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784 Ergebnisse - Zeige 341 von 360.

Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age

Bishop, Jonathan
Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age
Digital technology and the Internet have greatly affected the political realm in recent years, allowing citizens greater input and interaction in government processes. The mainstream media no longer holds all the power in political commentary. Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age provides an updated assessment of the implications of technology for society and the realm of politics. The book covers issues presented by the technol...

CHF 239.00

Innovative Applications and Developments of Micro-Pattern...

Francke, Tom / Peskov, Vladimir
Innovative Applications and Developments of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors
Study of nature and the world around us has been a primary motivation for scientists and researchers for centuries. Advanced methods in the study of elementary particles have led to even greater discoveries in recent years. Innovative Applications and Developments of Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors focuses on the analysis and use of various gas detection systems, providing a detailed description of some of the most commonly used gas detectors ...

CHF 257.00


Shaw, Sarah / Shaw Sarah
Sarah Shaw looked in control of her life. She had a successful career as a manager in retail business. But she came to a point when she could no longer keep up appearances, by controlling her tormented inner world. So explosive was her inner pain, and so damaged was she by the consequences of childhood abuse, that she was eventually put on a lifetime's incapacity benefit. Her consultant psychiatrist was at a loss how to help. This story is not...

CHF 19.90

The Private War of William Styron

Buxton, Mary Wakefield
The Private War of William Styron
Returning to his childhood home in Virginia for the funeral of his stepmother, Elizabeth Buxton Styron, acclaimed writer William Styron finds himself plunged into boyhood reminiscence. He is "Billy" again, fourteen and heartbroken, with a mother recently passed from cancer and a grieving father who has fallen in love with the head nurse at the local hospital. The impending marriage terrifies Billy, who finds his new stepmother's strict worldvi...

CHF 20.90

The Recruit

Yanez, David
The Recruit
A Journey of Faith, Power, and Spiritual Lessons for All Ages to Embrace The Recruit is a must-read for anyone with a desire to serve God. At the tender age of nineteen, David Yanez heard God tell him to trust Him and join the United Sta

CHF 20.50

Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers

Blackford, Sheila / Neff, Donna S. M.
Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers
The legal community is notorious for generating paper--and lots of it. But lawyers can save time and money by transitioning to a paperless office. Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers will show even the most committed paper devotees how to run their law offices digitally.

CHF 65.00

Jewristicheskij metapraktikum

Kotlobaj, Ol'ga
Jewristicheskij metapraktikum
Jewristicheskoe obuchenie - obuchenie cherez «otkrytiq», cherez sobstwennoe proniknowenie uchenika w glubiny prirody i kul'tury - orientirowano na konstruirowanie sobstwennogo smysla, celej i soderzhaniq obrazowaniq i predpolagaet poluchenie osobyh rezul'tatow - lichnyh produktow tworchestwa. Primenenie äwristicheskih metodow i priemow otkrywaet ogromnye potencial'nye wozmozhnosti dlq razwitiq razlichnyh form i urownej myshleniq, aktiwizacii p...

CHF 71.00

Don't Dream about Bunnies!

Bumpus, Thomas &. Sherry
Don't Dream about Bunnies!
AJ is a typical little boy who is afraid to go to sleep because he might have bad dreams. One night his dad tells him the secret to not having bad dreams. "Whatever you do, don't dream about bunnies!." By the end of the book AJ's monsters are gone.

CHF 31.90

12 Years a Slave

Ridley, John / Northup, Solomon / Walker, Joe / Zimmer, Hans / Milchan, Arnon / Pitt, Brad / Pohlad, Bill / Ridley, John / Ross, Tessa / Gardner, Dede / Katagas, Anthony / Kleiner, Jeremy / McQueen, Steve / Bobbitt, Sean / Ejiofor, Chiwetel / Henry, Dwight / Gravois, Dickie / Batt, Bryan / Dyke, Ashley / Scott, Kelsey / Wallis, Quvenzhané / Zeigler, Cameron / Bentley, Tony
12 Years a Slave
Saratoga/New York, Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Der Afro-Amerikaner Solomon Northup lebt ein einfaches aber glückliches Leben als freier Mann. Als zwei Fremde den virtuosen Geigenspieler für einen Auftritt engagieren und danach noch auf einen Drink einladen, schöpft Solomon keinerlei Verdacht. Umso größer ist sein Entsetzen, als er sich am nächsten Morgen in Ketten gelegt auf einem Sklavenschiff Richtung Louisiana wiederfindet! Jeder Hinweis au...

CHF 23.50

The Billionaires' English Elocution Bible

Williamson, Stafford "Doc"
The Billionaires' English Elocution Bible
A Perfect Guide to Perfect English Pronunciation" is a librarian's descriptive title to this book, but it is more than that, it is a hundred-plus year old text updated for the MODERN International BUSINESSMAN. "SPEAK English WITHOUT AN ACCENT" is a better title too, because that is what this book teaches. It takes practice, it takes lot of practice. Buy a second copy for a friend and practice on each other. More good advice would be to listen ...

