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976 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

O sujeito e o discurso da gramática: emergindo posições e...

de Borba Curry, Scheila Patrícia
O sujeito e o discurso da gramática: emergindo posições e contradições
Tomadas de posição, deslocamentos e contradições. Esta ordenação constitui os entremeios por onde precisamos circular para compreender a questão do sujeito da gramática. Esse trabalho configura a minha dissertação de mestrado e representa, para mim, o entendimento que precisamos ter quando trabalhamos com gramática, quando ensinamos as regras, quando partilhamos um saber sobre a ¿leis¿ que regem a norma culta do português brasileiro. Professor...

CHF 65.00

Führung in der betrieblichen Wiedereingliederung

Bastian, Lisa
Führung in der betrieblichen Wiedereingliederung
Mit der Frage: Inwiefern sehen Personalentwickler/innen einen Bedarf an zukünftigen Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen im betrieblichen Eingliederungsmanagement in Bezug auf benötigte Kompetenzen von Führungskräften?, setzt sich die folgende Forschungsarbeit auseinander. Gesundheit wird demnach als Auftrag verstanden und richtet sich auch an die Führungskräfte. Denn steigende Krankheitszahlen in Unternehmen, beispielsweise durch Burnout, bringen wirtscha...

CHF 83.00

Instrumente und Szenarien der Eventkommunikation in Sport...

Staigys, Danny
Instrumente und Szenarien der Eventkommunikation in Sportstätten
Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von Maßnahmen der Eventkommunikation, um Zuschauer / Fans früher ins Stadion zu bewegen. Haben Gewinnspiele einen Einfluss? Ist ein attraktives Rahmenprogramm ein Grund, früher zu erscheinen / zu konsumieren? Oder ist es letzten Endes der Erfolg der Mannschaft, der darüber entscheidet, ob ich überhaupt / früher / gern ins Stadion komme? Nicht jede Frage lässt sich beantworten, aber jeder Antwort kann man na...

CHF 65.00

Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje con el uso de las TIC

Suárez Suárez, Nubia Esperanza
Entornos virtuales de aprendizaje con el uso de las TIC
Se realizó una investigación que se divide en tres capítulos: en el primer capítulo se busca analizar las ventajas y desventajas del uso y apropiación de las TIC en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Buscando mostrar cómo los procesos educativos pueden ser fortalecidos por la implementación estas. En el capítulo dos se describe la implementación y uso de nuevas metodologías del docentes dentro del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje del sistema e-...

CHF 65.00

Außerschulische Umweltbildung im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern

Bernsteiner, Magdalena
Außerschulische Umweltbildung im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird die historische Entwicklung der Umweltbildung und Naturerlebnispädagogik behandelt und in Zusammenhang zur gegenwärtigen pädagogischen Umweltdiskussion gestellt. Es herrscht zunehmendes Interesse daran, die Angebote außerschulischer Umweltbildung hinsichtlich Qualität und längerfristiger Wirkung zu untersuchen. Der empirische Teil der Arbeit besteht daher aus einer Evaluation zum Bildungsangebot im Nationalpark Hohe T...

CHF 83.00

Recriação do Educar

Galeffi, Dante Augusto
Recriação do Educar
A intenção do presente livro é mostrar as bases epistemológicas de um educar transdisciplinar e os tentáculos ou construtos metodológicos de uma prática pedagógica transformativa transdisciplinar. Portanto, com esta epistemologia contempla-se a auto-formação do educador que se vê implicado em um movimento de conjugação de relações de pertença e de estranhamentos e se encontra diante do seu próprio enigma. E pergunta pelo seu mistério, e busca ...

CHF 96.00


Seven Score To Settle, Seven Lives To Take. Revenge Will Be Sweet.Detective Constable Jennifer Cotton is convalescing at her stepfather's villa on Sardinia, slowly recovering from the vicious assault in Nottinghamshire's Harlow Wood that almost claimed her life.Initially convinced that her assailant will not risk being caught by attacking her again, she is forced to face reality when a killing spree commences in England targeting individuals f...

CHF 24.90

Land of Bird-Men - History of St Kilda

Zanolla, Roberto
Land of Bird-Men - History of St Kilda
St Kilda is the most remote and smallest island of the Hebrides of Scotland, in the Atlantic Ocean. The storms beat it incessantly and is the realm of huge colonies of seabirds. It was the cradle of a unique and rare civilization. Men were strong and fragile at the same time, broken in all the hardships, which for centuries they have lived with the little that Nature gave them, almost only meat and bird feathers. Bird-men have lived in harmony...

