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166 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

The Great War Handbook

Bridger, Geoff
The Great War Handbook
* Authoritative introduction to the Great War * Insight into army life and the experiences of ordinary soldiers * Covers army organization, trench warfare, weapons, equipment, special units, military medicine, casualties

CHF 35.50

The Small Scale Raiding Force

Lett, Brian
The Small Scale Raiding Force
The fullest account yet of the activities of the SSRF. Draws on recently released archival material. Sequel to Ian Fleming and SOE's Operation POSTMASTER

CHF 52.90

The British Invasion of the River Plate, 1806-1807: How t...

Hughes, Ben
The British Invasion of the River Plate, 1806-1807: How the Redcoats Were Humbled and a Nation Was Born
* Graphic account of the disastrous British attack on Argentina during the Napoleonic Wars * Based on original research in the British and Argentine archives and on first-hand eyewitness testimony * Fascinating portrait of the British expedition's maverick naval commander Sir Home Popham

CHF 40.90

Bloody Autumn: The Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864

Davis, Daniel / Greenwalt, Phillip
Bloody Autumn: The Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864
¿Clear out the Shenandoah Valley ¿clean and clear, ¿ Union General-in-Chief Ulysses S. Grant ordered, in the late summer of 1864.His man for the job: Major General¿Little Phil¿ Sheridan, the bandy-legged Irishman who¿d proven himself just the kind of scrapper Grant loved. Grant turned Sheridan loose across Virginia¿s most vital landscape, the breadbasket of the Confederacy.In the spring of 1862, a string of Confederate victories in the Valley ...

CHF 24.90

The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013

Pitici, Mircea
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013
The year's finest writing on mathematics from around the worldThis annual anthology brings together the year's finest mathematics writing from around the world. Featuring promising new voices alongside some of the foremost names in the field, The Best Writing on Mathematics 2013 makes available to a wide audience many articles not easily found anywhere else-and you don't need to be a mathematician to enjoy them. These writings offer surprising...

CHF 34.50

Wherever the Wind May Blow ~ Homecoming

Verrett, Michael
Wherever the Wind May Blow ~ Homecoming
Anne desires to be a writer, but admits she has no imagination, no experience, and only knows what she had read in books. She decides life should he orderly and well-planned and gives up on dreams of romance and adventure. This is when she suddenly meets the mysterious and annoying, Jules Allan and his dog, Sam. She and her cat, Josephine are swept up in an adventure and taken to the land of Homecoming. Here she is mistaken for Alice of Alice ...

CHF 46.90

Chèvres naines, mini chèvres, chèvres toy pour animaux de...

Lang, Elliott
Chèvres naines, mini chèvres, chèvres toy pour animaux de compagnie. Tout ce qu'il faut savoir. Ce livre couvre l'élevage, la reproduction, la traite, l'alimentation, les soins et la santé
Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les chèvres naines pour animaux de compagnie. Ce livre est un guide essentiel pour tous les passionnés de chèvres naines, mini chèvres ou chèvres toy. Contient des informations sur l'élevage, la reproduction, la traite, l'alimentation, les soins et la santé. Ce livre est écrit dans un style facile à lire et compréhensible. De façon simple et sans fioritures, Elliott Lang traite de tous les aspects de...

CHF 21.90

Torpedo Instruction Pamphlet TS-5

Fleet Torpedo School / United States Navy
Torpedo Instruction Pamphlet TS-5
Created during WWII as an official training manual for the Fleet Torpedo School, this whopping 575+ page "pamphlet" contains everything you ever wanted to know about aircraft-launched torpedoes. Within its pages you'll find rare photographs and diagrams as well as informative text. This includes a brief history of the torpedo and a full rundown of the Mark 13, the first American torpedo to be designed solely for aircraft launch (although, they...

CHF 59.50

Mindsets! for Sales - Discover and Cultivate the 12 Minds...

Quintero, Carlos
Mindsets! for Sales - Discover and Cultivate the 12 Mindsets of a Rainmaker
Discover and Cultivate the 12 Mindsets of a Rainmaker! A fast paced read for sales professionals and sales managers on how top sales professionals - the Rainmakers - THINK. Based on 30+ years working with sales professionals across a variety of industries, MINDSETS articulates the practices and behaviors of top sales pros. A blueprint for sales professionals to excel and for sales managers to recruit and coach. "A practical guide for sales pro...

