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1212 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1201 von 1212.


Books LLC
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 27. Kapitel: Marburger Bund, Allgemeine Ärztliche Gesellschaft für Psychotherapie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention, Österreichische Tierärztekammer, Ärztetarifvertrag, Berufsverband der Frauenärzte, Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport, Freie Ärzteschaft, Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung, Royal College of Surgeons of England, NAV-Virchow-Bund, Hartmannbund, Bundesverband Niedergelasse...

CHF 19.90


Books LLC
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 49. Kapitel: Wasserstoff, Kohlenstoff, Sauerstoff, Schwefel, Phosphor, Stickstoff. Auszug: Schwefel (lat. Sulphur oder Sulfur, im Deutschen eventuell von indogerm. *suel- oder "schwelen" abgeleitet, die Silbe "-thio-" stammt vom griech. ¿e¿¿¿ (Schwefel)) ist ein chemisches Element mit dem Elementsymbol S und der Ordnungszahl 16. Im Periodensystem steht es in der sechsten Hauptgruppe und zählt zu den Chalkogenen. Schw...

CHF 24.50

Medizinische Hygiene

Books LLC
Medizinische Hygiene
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 71. Kapitel: Hygiene, Quarantäne, Desinfektion, Tröpfcheninfektion, Repellent, Sterilisation, Biofilm, Nosokomiale Infektion, Sexualhygiene, Meldepflichtige Krankheit, Infektionsweg, Operationssaal, Peter Kalmár, Gastroenteritis, Händedesinfektion, Multiresistenz, Ionisator, Zentrale Sterilgutversorgungsabteilung, Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsgerät, Hygiene-Institut der Waffen-SS, Dampfdurchdringungstest, Steckbecken...

CHF 28.50

Landschaft in Frankreich

Books LLC
Landschaft in Frankreich
Quelle: Wikipedia. Seiten: 66. Kapitel: Oberrheinische Tiefebene, Normandie, Pariser Becken, Baskenland, Périgord, Saintonge, Savoyen, Verdonschlucht, Marcillac, Westhoek, Minervois, Languedoc, Pays d'Aillou, Dauphiné, Burgundische Pforte, Vallée des Merveilles, Lavedan, Pelvoux, Armagnac, Dombes, Sundgau, Grésivaudan, Gévaudan, Roussillon, Chablais, Baronnies, Plateau de Millevaches, Calanque, Vôge, Oisans, Hurepoix, Touraine, Causse Méjean, ...

CHF 27.90

Scottish Gods

Bruce, Steve
Scottish Gods
Explores Scotland's transformation from the largely devout Presbyterian country of 1900, with the church as a major social force, to the diverse, more secular society of today, when less than 10 per cent of Scots attend church. This book looks at the decline in the Protestant-Catholic divide.

CHF 139.00

Male reproductive system

Source: Wikipedia
Male reproductive system
Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 65. Chapters: Urethra, Testicle, Prostate, Glans penis, Smegma, Circumcision, Foreskin, Human penis, Ejaculation, Spermatogenesis, Hirsuties coronae glandis, Scrotum, Ridged band, Epididymis, Sertoli cell, Seminal vesicle, Vas deferens, Frenulum of prepuce of penis, Circumcision scar, Bulbourethral gland, Blue balls, Spermatic cord, Spermiogenesis, Prostatic utricle, Icelandic Phallological Museum, Scrotal ligament, R...

CHF 28.50


Edmondson, Jonathan
Augustus (63 BC - AD 14), the first Roman emperor, brought peace and stability to Rome after decades of strife and uncertainty. He put in place a new institutional framework for the Roman Empire and inspired the ideology that sustained it for the next three hundred years. This book presents a selection of the most important scholarship on Augustus and the contribution he made to the development of the Roman state in the early imperial period. ...

CHF 51.50

Grunt Air

Taylor, John R
Grunt Air
Grunt Air will raise awareness about the many missing POWs, some who are still missing..." Doug Alberts, Pilot, quoted from The Lakewood People "John R. Taylor had me sitting on the edge of my seat a few times, laughing and crying. He is an amazing author."-A Reviewer Grunt Air tells the story of an elite Air Force helicopter unit used for the secret rescue of American pilots shot down during the Vietnam War who were being held and tortured by...

CHF 52.90

Making Waves

Hitchcock, Eric
Making Waves
The story of British Forces Broadcasting began officially on 1st January 1944 in North Africa. The India and South-East Asia Commands (SEAC) covered such a huge area that other means were needed to deliver programmes to the forces in that theatre. This book tells the story of Radio SEAC, and Mountbatten's pivotal involvement in it.

CHF 43.50

A Guide to Chess Improvement

Heisman, Dan
A Guide to Chess Improvement
Brief DescriptionThis book features the very best of Dan Heisman's multi-award winning chess column "Novice Nook "and is full of valuable instruction, insight and practical advice on a wide range of key chess subjects.

CHF 39.90

The Scotch Game

Dembo, Yelena / Palliser, Richard
The Scotch Game
Yelena Dembo takes a modern-day look at the Scotch Game, providing thorough coverage of the critical main lines and studying the key tactical and positional ideas for White and Black.

CHF 33.90

From Perestroika to Rainbow Revolutions

Cheterian, Vicken
From Perestroika to Rainbow Revolutions
This is a comparative study of the reforms and revolutions that have swept through the former USSR and Balkan states in the past 25 years. The collection examines the struggle to modernise the economies and political systems of the former Soviet states and Eastern Europe. It specifically focuses on the mostly nonviolent Color Revolutions.

CHF 53.50