CHF 22.90

Four Necklaces

Martin, Robert Steven
Four Necklaces
I hope you find my poems universal in its message. Universal in how it makes you feel more alive, more related, more connected, more whole. We are all laughing and crying over the same things. And if it is honest enough, if it is good enough, silly enough, I hope it will pull something out of you that touches your humanity. Each volume is yet one more bookmark, one more crimped corner of yet one more turned page in my life. It is above all abo...

CHF 24.50

Tonbo (Dragonfly)

Couey, K. R.
Tonbo (Dragonfly)
Set in modern day Japan and during Obon-the most supernatural of Japanese holidays, a time when the dead return for a short visit-Tonbo is a story of English conversation teacher, Jezzy Dubois from Louisiana, U.S.A., who has grown weary of her job but loves living in Japan and doesn't want to leave it. She visits a local shrine to seek the advice of the nature gods, and in the days that follow a series of unexplainable events occur and culmina...

CHF 25.50

The Selma Voting Rights Struggle & the March to Montgomery

Hartford, Bruce
The Selma Voting Rights Struggle & the March to Montgomery
Winning the vote for southern Blacks was the crowning achievement of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. With roots going back decades, the fight for the ballot came to a climax in 1965 with the Selma Voting Rights Campaign and the March to Montgomery. Here is a day-by-day chronicle of a battle in which unexpected actors and unsung heroes took a stand against the violent forces of segregation and state power that for so many generations ha...

CHF 18.90

Espaço de aprendizagem digital da matemática

De Bona, Aline
Espaço de aprendizagem digital da matemática
Este livro está baseado em uma pesquisa de doutorado finalizada em 2012 pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), no Programa de Pós-Graducação em Informática na Educação (PPGIE), sob a orientação da Professora Dra. Léa da Cruz Fagundes e coorientação do Professor Dr. Marcus Vinícius de Azevedo Basso. A pesquisa foi aplicada na escola básica, em particular nas aulas de Matemática, e tem a finalidade geral de mobilizar o aprender ...

CHF 63.00

Tehnicheskie sredstwa obucheniq dwigatel'nym dejstwiqm

Bizin, Viktor / Mirgorod, Diana / Hacaük, Alexandr
Tehnicheskie sredstwa obucheniq dwigatel'nym dejstwiqm
Ispol'zowanie tehnicheskih sredstw obucheniq pozwolqet znachitel'no powysit' äffektiwnost' trenirowochnogo processa. Vmeste s tem, dlq ih dal'nejshego sowershenstwowaniq neobhodimo izuchenie osobennostej regulqcii tehniki dwigatel'nyh dejstwij sportsmenow na razlichnyh ätapah mnogoletnej trenirowki, a takzhe opredelenie sistemoobrazuüschih faktorow optimizacii tehniki fizicheskih uprazhnenij. V rabote predstawlen shirokij wybor instrumental'ny...

CHF 39.50

Der Weihnachtsbusen

Singer, Kiara
Der Weihnachtsbusen
Sieben meisterlich erzählte erotische Geschichten von Bestsellerautorin Kiara Singer entführen ihre Leser in die geheimnisvolle Welt der Dominanz und Unterwerfung, der Demütigung und Züchtigung. >Das Lezard Intim-Piercing<: Der renommierte Gehirnchirurg Dr. Lezard ist nur dann bereit, Samanthas verunglückten Verlobten Michael zu operieren, wenn sie ihm zwei Wochen lang ihren Körper bedingungslos zur Verfügung stellt. >Die Englischlehreri...

CHF 18.50

La donna in Alberto Giacometti: distanza e...desiderio di...

Galletti, Letizia
La donna in Alberto Giacometti: distanza e...desiderio di percorrerla
Lo scopo è portare alla luce il graduale processo di conflittualità nel rapporto di Alberto Giacometti con le donne - in un perenne e precario equilibrio tra attrazione e repulsione - ricostruito grazie alle opere più significative per, infine, riconoscerne l'importanza per le sue concezioni artistiche. Figure femminili rigide e immobili, contrapposte a figure maschili in movimento, dunque connotate al positivo, lasciano ravvisare una visione ...

CHF 76.00

Worth the Seeing Through

Owens, Lisa M.
Worth the Seeing Through
Love's Value: Book Two Police officer Connor Maclean has been on the job less than two months when a robbery call sends him to the art gallery of Guy Gustavsson, the man he fell in love with during one life-altering week in LA. He moved to Montana for Guy, even after the artist cut off contact. Now he discovers him injured and unconscious, along with a note indicating Guy was to meet someone named Jones about Guy's painting of a former lover. ...

CHF 23.90

Die Verzahnung der Gesellschaftsverträge bei der GmbH & C...

Kirr, Gert
Die Verzahnung der Gesellschaftsverträge bei der GmbH & Co. KG
Das Buch befasst sich insbesondere mit der Vorgehensweise bei der Verzahnung der Gesellschaftsverträge der GmbH & Co. KG und zeigt deren Notwendigkeit auf. Anhand einiger beispielhafter Vertragsklauseln wird dargestellt, wie Vereinbarungen aufeinander abgestimmt und miteinander verzahnt werden müssen, um so einen Gleichlauf in beiden Gesellschaften zu gewährleisten. Mit der Einheitsgesellschaft wird zudem eine oftmals als Ideallösung bezeichne...

CHF 32.90