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25958 Ergebnisse - Zeige 25861 von 25880.

Pineapple as Inhibitor Corrosion

Alsultani, Kadhim F. / Taj-Aldeen, Lubna
Pineapple as Inhibitor Corrosion
Nowadays, steel components are widespread in different sectors of industry. They transport hundreds liters of chemicals. Due to the chemical reaction (corrosion), a lot of toxicity materials can be formed inside the transported liquides which are a profound problem for the people as well as for the environment. This book, however, suggests pineapple juice as an organic inhibitor for corrosion of steel components. It is not expensive and effect...

CHF 65.00

Load Balancing in Multi-Core Based Clusters

Sharma, Rajkumar / Kanungo, Priyesh
Load Balancing in Multi-Core Based Clusters
This book illustrates various parallel and distributed computing architectures and evolution of multi-core processors. It describes detailed scheduling techniques and load balancing algorithms for better resource utilization, increasing throughput and improving user's response time. Various theoretical concepts, experiments and examples enable students in understanding the process of load balancing. The book is suitable for the students of Hig...

CHF 71.00

Lexicheskie intensifikatory: funkcional'no-stilisticheski...

Remizowa, Valentina
Lexicheskie intensifikatory: funkcional'no-stilisticheskij aspekt
Dannaya monografiya posvyashhena osobennostyam proyavleniya lexicheskih intensifikatorov sovremennogo anglijskogo yazyka v raznostilevyh textah. Intensifikatory predstavleny v lexiko-semanticheskom, lexiko-morfologicheskom i lexiko-sintaxicheskom aspektah. Izuchena pozicionnaya organizaciya lexicheskih intensifikatorov sovremennogo anglijskogo yazyka v textah blogov. Texty blogov rassmotreny s tochki zreniya funkcional'nyh stilej.

CHF 71.00

Voprosy ustojchiwosti swojstwa bazisnosti kornewyh wektorow

Imanbaew, Nurlan / Dildabek, Gulnar
Voprosy ustojchiwosti swojstwa bazisnosti kornewyh wektorow
Monografiya posvyashhena izlozheniju issledovanij avtorov i ih kolleg po spektral'noj teorii differencial'nyh operatorov, kak s nelokal'nymi kraevymi, tak i s vnutrenne-kraevymi usloviyami. Tema kasaetsya, kak obyknovennyh differencial'nyh operatorov, tak i operatorov v chastnyh proizvodnyh. Dlya dostizheniya celi postavlena zadacha - razvitie sushhestvujushhih i sozdanie novyh analiticheskih metodov issledovaniya nelokal'nyh zadach, issledova...

CHF 71.00

Occupational Hazards In Dentistry

Bhushan, Priyanka
Occupational Hazards In Dentistry
Dentistry is an exciting and rewarding carrier but is also very demanding both physically and mentally. One has to have good visuals, patience, motor skills, strength for long working hours etc to be a good dentist. Together with this alertness, presence of mind good managerial and communication skills are very helpful in successful practice. Because of the nature of work dentist and para dental staff also are very prone to various types of oc...

CHF 106.00

Basics of Inflammation and Hypersensitivity Reactions

Nagpal, Bhuvan / Nagpal, Anuradha / Nagpal, Anupam
Basics of Inflammation and Hypersensitivity Reactions
Inflammation is a vascular and cellular reaction to a wide variety of injurious and dangerous stimuli. Many immunological diseases manifest as chronic inflammation. Diseases that are caused by abnormal immune responses and that also involve significant inflammation are called immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Hypersensitivity describes an abnormal or pathologic immune reaction that is caused by an immune response to repeated exposure to a...

CHF 52.50

Uslowiq glubinnogo kul'tiwirowaniq shtammow Lentinus edod...

