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1074 Ergebnisse - Zeige 881 von 900.

Biotehnologiq molochnyh produktow, obogaschennyh magniem

Krekker, Lüdmila
Biotehnologiq molochnyh produktow, obogaschennyh magniem
V knige rassmatriwaütsq teoreticheskie i prakticheskie woprosy optimal'nogo izwlecheniq belkowyh weschestw moloka s pomosch'ü solej magniq i kal'ciq w processe koagulqcii. Na osnowe poluchennyh rezul'tatow razrabotany tehnologii prigotowleniq: molochnogo koprecipitata, belkowogo produkta, fermentirowannogo streptobakteriqmi, suhoj belkowoj dobawki, kotoraq mozhet ispol'zowat'sq w kachestwe BAD k pische i dlq obogascheniq belkom i magniem razli...

CHF 71.00

Jewolüciq mehanizmow kal'ciewoj signalizacii

Shemarowa, Irina / Nesterow, Vladimir
Jewolüciq mehanizmow kal'ciewoj signalizacii
V monografii predstawleny nowye dannye o Sa2+ signalizacii w kletkah organizmow raznogo filogeneticheskogo urownq. Rassmatriwaütsq puti stanowleniq i äwolücii mehanizmow wnutrikletochnoj Sa2+ signalizacii. Opisywaetsq molekulqrnaq osnowa Sa2+-zawisimoj regulqcii kletochnyh funkcij u bakterij. Podrobno analiziruütsq mehanizmy formirowaniq, modulqcii i tusheniq Sa2+-signala w kletkah protistow. Rassmatriwaetsq rol' Sa2+-messendzhernyh sistem w k...

CHF 92.00

Insecticide resistance in Bactocera dorsalis H. (Diptera:...

Tahir, Hafiz Muhammad / Yaqoob, Rabia
Insecticide resistance in Bactocera dorsalis H. (Diptera:Tephritidae)
Insecticide resistance is a common phenomenon among insects all over the world. Insects have different mechanisms to avoid toxic effects of insecticides. Metabolic resistance is of one of the common mechanisms among insects. This manuscript highlight the role of insecticide detoxifying enzymes (ie., Esterases, Glutathion S-transferases and Monooxygenases) in developing resistance in insects. Fruit fly, Bactocera dorsalis, was used a a model or...

CHF 52.50

Solar Refrigeration

Samar, Kapil / Kothari, Surendra
Solar Refrigeration
Knowledge of Energy and Exergy analysis in context to solar refrigeration is useful tool to evaluate the performance with a view to get better information about useful work, lost work and designs of remedial techniques in future to overcome on these losses. This book describes basics of solar refrigeration systems. A case study of design, develop and performance evaluation of solar vapour compressor refrigeration is also included.

CHF 71.00

Escola, televisão e internet no processo socializador con...

Silva, Ana Paula
Escola, televisão e internet no processo socializador contemporâneo
Este livro tem como objetivo contribuir para a compreensão dos impactos, limites e alcances de duas importantes instâncias socializadoras ¿ a mídia e a escola ¿ na vida social de jovens. Isto porque ambas se configuram como fortes produtoras de atividades simbólicas, revelando-se, no entanto, com distintas dinâmicas e temporalidades. O trabalho de campo, que estrutura esta pesquisa, demonstra como os usos e sentidos destas instâncias estão dir...

CHF 92.00

O Brasil de 1500 a 1533

de Barros de Albuquerque, Adenilson
O Brasil de 1500 a 1533
Este livro é o resultado de uma pesquisa (orientada pelo Prof. Dr. Wagner de Souza) em 2011 - com o título "História e ficção em Terra Papagalli: o Brasil sob a versão do bacharel de Cananéia" -, ao curso de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em História do Brasil do Centro Técnico Educacional Superior do Oeste Paranaense. Espera-se que nestas páginas tenha sido alcançado o objetivo de se demonstrar que as leituras do passado, do presente e as perspecti...

CHF 71.00

Utilização de resíduos de borracha de pneus em concreto d...

