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Psychological contract breach "counterproductivity" relat...

Owusu Sarpong, Frederick
Psychological contract breach "counterproductivity" relationship
This book is about a study that investigated the relationships between psychological contract breach (PCB) and counterproductive work behaviours (CWB) among nurses in Ghana. The study also considered perceived organizational support (POS) and professional commitment (PC) as moderators in the relationship. Interesting findings were made out of this study and hence have been extensively discussed. This book can aid both Management and Organisati...

CHF 65.00

Effects of obesity on foot structure and function

Zhao, Xiaoguang / Gu, Yaodong / Tanaka, Kiyoji
Effects of obesity on foot structure and function
The prevalence of obesity has dramatically increased over the past decades. Obesity is generally accompanied by physical inactivity, and has become a global pandemic and recognized as a primary public health concern in many countries. Obesity affects kinematics and kinetics, which likely causes changes of foot structure and function. For obese individuals, weight reduction and increasing weight bearing physical activity may be effective approa...

CHF 72.00

Root canal irrigation solutions

Mohammadi, Zahed / Shalavi, Sousan / Giardino, Luciano
Root canal irrigation solutions
In necrotic and retreatment cases, disinfection of root canal system is essential for successful root canal treatment. Due to the complexity of the root canal system, many areas of the root canal surfaces remains untouched during mechanical instrumentation. Therefore, a proper root canal irrigation solution is necessary during root canal instrumentation. Root canal iriigation solutions play an important role during root canal treatment. This b...

CHF 65.00

Politika krupnyh rossijskih korporacij, kak faktor razwit...

Vagenlejter, Alexandr
Politika krupnyh rossijskih korporacij, kak faktor razwitiq MSB
Realii biznesa sowremennoj Rossii takowy, chto prqmye äkonomicheskie interesy deformirowany politicheskimi i social'nymi protiworechiqmi. Rastet disbalans mezhdu korporaciqmi i malym i srednim biznesom. Jeto delaet neustojchiwoj äkonomiku i uslozhnqet zhizn' bol'shinstwu rossijskih organizacij i grazhdanam. Odnako, Rossijskie korporacii, na osnowe mirowogo opyta, mogli by wygodno ispol'zowat' potencial malogo i srednego biznesa. Konkretno, w s...

CHF 49.90

Emotional Family

García Hernández, María
Emotional Family
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and express emotions in thought, to understand and reason thought emotions and regulate our own and other's emotions. Emotional family was making for the Family and their emotions for children's personal growth. Education for adults for make they feel like a mirror for the new generations. In this way, the main goal turn around fostering Emotional Intelligente in teens' parents so as to make th...

CHF 47.50

Gaz naturels dans la transition énergétique

Le, Minh Thong
Gaz naturels dans la transition énergétique
Les problématiques de l¿énergie et de l¿environnement sont un des principaux défis pour l¿humanité au XXIème siècle. La croissance mondiale de la demande d¿énergie est confrontée aux préoccupations environnementales en particulier dans les régions en croissance économique rapide comme l¿Asie. Le transfert de l¿utilisation des sources d¿énergies traditionnelles vers les sources d¿énergie plus propres et des énergies renouvelables est une tendan...

CHF 108.00

Climate Change, Knowledge System and Cultural Change

Devkota, Thakur Prasad
Climate Change, Knowledge System and Cultural Change
This is the research product from the ethnographic study of the Tharu community resident from flat land of Nepal. This book is useful to study of the climate change its role to change the knowledge system and cultural practices in the indigenous community of Nepal. The Ethnographic study in anthropology of the climate change, knowledge system and cultural practices in indigenous people of Nepal add one of the important knowledge product to the...

CHF 83.00

Señas Matemáticas

Franco Alzate, Hernando
Señas Matemáticas
El interés por el aprendizaje de La lengua de Señas y su simbiosis con las Matemáticas tienen dos génesis importantes en mi vida. Uno de ellos, en mi casa, en el comienzo de los años 80¿s cuando era niño, sentado frente a la televisión con mi familia. La primera imagen que me impactó, fue el señor que movía rápidamente sus manos, mientras el sacerdote celebraba la Eucaristía. No dudé en preguntarle a mis padres: ¿Por qué enseñaban ¿karate¿ y c...

CHF 83.00

The Hollowness of American Dream in Three Selected Novels

Ksirawi, Obaida
The Hollowness of American Dream in Three Selected Novels
This research work explores the origin of the American Dream, its vanity and its consequences in three selected American novels: Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, Jack London's The Iron Heel and John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. The first chapter is an introduction to the definition of the American dream and a historical outlook of its origin and development with a focus on its social and economic promise in the twentieth century. A brief glanc...

CHF 65.00

Role of serotonergic receptors in haloperidol induced EPS

Shireen, Erum
Role of serotonergic receptors in haloperidol induced EPS
Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe mental illness. The disease characterized by disturbed form and content of thoughts affects approximately 1% of the population. A goal of the current investigation was to alleviate the adverse effects of neuroleptics on motor behavior. The results of study indicates that serotonergic system, and particularly 5-HT-1A and 5-HT-2A/2C receptors, may be involved in the treatment of EPS induced by typical neurolept...

