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Perspectives Agricoles de L'Ocde Et de La Fao 2014

Perspectives Agricoles de L'Ocde Et de La Fao 2014
Cette vingtième édition de l'OCDE des Perspectives agricoles, élaborée conjointement pour la neuvième fois avec l'Organisation pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), présente des projections à l'horizon 2023 pour les principaux produits agricoles, le

CHF 141.00

European Union and New Regionalism

Telò, Mario
European Union and New Regionalism
Stemming from an international and multidisciplinary network of leading specialists, this best-selling text is fully updated with new chapter additions. With the first edition prepared at the end of the last century and the second edition adding inter-regional relations.

CHF 53.50

Couple Therapy for Depression

Hewison, David / Clulow, Christopher / Drake, Harriet
Couple Therapy for Depression
Depression is second after heart disease as the most damaging health condition in the world. This is a book on how to do couple therapy that draws on research evidence as well as the experience of couple therapists from a wide range of clinical orientations. It is valuable for all therapists, including those training as part of the IAPT initiative.

CHF 87.00

Critical Studies of Southern Place

Reynolds, William M.
Critical Studies of Southern Place
Critical Studies of Southern Place: A Reader critically investigates and informs the construction of Southernness, Southern identity, and the South past and present. It promotes and expands the notion of a Southern epistemology. Authors from across the South write about such diverse topics as Southern working-class culture, LGBT issues in the South, Southern music, Southern reality television, race and ethnicity in the South, religion in the S...

CHF 65.00

Transformational Leadership

Himelhoch, Carol R
Transformational Leadership
The purpose of Himelhoch's study was to begin to understand the ways physical fitness connects to transformational leadership behaviors. Study participants were leaders from a variety of professions, all of whom are avid exercisers. The fact that these leaders are ardent exercisers provisioned the examination of physically-fit leaders because their fitness levels are at the higher end of an exercise-intensity range. The results suggest mind-bo...

CHF 20.90

Assessment of Power System Reliability

¿Epin, Marko
Assessment of Power System Reliability
The importance of power system reliability is demonstrated when our electricity supply is disrupted, whether it decreases the comfort of our free time at home or causes the shutdown of our companies and results in huge economic deficits. The objective of Assessment of Power System Reliability is to contribute to the improvement of power system reliability. It consists of six parts divided into twenty chapters. The first part introduces the imp...

CHF 188.00

A Little History of the Schulenburg Family

Schulenburg, Fritz
A Little History of the Schulenburg Family
Today the Schulenburg family looks back on a history of almost 800 years with 24 traceable generations. Throughout history, the family has produced and nurtured remarkable individuals - male and female - including generals, bishops, art collectors, patrons, activists, members of the resistance against the Nazis, politicians, artists, writers and intellectuals as well as individuals from the wrong side of the tracks such as brigands and other a...

CHF 19.90

Media Literacy and the Emerging Citizen

Mihailidis, Paul
Media Literacy and the Emerging Citizen
Media Literacy and the Emerging Citizen is about enhancing engagement in a digital media culture and the models that educators, parents and policy makers can utilize to place media-savvy youth into positions of purpose, responsibility and power. Two specific challenges are at the core of this book's argument that media literacy is the path toward more active and robust civic engagement in the 21st century: How can media literacy enable core co...

CHF 54.50

Altes Testament Von David und den Propheten

Zerbe, Renate Maria
Altes Testament Von David und den Propheten
Schritt für Schritt zu mehr religiöser Kompetenz Propheten- und Königsgeschichten sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Alten Testaments. Mit diesem Band erhalten Sie zehn komplette Unterrichtseinheiten zu zentralen Geschichten der Bibel ? natürlich komplett mit Lehrermaterialien und Arbeitsblättern als Kopiervorlagen für das Fach Katholische Religion. Kindgerechte Vermittlung Mit Hilfe der vorliegenden Materialien vermitteln Sie Ihren Schüle...

CHF 35.50

Kompetenzerwerb Texte schreiben 1+2

Kersten, Katja / Kroll-Gabriel, Sandra
Kompetenzerwerb Texte schreiben 1+2
Schreibkompetenz gezielt fördern Deutschunterricht kompetenzorientiert: Mit diesem Band erhalten Sie wertvolle Unterstützung, um mit Ihren Schülern mit Hilfe verschiedener Methoden, Techniken und Strategien das freie Schreiben und das Verfassen von Aufsätzen zu trainieren. Übersichtlich und praxisnah Die einzelnen Strategien und Methoden werden stets verständlich erklärt und können leicht von den Schülern umgesetzt werden. Zusätzlich können...

CHF 35.50

Rebooting Democracy

Arriaga, Manuel
Rebooting Democracy
Unless you are a banker, by now you must have realized that politicians don't serve your interests. Our democracies are failing us and, from Occupy Wall Street to the riots in São Paulo, millions have taken to the streets to voice their frustration. But is there anything we can do about it? Rebooting Democracy: A Citizen's Guide to Reinventing Politics takes readers on a global journey in search of solutions. From Vancouver to Saint Pe...

CHF 13.50

Lerntheke Klima- und Umweltschutz

Lukas, Daphne
Lerntheke Klima- und Umweltschutz
Umwelterziehung & Lebensweltorientierung Die Themen Umweltbewusstsein und Klimaschutz sind heutzutage wichtiger denn je. Umso bedeutender ist es, Kindern schon frühzeitig Impulse für ein umweltbewusstes Leben und Engagement für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz mit auf den Weg zu geben. Dieser Bald liefert Ihnen die entsprechenden Materialien. Problemorientierte AufgabenstellungenSie erhalten Forscher- und Wahlstationen, an denen sich die Schüler in...

CHF 35.50

Zahlenraum bis 20 - Zahlenraum bis 100

Döring, Gundula
Zahlenraum bis 20 - Zahlenraum bis 100
Die Reihe Klippert bietet ein systematisches Kompetenztraining nach der Methodik von Dr. Heinz Klippert. Je Heft werden zwei Kern- bzw. Lehrplanthemen methodisch dargestellt. Die Schüler bearbeiten anhand fertig ausgearbeiteter Unterrichtseinheiten mit Stundenbildern und dazu passenden Kopiervorlagen/Arbeitsblättern verschiedenste Facetten eines Themas und trainieren so wichtige übergeordnete Kompetenzen. Sie lernen dabei vor allem selbstständ...

CHF 35.50


Allen, Jennie
We're all chasing after something---comfort, success, a bigger house, or someone's approval. The lessons in this study are simple yet deep and very interactive, offering Bible study, stories, and projects to dig into Scripture.

CHF 90.00

Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary 4 Box

Paizo Staff
Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary 4 Box
Confront your players with the star-spawn of Cthulhu or lure them into the clutches of a nosferatu as the monsters and mysteries of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 come to life on your tabletop! This collection features more than 300 pawns, each of which contains a beautiful full-color creature image. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered creatures and hundreds of distinct creature images, the Bestiary 4 Box has exactly what you need to a...

CHF 51.90

Advances in Health Care Organization Theory

Mick, Stephen S. / Shay, Patrick D.
Advances in Health Care Organization Theory
Advances in Health Care Organization Theory Second Edition Advances in Health Care Organization Theory, Second Edition, introduces students in health administration to the fields of organization theory and organizational behavior and their application to the management of health care organizations. The book explores the major health care developments over the past decade and demonstrates the contribution of organization theory to a deeper und...

CHF 119.00