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908 Ergebnisse - Zeige 881 von 900.

L'intégration d'athlètes handicapés aux compétitions de h...

Kolodka, Thibault
L'intégration d'athlètes handicapés aux compétitions de haut niveau
Au sein de la société actuelle, les débats sportifs prennent une ampleur croissante dans la vie des athlètes et des passionnés. Entre autre, l'intégration des sportifs handicapés dans les compétitions, habituellement réservées aux valides, est fortement discutée. Lors de cette étude, nous nous focaliserons sur l'analyse de ce débat, plus particulièrement sur les relations qu'ils existent entre une argumentation liée à l'intégration sportive d'...

CHF 47.50

Films de nanotubes de carbone dans les fréquences térahertz

Dekermenjian, Maria
Films de nanotubes de carbone dans les fréquences térahertz
Dans ce livre, il est question d'étudier les interactions optiques des films de nanotubes de carbone avec les ondes térahertz (THz). Des expériences d'absorption THz faites par spectroscopie dans le domaine temporel ont été entreprises sur des films dont l'épaisseur varie (de 14 à 145nm). Les films sont des couches minces de nanotubes de carbone empilés les uns sur les autres et sont déposés sur substrats de GaAs et de silicium. D'abord, une c...

CHF 65.00

Survival Of the Fittest in Asia (SOFIA)

Shehzad, Mudassar
Survival Of the Fittest in Asia (SOFIA)
Critics are our friends they show us our mistakes [Benjamin Franklin]. Survival of the Fittest in Asia (SOFIA) is a book of critics written to enhance the efficiency of academic organizations. It contains several volumes. Volume-1 is dedicated to the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology. As a sensitive writer of this booklet I know that it is very easy to point out the mistakes. It is my duty to highlight the igno...

CHF 47.50

Meta Learning for Selection of Best Causal Discovery Algo...

Senfuma, William
Meta Learning for Selection of Best Causal Discovery Algorithms
Selection of best causal discovery algorithm for any new dataset is a difficult and time consuming process as it requires a researcher to have prior knowledge about existing standard structure learning algorithms. This research proposed a novel meta-learning approach to this problem. Meta-learning refers to learning about learning algorithms where different kinds of meta-data, such as properties of the learning problem, performance measures of...

CHF 47.50

Nutritional and Phytochemical Evaluation of Diplazium esc...

Swapna, T. S. / G. Nair, Archana
Nutritional and Phytochemical Evaluation of Diplazium esculentum
Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw. of family Athyriaceae is an edible fern consumed by the tribes of Western Ghats in India. This book focused on the nutritional, medicinal and phytochemical analysis of the plant along with its in vitro culture and secondary metabolite production. D. esculentum is found to be rich in nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Plant also has good anti-inflammatory, anticancerous and hepatoprotective activity. Bi...

CHF 96.00

History, importance, and some basic concept of chirality

Bhoi, Manoj N. / Borad, Mayuri A. / Patel, Hitesh D.
History, importance, and some basic concept of chirality
Chiral drugs are currently 50% used and near 90% of the last ones are marketed as racemates consisting of an equimolar mixture of two enantiomers. While they have the same scaffold, but they shows different biological activities such as pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacokinetics, metabolism etc. Therefore, it is significant to endorse the chiral separation and analysis of racemic drugs either in industry or in the clinic so as to eliminate the...

CHF 47.50

Protein synthesis in mitochondria a proof of symbiotic na...

Salem, Ahmed
Protein synthesis in mitochondria a proof of symbiotic nature theory
There is no doubt that mitochondria perform a very important role in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are the actual respiratory organs of the cells, where the food stuff (i.e. carbohydrates and fats) are completely oxidized into Co2 and water. During the biological oxidation of carbohydrates and fats, large amount of energy is released. This energy is utilized by mitochondria for synthesis of the energy rich compounds, known as -Adenosine tri-p...

CHF 47.50

Preduprezhdenie i lechenie posleoperacionnyh i perinatal'...

