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Teach teens the essentials of their faith.

CHF 26.50

pur. vollwertig. vegan. liebevoll

Gerber, Melanie M.
pur. vollwertig. vegan. liebevoll
pur. vollwertig. vegan. liebevoll ist das Kochbuch zum beliebten Blog auf von Melanie M. Gerber. Das Kochbuch enthält über 80 vollwertige und vegane Rezepte für jede Jahreszeit. Die Rezepte sind liebevoll, unkompliziert und wunderbar für Familien geeignet.

CHF 50.90

Design Management

Schreckensberger, Peter / Schilbach, Benjamin / Saier, Thomas
Design Management
Design unterstützt Kunden dabei, sich im gesättigten Produktmarkt zu orientieren, prägt das Image der Anbieter und vermittelt die Sicherheit konstanter Qualität der Marken. Das Buch der drei Designmanagement-Experten, Peter Schreckensberger, Benjamin Schilbach und Thomas Saier, widmet sich der Thematik der "Designmanagement-Kompetenz", den damit verbundenen Prozessen sowie den möglichen Ergebnissen komplexer Marken- und Produktsysteme. In über...

CHF 96.00

Good Night Malaysian 370 - Katastrophenflug MH 370: Die F...

Herbert, Martin
Good Night Malaysian 370 - Katastrophenflug MH 370: Die Fakten
Am 8. März 2014 um 1:21 Ortszeit verschwindet eine Boeing 777 der Malaysia Airlines mit 239 Menschen an Bord. Erst 16 Monate später wird ein einzelnes Trümmerteil mehr als 5000 km vom Startflughafen entfernt gefunden - trotz der teuersten Suchaktion nach einem Verkehrsflugzeug aller Zeiten.MH 370 gilt seither als verschollen und eines der größten Rätsel der Luftfahrtgeschichte. Um das Verschwinden und den Absturz ranken sich die verschiedenste...

CHF 21.50

Sirius B - Abenteuer in neuen Welten und fremden Galaxien

Reinhard, Conny
Sirius B - Abenteuer in neuen Welten und fremden Galaxien
Im Jahr 2337 besteht zwischen Menschen und Rigelanern ein enges Bündnis zum Wohle beider Spezies. Doch sie haben eine mächtige Gegnerin: Lolana Sakorl, berüchtigte Herrscherin von Kapral, mit der es immer wieder zu Konflikten kommt. Zum Schutz vor Angriffen patrouilliert der Raumkreuzer Limes III entlang der kapralanischen Grenze. An Bord verrichtet auch die junge Sicherheitsinspektorin Vivien Grasser ihren Dienst. Als die Crew auf ihrem Kontr...

CHF 7.90

London Travel Guide

Pierce, Angela
London Travel Guide
London is one of the oldest cities of our modern world and seats her majesty the Queen of England since it is the capital city of the United Kingdom. It also happens to be one of the busiest and popular destinations for tourists around the world. It is located on the banks of the River Thames and is a wonderful place with great heritage spots all around.

CHF 17.50

Paris Travel Guide

Pierce, Angela
Paris Travel Guide
The capital city of France is one of the densely populated metropolises in Europe. The metropolis includes 2.2 million people, whereas the main city's population is near about 12 million. The city is one of the best in Europe, in terms of heritage, history, fashion and vintage. Hence it is a top attraction for all the tourists.

CHF 17.50

Parenting Teenage Boys

Delano, Eva
Parenting Teenage Boys
A teenager refers to someone in their teen age, mostly between the ages of ten to nineteen years. Teenage parenting refers to parental care offered to adolescents. During puberty, boys, as well as girls, undergo physical changes, which may include broadening of chests, deep voices, a growth of pubic hair and increased body growth. However, apart from these changes, boys also undergo through unobservable changes in their body, such as changes i...

CHF 17.50

Prague Travel Guide

Pierce, Angela
Prague Travel Guide
The great city of Europe, which is the second largest of the continent and is one of the best looking cities with outstanding beauties and some decent towers. The city of Prague has the best looking features and that is the reason why most of travelers, who are travelling through Europe, never miss to visit the place. The city is regarded as one of the best cities of the continent and it is one of the foremost places where most of the traveler...