CHF 32.50

Vesnitcheka n°17

Sucurovska, Vesna
Vesnitcheka n°17
Scène I Il était une fois, plutôt pleins de fois, parce qu'une fois, ce n'est pas crédible, une ou plusieurs Blanches Neiges, des Princesses, perdues, quelque part, pas vraiment perdues, d'ailleurs, puisque, eux, les sept nains, ils savaient les protéger.  Vraiment, quelle vie, mes amis !  Scène II Ce n'est pas que ce soit triste, de se sentir comme perdue, pas vraiment perdue, d'ailleurs, mais plutôt, étrangère, en pays inconnu, dirai je.  Vr...

CHF 22.90

Dragon Legacy (Ningazia Balance Series)

Burch, Jethro
Dragon Legacy (Ningazia Balance Series)
Book two of the Ningazia Balance Series starts where book one finishes. Varian must fight to restore balance and grow in his magical skills. He must right the wrongs and build allies, while confronting what he most fears. Action , intrigue and twists which will leave you guessing what will come next fills the series . The battle for balance has now truly begun.

CHF 41.50

&#1052,&#1077,&#1095,&#1086, &#1055,&#1091,&#1093, Winnie...

Milne, A. A. / Sloan, Sam / Slavova, Vera
&#1052,&#1077,&#1095,&#1086, &#1055,&#1091,&#1093, Winnie-The-Pooh in Bulgarian: A Translation of A. A. Milne's Winnie-The-Pooh Into Bulgarian
Winnie-the-Pooh is a popular children's book in Bulgaria. It is also the most popular children's book in the world. This translation of this book into Bulgarian is by Vera Slavova. This translation was first done in 1942 and published in 1945, after the war. Vera Slavova is said to have been a classmate and friend of the great translators, the sisters Teodora Atanasova and Margarita Alexieva. Vera Slavova said in the 1960s no one wanted to tra...

CHF 15.90


Browning-Shelp, Tanis
Teen mountain biking sensation Maryn O'Brien is going all out as she closes in on her goal of racing in the Olympics. More focused and driven than ever, she has her eye on an invitation-only Canadian junior development program, is hungry for a win at the provincial championship, and can't wait to finally show her mettle on the Canada Cup circuit. But then love enters Maryn's life, and she finds herself at a crossroads. Will she be able to keep...

CHF 15.90

The Legacy of Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe African Nati...

O'Doherty, Mark
The Legacy of Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front - A One-Party State facilitating Dictatorship and Disregard for Human Rights
This is an evidence-based study about Robert Mugabe and the elite of the African National Union-Patriotic Front, who are responsible for Zimbabwe's sordid state. The book also explores how the ZANU-PF elite is using Robert Mugabe as a puppet president and political buffer to perpetuate dictatorship in Zimbabwe, the conduct of ZANU-PF Members of Parliament suggesting that they are complicit and acting in collusion with the perpetrators of polic...

CHF 51.50


Norun, Åshild
Det er en helt vanlig torsdagskveld. Plutselig banker politiet på døra. De har med seg en fryktelig beskjed. Sondre er død. Han har gått inn i T-banetunnelen, iført sort dress og hvit skjorte. Politiet mener det er selvmord. Enda en tilsynelatende vellykket ung mann som har tatt sitt eget liv. Moren hans, Åshild, har fått sitt livs sjokk. Hun klarer hverken å forstå eller akseptere det som har skjedd. Hvordan kunne den livsglade, viljesterke g...

CHF 23.90

The Nigerian Law of Evidence

Imam, Ibrahim
The Nigerian Law of Evidence
This book, The Nigerian Law of Evidence, is inspired by the author's lecture notes on the subject at School of Law, Department of Common Law, Kwara State College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies, where he taught for nearly a decade before moving on to the Department of Public Law, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, since 2001. In addition to being a basic text, current and most recently decided cases relating to the subject are cited an...

CHF 58.90

Dreamless Utopia

Six, Omdra
Dreamless Utopia
Two hundred years after a devastating plague, civilization has emerged again. But not without serious distortions of belief systems and daily practices. Santa Claus is now worshipped as God, intimate relationships between people are prohibited, the populous is given only fake news that keeps everyone in continual terror and no one is allowed to dream while asleep which results in waking nightmares. One person rebels against this society of the...

CHF 18.90