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1003 Ergebnisse - Zeige 921 von 940.

Intelligences artificielles pour modéliser les données mé...

Abdallaoui, Abdelaziz / El Badaoui, Hicham
Intelligences artificielles pour modéliser les données météorologiques
Dans le domaine de la météorologie, les problématiques de prédiction sont courantes. Or, le rapport entre les paramètres climatiques est rarement linéaire. L'interaction entre les paramètres, même si elle est soupçonnée, est difficile à modéliser. L'utilisation des réseaux de neurones artificiels présente une alternative intéressante par rapport aux méthodes statistiques traditionnelles. En effet, avec les méthodes classiques, il faut d'abord ...

CHF 118.00

Estrategia interdiscipinaria entre Matemática y Programación

Manzano Salermo, Iraida Mercedes
Estrategia interdiscipinaria entre Matemática y Programación
El trabajo es importante ya que presenta una Estrategia de capacitación a los docentes desde la Matemática hacia Lenguajes y Técnicas de Programación, dado por la necesidad de preparar a los profesores de los Politécnicos de Informática en la interdisciplinariedad con el fin de elevar la calidad del aprendizaje y la solidez de los conocimientos garantizando la formación integral de los estudiantes. Posee: Introducción, dos capítulos, conclusio...

CHF 72.00

Impacto de los desastres naturales

Cepero Rodriguez, Omelio / Rodríguez, Carlos Andreu
Impacto de los desastres naturales
Los desastres naturales han planteado, y siguen haciéndolo, grandes amenazas al desarrollo sostenible, ya que se pierden recursos para el desarrollo cuando a causa de un desastre desaparecen los resultados de una inversión. Se produce una nueva pérdida en recursos como consecuencia del descenso de la producción de bienes y servicios. Todo esto es particularmente doloroso para los países pobres que aún no han alcanzado los niveles de desarrollo...

CHF 83.00

Dynamiques des comportements alimentaires et hausse des p...

Ibrahima, Harouna
Dynamiques des comportements alimentaires et hausse des prix au Niger
La population du Niger est très jeune et à forte composante rurale. L'agriculture, base de l'économie du pays, est fortement dépendante de conditions climatiques difficiles, avec des sécheresses récurrentes. La pauvreté est profonde et répandue. Le régime alimentaire du Nigérien est basé sur les céréales, principalement le mil et le sorgho, auxquelles s'ajoutent des racines et tubercules. En milieu rural, l'alimentation est complétée par des l...

CHF 52.50

Élaboration des tableaux de bord logistiques

Moâtassimi, Ayoub
Élaboration des tableaux de bord logistiques
Situé sur le portail de l'Europe, le Maroc bénéficie de sa proximité géographique. Cet avantage n'a de sens que si il est en mesure de livrer ses produits pour assurer la livraison efficace "juste à temps". Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons besoin d'un entrepôt efficace qui constitue l'un des piliers de la logistique. Notre travail tend à élaborer le tableau de bord de l'entrepôt San Jose Lopez Maghreb afin d'améliorer le pilotage des pr...

CHF 84.00

La controverse éthique en entreprise

Mahieu, Christian
La controverse éthique en entreprise
L'éthique et la morale semblent revenir en force dans les entreprises. De fait, il en est de plus en plus question, surtout depuis les années 1980. Le phénomène apparaît encore plus massif si l'on fait converger sur cette notion d'éthique, celles de responsabilité (sociale, sociétale) et de diversité (avec sa dénonciation des discriminations). A ces discours éthiques correspondent des pratiques (des politiques, des fonctions dédiées et des moy...

CHF 52.50

Aide à la décision pour des problèmes d'ordonnancement dy...

Elkhyari, Abdallah
Aide à la décision pour des problèmes d'ordonnancement dynamiques
Les problèmes d'ordonnancement constituent une classe importante des problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire. La plupart des travaux dans ce domaine considèrent des problèmes statiques pour lesquels toutes les données (activités, ressources, contraintes) sont connues à l'avance. En réalité, ce type de problèmes est très souvent soumis aux aléas (matières premières livrées en retard, arrivées de nouvelles commandes, pannes de machines, etc.). Aus...

