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166 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Psihoterapiq pacientow, operirowannyh po powodu raka schi...

Igumnow, Sergej / Grigor'ewa, Inessa
Psihoterapiq pacientow, operirowannyh po powodu raka schitowidnoj zhelezy
Pacienty, kotorym ustanowlen diagnoz «zlokachestwennoe nowoobrazowanie schitowidnoj zhelezy», nuzhdaütsq w adekwatnoj psihologicheskoj podgotowke i komplexnoj psihoterapii na wseh ätapah reabilitacii, osnowannoj na aktiwnom partnerstwe «wrach-pacient», s cel'ü korrekcii fizicheskogo, psihologicheskogo i social'nogo funkcionirowaniq, narushennogo wsledstwie bolezni. Aktual'nost' primeneniq psihoterapii w processe reabilitacii u pacientow, operi...

CHF 71.00

What lies beneath: fairness or creative accounting?

Vladu, Alina Beattrice
What lies beneath: fairness or creative accounting?
This book is different from all in the field, monochrome and polychrome, culturalist and philosophical, theoretical and pragmatic in the arena of true and fair view and creative accounting. The author convinces the reader to become a participant in the discussion, since the emerging ideas are dense, challenging, even overwhelming. Written under the aegis of a clear style, the book is concerned primarily to get to know better some of the margin...

CHF 76.00

Universal Verification Methodology Based Verification Env...

Jain, Abhishek
Universal Verification Methodology Based Verification Environment
Ever increasing silicon design complexity and transistor density, product differentiation and time to market are major factors creating huge pressure on complete design flow. This book covers Verification phase by describing the concepts of Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) and by presenting a pragmatic approach of developing efficient and unified advanced verification environment at all levels using Universal Verification Methodology a...

CHF 48.90

Issledowanie chizelq

Parhomenko, Galina
Issledowanie chizelq
Predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq chizelq w polewyh uslowiqh. Srawnitel'nomu analizu po rezul'tatam agrotehnicheskoj, änergeticheskoj i dinamicheskoj ocenok podwergalis' wse wozmozhnye warianty rabochih organow dlq glubokogo ryhleniq: transformiruemyj s polnym diapazonom izmeneniq ugla ustanowki ego podwizhnyh älementow w poperechno-wertikal'noj ploskosti, ploskoreznyj i chizel'nyj. Rezul'taty issledowanij mogut byt' ispol'zowany pri proekt...

CHF 52.50

Health Implications of Improved Water Supply in Rural Ghana

Asomaniwaa, Bernice
Health Implications of Improved Water Supply in Rural Ghana
Water is an essential ingredient in all facets of human and economic development. Water has a direct impact on human health and any deterioration in quality affects human well-being. Lack of access to safe water is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Nevertheless, a considerable number of people around the world lack access to safe drinking water. Inevitably the burden of poor access to safe water falls primarily on the poor...

CHF 92.00

Uprawlenie innowacionnymi strukturnymi processami

Ponikarowa, Anna Sergeewna / Gilqzutdinowa, Irina Vladimirowna / Krasnowa, Anastasiq Vqcheslawowna
Uprawlenie innowacionnymi strukturnymi processami
V sowremennyh uslowiqh innowacionnoe razwitie sistem razlichnogo urownq harakterizuetsq wysokoj stepen'ü neopredelennosti i wozrastaüschej slozhnost'ü protekaüschih transformacionnyh processow, kotorye ohwatywaüt wse sfery deqtel'nosti hozqjstwuüschih sub#ektow i nahodqt otrazhenie w samyh osnowah organizacionnyh swqzej - strukturnoj sostawlqüschej sistemy. V swqzi s ätim osobuü znachimost' priobretaet kachestwo uprawleniq processami strukturn...

CHF 92.00

Climate change mitigation in Australia: tax or emissions ...

Guglyuvatyy, Evgeny
Climate change mitigation in Australia: tax or emissions trading?
The primary question explored by this book is what alternative, carbon tax or emissions trading, would be an optimal policy for climate change mitigation in Australia. This book focuses on assessing carbon tax and emissions trading policy options on the basis of multiple criteria related to climate change policy in the Australian context. Recognising the complexity of the question, the author examines policy approaches capable of addressing th...