CHF 23.90

Variabilidade do nível do mar

Filippo, Alessandro
Variabilidade do nível do mar
Este livro tem por finalidade trazer uma avaliação da influência de eventos meteorológicos de baixa frequência na variabilidade do nível do mar, traduzidos na forma de ondas de plataforma ao longo da costa atlântica sul-sudeste da América do Sul. Visa, também, desenvolver uma ferramenta para previsão de maré, incluindo a componente meteorológica, utilizando uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA), bem como a contribuição de cada variável meteorológic...

CHF 65.00

O que os alunos pensam, querem e como interpretam suas re...

Borges, Aline
O que os alunos pensam, querem e como interpretam suas realidades
Este estudo é fruto de um trabalho realizado em uma escola no município do Rio de Janeiro. Nele, procura-se dar voz aos estudantes do último ano do ensino médio, conhecer seus anseios, medos e desafios. Em especial, trata das percepções que estes estudantes têm acerca das contribuições da escola para que alcancem ascensão educacional, neste caso, que avancem os estudos rumo à universidade. Em adição, aborda como os estudantes se percebem enqua...

CHF 96.00

Tribunal po Jugoslawii kak institut mezhdunarodnoj ugolow...

Mihajlow, Nikolaj
Tribunal po Jugoslawii kak institut mezhdunarodnoj ugolownoj üsticii T.I
Osnowywaqs' na glubokom prawowom analize sudebnyh reshenij Mezhdunarodnogo ugolownogo tribunala po bywshej Jugoslawii (MTBJu), opiraqs' na lichnyj shestiletnij opyt raboty w kachestwe rukowoditelq odnoj iz sledstwennyh grupp Ofisa Prokurora MTBJu, awtorom wperwye w rossijskoj üridicheskoj literature prowedeno komplexnoe issledowanie klüchewyh problem prawoprimenitel'noj deqtel'nosti MTBJu, kasaüschihsq ego legitimnosti, samostoqtel'nosti i kom...

CHF 126.00

Indoamericanos en Cuba

Couceiro, Avelino
Indoamericanos en Cuba
Al estudiar las raíces culturales y étnicas cubanas, se ha (de)generado una imagen tradicional de que en Cuba, a diferencia del resto del continente, los indoamericanos fueron totalmente extinguidos. En los programas de Educación y en los libros de textos raramente se les dedicaba más de un párrafo inicial, y a menudo ni se mencionaban. Sin embargo, todo un proceso en la propia historia de la cultura cubana, que este libro aborda, y sobre todo...

CHF 59.90

Osnownye aspekty deqtel'nosti medicinskogo psihologa w na...

Marselin, Alexandr / Bisaliew, Rafaäl'
Osnownye aspekty deqtel'nosti medicinskogo psihologa w narkologii
V posobii rassmotreny osnownye woprosy, s kotorymi stalkiwaetsq medicinskij psiholog narkologicheskogo uchrezhdeniq w swoej powsednewnoj rabote. Vydeleny osnownye celi i zadachi, predstawlen perechen' osnownyh metodik, raspisany warianty podrobnyh struktur psihologicheskih zaklüchenij, rassmotreny osobennosti uchastiq medicinskogo psihologa w äxpertnyh komissiqh i w lechebno-reabilitacionnom processe. Razobrany woprosy raboty s zawisimymi ot p...

CHF 77.00

Vozdushnye linii älektroperedach i podwesnye magistral'ny...

Kotlqrewskij, Vladimir
Vozdushnye linii älektroperedach i podwesnye magistral'nye truboprowody
V knige predstawleny w dostupnoj dlq inzhenera forme metody i sredstwa ocenki resursow prochnosti wozdushnyh linij älektroperedach, podwesnyh änergeticheskih sistem i magistral'nyh truboprowodow, prowisaüschih nad polostqmi so strukturno neustojchiwymi gruntami i w oreolah ottaiwaniq w zonah wechnoj merzloty, a pri perehodah cherez prepqtstwiq - takzhe podweshennyh na trosah. Priwedeny formulirowki i raschetnye algoritmy sootwetstwuüschih zada...

CHF 59.90

Les comportements sexuels à risque des adolescents de Lub...

Kalau Mutej, Jean-Marie
Les comportements sexuels à risque des adolescents de Lubumbashi (RDC)
Les méconduites sexuelles dommageables sur les adolescents (viol, violences sexuels) et celles relevant du fait de ces acteurs eux-mêmes constituent le lot quotidien dans les milieux urbains congolais par ailleurs multi culturalisés. Pourtant, la voie sexuelle est le mode principal de transmission du VIH/SIDA, pandémie mondiale au macabre bilan : près de 40 millions d'infectés en 2011 (2/3 en Afrique noire) , des contaminations par milliers , ...

CHF 104.00