CHF 17.50

Barcelona Travel Guide

Pierce, Angela
Barcelona Travel Guide
The minute you set your foot in Barcelona, you can't help but notice its pulsating energy which is as contagious as it is alluring. It is the capital of Catalonia region of Spain and definitely lives up to its reputation of a cosmopolitan city. This beach city has a modern vivacious vibe to it but at the same time it has held its traditions tight and undiluted. After all, not every city's tradition boasts of legends like Picasso, Joan Miro and...

CHF 17.50

Microservices Architecture For Beginners

Joyner, Joseph
Microservices Architecture For Beginners
Microservices, or very commonly known as Mircoservices Architecture are used for describing the methods and resources that are used for architecture specification achievement. What are the steps followed or how the arrangement of all these resources is done and the design techniques that have been employed for achieving the performance goal and target cost is called as Microservices architecture.

CHF 17.50

Photoshop CC For Beginners

Joyner, Joseph
Photoshop CC For Beginners
The world of photography has become a better place ever since the release of Photoshop tool which is flourishing with emblazoning ease throughout the world. Many refreshing ideas from developers met the fundamental needs of photographers ranging from amateurs to professionals who always felt something is lagging in their photographs.

CHF 17.50

Rome Travel Guide

Pierce, Angela
Rome Travel Guide
Rome may not be built in a day, however one can unquestionably fall in love with the beauty of the city in a single day. The magnificence, glory, history, architecture will make the beholder travel through time and live in the era of greatness. The echoes of Roman Empire can still be heard in the city premises, the clash of swords, arguments of senators, battle cries, political barges, artistic pleasures, philosophic tendencies, strife for inv...

CHF 17.50

Ruby on Rails For Beginners

Joyner, Joseph
Ruby on Rails For Beginners
Ruby was designed by Matz, who is also called as Yukihiro Matsumoto. This is a scripting language and it can run on many different platforms like Mac OS, Windows and also different versions of UNIX. Ruby is an object oriented scripting language because even strings and integers are also having intrinsic properties and methods.

CHF 17.50

How to Restore Old Furniture Guide

Pierce, Angela
How to Restore Old Furniture Guide
Furniture gives the room the warmth and feeling of its kind. Ever entered a room without furniture in it? Well, even if the room is made from the best materials around the world, it will look like something is amiss. That is the gap filled by furniture being when installed. It makes the room full of life and glamour. However, it is not all about the furniture but the look of the furniture. How well furnished is the furniture in your room? How ...

CHF 17.50

Tomorrow's Change Makers

Price-Mitchell, Marilyn
Tomorrow's Change Makers
For everyone who cares about the future of democracy and the wellbeing of generations to come, Dr. Marilyn Price-Mitchell shows how families, schools, and communities play critical roles in raising and mentoring tomorrow's citizens. Through powerful voices of passion-filled American youth, you learn about the relationships, experiences, and challenges that shaped their young lives of service, civic engagement, and commitment to causes bigger t...

CHF 22.90

Bilderkatalog der Grafschaft Glatz

Berke, Joachim
Bilderkatalog der Grafschaft Glatz
Dieser Band I zeigt Abbildungen der Stadt Glatz, der Wallfahrtorte Albendorf und Wartha, der Bäder Altheide, Kudowa und Langenau. Alte und neue Darstellungen versehen mit Entstehungshinweisen. Eine über Jahrzehnte entstandene Sammlung.

CHF 31.50


Marenski, Jörg
Kinder finden beim Spielen an der Himmelgeister Kastanie die Leiche eines missbrauchten zwölfjährigen Mädchens. Die Ermittler des KK 11 suchen nach dem Täter im engeren familiären und sozialen Umfeld der Toten. Ein junger Journalist erfährt von einem älteren Kollegen, dass dieser Ort seit alters her eine mystische, teils bedrohliche Wirkung hat. Der Reporter steigt tiefer in die Geschichte der Himmelgeister Kastanie ein und stellt fest, dass ...

CHF 17.50

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

Fritsch, Bernd Helge
The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita
This book results from the author's decades of in-depth studies of Eastern spirituality. The Bhagavad Gita combines the most beautiful pearls of Ancient Indian wisdom into a wonderful entity. The "Song of the Sublime" thoroughly explains all the important subjects of the earthly and the divine world. The Gita provides us with one of the most valuable and beautiful revelations mankind has ever received. Its verses open a gate to spiritual self-...

CHF 13.50