Vasilenko, Leonid
Preduprezhdenie i lechenie posleoperacionnyh i perinatal'nyh oslozhnenij
V rabote osveshheny klinika, diagnostika i lechenie posleoperacionnyh i perinatal'nyh oslozhnenij s ispol'zovaniem nizkochastotnoj ul'trazvukovoj kavitacii lechebnymi rastvorami, v predoperacionnom, posleoperacionnom i poslerodovom periodah, chto pozvolilo snizit' chastotu i tyazhest' perinatal'nyh i posleoperacionnyh oslozhnenij. Predlozhennyj metod preduprezhdeniya i lecheniya prostoj, jeffektivnyj i dostupnyj.

CHF 72.00

Modification of Metallocene Alpha-Olefin Copolymer by UV-...

Farooq, Muhammad Umar
Modification of Metallocene Alpha-Olefin Copolymer by UV-Irradiation
Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) is used widely in applications like lamination and agricultural films, as well as a modifier for Low Density (LDPE) and High Density (HDPE) Polyethylene. LLDPE is made by polymerizing ethylene with small amounts of Alpha-Olefins typically 1-butene, 1-hexene or 1-octene, to form a copolymer in a low pressure process. The LLDPE used in this book contained 93 - 100% ethylene by weight and 0 - 7% by weight 1...

CHF 65.00

The Role of HIV Genetic Pathway in Apoptosis

Asadi, Shahin
The Role of HIV Genetic Pathway in Apoptosis
Today, HIV and AIDS is a global problem and epidemic disorders in the world. Every year the number of HIV infected individuals increases. Many studies have been done a cure for HIV, but the treatment is appropriate and decisive undiscovered. In this book, the physiological role of HIV in cell death was studied.Apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells is a key element of HIV pathogenesis and believed to be the driving force behind the selective ...

CHF 83.00

Drug Discovery of Antimicrobial Activity by Some Essentia...

Hassan, Arwa Muslim / Al-Magboul, Aisha Zoheir / Kabbashi, Ahmed Saeed
Drug Discovery of Antimicrobial Activity by Some Essential Oils
Aromatic plants contain odorous, volatile, hydrophobic and highly concentrated compounds called essential oils (or volatile). Leaves, fruits and roots, essential oils are complex agriculture mixtures of secondary metabolites consisting of low-boiling point phenylpropenes and terpenes. There are more than 3000 plants used for their essential oils of which about 300 are used commercially as flavors and fragrances. The food industry uses the oils...

CHF 65.00

Osobennosti woobrazheniq u detej s intellektual'noj nedos...

Kolosowa, Tat'qna / Chasowskih, Anastasiq
Osobennosti woobrazheniq u detej s intellektual'noj nedostatochnost'ü
V rabote rassmatrivajutsya voprosy osobennostej voobrazheniya u mladshih shkol'nikov s intellektual'noj nedostatochnost'ju. Dlya issledovaniya osobennostej voobrazheniya primenyalis' metodiki Svobodnyj risunok, Test Torrensa, Izuchenie vossozdajushhego voobrazheniya v izobrazitel'noj deyatel'nosti. Ispytuemye razdeleny na dve gruppy - s diagnozom ljogkaya stepen' umstvennoj otstalosti i zdorovye deti, vse oni uchashhiesya 1-3 klassov. Gipoteza...

CHF 47.50

Input-Oriented and Output-Oriented Tasks

Masoumzadeh, Elnaz
Input-Oriented and Output-Oriented Tasks
One of the important problems of people who want to learn a new language is learning vocabulary. There are too many methods for learning vocabulary. Each person can choose one or several ways to overcome this problem. Learning visually and learning through reading have advantages for word acquisition, especially for keeping words for a long time in memory. Exploring the unexplored aspects of the task-based approach of vocabulary learning is wo...

