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632 Ergebnisse - Zeige 241 von 260.

Teachers' Working Conditions: an Exploration

Kaur, Satvinderpal
Teachers' Working Conditions: an Exploration
School education forms the base of education system on which the structure of higher education can be built.Teacher is the cornerstone in the whole educational process. Beside the cognitive domains, the efficiency and performance of the teacher depends upon many non cognitive environmental factors like working conditions of the school, parental environment of the children, students' achievement etc. The working conditions play a paramount role...

CHF 71.00

Dwerca w Literaturnoe Zazerkal'e

Sergeewa (Noskowa), Vera
Dwerca w Literaturnoe Zazerkal'e
Awtor - uchitel' literatury i uchönyj-metodist - predlagaet innowacionnyj put' wwedeniq uchenika w mir texta kak osoboj ästeticheskoj «ino-real'nosti». Jetoj «dwercej» qwlqetsq organizowannaq deqtel'nost' textoporozhdeniq po matrice zhanra na uroke literatury kak tworcheskoj masterskoj w 5 klasse. V knige predstawleno nauchnoe obosnowanie metodiki, a takzhe opyt mnogoletnej praktiki prepodawaniq literatury w shkole w logike rassmatriwaemogo pu...

CHF 79.00

Women in Agriculture

Singh, Sarita / Gupta, Shobhana
Women in Agriculture
The women, is the backbone of agriculture workforce but worldwide her hard work has mostly been unpaid. She does the most tedious and back -breaking tasks in agriculture, animal husbandry and homes. This is, however, high time that her participation should be recognized so that she is empowered with scientific know-how. This book is written with these considerations in mind. This book will serve as a guide for students and teachers of Extensio...

CHF 52.50

Opyt, problemy i perspektiwy razwitiq sportiwnogo turizma

Rubis, Lüdmila
Opyt, problemy i perspektiwy razwitiq sportiwnogo turizma
V sbornike statej predstawleny nauchnye i prakticheskie materialy o zhizni i uwlechenii awtora sportiwnym turizmom. Sportiwnyj turizm, kak äxtremal'nyj wid sporta, raskrywaet woprosy bezopasnosti i okazaniq perwoj pomoschi. Stat'i rassmatriwaüt aktual'nye woprosy w oblasti sportiwnogo turizma i razwitie ego w Rossii, wospitanie detej, podrostkow i studencheskoj molodezhi sredstwami sportiwnogo i sportiwno-ozdorowitel'nogo turizma, nerawnodushn...

CHF 92.00

Parametric Design Thinking

Chokhachian, Ata
Parametric Design Thinking
Parametricism is a term for a new call epochal style of architecture that covers all the design disciplines and also becomes an important benchmark in architecture design as well. The term recently has developed a global movement that has become mature in the body of technology and contemporary issues on architecture and urbanism, and newly parametric design as a novel attitude toward architecture design, which is shaped in the body of technol...

CHF 71.00

Professional'nyj trud menedzhera: model' menedzhmenta org...

Usol'cew, Ewgenij / Artömowa, Ol'ga / Russinowa, Ol'ga
Professional'nyj trud menedzhera: model' menedzhmenta organizacii
V knige rassmatriwaütsq fundamental'nye osnowy uprawlencheskoj deqtel'nosti, w lüboj organizacii. Ob#ektom uprawleniq w processah resheniq lübyh proizwodstwennyh zadach qwlqetsq sozidaüschaq (proizwoditel'naq) sila kollektiwa reshatelej zadachi. Sub#ektami uprawleniq qwlqütsq wo-perwyh, predprinimatel' - wladelec orudij i sredstw truda organizacii. Vo-wtoryh, menedzher (korpus menedzherow), obespechiwaüschij dolzhnoe reshenie konkretnoj prikla...

