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132 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Haven, Girard
&#1048,&#1089,&#1082,&#1091,&#1089,&#1089,&#1090,&#1074,&#1086, &#1055,&#1088,&#1080,&#1089,&#1091,&#1090,&#1089,&#1090,&#1074,&#1080,&#1103
The long awaited Russian printed edition of Girard Haven's The Art of Presence. A collection of six essays, whose opening paragraph reveals the extraordinary power of metaphor. "In order for a key to be of any value, " Mr. Haven reminds us, "One has to know what lock it fits and how to use it to open that lock. One then has to open the door, and finally, one has pass through the door to reach what was inaccessible before." 130 pages later the ...

CHF 28.50

Optical Waveguiding and Applied Photonics

Lay-Ekuakille, Aimé
Optical Waveguiding and Applied Photonics
Optoelectronics--technology based on applications light such as micro/nano quantum electronics, photonic devices, laser for measurements and detection--has become an important field of research. Many applications and physical problems concerning optoelectronics are analyzed in Optical Waveguiding and Applied Photonics.The book is organized in order to explain how to implement innovative sensors starting from basic physical principles. Applicat...

CHF 134.00

Ergotherapie in der Psychiatrie

Blaser, Marlys / Csontos, István
Ergotherapie in der Psychiatrie
Der Einsatz von Ergotherapie in der Psychiatrie hat sich seit langem bewährt, um verlorengegangene Fertigkeiten wiederzuerlangen, neue Potenziale zu entdecken und die Wiedereingliederung in die Gesellschaft vorzubereiten. Ergotherapeutische Entscheidungen sind vielschichtig und kreativ, aber immer an einem Modell menschlichen Handelns orientiert. Handlungen von Menschen lassen sich mit sozialpsychologischen Modellen erklären, sie sind zugleich...

CHF 49.90

DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis

First, Michael B.
DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis
The DSM-5 (R) Handbook of Differential Diagnosis helps clinicians and students improve their skill in formulating a comprehensive differential diagnosis by including the DSM-5 (R) classification and providing a variety of approaches, including a six-step diagnostic framework, 29 bottom-up "decision trees, " and 66 differential diagnosis tables.

CHF 138.00

The Last Time I Died

Nelms, Joe
The Last Time I Died
One of the most compelling novels in recent memory" (Booklist) by a bright light in irreverent and compelling fiction: Joe Nelms, author of Formerly Fingerman. Christian Franco is embracing the despair of divorce, doing nothing to slow the implosion of his career, friendships, and relationships. He camps out at bars to pick fights, finding that getting his ass kicked allows him his only meditative moments, something he explores with sardonic z...

CHF 29.90

Through the Eye of a Jew - Volume III

Fechter, Melvin
Through the Eye of a Jew - Volume III
Time will no longer extend infinitely into the past, nor will it come to an abrupt beginning. Big Bang will be as if it had never been, it will vanish from the scene. Perhaps, instead of one world there will be many worlds, and many you's in place of you. What happened to all the you's you might have been if you had made different decisions at critical junctures in your life? Are they still out there somewhere, living their lives? Is it possib...

CHF 25.50

Zits, an Autobiography of a Very, Very Special Cat

Essert, Paul
Zits, an Autobiography of a Very, Very Special Cat
Zits, the family cat, grows up and learns life's lessons. Hunting mice and coping with dogs are simple matters for her. Then she goes to the country and finds, in the forest, the freedom she had been searching. In the end she finds a different freedom, a freedom that we all can appreciate. Beware you will have to learn quite a bit of cat language.

CHF 26.50

Blue Guide Venice

Macadam, Alta
Blue Guide Venice
Fully revised and updated, this edition features superb plans and illustrations, detailed and accurate maps of the streets and canals, and includes full coverage of several newly-opened museums and palaces.

CHF 32.50

Classic Comics Volumes #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 the Three Muske...

Dumas, Alexandre / Sloan, Sam / Kanter, Albert Lewis
Classic Comics Volumes #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 the Three Musketeers, Ivanhoe, the Count of Monte Cristo, the Last of the Mohicans and Moby Dick
The Three Musketeers, Issue #1, by Alexander Dumas, Classic Comics published 1941, illustrated by Malcolm Kildale Ivanhoe, Issue #2, by Sir Walter Scott, Classic Comics published December 1941, illustrated by Malcolm Kildale The Count of Monte Cristo, Issue #3, by Alexander Dumas, Classic Comics published March 1942, illustrated by Ray Ramsey. The Last of the Mohicans, Issue #4, by James Fenimore Cooper, Classic Comics published August 1942, i...