Dwornina, Alla / Dwornina, Elena
Uslowiq glubinnogo kul'tiwirowaniq shtammow Lentinus edodes (Berk.)
Pered chelovechestvom stoyat takie ostrye problemy kak nehvatka produktov pitaniya, zagryaznenie okruzhajushhej sredy i uhudshenie zdorov'ya ljudej, v reshenie kotoryh mozhet vnesti vklad glubinnoe kul'tivirovanie xilotrofnyh gribov, poluchenie na ih osnove preparatov, pishhevyh dobavok, biologicheski aktivnyh soedinenij. Nauchnye issledovaniya sposobstvujut raskrytiju mehanizmov i dinamiki biohimicheskih fermentativnyh processov, biosinteza m...

CHF 92.00

Inwesticionnye fondy w Rossii i mire

Nowozhilow, Dmitrij
Inwesticionnye fondy w Rossii i mire
V nastoyashhee vremya odnim iz aspektov razvitiya jekonomiki strany i otdel'nyh ee sub#ektov yavlyaetsya formirovanie i razvitie fondovogo rynka. Na fondovom rynke obrashhajutsya cennye bumagi razlichnyh predpriyatij, s kotorymi proizvodyatsya operacii kupli-prodazhi. Fondovyj rynok predstavlyaet interes kak dlya professional'nyh uchastnikov, tak i dlya neprofessional'nyh. Dlya minimizacii riskov neprofessional'nyh investorov sushhestvujut raz...

CHF 52.50

Students' Perceptions of their Training in EFL Teaching

Cruz Martínez, Cliserio Antonio
Students' Perceptions of their Training in EFL Teaching
It is well known that in the field of education several studies have focused on students' prior and current learning experiences and how these experiences influence learning outcomes. In an attempt to shed light on students' perceptions and improve the academic performance, this study explores English Language MEIF (an integral and flexible educational paradigm) students' opinions of their own training to become English teachers by means of a ...

CHF 52.50

Evolutionary Machine Learning in Linguistic Knowledge Ext...

Ahmed, Lamiaa / Badr, Amr / Abd El-Azim, Mostafa
Evolutionary Machine Learning in Linguistic Knowledge Extraction
This book is proposing a hybrid algorithm of two fuzzy genetic-based machine learning approaches - Michigan and Pittsburgh - for designing fuzzy rule-based classification systems. The search ability of each approach is examined to efficiently find fuzzy rule-based systems with high classification accuracy. These two approaches are combined into a single hybrid algorithm. The generalization ability of fuzzy rule-based classification systems, de...

CHF 79.00

Finite Difference Method of Solving ODE Using Three Bound...

Tefera, Dagnachew Mengstie
Finite Difference Method of Solving ODE Using Three Boundary Condition
This book has three chapters. Chapter one is about Finite Difference Method of solving linear ODE by using the three boundary conditions and its derivation. Chapter two is about Finite Difference Method of solving non-linear ODE using the three boundary conditions and its derivation. Chapter three is about error, stability, consistence and convergence of the method. Lastly the book has flow chart of the method.

CHF 47.50

Image Feature Descriptor and Its Real-time Applications

Desai, Alok / Lee, Dah-Jye
Image Feature Descriptor and Its Real-time Applications
Image feature descriptor and its real-time applications presents on a fundamental computer vision challenge: feature description and matching. It includes the development of two novel feature descriptors, PRO and SYBA, an affine adaptation process, and improvements in real-time computer vision algorithms using the SYBA descriptor. The text is presented in such way that allows all concepts to be easily understood. This provides the reader with ...

CHF 92.00

Reagents for Detection of Insecticides and drugs of Foren...

Mane, Dhananjay / Chandegaokar, Vijay
Reagents for Detection of Insecticides and drugs of Forensic Interest
The main and biggest division of forensic science laboratory is forensic toxicology which pressed into service whenever a chemical or toxicological examination such as identification of drugs or insecticides, like poisonous materials is required in a suspected articles or in a biological materials like viscera, postmortem blood, stomach wash and vomit etc. of a victim of poisoning. The present day requirement is not merely identify the toxic m...

CHF 71.00

An Adaptive Notch Filter For Signal Decomposition & Noise...