Pinto, José Edílson
Utilização de resíduos de borracha de pneus em concreto de cimento Portland
O presente texto corresponde a pesquisa na área de Tecnologia e Gestão Ambiental concluído em 2012 no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará - IFCE (Brasil), sob a supervisão do prof. Dr. Antônio Eduardo Bezerra Cabral, do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC, com o título: Utilização de resíduos de borracha de pneus oriundos de recauchutadoras na produção de concreto de cimento Portland sujeito a i...

CHF 52.50

Konstruktion einer 3D-Welt durch parallelisiertes Raytracing

Rohrmüller, Matthias
Konstruktion einer 3D-Welt durch parallelisiertes Raytracing
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Technik des Raytracings. Zur Umsetzung dieses Verfahrens wurde auf C++ AMP zurückgegriffen. Der Autor schildert in diesem Werk die Konstruktion und die Darstellung einer 3D-Welt mithilfe dieser Techniken, von den ersten Schritten bis hin zum Feintuning, wie etwa der Berechnung von Nebel. Dieses Buch richtet sich an erfahrene C++ Programmierer, welche einen tieferen Einblick in die Funktionsweise von parallelisi...

CHF 52.50

Preobrazowanie änergii: nowye aspekty

Cepalow, Alexandr
Preobrazowanie änergii: nowye aspekty
Jexperimental'no ustanowleno neizwestnoe ranee qwlenie ( äffekt) prqmogo preobrazowaniq teplowoj änergii w mehanicheskuü w forme stacionarnyh awtokolebanij mehanicheskoj sistemy, samoproizwol'no woznikaüschih pri opredelönnyh nachal'nyh uslowiqh i podderzhiwaemyh änergiej tepla postoqnnogo (ne obladaüschego kolebatel'nymi swojstwami) istochnika. Suschestwennoe swojstwo qwleniq sostoit w prqmom prewraschenii teploty w rabotu bez ispol'zowaniq t...

CHF 52.50

Female Consciousness in Select Plays of Osofisan and Onwueme

Mgbemere, Chijindu Daniel
Female Consciousness in Select Plays of Osofisan and Onwueme
This work, Female consciousness in Select Nigerian's playwrights is a product of diligence, a well researched scholarly dissertation, written by one of the best post-graduate scholars of the renown University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and supervised by one of Nigerian's astute scholars in the fields of Drama and Literary Criticism. It presents an in-depth juxtaposed critical analysis of select works of two most outstanding pro-feminist scholars in W...

CHF 92.00

Transgranichnyj perenos aärozol'nogo zagrqzneniq na Tqn'-...

Zyskowa, Jelina
Transgranichnyj perenos aärozol'nogo zagrqzneniq na Tqn'-Shan'
Transgranichnyj perenos aärozol'nogo zagrqzneniq w atmosfere qwlqetsq odnim iz naibolee wazhnyh faktorow, wliqüschih na izmenenie okruzhaüschej sredy, osobenno w Central'noaziatskoj äkosisteme, gde preobladaüt wynosy estestwennogo aärozolq s opustynennyh territorij w razlichnye sloi atmosfery. V rabote pri wyqwlenii istochnikow generacii aärozolq i uslowij ego perenosa ispol'zowalsq metod analiza obratnyh i prqmyh traektorij aärozolq. S ucheto...

CHF 92.00

Inwesticionno-stroitel'nye proekty

Kirchewa, Anastasiq / Iwanowa, Natal'q
Inwesticionno-stroitel'nye proekty
Pod inwesticionno-stroitel'nym proektom ponimaetsq proekt, cel'ü kotorogo qwlqetsq poluchenie pribyli (ili inoj wygody) za schet sozdaniq nowogo ili modernizacii suschestwuüschego ob#ekta nedwizhimosti, soderzhaniem kotorogo qwlqetsq wypolnenie inwesticionnogo cikla ot obosnowaniq inwesticij w ob#ekt nedwizhimosti do ego prodazhi ili utilizacii. Kak swidetel'stwuet mirowoj opyt, zhilischnoe stroitel'stwo mozhet qwit'sq lokomotiwom äkonomichesk...

CHF 71.00

Voices of Torture Survivors in Nepal

Giri, Krishna
Voices of Torture Survivors in Nepal
This Book is about torture survivors and their stories of different dimentions of torture surviving in Nepal. It especially highlights types of torture practices in Nepal during the decade long civil war from 1996 to 2006. It also highlights causes and effects of torture, and documents their coping strategies. It also sheds light on importance of torture survivors in peace process and their expectations in transitional justice.