CHF 120.00

Affordable College for Everyone

Berghammer, Marlena Coggins
Affordable College for Everyone
Higher Education: No Longer a Destination But a Journey... This guide is intended to help prepare prospective students for their college search. A blend of overall concepts and real life scenarios are used to help readers apply some of these concepts to their own life. Scenarios of people from all walks of life and different backgrounds are used to help guide you. This author believes that the process of becoming a lifelong learner takes place...

CHF 43.90

The Devil's Pace

Alligood, Gil
The Devil's Pace
During the 1950s culture and society were changing in America. Most families still lived on small family farms where their hard work provided subsistence for them, but not much more than that. Many families simply could not escape their poor rural environment even when they had a strong desire to do so. During those years some young people were more aggressive and managed to move away from the rural poverty, but some could only dream and hope....

CHF 21.50

Mackerel by Moonlight

Weld, William F.
Mackerel by Moonlight
This unusual combination of suspense and political humor tells the story of Terry Mullally, a man forced out of his position as US attorney in New York under a cloud of official misconduct and ends up running for Senate, only to have his past catch up with him. For Terry Mullally, ambition has never been in short supply. Orphaned young and driven to succeed, Mullally isn't one to let the rules stand in his way. But when his bosses at the Justi...

CHF 24.90

Nejtral'naq diagnostika gorqchej plazmy

Afanas'ew, Valerij Iwanowich
Nejtral'naq diagnostika gorqchej plazmy
Kniga poswqschena probleme razwitiq odnogo iz interesnejshih metodow issledowaniq wysokotemperaturnoj plazmy - diagnostike, osnowannoj na analize potokow atomow perezarqdki. Dannyj metod s uspehom primenqetsq dlq polucheniq informacii ob änergeticheskih funkciqh raspredeleniq ionnogo komponenta plazmy w teplowoj i swerhteplowoj oblastqh änergii. V proekte tokamaka ITJeR diagnostika po potokam atomow perezarqdki rassmatriwaetsq w kachestwe osno...

CHF 120.00


Golybin, Vqcheslaw / Fedoruk, Vladimir / Gorozhankina, Xeniq
V sowremennyh predstawleniqh o bezopasnosti produktow pitaniq i zdorow'q lüdej osoboe znachenie priobretaet proizwodstwo produktow wysokogo kachestwa, w chislo kotoryh whodit sahar - strategicheski wazhnyj produkt, cennejshij istochnik änergii dlq obespecheniq zhiznedeqtel'nosti cheloweka. Sozdanie resursosberegaüschih tehnologij izwlecheniq saharozy iz saharnoj swekly s ispol'zowaniem fiziko-himicheskih sposobow podgotowki sweklowichnoj struz...

CHF 102.00

Tehnicheskoe normirowanie processow i produkcii

Medwedickow, Sergej
Tehnicheskoe normirowanie processow i produkcii
Rassmatriwaütsq osnownye ponqtiq, principy i metody tehnicheskogo normirowaniq i standartizacii w sowremennyh äkonomicheskih uslowiqh.Otrazhena suschnost' i osnownye ponqtiq metrologii.Ukazany tehnicheskie trebowaniq i porqdok razrabotki osnownyh widow tehnicheskih normatiwnyh prawowyh aktow.Priwedeny organy i sluzhby, osuschestwlqüschie gosudarstwennoe regulirowanie w ätoj deqtel'nosti.Otmecheno, chto mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestwo predpriqti...

CHF 102.00

Regulatorische Eingriffe im Abfallmanagement

Novanhana, Jeremias
Regulatorische Eingriffe im Abfallmanagement
Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist eine Darstellung und Bewertung unterschiedlicher regulatorischer Eingriffe in das Abfallmanagement innerhalb Europas. Speziell werden Eingriffe zur Verhütung des Verpackungsaufkommens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich betrachtet. Letztendlich wird untersucht, ob die Umsetzung übernationaler und nationaler Regelungen im Abfallmanagement erfolgreich war.

CHF 42.90