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2761 Ergebnisse - Zeige 2721 von 2740.

Tu Sueño Hecho Realidad

Guillebeau, Chris
Tu Sueño Hecho Realidad
Te va la mediocridad? Entonces, no leas este libro. Es peligrosamente inspirador y querras hacer cosas alucinantes. Las busquedas de sus protagonistas te mostraran como alcanzar tus propios suenos. Hara que tus deseos sean el motor de tu vida! Con solo 35 anos, el autor de Tu sueno hecho realidad logro su deseo de visitar todos los paises del mundo, casi 200! Asi logro su objetivo de felicidad y, en este libro te da las claves para lograr la t...

CHF 27.50

Prosperidad Facil

Dagher, Emmanuel
Prosperidad Facil
Prosperidad facil redefine lo que significa la verdadera prosperidad. Ofrece tacticas concretas para progresar y enriquecerte, no solo en el ambito financiero. Con claridad meridiana nos muestra como ser conscientes y valorar lo ya obtenido para, a partir de ahi, atraer mas exito y dinero"

CHF 21.90

Lidera y Vive

Moioli, Bruno
Lidera y Vive
Este es un libro para valientes, que te invita a mirar en tu interior y perseguir tus suenos. Hay tantos liderazgos como tipos de personas y todos llevamos un lider dentro.

CHF 24.90

Se Feliz Coloreando

Various Authors
Se Feliz Coloreando
Coincidiendo con los ultimos lanzamientos al mercado de libros de colorear para adultos llega Se Feliz coloreando. Esta moda sigue en alza y cada vez son mas quienes prueban a coger los lapices. Contiene 71 dibujos frescos, con un aire naif e inspiradores de animales, paisajes, rostros femeninos y mandalas, entre otros.

CHF 17.90

Mini Habitos

Guise, Stephen
Mini Habitos
Estas preparado para descubrir que los habitos mas pequenos llevan a los resultados mas grandes? Con este libro lograras anadir permanentemente conductas sanas y habituales a tu vida. Un minihabito es una conducta positiva pequenisima que uno se esfuerza en adoptar todos los dias. Cuanto mas sencillo sea, mas facil es de mantener.

CHF 21.90

How Statesmen Think

Jervis, Robert
How Statesmen Think
How Statesmen Think demonstrates that expectations and political and psychological needs are the major drivers of perceptions in international politics, as well as in other arenas. Drawing on the increasing attention psychology is paying to emotions, the book discusses how emotional needs help structure beliefs. It also shows how decision makers use multiple shortcuts to seek and process information when making foreign policy and national secu...

CHF 43.90

The Golden Ticket

Fortnow, Lance
The Golden Ticket
The P-NP problem is the most important open problem in computer science, if not all of mathematics. Simply stated, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly checked by computer can also be quickly solved by computer. The Golden Ticket provides a nontechnical introduction to P-NP, its rich history, and its algorithmic implications for everything we do with computers and beyond. Lance Fortnow traces the history and development ...

CHF 27.90

The Art of Philosophy

Berger, Susanna
The Art of Philosophy
Delving into the intersections between artistic images and philosophical knowledge in Europe from the late sixteenth to the early eighteenth centuries, The Art of Philosophy shows that the making and study of visual art functioned as important methods of philosophical thinking and instruction. From frontispieces of books to monumental prints created by philosophers in collaboration with renowned artists, Susanna Berger examines visual represen...

CHF 84.00

Nothing Is Real: When the Beatles Met the East

Beatrice, Luca
Nothing Is Real: When the Beatles Met the East
Il viaggio in India compiuto dai Beatles nel 1968 è considerato uno degli eventi chiave per la cultura pop occidentale: ebbe un'enorme risonanza sui media internazionali e fu fondamentale per il diffondersi di un interesse verso l'Oriente che ha contagiato dalla fine di quel decennio la musica, la letteratura, il cinema, la moda e il costume. Il volume - il titolo richiama un celebre verso della canzone Strawberry Fields Forever, che invita a ...

CHF 46.90

European Silverware: From the Laura Collection

Laura, Nera
European Silverware: From the Laura Collection
This catalogue presents a selection of the most representative pieces of the vast and diverse collection of silver produced in various European nations from the 17th to the first third of the 19th century: from the old Germanic States to those of the Italian peninsula, from France to England.

CHF 84.00

Mario Bellini: Architect

Mario Bellini: Architect
Mario Bellini (Milano, 1935) è un architetto e designer conosciuto in tutto il mondo. Ha ricevuto il Premio Compasso d'Oro otto volte e venticinque delle sue opere sono nella collezione permanente del MoMA di New York. Dal 1980 si è dedicato prevalentemente all'architettura e proprio ai progetti realizzati in questo campo è dedicata questa ricca monografia, che ripercorre tutte le sue più importanti realizzazioni: tra queste figurano, solo per...

CHF 78.00

My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis

Meisel, Paul
My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis
Get a bug's-eye-view on the life cycle of the praying mantis, in this hilarious, scientifically accurate Nature Diary following an insect through her whole summer. Finalist for the AAAS/Subaru SB&F, Prize for Excellence in Science Books "May 17: I was born today! It's a beautiful, sunny spring day!" This is the diary of P. Mantis, one of 150 brothers and sisters born on a garden bush. P. Mantis is an amazing bug: she can make herself look like...

CHF 22.50

Hello Spring!

Rotner, Shelley
Hello Spring!
When winter ends, spring begins! The days get longer and the air gets warmer. Trees and flowers bloom and animals have their babies. Spring is the perfect time to have fun! Preschoolers will love this lyrical yet simple introduction to the wondrous surprises brought by spring. Featuring detailed photographs exploding with color, Hello Spring! familiarizes children with the changes in plant and animal life that occur during a temperate spring. ...

CHF 22.50

Caroline's Comets

McCully, Emily Arnold
Caroline's Comets
With courage and confidence, Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) becomes the first woman professional scientist and one of the greatest astronomers who ever lived. Born the youngest daughter of a poor family in Hanover, Germany, Caroline was scarred from smallpox, stunted from typhus, and used by her parents as a scullery maid. But when her favorite brother, William, left for England, he took her with him. The siblings shared a passion for stars, an...

CHF 22.50


Gibbons, Gail
From cars and trains to planes and boats, people all around the world have developed diverse means and methods of travel. In this fascinating exploration of transportation, Gail Gibbons employs her signature, colorful artwork and accessible text to explain transportation choices to young readers. Vehicles of many kinds are clearly detailed, as are transportation-related facts and concepts such as carpooling and commuting. For young readers on ...

CHF 33.50