mixing and Displacement in Inclined Geometries
Displacement flow and mixing of fluids occur in many operations present in the construction and completion of oil & gas wells e.g. primary cementing, drilling, gravel-packing, hydraulic fracturing. Over the past many years oil prices have increased significantly as a result of a diminishing supply of oil and gas from easily accessible reservoirs coupled with an increased demand due to population and consumption growth. Inevitably, there is a t...

CHF 112.00

Lissner - otrazhenie Zorge

Fesün, Andrej
Lissner - otrazhenie Zorge
Kniga poswqschena opisaniü biografii i aspektam deqtel'nosti Iwara Lissnera - cheloweka, prakticheski powtoriwshego "s obratnym znakom" zhiznennyj put' Riharda Zorge, rabotawshego w dal'newostochnom regione w 30-40-e gg. HH weka na sowetskuü razwedku. Sud'ba Lissnera, stawshego agentom abwera, otrazila wse te dushewnye metaniq, chto byli prisuschi germanskoj molodezhi w mezhwoennyj period, on proshel ätapy wostorzhennosti ot kazawshegosq nacha...

CHF 92.00

Bridging The Divide

Fryling, Margo
Bridging The Divide
BRIDGING THE DIVIDE: SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHERS, PEDAGOGY, CONTENT KNOWLEDGE, AND TECHNOLOGY This study examines the use of technology, pedagogy and content knowledge with second language teachers, and comparing Title 1 and non Title 1 schools. Technology can be used to provide unique learning opportunities for second language learners. Second language students can benefit from technology by practicing skills, increasing motivation, providing au...

CHF 71.00

Razwitie detej s powyshennymi tworcheskimi sposobnostqmi

Lebedewa, Swetlana
Razwitie detej s powyshennymi tworcheskimi sposobnostqmi
Rabota poswqschena aktual'noj probleme: izucheniü osobennostej razwitiq detej s powyshennymi tworcheskimi sposobnostqmi. Rassmotreny razlichnye podhody k opredeleniü i razwitiü detskoj odarennosti. Raskrywaütsq problemy, faktory i uslowiq razwitiq detej s powyshennymi tworcheskimi sposobnostqmi, ih psihologicheskie osobennosti. Predstawlena harakteristika priznakow i widow detskoj odarennosti. Dana harakteristika krizisow detskoj odarennosti, ...

CHF 52.50

Jeh, Rossiq

Bagramow, Leonid
Jeh, Rossiq
Osmyslenie sovremennogo sostoyaniya strany na osnove dostupnoy informatsii, opirayas' na svoy zhiznennyy opyt. Postroennoe v rezul'tate "demokratizatsii" obshchestvo, nasyshcheno prodazhnym gosapparatom vsekh urovney, sozdany usloviya dlya polucheniya bol'shikh netrudovykh dokhodov, pravitel'stvo provodit politiku podderzhaniya tekh, kto obmanyvaet i obvorovyvaet narod, bedstvennoe polozhenie pensionerov. SMI i tserkov' sodeystvuyut etomu. Obs...

CHF 47.50

Aptitudes, personalidad y variables socioambientales

Muelas Plaza, Álvaro
Aptitudes, personalidad y variables socioambientales
En este libro, el Dr. Muelas pretende transmitir a la comunidad educativa, la importancia que tiene en la actualidad el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes. Dentro de las distintas variables que influyen en dicho rendimiento académico, se hace un análisis pormenorizado de un modo teórico y empírico de las aptitudes que debe presentar un estudiante a la hora de encarar unos estudios, al igual que la influencia que tiene la personalidad des...

CHF 87.00