Mane, Vikas / Agashe, Amrita / Mane, Madhuri
An Adaptive Notch Filter For Signal Decomposition & Noise Reduction
Detection, estimation and filtering of desired signal in the presence of noise are some of the most common and practical problems in the analysis of time domain. The analysis in the time domain often involves the comparison of two different signals and stochastic signals are usually more profitably analyzed in the time domain. Extraction of signals are considerably improves quality of signal. In many signal processing applications is to decomp...

CHF 52.50

Mostyn Embrey syndrome

Al Mosawi, Aamir
Mostyn Embrey syndrome
Syndromes in medicine are often named after the physician or group of physicians that discovered them or initially provided the full clinical picture or the best description of the syndrome. However, many of the rare syndromes have been described by physicians in many areas of the world before the era of the internet which has been associated with easy access to clinical reports throughout the world. Unfortunately, some syndromes have been att...

CHF 71.00

Smyslozhiznennye orientacii i professional'nye namereniq

Kascheewa, Mariq
Smyslozhiznennye orientacii i professional'nye namereniq
Voprosy lichnostnogo razvitiya studenta i formirovaniya ego gotovnosti k budushhej professional'noj deyatel'nosti yavlyajutsya kljuchevymi v teorii i praktike sovershenstvovaniya raboty sovremennogo VUZa. Jeto obuslovleno tem, chto v hode jetapa pervichnogo «osvoeniya» professii, osushhestvlyaetsya process samoopredeleniya molodogo cheloveka v zhizni, formirujutsya ego zhiznennaya i mirovozzrencheskaya pozicii, osvaivajutsya individualizirovan...

CHF 52.50

Screening Questionnaire for 15- to 36-Month-Old Child Dev...

Nam, Sang / Jeong, Sora
Screening Questionnaire for 15- to 36-Month-Old Child Development
This screening questionnaire (DSQ) is designed for parents see if their young children (12- to 36-months old) need further in-depth developmental evaluation. A validity study was conducted to see how precisely this questionnaire assesses young children's development as parents completed it on the computer. The results of the study suggest that the questionnaire is valid compared to an established screening instrument, the Child Development Inv...

CHF 71.00

Polymeric nanoadsorbent and heavy metal removal

Ghorbani, Mohsen / Arabahmadi, Vahideh
Polymeric nanoadsorbent and heavy metal removal
Application of nanomaterials for heavy metal removal from water/wastewater has come up as an interesting area of research. The unique properties of nanosorbents have proven advantageous over traditional adsorbents and are presented unprecedented opportunities for the removal of metals in highly efficient and cost-effective approaches. Various nanoparticles have been exploited for this purpose and exhibited good adsorption efficiency especially...

CHF 71.00

Urban Violence and Schools: Perspectives of High School G...

Salaam Jennings-Bey, A. Najah
Urban Violence and Schools: Perspectives of High School Graduates
The purpose of this research was to identify effective school responses from students who had experienced trauma induced by community violence. The study examined indirect victimization and its impact on the socioemotional development, cognitive functioning, and psychosocial outcomes of seven Syracuse City School District graduates. Data collection and analysis for the transcendental phenomenological qualitative study consisted of three phases...

CHF 50.90

Holodnoe formowanie izdelij iz listowyh termoplastow

Sheryshew, Mihail
Holodnoe formowanie izdelij iz listowyh termoplastow
Privedeny osnovnye metody polucheniya ob#emnyh izdelij iz termoplastov metodom holodnogo formovaniya iz listov i plenok. Dany kratkie harakteristiki polimerov, prigodnyh dlya pererabotki jetim metodom. Izlozheny primery tehnologicheskih shem proizvodstva podobnyh izdelij i vazhnejshih tehnologicheskih parametrov ih proizvodstva. Privedeny shemy tehnologicheskoj osnastki, primenyaemoj v processah holodnogo formovaniya. Opisany processy podgotov...

CHF 52.50