CHF 102.00

Aprendizajes desde el hábitat popular

Ferrero, Aurelio / Rebord, Gustavo
Aprendizajes desde el hábitat popular
La materia electiva para alumnos del quinto año PROBLEMÁTICA DE LA VIVIENDA POPULAR se dictó en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba entre 1991 y 2016. Esta publicación describe su experiencia en docencia, investigación y extensión, y presenta un relato del camino recorrido para quien pueda sacar provecho de esta experiencia. Junto a otras prácticas similares en América Latina, suma su modesto a...

CHF 72.00

Ordre juridique spatial et marchandisation des fréquences

Cambazard, Victor
Ordre juridique spatial et marchandisation des fréquences
Cet ouvrage a pour objet la démonstration de l¿évolution et de l¿adaptation du système international de répartition et de distribution des ressources de l¿espace extra-atmosphérique à la nature même de ces ressources dans un premier temps et à l¿évolution des utilisations qui en ont été faites dans un second. Ces modifications factuelles se traduisent par des adaptations institutionnelles, juridiques. L¿adaptation en tant que clé de l¿évolutio...

CHF 102.00

Feasibility of Solar Thermal Collectors via Artificial Ne...

Shaddel, Mehdi
Feasibility of Solar Thermal Collectors via Artificial Neural Network
Today, the concept of net zero- energy buildings has become a major concern regarding fossil fuels combustion side effects, such as air pollution or global warming. NG (Natural Gas) is a kind of fossil fuels which is widely combusted in Iran to meet various buildings heating demand. However, this research is proposed mitigating NG flaring by substituting solar energy as an auxiliary energy source in dwelling buildings and estimating accurate v...

CHF 72.00

Les stéréotypes dans la publicité en Tunisie

Fartouna, Houda
Les stéréotypes dans la publicité en Tunisie
Etudiant la communication, on a été frappé par une pratique qui ne cesse d¿inonder la publicité en Tunisie : L¿utilisation des stéréotypes. Explorer les modèles qui circulent dans la publicité donne une idée sur une typification de la société. Les questions qui se posent sont donc: quels sont ces modèles culturels ? Comment peut-on les classer ? Quelles informations peut-on tirer sur le système des valeurs, le(s) rapport(s) entre les sexes, le...

CHF 65.00

Valor Parental para Resistencia Horizontal a "Late Blight...

Romero, Elisa / Gastelo, Manuel
Valor Parental para Resistencia Horizontal a "Late Blight" en papa
La papa (Solanum tuberosum L.), es parte de la seguridad alimentaria en el mundo. En el año 2016 este cultivo generó aproximadamente 33.4 millones de empleos que representó el 4.0 % del PBI agrícola. La producción está afectado por el tizón tardío (Phytophthora infestans), y disperso en más de 130 países. Para su control se aplican diversos fungicidas, que pone en riesgo la rentabilidad del cultivo, la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Este es...

CHF 65.00

Das iPad als Unterrichtsmedium in der Grundschule

Haider, Hannah
Das iPad als Unterrichtsmedium in der Grundschule
Seit das iPad der Firma Apple im Jahr 2010 den Markt eroberte, tauchten immer wieder Fragen zum Einsatz in Bildungseinrichtungen auf. Kann das iPad bereits in der Grundschule eingesetzt werden? Welche Vor- und Nachteile tauchen dabei auf? Hat das iPad einen positiven Einfluss auf die Motivation der Schülerinnen und Schüler? Dieser und noch weiteren Fragen geht das vorliegende Buch nach, um ein umfassendes Bild zu dieser Thematik aufzuzeigen. M...

CHF 65.00

Les manifestations orthopédiques de l'arthrogrypose

Trigui, Moez / Cheniour, Amina
Les manifestations orthopédiques de l'arthrogrypose
L¿arthrogrypose est un syndrome congénital, regroupant différentes maladies ayant en commun des raideurs articulaires multiples. Les tableaux cliniques sont très diversifiés et le pronostic fonctionnel dépend de l¿étiologie, ce qui rend la conduite thérapeutique difficile et différente d¿un cas à l¿autre. A partir d¿une étude rétrospective de 23 patients suivis pour une arthrogrypose, nous montrons les particularités de la prise en charge, les...

CHF 83.00

Miniature House Tiger

Amirmardfar, Ramin
Miniature House Tiger
Human has done this work previously unconsciously on domestic dogs. Human has created dogs in different sizes artificially without any awareness of mechanism of this action. By the help of this research it is possible to create domestic animals in desired size consciously and open-eyed. Physiological factor of amount controlling of mammal's bulk is the amount of organic phosphates (like DPG) existing in red blood cells of mammals. Organic phos...

CHF 65.00

Sustainability of Structural Materials

Bakhoum, Emad
Sustainability of Structural Materials
Structural materials are core to application in construction and the key to achieve more sustainable construction development. One of the approaches that can allow engineers to build structures more sustainable is the sustainable selection of materials. This book develops a methodology for evaluation and selection of structural materials on a sustainability basis using a multi-criteria decision analysis. The Book establishes a Sustainable Scor...

CHF 96.00

Determinants of Household Food Security in Amhara Region

Birhan, Antigen
Determinants of Household Food Security in Amhara Region
Although Ethiopia has been attempting to meet its population food requirement, much of its population is now suffering from famine and under nutrition. Hence the overall objective of the study is to describe and analyze the food security situation and examine its major socio-economic determinants of households in the woreda. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect primary data. The data was collected from a sample of 200 households...

CHF 47.50