CHF 71.00

Publichnye prostranstwa

Antonowa, Alexandra
Publichnye prostranstwa
Publichnoe prostranstwo ochen' wazhnyj älement social'noj i kul'turnoj zhizni ne tol'ko goroda, no i lübogo sociuma. Jeta kniga poswqschena podrobnomu analizu ätogo qwleniq w ego istoricheskom razwitii i sowremennyh transformaciqh. V knige podrobno rassmotreny wse klassicheskie i sowremennye wzglqdy na publichnoe prostranstwo i ego formy. Dlq prakticheskih issledowanij awtor wybral prostranstwa goroda Vladiwostoka (sowremennogo i aktiwno razwi...

CHF 52.50

The Civilian Experience in German Occupied France, 1940-1944

Smith, Meredith
The Civilian Experience in German Occupied France, 1940-1944
The Civilian Experience in German Occupied France attempts to trace and define the lives of French civilians living under German occupation during World War Two. To do this, it examines memoirs and journals of people who actually lived through the Occupation, across all parts of France. By piecing together their disparate experiences, it is possible to find common ground and evaluate what the average French citizen experienced between 1940 to ...

CHF 71.00

Social Factors of Civil Society Development in Ukraine

Matviychuk, Taras
Social Factors of Civil Society Development in Ukraine
With the development of social interaction and with the human historical progress on the path of social, economic, moral, spiritual and philosophical perspectives, there is an opportunity to consider the phenomenon of civil society in a brand new range, the range of social factors of its formation and development. In this field of civil citizenship study and research, sociological concept of civil society is the most relevant. Using the theore...

CHF 92.00

Tecniche analitche cromatografiche per l'analisi delle acque

Rizzo, Mirko
Tecniche analitche cromatografiche per l'analisi delle acque
Questo libro si propone di illustrare in modo semplice le principali tecniche analitiche cromatografiche utilizzate nel campo delle acque e non solo. Si approfondiranno in particolar modo la gascromatografia, l'HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography) e la cromatografia ionica. Verranno spiegati i principi delle varie tecniche e il funzionamento dei diversi strumenti analitici. Si esaminerà la messa a punto strumentale facendo riferimento...

CHF 47.50

Il sistema di misurazione e valutazione della performance...

Sartori, Emanuele
Il sistema di misurazione e valutazione della performance negli Enti Locali
Il ciclo della performance, introdotto dal D.lgs 150/2009, introduce la misurazione e la valutazione della performance, volte al miglioramento della qualità dei servizi offerti dalle amministrazioni pubbliche. Il manoscritto presenta un'analisi del sistema di monitoraggio e valutazione della performance di un ente reale, il report di un audit interno su tale sistema, oltre ad un indagine sulla conoscenza e percezione del sistema da parte dei d...

CHF 83.00

Gli stupri di guerra in Italia (1943-45)

D'Innocenzo, Alessia
Gli stupri di guerra in Italia (1943-45)
Il Novecento è stato contraddistinto da due orribili guerre mondiali, che hanno generato, in tutta Europa, una scia imperdonabile di morte e violenza. In particolare il secondo conflitto bellico ha portato, nel territorio italiano, nel biennio 1943-1945, le caratteristiche di una "guerra totale". La popolazione civile divenne ostaggio di nemici contrapposti, obiettivo principale delle armi di sterminio di massa. I soldati combattenti che dall'...

CHF 102.00

La Mediazione tra Teoria ed Esperienza

Volpe, Alessandro
La Mediazione tra Teoria ed Esperienza
I conflitti violenti hanno mutato il proprio modo di manifestarsi dagli anni Novanta in poi, dirompendo sempre più velocemente ed in veste del tutto rinnovata, sia per quel che riguarda le cause scatenanti, sia per la tipologia di attori che ne prende parte, per la durata degli scontri, la violenza presupponendo di conseguenza, nuovi metodi di risoluzione delle controversie. Il proliferare di armi nucleari e la mutazione dei conflitti danno la...