CHF 47.50

Resettling Slum Dwellers

Sethuramalingam, V.
Resettling Slum Dwellers
This book is about a pioneering study undertaken with a view to understand the socioeconomic background of the slum dwellers in Chennai who were resettled and their problems at the resettlement colonies. The level of community participation, the role of the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, the involvement of professionally trained social workers, and NGOs in the process of resettlement has been analysed. The results of the study reveal that th...

CHF 89.00

Alte Waren neu entdeckt

Hofstädter, Carmen
Alte Waren neu entdeckt
Das Geschäft der wiederverwertbaren Waren ist heute aktueller denn je. Sowohl Flohmarkt- als auch Antiquitätenhändler profitieren davon, um sich zum Einen das Taschengeld aufzubessern und zum Anderen ihren Lebensunterhalt zu finanzieren. In diesem Buch wird deren Lebenswelt, Verhalten und kultursoziologische Aspekte wie die Sprache, Symbole, Rituale und soziale Interaktionen dargestellt. Die typischen Personengruppen werden anhand teilnehmende...

CHF 120.00

Au-delà du Voile

Ntoto Finabina, Ange
Au-delà du Voile
Lorsque tombe le Voile, le Saint des saints se dévoile à ceux qui se trouvent dans le lieu saint.La mort symbolique du Seigneur a levé le Voile qui nous empêchait d'appréhender à juste titre le plan divin.A travers cet ouvrage, vous êtes emmenés à transcender par le biais de ses huit parties et seize chapitres, les obstacles tendus par le conformisme et l'obscurantisme traditionnels faisant obstruction de percevoir les trois jours fondamentaux...

CHF 47.50

Mishen' wkusa

Marusewa, Inna Vladimirowna
Mishen' wkusa
Kniga posvyashhena vyrabotke principov, priemov, i metodov kreativnoj raboty v art-prostranstve dlya posledujushhego marketingovogo prodvizheniya proektov. Rabota yavlyaetsya vtoroj knigoj avtora v serii «Tvorcheskaya reklama». V nej podrobno rassmotreny priemy tvorcheskogo metoda sozdaniya reklamy «Zolotoe sechenie». Krome togo, avtor rassmatrivaet raznicu ponyatij «kreativnoe» i «tvorcheskoe». Izuchaet i formuliruet axiomy art-marketinga. Vy...

CHF 120.00

Osnowy teorii gosudarstwa i prawa

Sopow, Alexandr
Osnowy teorii gosudarstwa i prawa
Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov nejuridicheskih special'nostej i napravlenij podgotovki. Mozhet byt' ispol'zovano starsheklassnikami, abiturientami, studentami-juristami i vsemi, izuchajushhimi predmety «pravovedenie», «pravo», «osnovy gosudarstva i prava», «teoriya gosudarstva i prava». Materialy dannogo posobiya podobrany s uchetom togo, chto programmy obucheniya srednih shkol chashhe vsego ne soderzhat kursa po izucheniju osnov gosudarstva ...

CHF 132.00

Finanzstatistik der Armenverwaltungen von 108 deutschen S...

Silbergleit, Heinrich
Finanzstatistik der Armenverwaltungen von 108 deutschen Städten
Im Rahmen des Projekts »Duncker & Humblot reprints« heben wir Schätze aus dem Programm der ersten rund 150 Jahre unserer Verlagsgeschichte, von der Gründung 1798 bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs 1945. Lange vergriffene Klassiker und Fundstücke aus den Bereichen Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Geschichte, Philosophie und Literaturwissenschaft werden nach langer Zeit wieder verfügbar gemacht.

CHF 40.50

Love Thy Neighbor and Thy Bully

Outerbridge, Korey
Love Thy Neighbor and Thy Bully
The story follows Jaden, a kind young boy who is new to school and who quickly encounters the toughest, meanest kid there. The new kid ultimately befriends him, tapping into the kindness he has cultivated through his moral and religious beliefs. By learning to befriend their enemies and turning to their faith in God to overcome a confrontation, children can discover that the person they are preparing to fight may turn out to be a very good per...

CHF 49.90