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1225 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Shipping Business, A great opportunity to develop our Eco...

Rodopoulos, Anastasios
Shipping Business, A great opportunity to develop our Economy
Shipping history in summary¿ The history of maritime shipping stretches back thousands of years to the times of the earliest humans, for as long as there have been people they have wanted to explore what was beyond the seas. Today, maritime shipping is just as important as it has ever been, although the countries benefiting from these trade routes have shifted throughout history. It¿s well known that Greece is a maritime nation by tradition, a...

CHF 40.50

Space as Phase

Fratzeskou, Eugenia
Space as Phase
Cutting across art, design and science, the importance of drawing as a system, a process or a field enabling pioneering visual and conceptual investigation, is stressed even more. With the aid of information technology, the fast growing inter-scientific investigation of complex dynamic systems and chaos, inspires the continuing expansion of art, mainly in terms of developing abstraction and visualisation research. A new understanding of phase-...

CHF 32.90

Euphorbia helioscopia vs Penicillium digitatum

Botía, Juana María
Euphorbia helioscopia vs Penicillium digitatum
Today it is necessary to encourage the use of environmentally friendly biopesticides. On the other hand, the residues of pesticides in the fruits are a problem for its commercialization. In this work we analyze extracts of Euphorbia helioscopia against the growth of Penicillium digitatum. This fungus is responsible for the green rot and it produces great losses in the citrus fruits, being so important this crop for the Mediterranean region. Ou...

CHF 32.90

Photonic crystal slabs

Dossou, Kokou B.
Photonic crystal slabs
We have applied the physical intuition of thin film optics to the modelling of photonic crystal slabs. The first three Chapters of this book present some basic concepts from thin film optics: Maxwell's equations, Fresnel reflection and transmission at a planar interface, reflection and transmission through a dielectric slab of finite thickness. Next, a matrix generalisation, to photonic crystal slabs, of the main scattering coefficients of thi...

CHF 54.50

Femme et dynamique du terrorisme postmoderne: L'Attentat ...

Eyenga Onana, Pierre Suzanne / Meyoa, Rolifrid D.
Femme et dynamique du terrorisme postmoderne: L'Attentat de Y. Khadra
Le présent ouvrage se veut un questionnement pluriel, à l'heure où les pays de tous les continents sont soumis à la dure réalité d'un terrorisme qui ne cesse de renouveler son mode opératoire. Qu'est-ce qui séduit la femme maghrébine dans l'acte de tuer? D'où tient-elle ce courage sadique qui frise l'effroyable et défie l'entendement humain ? Son statut de tueuse de sang-froid n'est-il pas, à bien y voir, une stratégie d'affirmation de sa pers...

CHF 72.00

Reflections on Consciousness and Second Language Acquisition

El-Dali, Hosni
Reflections on Consciousness and Second Language Acquisition
This book serves as a comprehensive, up-to-date, and accessible investigation of the role of explicit and implicit knowledge in learning a second language. It is, also, a reference book for this important field of study. It consists of eight chapters. The first chapter outlines a general framework for the study of L2 learning. The subsequent chapters provide in-depth analysis of certain issues related to the issue of consciousness and L2 learn...

CHF 54.50

Semeadora Adubadora para Plantio Direto com sulcador rota...

Ardais Medeiros, Fabricio / V. Dos Reis, Ângelo / L. T. Machado, Antonio
Semeadora Adubadora para Plantio Direto com sulcador rotativo
Esta obra tem como objetivo, apresentar ao leitor o projeto de uma semeadora/adubadora para o sistema de plantio direto empregando sulcadores rotativos para o rompimento do solo e corte da palhada. A elaboração desse projeto teve início com diversas pesquisas de campo, por meio das quais foi possível observar que em grande parte das propriedades agrícolas familiares os motocultivadores encontram-se presentes, no entanto, sendo subutilizados. A...

CHF 67.00

Rasplata za wybor

Grinimaer, Viktor
Rasplata za wybor
Kniga «Rasplata za wybor» rasskazywaet o dal'nejshej sud'be rossijskih nemcew posle ih departacii w wostochnye regiony strany posle nachala Velikoj Otechestwennoj wojny. Trudarmiq = GULAG. Specposelenie. «Ssylka na wechnye wremena». Byli i trudowye i woennye podwigi. Byli i tragedii. Vsö bylo... Kniga sostoit iz neskol'kih rasskazow, ne pretenduüschih na swqz' mezhdu soboj , no oni pokazywaüt otnoshenie nashih lüdej k swoemu woinskomu dolgu pe...

CHF 42.90

Actividad física y prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en...

Flores Paredes, Alcides
Actividad física y prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares
La actividad física y la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares es un tema de salud pública mundial, la epidemia del sobrepeso y la obesidad trae como consecuencias las enfermedades crónico no trasmisibles (ECNT), como la diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares, osteoarticualares y estrés. La inactividad y el sedentarismo que se viene incrementándose en los escolares de la sociedad actual producto del exceso e inadecuado uso de las T...

CHF 89.00

Kibernetika neftehimicheskih processow

Ibragimow, Chingiz / Babaew, Rauf
Kibernetika neftehimicheskih processow
V knige w populqrnom wide izlozhen rqd prakticheskih zadach, takih kak nauchnaq baza himicheskoj kibernetiki, metody ispol'zowaniq principow kibernetiki pri sozdanii nowyh tehnologichskih processow. V perwoj chasti knigi priwedeny naprawleniq kursa kibernetiki, ego razdely, osweschaüschie metodiku sbora informacii eö analiza, sinteza i pererabotki kotorye obespechiwaüt wybor metoda uprawleniq sistem. Vo wtoroj chasti priwedeny konkretnye pri-m...

CHF 63.00

Le royaume d'Adja-Ouèrè: des origines au XIXe siècle

Abiala, Kolawolé Jonas
Le royaume d'Adja-Ouèrè: des origines au XIXe siècle
Le royaume d'Aja-W¿r¿ serait fondé vers le XVIIe siècle par des Aja venus des régions du Mono (Agbanaken). Sa fondation est antérieure au royaume de Itakété (Sakété). La population autochtone du site avant l'arrivée des migrants Aja est essentiellement constituée des Iwignan d'origine Ijé. C'est un paradoxe aja dans un environnement nago ou yoruba. Cependant, la minorité aja (au nombre de six (06) et un chien, selon la tradition) s'est imposée...

CHF 15.50

Analgesia and anesthesia in buffalo

Shokry, Mohamed
Analgesia and anesthesia in buffalo
It is known, according to recent research that there are morphological and physiological differences between cattle and buffaloes. Buffaloes have still semi-wild characteristics compared with other farm animals. Veterinarians always complain about the behavior and temperament of buffaloes which are vicious and indocile. In this trial, a comparative study of the recent well-known tranquillisers and sedatives was carried out to investigate their...

CHF 47.50

Physical Properties of the Soils of Georgia

Jorbenadze, Leo / Urushadze, Tengiz / Kunchulia, Ilia
Physical Properties of the Soils of Georgia
Georgia is well-known as "Open Air Museum of Soils" among soils science community across the globe. Different soil types and varieties are determined by short-range change of its formation factors, mainly by relief, elevation and climate conditions. Assessment of the soil resources and their capacities is well recognized challenge for the country. Investigation of physical properties of the soils is one of the very important directions to meet...

CHF 39.50