CHF 102.00

A Focus Group to Evaluate The Perceived Stress Levels of ...

Hicks, Cillora
A Focus Group to Evaluate The Perceived Stress Levels of SRNAs
The purpose of this book served to explore the perception of SRNAs relevant to their stress levels and coping mechanisms in the management of academic and personal stress. Stress levels and coping behaviors of the SRNAs were measured using the Perceived Stress Survey (PSS) and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WOCQ) instruments. The results of the study indicated that the majority of SRNAs perceived themselves as highly stressed. To foster an ...

CHF 71.00

Koncept "strah" i sredstwa ego werbalizacii w gendernom a...

Karpowa, Alina
Koncept "strah" i sredstwa ego werbalizacii w gendernom aspekte
Strah yavlyaetsya bazovoj jemociej cheloveka, kotoraya signaliziruet ob opasnosti i mobilizuet organizm. S odnoj storony mozhno govorit' ob universal'nosti dannoj jemocii, s drugoj - o sushhestvovanii specificheskih chert, poskol'ku opasnosti, vyzyvajushhie strah, ocenivajutsya i osmyslivajutsya kazhdym chelovekom individual'no. Takzhe strah mozhno rassmatrivat' kak odin iz osnovnyh jemocional'nyh konceptov, kotoryj imeet vysokuju social'nuju ...

CHF 47.50

Feeding of animal fat in pigs

Elanchezhian, N. / Ally, K.
Feeding of animal fat in pigs
This book is written based on research work in pigs fed on animal fat. This book materials will be useful for the people engaged in Animal Nutrition research, especially for pig nutritionist and also for pig farmers. This book has seven chapters starting from introduction, review of literature, materials and methods, results, discussion, summary and references. More than 200 references including several research articles were listed for furthe...

CHF 79.00

Therapeutic uses of lasers in pediatric dentistry

Shafat, Shazia / Jaidka, Shipra / Jawa Singh, Deepti
Therapeutic uses of lasers in pediatric dentistry
Over the years, various dental diseases like dental caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease, pulp therapy, minor surgical procedures like operculectomy, biopsy, surgical exposure of teeth for orthodontic treatment, frenectomy etc.and so on have been managed using conventional methods. All these procedures require use of local anaesthesia which induces lot of fear and anxiety, and also use of rotary instruments which produces sounds (noise) and...

CHF 71.00

ECG Changes in Acute Coronary Syndrome & their relation t...

Hassebo, Mahmoud Fekry
ECG Changes in Acute Coronary Syndrome & their relation to Outcome
Along with last years, most authors were concentrating on ECG Changes presented with Acute Coronary Syndrome. My book will not focus on ST changes that frequently happening with Acute Coronary Syndrome, but will focus on P wave Dispersion, QRS Duration & QT dispersion, their importance, measurements, relation to ischemic event, relation to morbidity and mortality & relation to each other. This work will be beneficial to medical students, cardi...

CHF 71.00

The Technical Innovations Of Human Sperm Cryopreservation

Shehata, Mohamed
The Technical Innovations Of Human Sperm Cryopreservation
This book is an academic scientific book that concentrates on the cryopreservation of human sperm. The book reviews the importance and the current available techniques for sperm cryopreservation. The book also provides the technical details for the application of sperm cryopreservation, and reports an experimental comparison between the conventional slow cryopreservation and the ultra-rapid cryoprotectants- free vitrification, in order to help...

CHF 47.50

Razrabotka i issledowanie änergosberegaüschego posewnogo ...

Saitow, Viktor / Gataullin, Rinat / Sawinyh, Pötr
Razrabotka i issledowanie änergosberegaüschego posewnogo komplexa
Monografiya posvyashhena voprosam razrabotki jenergosberegajushhih posevnyh komplexov. V kachestve ob#ektov issledovaniya vybrany tehnologicheskij process poseva zernovyh kul'tur s odnovremennym vneseniem mineral'nyh udobrenij, opytnyj obrazec shirokozahvatnogo posevnogo komplexa i ego rabochie organy: pnevmotransportnaya set' s radial'nym ventilyatorom, dozirujushhaya sistema i soshnikovaya gruppa. V rezul'tate provedennyh teoreticheskih i pr...