CHF 92.00

Teoriq i praktika komp'üternogo modelirowaniq

Martem'qnow, Vladimir
Teoriq i praktika komp'üternogo modelirowaniq
V rabote rassmatriwaütsq woprosy shkol'nogo komp'üternogo modelirowaniq na urokah geografii, problemy i perspektiwy ispol'zowaniq awtorskih komp'üternyh programm.Dana klassifikaciq tipow modelej, kratkoe opisanie neskol'ko desqtkow iz nih. Opisany wozmozhnosti Macromedia Flash dlq razrabotki nowyh programm, awtorskie komp'üternye igry dlq urokow geografii Priweden katalog wseh awtorskih programm. Oceneny dostoinstwa i nedostatki razlichnyh pro...

CHF 52.50

Art-terapiq i uspeshnoe starenie

Naumowa, Valentina Alexandrowna / Glozman, Zhanna Markowna
Art-terapiq i uspeshnoe starenie
Kniga analiziruet uslowiq i faktory optimizacii lichnostnyh resursow na ätape pozdnej zrelosti. Razrabotana i äxperimental'no podtwerzhdena model' optimizacii resursow razwitiq lichnosti putem nowoj organizacii zhiznedeqtel'nosti na ätape pozdnej zrelosti. Model' wklüchaet mehanizmy aktualizacii latentnogo resursa, obespecheniq blagopoluchnogo funkcionirowaniq lichnosti, konstruktiwnogo prinqtiq social'noj situacii razwitiq. Katalizatorom, ili...

CHF 92.00

Tehnologiq obucheniq seti ANFIS w parallel'nom rezhime

Sosinskaq, Sof'q / Nguen, Dang Min'
Tehnologiq obucheniq seti ANFIS w parallel'nom rezhime
Adaptiwnaq sistema nejro-nechetkogo wywoda (ANFIS) qwlqetsq odnim iz widow GIS, soedinqüschaq w sebe nejronnuü set' i sistemu nechetkogo wywoda. Na praktike äti dwe sistemy wzaimno dopolnqüt drug druga pri reshenii slozhnyh zadach, poätomu celesoobrazno ih ob#edinenie. Adaptiwnaq sistema nejro-nechetkogo wywoda predstawlqet soboj mnogoslojnuü nejronnuü set', poätomu ona wsegda trebuet znachitel'nyh wremennyh zatrat dlq prowedeniq ob#ömnyh wych...

CHF 52.50

Penetration enhancement techniques overcoming skin barrier

Sharma, Manu
Penetration enhancement techniques overcoming skin barrier
Transdermal drug delivery system offers an alternative pathway for systemic drug delivery with several advantages over conventional routes. Unfortunately, the barrier nature of the skin presents a significant obstacle for most drugs to be delivered. Consequently, several approaches including both the chemical and physical enhancement strategies are used to increase skin permeability. Potential substances used for this purpose need to have both...

CHF 52.50

Risk Management

Kanaka Raju, Kollimalla
Risk Management
Risk is diversified through the financial instrument of derivative. Derivativeis a financial instrument , its value derives from some other asset which is called as the underlying asset.The underlying asset consists of shares, securities and commodities.This book covers the structure of derivatives, valuation of different types of futures, options, option strategies and swaps.This book is helpful for an investor how he can earns or incurred lo...

CHF 106.00

Monitoring ustojchiwogo razwitiq federal'nyh okrugow Rossii

Galkina, Galina
Monitoring ustojchiwogo razwitiq federal'nyh okrugow Rossii
Rabota poswqschena issledowaniü problemy formirowaniq mehanizma monitoringa ustojchiwogo razwitiq äkonomiki federal'nyh okrugow Rossii. Argumentirowana celesoobraznost' razrabotki mehanizma dlq model'nyh makroregionow (Sewero-Zapadnogo i Dal'newostochnogo federal'nyh okrugow) s naibolee harakternymi dlq Rossii prirodno-klimaticheskimi uslowiqmi, resursnym, proizwodstwennym, nauchnym, chelowecheskim potencialom, sostoqniem prirodnyh äkosistem, ...

CHF 52.50

Mehanizm nalogowogo regulirowaniq pribyli kommercheskogo ...

Suhanowa, Irina
Mehanizm nalogowogo regulirowaniq pribyli kommercheskogo banka
Nauchnaq nowizna knigi zaklüchaetsq w nauchnom obosnowanii i razwitii teoreticheskih polozhenij, sowershenstwowanii metodicheskogo instrumentariq nalogowogo regulirowaniq pribyli kommercheskogo banka, a takzhe w razrabotke metodiki ocenki ego äffektiwnosti. V knige polucheny sleduüschie nauchnye rezul'taty: - utochneno ponqtie nalogowyh regulqtorow pribyli kommercheskogo banka, opredeleny ih suschnostnye harakteristiki, - wyqwleny osobennosti ...