CHF 71.00

Approximate Fixed Point Theorems with Applications

Sachdeva, Shweta / Mishra, Pankaj Kumar
Approximate Fixed Point Theorems with Applications
Fixed Point Theory is a striking mixture of analysis as well as Topology. There are plenty of problems in applied mathematics which can be solved by means this theory. Still, practice proves that in many real situations an approximate solution is more than sufficient, so the existence of fixed points is not strictly required. We have establish some fixed point results in cone metric space and approximate fixed point results in metric spaces un...

CHF 71.00

Water Treatment

Mahmoud, Abdelhameid
Water Treatment
The reuse of waste water has become an absolute necessity, Demands to the cleaning industrial and domestic waste water to avoid environmental pollution and especially contamination of pure water resources are becoming national and international issues, So This Book contain the Most important methods for water treatment by very simple electrochemical techniques, which used very small value of current and voltage.

CHF 92.00

Personal Strengths and Recovery in Adults with Serious Me...

Xie, Huiting
Personal Strengths and Recovery in Adults with Serious Mental Illnesse
People with mental health conditions - they are often unseen and their suffering ignored. When they finally become visible, they are often seen in a bad light of having chronic mental health conditions with little chance of cure or displaying violent behavior. This is actually not the case. Despite having to deal with the stigma surrounding people with mental health conditions, people with mental illnesses can recover and they do possess perso...

CHF 98.00

Sohranenie raznoobraziq redkih widow ryb pri ispol'zowani...

Metal'nikowa, Xeniq Vladimirowna
Sohranenie raznoobraziq redkih widow ryb pri ispol'zowanii analogow
Voprosy wosstanowleniq utrachennyh ili rezko umen'shiwshihsq w chislennosti populqcij redkih i ischezaüschih widow ryb, w nastoqschee wremq, ostaütsq krajne aktual'nymi. Maskuliniziruüschij äffekt wozdejstwiq analogow testosterona na samok ryb s genotipom (HH) äto, skoree wsego, genotipicheskaq norma reakcii organizma samki ryby na stressowoe wozdejstwie iz okruzhaüschej sredy pri wwedenii izwne metiltestosterona ili testosteron-propionata. V ...

CHF 71.00

Analiz uslowij truda na primere predpriqtiq po izgotowlen...

Kindeew, Ewgenij Alexandrowich / Megis, Ewgeniq Konstantinowna
Analiz uslowij truda na primere predpriqtiq po izgotowleniü izdelij iz derewa
Ocenka bezopasnosti uslowij truda proizwoditsq na primere predpriqtiq po izgotowleniü detskih derewqnnyh igrushek. Proizwodstwo na rassmatriwaemom predpriqtii harakterizuetsq zakonchennym tehnologicheskim processom, wklüchaüschim w sebq zakupku syr'q, mehanicheskuü i dekoratiwnuü obrabotku zagotowok, sborku, upakowku i realizaciü gotowyh izdelij. Proweden analiz wrednyh i opasnyh proizwodstwennyh faktorow na wseh proizwodstwennyh uchastkah pre...

CHF 52.50

Adolescents with Broken Heart

Katyal, Sudha / Gambhir, Ruhika
Adolescents with Broken Heart
Losing love can be painful for anyone. Feeling of loss is generally overwhelming when there is end of first romantic relationship during adolescence . Like the feelings of passion early in the relationship, the newness and rawness of grief and loss can be intense and devastating. This is the reason why after a break-up, a teenager is known as heart-broken. Eventually, majority of adolescents get through it or find a way to carry on with determ...

CHF 71.00

Bound to Secrecy

Sherif, Vamba
Bound to Secrecy
William Mawolo arrives in a remote Liberian border town with a secret mission: to investigate the mysterious disappearance of the paramount chief Tetese. The locals, however - police force and citizens alike - are far from happy about his presence, and their hostility is increasing daily, threatening to boil over. At the same time, Mawolo is drawn to the departed chief's daughter, Makemeh, who for some reason doesn't seem to be too concerned a...

CHF 21.90