CHF 83.00

Estrategia comercial para los servicios de metrología

Álvarez Rodríguez, Juan Carlos
Estrategia comercial para los servicios de metrología
En los últimos años, el mundo del marketing ha alcanzado a casi todas las ramas de la economía. Pero existen sectores donde aún no se emplean estrategias comerciales para resolver los problemas entre clientes y vendedores. Este libro le ofrece la posibilidad de conocer el papel de la Metrología y los conceptos básicos para su estudio como ciencia de las mediciones. Es por eso que haremos un recorrido por su historia, importancia e impacto, tan...

CHF 71.00

V areale ar'ew

Tarasow, Anatolij
V areale ar'ew
Elementy fantasmagorii, retroutopii smontirovany v dialekticheskiy syuzhet. Ezotericheskiy podkhod k sobytiyam Vtoroy mirovoy. Glavnye geroi, vragi: letchik Kurt Shoving i istorik Ivan Vasil'ev - uchastniki boyni. Ikh poedinok v osobom informatsionno-dukhovnom pole. Pobeda ne polnaya, esli posle ozhestochennykh skhvatok - desyatiletiya "kholodnykh stolknoveniy". Vasil'ev v Rossibii, pilot, bluzhdaya v debryakh metaistorii, popadaet v raznye al...

CHF 47.50

Integralfield Spectroscopy of Galaxies

Kuchner, Ulrike
Integralfield Spectroscopy of Galaxies
It has long been known that galaxies undergo morphological and chemical changes within their lifetime due to interactions and mergers with other galaxies. We also know that the internal evolution of a galaxy influences the surrounding material on a kiloparsec scale. Kinematic studies show large scale gas flows in interacting galaxies: The metal-poor gas is carried from the outskirts of the galaxy towards the center where the accreted material ...

CHF 72.00

Les Nations Unies Et La Republique Democratique Du Congo

Kapanga Mutombo, Ferdinand
Les Nations Unies Et La Republique Democratique Du Congo
Bien que relativement récente, l'assistance électorale qui a été élevée au rang de volet majeur de l'intervention internationale post-conflit, peut aider les pays en situation post-conflictuelle à organiser des élections libres et équitables pour la consolidation de la paix et le renforcement de la démocratie. C'est pourquoi les Nations Unies accordent une grande priorité au volet électoral dans le cadre des Opérations de Maintien de la Paix. ...

CHF 154.00

Les espaces publics des Berges du Lac, nouvelles formes N...

Ferjani, Saloua
Les espaces publics des Berges du Lac, nouvelles formes Nouveaux rôles
Dans les Berges du Lac, considérées comme continuité urbaine de la ville de Tunis et son extension future, les espaces publics révèlent des nouvelles formes, et y jouent d¿autres rôles. A Miami, principal lieu public de la ville moderne de Tunis, le nouveau comportement des gens est marqué par une coexistence sans liens entre les individus, une indifférence partagée, des regards croisés, mais toujours distants, sans connaissances réciproques. ...

CHF 79.00


Bischof, Sandra
Die traditionellen Strukturen der Schulen werden mit zunehmenden gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Anforderungen konfrontiert, die durch die Einführung der neuen Lehrpläne für die kaufmännischen Schulen eine effektive Umgestaltung der grundlegenden Strukturen nach sich ziehen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die Anforderungen auf der Ebene der Schulleitung durch die neuen Lehrpläne, hinsichtlich der Förderung und Unterstützung der Kooperation von...

CHF 72.00

Klimapolitik und Abfallwirtschaft

György, Gábor István
Klimapolitik und Abfallwirtschaft
Klimaschutz und Abfallwirtschaft standen noch vor wenigen Jahrzehnten in keinem Zusammenhang. Die Zeiten haben sich geändert und die Politik hat auch erkannt, dass große Mengen an klimaverändernden Treibhausgasen aus der Abfallwirtschaft stammen. So gibt es heute schon zahlreiche Gesetze und Regelungen, die sich mit der Klimarelevanz der Abfallwirtschaft beschäftigen. Es wird eine Analyse und Evaluierung über die klimaschutzrelevante Gesetzgeb...

CHF 71.00