CHF 98.00

Vozmozhnosti intellektual'nyh sistem uprawleniq w oblasti...

Borisewich, Dmitrij
Vozmozhnosti intellektual'nyh sistem uprawleniq w oblasti sporta
Intellektual'nye sistemy uprawleniq w komplexe s ustrojstwami kontrolq dlq sporta sposobny chastichno awtomatizirowat' i robotizirowat' process podgotowki sportsmenow. Opyt trenerow- äxpertow, sobrannyj w bazu znanij pozwolit optimizorowat' trenirowochnyj process i podobrat' naibolee wygodnuü strategiü. Postoqnnyj kontrol' za wypolneniem komplexow uprazhnenij pozwolit na nachal'nom ätape postawit' horoshuü tehniku, a na professional'nom urowne...

CHF 47.50

Formirowanie wysshego tehnicheskogo obrazowaniq w Zapadno...

Astapenko, Sof'q
Formirowanie wysshego tehnicheskogo obrazowaniq w Zapadnoj Sibiri
Perwoe wysshee tehnologicheskoe uchebnoe zawedenie, Tomskij Tehnologicheskij Institut Imperatora Nikolaq II, poqwilos' w Zapadnoj Sibiri w 1900 g. Obsuzhdenie neobhodimosti otkrytiq podobnogo uchebnogo zawedeniq obsuzhdalos' na protqzhenii pochti celogo weka, odnako rezul'taty otkrytiq prewzoshli, wozlagaemye nadezhdy. Institut obespechiwal Sibir' tehnicheskimi specialistami, razwiwali nauku i proizwodstwo, prepodawateli i studenty-tehnologi a...

CHF 71.00

SCAR V: A Speech Controlled Android Robot with Vision

Sheikh, Hassam Ullah / Habib, Alvina / Haq, Paroo
SCAR V: A Speech Controlled Android Robot with Vision
This book is based on an undergraduate thesis at University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. In this book we have presented our work on a humanoid robot that had the ability to perform basic human tasks like listening and responding to people's question, differentiate between known and unknown people, recognize their emotional states and recognize different objects. In this book we have completely described the working and the building p...

CHF 52.50

Istoriq ohrany prirody w Germanii w period 1800-1918 gg

Mukalo, Anastasiq
Istoriq ohrany prirody w Germanii w period 1800-1918 gg
V nachale HH w. Germaniq qwlqlas' ewropejskim liderom w oblasti ohrany prirody s koncepciej ohrany nebol'shih po ploschadi ob#ektow - pamqtnikow prirody. Prakticheskaq rabota w ätoj sfere nachalas' fakticheski w nachale XIX w. s sozdaniq neskol'kih komplexnyh OOPT. Teoreticheskoe obosnowanie neobhodimosti ohrany prirody w Germanii bylo swqzano s raznoobraznymi politicheskimi, social'nymi, äkonomicheskimi i kul'turno-istoricheskimi sobytiqmi w ...

CHF 125.00

On the Dirichlet Problem for Equations in an Unbounded Do...

Poborchi, Sergei
On the Dirichlet Problem for Equations in an Unbounded Domain
In the present book we study solvability and uniqueness of the soution to the Dirichlet problem for the p-Laplace equation and the equation of Helmholtz type. For the functions in Sobolev spaces of first order their boundary traces are characterized for the interior and exterior of the multidimensional paraboloid. Thus, necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for solvability of the above Dirichlet problem inside and outside the parabo...

CHF 52.50

Dogowor na wypolnenie nauchno-issledowatel'skih rabot

Sawickaq, Kristina
Dogowor na wypolnenie nauchno-issledowatel'skih rabot
Vazhnoj grazhdansko-prawowoj formoj organizacii processa ispol'zowaniq i sozdaniq nauchno-tehnicheskih rezul'tatow qwlqetsq dogowor na wypolnenie nauchno-issledowatel'skih rabot. V ramkah ätogo dogowora wedutsq fundamental'nye i poiskowye teoreticheskie issledowaniq, wyqwlqetsq principial'naq wozmozhnost' postanowki i resheniq prakticheskih zadach. V doktrine grazhdanskogo prawa suschestwuüt razlichnye wzglqdy na prawowuü prirodu dogoworow na ...

CHF 52.50