CHF 92.00

Priority Base Scheduling Method With Bees Algorithm In Gr...

Shihab, Mohammed / Mahmuddin, Massudi
Priority Base Scheduling Method With Bees Algorithm In Grid Environment
Grid computing depends upon sharing large-scales in a network that is widely connected within itself such as the Internet. Therefore, many grid computing researchers and scholars have focused on task scheduling, which is considered one of the NP-Complete issues. The main aim of this current research to propose an optimization of the initial scheduler for grid computing using the bees algorithm. Modern algorithms informed this research. The sug...

CHF 79.00

Effects Of Diabetes Mellitus On The Ocular Health

Omran, Safinaz / Elsaadani, Abdel Khalik / Marey, Hatem
Effects Of Diabetes Mellitus On The Ocular Health
The aim of this study was to assess the ocular manifestations of diabetes and follow-up the results of treatment. Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of blindness in the USA and the leading cause of new blindness in working-aged Americans. Diabetic retinopathy alone accounts for at least 12% of new cases of blindness each year in the USA. This study focuses on progress and challenges in basic and clinical research on the ocular complications of...

CHF 71.00

Jexkursy w problemy poätiki äposa "Manas"

Bekmuhamedowa, Nelq
Jexkursy w problemy poätiki äposa "Manas"
V rabote osveshheny otdel'nye voprosy pojetiki kirgizskogo geroicheskogo jeposa «Manas», svyazannye s novoj fazoj osmysleniya pamyatnika kak istoriko-jesteticheskogo fenomena. Predstavleny itogi izucheniya sistemy zhenskih obrazov s pozicij istoriko-tipologicheskogo i sravnitel'nogo metodov. S tochki zreniya jevoljucii pojetiki, sootnosheniya tradicii i innovacij, analizirujutsya hudozhestvennye jelementy onejrotopiki i vizionotopiki.

CHF 52.50

Regenerative Effect of Trichinella spiralis on Drug-Induc...

Saad, Abeer E. / Ismail, Howaida I. H. / Ashour, Dalia S.
Regenerative Effect of Trichinella spiralis on Drug-Induced Myopathy
Muscle wasting diseases affect millions of people worldwide leading to impaired function in activities of their daily life. The treatment of the idiopathic myopathies is still largely empirical. Recently, a new era of using helminthic therapy in many diseases has been emerged. Although T. spiralis infection induces moderate myopathic changes in the muscles, there is possible relationship between T. spiralis muscle larval invasion and the subse...

CHF 98.00

Organizacionnyj mehanizm realizacii innowacionnoj politik...

Shishkin, Igor'
Organizacionnyj mehanizm realizacii innowacionnoj politiki predpriqtiq
V izdanii rassmotreny teoreticheskie i prakticheskie polozheniya formirovaniya i realizacii mehanizma innovacionnoj politiki predpriyatiya, voprosy ego komplexnoj ocenki i vliyanie na rezul'taty funkcionirovaniya predpriyatij. Izdanie prednaznacheno dlya shirokogo kruga specialistov v oblasti upravleniya innovacionnym razvitiem predpriyatiya, nauchnym sotrudnikam, menedzheram i rukovoditelyam promyshlennyh predpriyatij, a takzhe prepodavatelya...

CHF 47.50

Bible and Literature in the Critical Theory of Northrop Frye

Pandey, Santosh K.
Bible and Literature in the Critical Theory of Northrop Frye
The structuralist endeavor to place a work of art into a 'system' or 'framework' lacked a vital point - that is the prophetic design of the art, that a work of art not only does locate itself in the multitude of works existing prior to it, but also create a vision with it. This is why Northrop Frye (1912-1991) preferred himself to be called, rather, a schematic thinker and not a systematic one. In Anatomy of Criticism he writes that what liter...

CHF 92.00